I lne Wolve geern to have wanted i 7 iu piay a a bit roueri. o the! jliouida Prfrtfc tluptrt Dad? Jlctosr Thursday, February 24, 1949 couldn't expect anythini else OFFICERS OF BURNS CLU8 except to be surrounded h. o lot of able dealeri who special ' ' - V' - t : - f , . i i "4 A Home ... i,.r Sudbury ise in digging up the nine of hearts irom any part of th of rules at Canada' expense-was to be expected and the yap-pnig at referees feU you nowhere." Listen to Stan (Edmonton Bulletin Moher: "8trange rules or no. there must be upwards of two dozen teams in Canada capable of making a runaway of the Stockholm entry . . . one of them should be doing that very thing .instead ol leaving It up to an aaaresatlon Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE pack." feob (Calgary Herald Mam- Ini: "Fortnnntnlu r rv.... ed," stays in place much better. and will outwear other materials. Remnants of linoleum- caui be bought at fairly reasonable prices. ' 4 Q. How can I eive gl.issvai pe a brilliant lu.sti i ' '. A. By adding vinegar to the; last; rinsing water. - . f . , . h Q. If a young man U ei;-gaged to be married, should he I ley, buninesc mahager of the C. jjt Stockholm t vv'tieatley L siafl Writer 1 jThose Sud-L went to Swed-I '., international fl'1 . a n li a .11. a., told m iWolven to resent it if the girls father! asks him questions pertaining I i keep going (in the tourney). But that obviously has just gone unfortunately he sympathised rnnce Kupert 8 newly or-; ganizen Burns Club will seek ! affilition with the Burns Fed- j eration, which has its head- quarters In Scotland, a meeting i of the club in the Civic Centre ; decided Monday evening. The meeting elected officers for the coming year. 1 Honorary President, C. H. Ormc. President, J. A Frew. ( Vice-President, Robert Cameron. ! Secretary, J. S. Irvine. Treasurer, Alex Haig. 1 who wno along ior tpe nne ana wun me Budbury team. The can blame the boys?" (Canadians had a period and a p the storm ed, 0f ructions NOTICE Daily News wishes! tn Tlie fulk.'. ion of sports s aiul comment . :1 . lni-n f.O draw attention to the ru!" that classified and transien; advertLsing Is payable in ad vance at the offiep at Urn" of presenting copy for adve: s Using. Those desiring to ad vertLse in this manner in tt.f Ralph (Toronto Telegrarrw naIf t0 et back a goal that was Allen: "Experience of other batted In and couldn't make It. j Canadian teams should have ! !Whv Name the officiating? taugh that "to foreign referees ' "Wn,n coaches lose a game or the foreign teams the rules ln Canada they can howl Just of hockey no longer mean what as Jouu ""d probably a bit long-they seem to mean." Icr ubnut the officiating. When Our boys moke a friendly lhal haPrens, the refereetng of grab for an opponent's elbow Tlbct or Timbuktu is far sup-or whack some rival Into the erior t0 the Canadian brand, boards ond zingol Borne ignor- Tne Wo'ves would have done ont Hunyuck blows the whistle ve'yin a favor by remaining on them.- And the maddening Bl nome ttno eomluli.lng about ill) DIM" b this: J siiuulcUi stayed I t was nuts to to his financial affairs, business position, and health. A. No; the faiher has a perfect right to be concerned about everything that might affect the happinness of his duugn-ter. Q Who should give the older to the waiter, win n a woman Is entertainiiiH aw.l.n; r woman at a luncheon or dinner in a restaurant? A. The hostess usually fclve. tlie order for both. Q. Would it be all right I", a child's mother to write trie invitations