PROVINCIAL 1 ft QRMES DM1G3 Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHOIIE 81 1 1 I VOL. XXXVIH, No. 40 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1949 TRICE FIVE CENTS f P 3 I r 1 ? GEORGE MURRAY FOR CARIBOO Peace River Newspaper Israeli and Egypt Sign Up Armistice Canadian Minister Gives Credit to MURDER-SUICIDE ATTEMPT IS SEEN EDMONTON, A you)lg couple are near death in hospital here today after what police describe as an attempted murder and an unsuccessful suicide. Mrs. Mary Walsh, aged 2G, is in only fair condition with a bullet wound in her left side j.nd her husband, Richard, 21, is shot through the head and not expected to live. Police say that Walsh shot his wife and later attempted suicide following a family quarrel in their small suite at Leduc. Alberta, 20 miles to the south. magnificent" on way over Publisher Regarded as Likely Candidate for Federal Seat I i :rt f f - ' : .; rr ' I l , . , prince george George! United Nations and Dr. Bunche Murray, newspaper publisher of i . Fort St. John in the Peace River ! OTTAWA (CP) Hon. L. B. Pearson, minister End former Member of the Leg-j of external affairs, todav described the Egyptian-. Mature for uiiooet, appears to1 Israeli armistice as something to be "chalked up on ce likely as the nominee of the; ii j.. .j , t i i vt a mi" vbcrai party jor the furthcom-i the credlt lde cf thc uted Nations. The armistice ing federal election. The can- j agreement was signed today on the island of Rhodes boo riding nominating conven-1 and it is expected will be followed by similar agree- tion is to be held here March ments with TransJordan, Syria PILOT FIGHT WITH MANIAC and Lebanon., . Mr. Pearson said that the suc- cessful negotiations were "a 041-62S -vi ; GLASGOW Canada's capital 1 ship, the aircraft carrier Mag-! nificent, recently sailed from j here, for Halifax. The ship is equipped with a new aircraft squadron. i ANCHORAGE Donald Dorothv. Ereai personal acmeveraeiii lor 31. Two Prince George men H. G. Perry, for many years provincial member for Fort George and former Speaker and Minister of Education, and Frank Clark have been pressed to run but both have emphatically announced their intention of declining nomination. 35-year-old air pilot had to strug- the American negro, Dr. Ralph gie with Laredo Bellow, an in ounune, wno Bippea uuu viir role of mediator after the assassination of Count Folke Ber-nadotte last, summer. iOSP; OF OWN MEDICINE Soviet authorities in ' I a erne of their own pills when the Allied comand- ' ,n M i'iors ordered a little restricting of their irder forbids export of goods from the west sec- i ' .in ,"!( German police of the west are charged he del . Here west sector police are cheeking sane sailor, high over Alaska mountains. The two were the only ones on the plane. Bellow attacked Dorothy soon JEWS LEAVE FOR ISRAEL Jews of military age are allowed tu leave their camps in Cyprus if the Jewish government provided the transport, it was announced. This picture shows one of the first Jewish refugees having his papers checked on the docks at Cyprus before boarding a ship lor Israel. Cariboo seat has been held .ft Hi sec tlicy contain no contraband. , BEFORE HOUSE Minister of Transport Answers Questions of Vancouver Members since last general election by ! after leaving Anchorage. The William Irvine, C.C.F., who de- latter had to handle the plane feated J. G. Turgeon, now a and stand off Bellow at the same member of the Senate, in 1945. time. He finally landed enough Century Should LAVYER GIVES DAYLIGHT TIME TO BE EXTENDED blows on Bellow's head with a FRASER CANYON STILL BLOCKED Highway Still Tied Cp ' Trains Moving Slowly Trucker Buried Alive VANCOUVER 0) The Trans-Canada Highway in the Fraser fire extinguisher, to knock him unconscious. Then, he ' landed at Seward. lory For Canada OTTAWA- Answering questions of Howard Green, Progressive Conservative member for Vancouver South, in regard to the unemployment crisis in OTTAWA Ottawa will extend daylight saving time two moiiUis this fall if Toronto adopts the TESTIMONY ON CLIENT'S BEHALF A city lawyer placed himself HOCKEY SCORES National League Boston 3, New York 2. Pacific Coast League Westminster 8, Tacoma 3. San Diego 5, Los Angeles 2. Seattle 6, Frisco 3. Club Speaker Calls On Dominion ( Responsibility In 'Perilous Era Vancouver, Hon. Lionel Chev-! ' " sav,"B recomrnenaauons Her. minister of transuort. said ! of iUs n'tlr" Commission. The yesterday that the situation ! ,,x,ra ,wo months would be on the witness stand Wednesday PRIMITIVE PENS Quills are known to have been used for writing as early as the seventh century. tin- V Hi iumii itumw MIUUKI Hi llll1 Canyon is still blocked and can-inot be cleared rapidly because of danger to work crews from there was under investigation lacked on to the end or the nor- afternoon to give evidence in by Hon. R. A. Mayliew, minis-! mal five lumnhs' periixi. Day- behalf of a client charged in ter of fisheries, who had gone I'glit savuig now goes into ef- city police court with driving to the const especially for the feci the last Sunday in April while intoxicated. Mada's ,''rc;it lory, Kev. William Hill.