to his party? A. Yes, unless the child L ! old enough to write the in vita-' Hons himself It would be nic" to have him write them if In E x e c ii 1 1 v e George Abbot t, James Nic.oll, Robert McKay, William Barton, John Davidson, Graham Alexander', J. Andrews. A report of the Burns night banquet in January showed that it was a highly successful affair. The executive was instructed to arrange for further suci;u Daily News are asked m interpretation assist the rffiee and respec' it this rule by refraining from referees.' telephoning classified adver tislns. Tom (Calfiury A I be r tant Moore: "Fiiniituri Interpretation of r tilts Is still no excuse Ills TO BLUE I 846 St. John's Brigade i i !ur Wolves belli poor sports and even poorer ambassadors of not! will. i FOR I ; Being Formed Here ! thins is that when they try to explain the damn furrlner's error to him all he does Is whip out the rule book and show i Ik in what It says on page 13." WHY, OH WHY? Has (Montreal Bturi O'Meara: "We don't know why the Wolves wcic let kiOi: in this tourney anyway. Some of the partisans of the countries involved would o all out to beat the Canucks ! by any means at all. Besides. RECOGNIZE HIM? Sure, It's Aurel Joliot. one of professional hockey s all-time greats who. name is inscribed in the Hockey Hall of Fame at Klneston. Ont. Aurel, information clerk at Ottawa's Union Btatlon, will talk about present day hockey which he thinks is poor and tell you the time of clay, berth rates and train times. Here he is peeking out of his little station office. Workmen "Iiov.kvi r, you can put the i real blame on Lite duomU-u of the C.A.H.A. for Us choice of a; team and failure to give ade-: finale .supervision ol the trip to Europe." ti:vi r ONLY MICH & Heating HOW CAN 111 V By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make a goo. shelf covering? A. Use strips of linoleum for this purpose. It is ea.iily clean- ih;tvi:i:n the kaskets (Continued rrom pa;?e C Pioneer Dryhack t oats $8.25 Pioneer Drybatk Pants S6.U5 So that the many u,uaiiied first aiders In Prince Rupert, who have received their in-1 sUueiion in successive classes held during recent years, may i ' become parts of a eo-ordinalect organization and arrangement:, made for them to keep up prac-: tical activities, a St. John' Ambulance Brigade is to be or- 1 ganized in Prince Rute;t under the aegis of the local A.ssj-ciation. A meeting is being lieu', tonight for the purpose ol sucii organization. Sport Shots NESS AND PROFESSIONAL Dink (Montreal Gazette) Car roll: "All that animosity the Sudbury Wolves are encounter In;? in Sweden stems from one small ilem: bodyehecking Is a part of the game as it Is played in Canada, but It isn't regarded with favor in Europe." Khaki C overalls Sr..l.r Denim Pants, 8-oz $3.50 Denim Pants, 9-oz. .; $3.75 Drnini ( overalls, 8-nz. $5.10 Denim Kill (overalls . $4.)i5 NOW AVAILABLE Fashion F. .;.!'.' :;r rutU " Interim-la 2, John IIa-H'mh 1, Jo:-Haugan 12, Gill 10, 'loni',, James 2, Arntsen. 