-, val i haphui! padre and apostle of a new slides. f maiiiun dtizenship, told the Woim-n's Swept to death when a snow- Bene van Walleghain. a taxi 01 .r i'i I II Ii nun: KUpert in an imnrt'SSivc the coverumcnt hud no tilansiday in K-nteitiher. slide plunged down a mountain t. Andrew side, Percy Coombs, aged 30, Anglican Cathedral Hall last or Uie Nubsidizing of the ship driver, was later acquitted of j the drunken driving charge by Magistrate W. D. Vance. ! A. Bruce Brown, van Walle-1 chum's counsel, entered the ' night. building industry but would do Ln rnlr A nrw phase in the history of everything possible to encour- nm v,enire r . . unri i. ASSESSMENTS ARE CONFIRMED I riMPNf; i Umd e the' la,st of truck driver, died ln the canyon. He was the first victim of the slideswhich have plajad havoc with highway traffic and train and wire communications. Coombs was buried Tuesday night under a hoodoo curve near Bos V IliiUI ru lived wiH ietn Canada must in- Canada Keiieving j MORE HOSPITAL BEDS. - "' ' OTTAWA The wide-ranging Throne Speech debate brought .forth the government statement from Minister of Health Paul Martin yesterday that Canada was getting another 13,000 hospital beds anrl an opposition statement that taxation n suuiyip.i; ivn.'uiy assume tt uius and re- Palestine People 1ilf a dozen defence witnesses, .to testify thut when he conferred with the accused on the morning of February 17, between three and a half and four "'vrinpmnii. KP'insioim.y oi iree ami tnde- uit of Krvision Itejects Appeal of CN R. Against Dry I ick Valuation OTTAWA, Canada ton Bar, 140 miles east of here. i ii in - 1" uncut nationhood, ulaylnc a 600 tons of immediately iMsmnies ,, more and more important part ending fvhin,,,,,,, i,i in the world order. heat flour to Palestine Jeiu-j civic Court of revision today I ii' k 4'. hours after his arrest, there smell of liquor or evidence of drinking about the man. fees ui uie muium wmi o"u coiuirmcu uic ciiy assessors lollow with 50.000 cases of can- valuation of 300.000 on the ned and 50,000 bushels f Canadian NaUona: Railways dry ; dock an pppr-al 11 entered B , ' ., to custody about 5:30 on the I The body was found yesterday afternoon, a hand clutching a rope at the rear of the transport truck. Ten men who tried to rescue Coombs escaped death by inches. Five of them were carried hundreds of feet down the mountain and three were buried alive but escaped with minor injuries. The slide is 40 feet &&H and 200 feet long. white beans. Hon. 1.. a. r'eur-son, minister iff external affairs, said today. A j'lint ecu- This Dominion, called to its c! research d'vsMny by the impact of sudden (lac io tin and world-shaking events, must "hi ii (urn- Mm stand on its own feet mill- il (liii(in :i t.inl.v hikI rultuntlly. Gone were ' a in i in- in- Hi'' days, and by its own choice miciii. will ii.' mill insistence, when Canada iiii.iiiiy mid could rest secure under the pro- morning of February 17 in the uy me railway company. j App-al.s of Hobert Kelscy, 900 Block, Second Avenue, by I Filth Avenue nnd Albert East, Constable Jack White who had THE WEATHER "( I.iiiii cif colonial in the I'oretast &,l"'s- Avenue East, traljcd his taxi rom a Water wem also rejected and Hip as- glrcet acidress. In a brief alter-' sevsineiits .iu.-.tuined. cation In which the two men The usce.isment roil was tlien struggled, van Walleghain lii ilii.h K.nipire or eclijed by the1 NorU Ctws). am qi..u Char i 4 111 .'