41. Ladies' Dom Hamilto'i 2. Tliain 2, Greenwootl, Jordan. Husoy 2, Husoy 3, Klldal 2, Youngman. fieuim Smocks $4.85 Hlue a.' .1 White lioiler maker nUYDCJKS and McLEAN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Coveralls UM DEATH OF LOCAL I FLORISTS rhird Avenue V SERVICE GREEN 7P,7 in- Ru rt, B. C DECOrtATlNO I The late Sir Malcolm Camp-! bell streaked across Daytona Beach sands at a 272.108-mile-ihn-hour clip for a new world's automobile speed mark 18 years ' ago. He eclipsed the 300-mai k ; ' In 1035 and his record held until November, 1937, when Capt. George Eyston rifled his racing monster "Thunderbolt" over the Compiled MAN IS RECORDEP Khaki Pants Group l. $450 Khaki P: s -Group 2L180 Painters' Overalls Jt.5 ".a .4 l Income Tax Returns Steelbilt Pants .75 Bcsner Block 1 'PHONE WNl' Peopje's- Houe 2, Budinich 3, Dumas 2, Hill, Krecsy, Setlgwick. -11. Junior '- Rupert Hotel Markl 2, Jordan 6, Becker, W. Ktaccy 3, Mor- The following if from the Alaska Weekly, puHiKiu-d lit Seattle: "Word was received from HANGING Room 31 Moleskin Pants $5,!I5 Heavy Humphry '.' PA1NTINO Fishermen's Pants $ll !)5 measured mile at Bonneville Bull Flats, Utah, ut an average Mother" Sun ford in Run Fran ,'iHMKU Diouble Diamond Fa ills $."v4.ri MATTRON'S UPHOIi?TERINO ' Cisco - of U death of Jules speed of 31 1.42 miles an hour.. jrUon 3, B. McFarlane 2, E. Sta- AIR 1'ASSh.NtilLRS To Vancouver (today) J. 6 Wilson, G. L. Rorie, A. R. Hei anger, R. Richardson. To Sandspit (today I C. Callow, O. Callow. From Vancouver (Wednesday! J. W. Wiley, A. Hill, J Denning, Mrs. J. biack. From Sandxpit ( Wednesday i - Miss E. Mathers, Mr. McPhall , To Vancouver H. K. Caldwell C. R. Zoellner, W. II. Rullierlani. To Sand.spil Mt. und Mrs. .Edgar, H. Ormbrak, Mrs. M Ormbrak. 1RKEN !81 Ironman Pauls $.150 Kamioi klinrn Pauls . $8.50 cey. lfj. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE Phone BLUE 818 P O. Box 520 "'pn ot-guin wnue uiu-muuti jJTHNK'IAN McKay C, Ciccone, ! Wenbcr. 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B C. Tommy Burns of Hanover, Kinsmen -Helln 8, Ont. claimed the world's heavy- Blackaby 4 Peneff, weight chanyiionship 43 years 'Letourneuii I', Dumas ago when he won a 20-round d' - 30. services in tne cnurcn oi me (Annunciation in Prince Rupert ISi'guin was a stampeder in thn jYulion in '98 where he livt-0 anil Repairs oujssi GOLD SEAL LABEL iicme 1JASKI.TP.AI.I. STANDINGS many years before going souti. Pall bearers were all Yukon A. P. C.ARDNRR & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS I1UCK 750 J loih East (ision from Melvin Hart of Hun; Francisco. He lost the title to' Jack Johnson, Dec. i5, 1908, in' Sydney, Australia, after taking Senior I . l it From Vancouver M. Franke From Sandspit -A. R. lielan ger, W. H. Sutherland. 47S Howe St., Vancouver, BC. CLOTHING STORE X'DLINTJ WOOD in sacks AND CEDAR "irk Delivered TRANSFER 1M friends who had known him In Dawson days, and many Yukon-era were preaent at the services'.' SKY-ROCKETING PLANT The fastest-growing plant Is 'he Cusuarlna, a native or Australia and Polynesia, which t.j favorable conditions can grow 100 feet in 10 years. LOCAL MEN IN CAR SMASH-UP WANTED 'I MARCAUET McLKOI) OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10. STONE BUILDING u terrific beutlng for 14 rountlu. Tommy Bunw in later yours ' lound his way to Prince Rupert i and had a social club here. .-READ 'EM FOR WHAT THEY'RE WORTH, SAYS AL Mixed Five Pin League Secretary ,AJ Matheson ha been making up the statistics and re N MACHINE VORKS 4 James L. Lee, manager ol Atlin Fisheries here, escaped injury at the week-end when the car in which he was .start VavlFHhli- Muler PriilM-Ilon KMC. IHH7. Chupier 140 C OLUMBIA -CELLULOSE, t COM- ; W L Pel Co-op 11 2 R4G Brownwouds . 5 7 .417 Savoy 4 7 .3;i Bo-Mi-lli .4 8 .333 li.d I nu-.li.tlr W L Pet. Fashion 9 4 !)2 Mcrcnanls 9 4 SYsl High Kchool 6 7 AdZ Morgan's 6 9 .400 SUmes " - 3 9 .250 Ladies' W L Pet. Dom's 9 3 .750 People's 9 i KJi High School 6 L Miller Bay 0 12 .000 Junior W L Pet. North Star .: 12 1 .923 Kinsmen 8 4 .U67 Rupcit Hotel 4 I .308 High Si hool Ill 083 II ANY. LIMITED, hereby (ftve notice , lliot It has. under Section 1. ol tne . PHONE BLUE K P.O. Box 1184 M.id Act. deposits wltti tn mnu- Empty ; Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER - Wll.l. VUl.UXT THFM TIT YOl'R IKIOK ui- of Puhlic Wfiirks t Ottawa, ana i In ths Land Replitrjr Offtt at Prince j f-f SIMPLEX CAS I and fS 'piESEL ENGINES Sef vice and Parts i '""$ and users of In-i jlnes are invited to "wijti to view our vari-s iml talk over pquip- Kupert. B.C.. a description ol me nne and tne pinna 01 buoiib iu-i veals the following achieve ixxsrd to be stretched In the Skeena i ing on a trip from Vancotivei to California was involved in a crash with two othi r vehicier on the icy highway Liar Uell-ingham, Washington. Mr. Lte had the damaged vehicle towed back to New Westminster for repairs and plans to continue his southern trip later. Mrs. Lei and son, Forbes, were with Mi Lee. Neither was injured. theinents by league members: River from -McLeun's Point to BUILDING RE-MODELLING REPAIRING See MITCHELL & CURRIE l,IMITII Itnilder; and ( oiitrattors PHONF. 363 En.iK-rn extremity or Mctan a isi-miil. und Irom this hitter point U) HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all Us branches Ladies high strikes-Linda ErirkAon, Pioneer, 176. Men's high strikes Bob Vuckovlch, Wingem, 235. Ladle I' high spares- Bertha Dunbar, Macey's XXX. 176. L ROUIR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 Mant, Auditor, etc. 204 4th Street Phone Cm -I Men's high spares Jack Pau 1 L .. v . . - -JBIIII., I 111 II Returns ComnllPii l he South bunk of the Kkeena Klvet ut a point appnixlmiitely three thousand le t West of the outlet of Brollit Kiver. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the cHite oi the first publication ol thu. notice Columbia Cellulose Companf Limited, will under Section 7 ! mid Act apply to the Minister o Public Works ut his office In tne City of Ottawa, lor approval of tlie Mild Kite and planH. DATKD tliifc 2Sih day ol Jantl-itry (M!I t-OLllMHIA CTLLIILOKB . , COMPANY. LIMITKU , . , rk Phone 387 I Pushovers, 190. Ladies' high single game-Vivian Wrathall, Headplnners, 322. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS LUFkiEfn EUUDiriG suppiiis t-I. CHENEY JlKNTIST FLOORING FIR OR HEMLOpK SIDING .ALL TYPES! SMITH BLOCK Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs. Chimneys Oil Burners by DoUMlas. Syines & Hris-senUen. Ills Solicitors. (hi PO. Box 1401 v. - 4 b' 'i Men's hi;;h single game, Ron Tubb, Ovet waltea, 344. , ; i Ladies' hi;ih three fame's Linda Etick.son, Pioneer, 749. Men's high three games-Ron Tubb, Overwaitea, 807. : Team high .single game, Dodgers, 1,427. Team high three games Pioneer Laundry, 3.742. Ladies' high average, Bertha Dunbar, Macey's XXX, 192. Men's high average, Jack SASH AND MIVI.IIAI. ACT PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings Vollce of Aiillcalinii for Certificate ul liiiinitenienls DOOR 1. Ruuy No. 2, Ruby No. 3. Ruby No. P.O. Box 1870 . Hubv No 5. Ruby No. o. Kuby No. 7 Mlncrul Claims, situate f VOUR ij'lCONntKTK BLUE 939 SAUNDKUS fc'l'rn tnj.m..i luihy No. . . . iv ,i a Complete Supply of (lene'ral Can struetion Ma-It-rials. I Paul. Pushovers, 214. ARROW CAHS 24-IInur Service PHONE 840 Prompt and Courteous Service -lt Guaranteed FLY WORKS HARD In flight the wings of the common house-fly make more than 30 vibrations per second. iDhilnntt Fuitt - i in Hie Skeena MntliiK Division. Where Located :-North Fork of Khute River ap)rolmalely 13 miles ' Irom Tidewater. Lawful holders: 3. O. Campbell 242B7 r. Lora M Smith 12J0O F, Murjorle C L. Smith, now Mrs. Mar-jorie C. L. Fisher 12261 F. Number of the holders' free miners- certificates: J. O. Campbell 24297 K. Lora M. Smith 12260 F, Mrr-Jorie C. L. smith, now Mrs. Marjorte C L. Fisher 12261 F. 'Take notice that I. W. H. Forrest of Victoria. B.C.. actlnR as Ak'ent for the said owners. Free Miners' Cer-tilicate Nfw. as above, intends. t the end of sixty days from the date i ii I lil QUALITY REPAIRS i iiiiju iiy LiViiii ! Crtage Ltd.! f M,'ln(t Ser?lca f ,fkin Cartas ? RI D 51 ! for Downtrodden Herts and Worn Slea MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Rot 774 cb Are. Ltd. nd C MIVF.lt l. ACT Nut lie f AnplUuilon tr rertlflfflte i.l nirovement4 Jubilee No 1. Juuiiee l-o. 1, Jubilee No 3, Julillee No. 4. Jubilee No. 6, Jubilee No. 6, Jubilee No. 7, Jubilee No. 8 Mineral Claims, situate in the Kbwnn Mlniou: Division. o. PHONF. 651 I . A. - !' Si ' 1 Where iocaled North Tort of i hereof, to apply to the Mining He-i order for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of the above claims. And lurlher take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Min i-iul Act." must he commenced be-lore the Issuance of such Certificates ol Improvements. Dated this 28lh day of Airust, )!HH. W. H. FOR REST, Agent. I frtvly Re-Opened Khutw River approximately mlleR from Tidewater Lawful holders:-!. M. Mcldurm No 28977 F, J. O. Cambbell No. nifil F. I-ora M. Smith No. 12200 F. Murjorle C. L. Smith, now Mrs. Mar-pjorie C. L. Fluher No. i220l V. Number of the holders' lree miner's eerttficutes: . M. Meldurm No. 20977F, J. O Campbell No. 42(1 F. lora M. Binlth No.- 12200 F. Marjorte C L. Smith, now Mrs, Murjorle C. L. Fisher No. 12281 F. Gel the Best ... in Kas, oil and lubricants, an get the best in car servicing and check-up by driving into our conveniently-located station. It's a money-saving habit. "SM.r.CTIVE SF.RVK'K roit Yorit car" HREE SISTERS COFFEE SHOP 351 West Third SAVOY HOTEL . Bob Parker's UPTOWN SERVICE STATION Take notice that I, W. H. Forrest of Victoria, B.C.. acting as AKent Jor the said owners. Free Miners' Cer- i tlfteate Nos. as alwve, Intends, at -the end of sixty days from the date j hereof, to apply to the Milling He- j corder for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants oi the above claims. And further take notice that ac-! tlon. under section 85 of the "Mln ' eral Act," must be commenced be-1 lore the Issuance of such Certificates of Improvements. j Dated this -Jth day of August, 194H. I W. H. FORRSBT. Afa- 1 LOVERS OF ANIMALS ARE SMALL CHILDREN Have you ever watched a little boy light up like a Christmas tree when he has been given a dog to ;til his own? Most children like to own their own pets and can often play with them for hours. This charming three-year-old, Christine Parker of Bromley, Kent, England, wanted to take these white goat kids home with her when she visited the London zoo. No doubt Christine had heard about "Mary and her little lamb" and she wanted to go one better. Like Mary's lamb, the kids would probably have been pleased to follow her, but then their place Is at the zoo where they can amuse other little visitors. ; I ' ILIA RENOVATED AND REFURNISHED Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. Boi 5 FRASEIt STREET PRINCS RUPERT BETTER THAN EVER I j"wny-Flako Do-Nuts Our Specialty Phone 791 OR 2nd and MeKritle