.''hlliii' js ''HI "I I XMTi s inrliicli-N e(U-P":,VriiulMri.l:,, 'III N c.lory of a great friendly nation it.tes -Overcast with inlermit- i iw., ,,!.,,. .,,,,1 i nnutiy rimiii'iiifd oy ine couri claimed that his arm had been nn the same continent. was stifling domestic and foreign trade. KENNEY REALISTIC VICTORIA Lands Minister E. T. Kenney, in a sober review of British Columbia timber resources, warned yesterday that "serious" depletions exist in coast lumber reserves while market prospects for low-grade timber were not bright. He said that, if policies laid down by the government were rigidly adhered to, future supply of timber was reasonably assured. Nevertheless, with production costs at their present high level, it was obvious that even lower grades cannot be produced at other than a high price. PHONE FEES GOING UP VANCOUVER-Gordon Farrell, president of the B.C. Telephone Co., told the people of B.C. today that they will soon have to pay more for the use of telephones due to greater cost of materials, wages and interest. There will have to be a general increase in rates, Farrell said. iniv Irtiu vi Mil.,,..- wv...j wiiii one Milan h'imh uiiii pre- DniKcn. vious'y t;raiiled. i He appeared in court with his x right arm in a cast. - LOCAL TIDES Constable White and Constable George Redhead, who Most telephone lines are still down and communication between Vancouver and Prince George and Prince Rupert Is interrupted. ' . Main line trains are all running behind schedule. A wash-out two miies east of Lytton has recaused rerouting of C.N.R. trains over the CP it. HE I'tM K I ACTORS ! Friday. Winds -southeasterly 1h To lour factors I lie club speak-' nl p.h'j. increasing to southeast ir atiiilinted the new era i'i(25, Lljs afternoon and to v .oi Id history: j southeast 35 in.p.h.i exposed I. The dissolution of the old ( Queen Charlot tes thi.; (niieepi, of British F.nipire hold - ( rv(.nitif;, decrea.'inr, I" southerly inu Hi- balance of world control, j (2ln t'0nlrht. Winds southeast I!, The resurgence of Russian (25 Friday. Little change in Imperialism under the guise of temnerature. I.-jHs toniRl. and I'l-Hkiy. February 2f, 1!H! was at the police station when Jht'.b 0 3i ,18 1 feet van Walleghain was brought in, 12.05 19.8 feet both testified that the accused Low (i:14 8.8 feet smelled of liquor and acted in 18:44 38 feet an unsteady manner before be '' -'T Local li'i'S Nines, highs Friday At Port Hardy J and 4f, Masseft 3!l mid 4:', Prince Rupert 38 and 4(1. FIRKT PRINTING Music was 1 irst- printed in 140!i i coiniiiimisin with its bid for : wm ld (khvit. It The emergence of the Unl-; ted .Slates as the prlnrlpiU i world power -militarily, flnau- The same rains which are causing snowslides have helped to raise water levels In mainland hydro-electric reservoirs, leading to the lifting yesterday - ''- W of I ,e IH'Mi'i T chi 11 - "i 'In., ciiy and dally ,uid eeoliomiealiv Columbia," said Mr. Mitchell, of restrictions on industrial "before leaving Ontario to live power consumers although eom- Melting Snow Reveals Mess Workless Crowd Pacific Coast there, I think I should make ' "'"i"- I"":;;.-1 4. 'The discovery and utillza-"V niiiiiiinu in: lion of the vast power of atomic i'i!'. Inline UI ter i energy, the possibilities of which '"' 1 'i'al will for good or evil beggared all More than half the ! sure that I did not become a OTTAWA- merclal and domestic users are-still restricted. Forecast is for steady rain for the next few deys. charge on the state when I arrived there." '"''liver flalnr ing put into the cells about 5:45. Mr. Brown suggested to the court that his client's apparent unsteadiness might have been a result of shock from the intense pain resulting from a fractured arm. Van Wellegham testified that he told the police that his arm was broken but the constables denied that he had made any mention of it. Mr. Brown said that he had visited van Wallegham in the city jail atf 9:30 a.m., about four hours after his arrest, and that he had showed no signs "indicating a hangover." The practice of counsel giving evidence in behalf ' of a client is not unknown but Is ""' son leu. 'iii'iim to a hou..e yard and vacant lot is an accumulation of objects, lost or discarded and quickly covered by the continuous snow since November. Symbol of this, in a house yard, was a warped bamboo lawn lake stuck solidly in a frozen lawn where it had been left, apparently by some discouraged nature lover. descrip. ion. In the cenlrr of all these factors stood Canada midway lii-lnrc."! (lie lo new noles of world inllurnce and eoolrol Moscow and Washington with Alaska as the vortex of s-silde evftltision. Punctuating his observations (Continueu on Page 5) Prince llupeit CauKht In fnolghtly Sl;i(e Like a woman suddenly caught without her cosmetics, l.'.r truth Is coming out in Prince Rupert today as the rain-washed landscape becomes quickly stripped of its tlirce-nionllis' overlay of snow. That blanket of tarnished white lias hidden some notable sights and conditions. Among the painful verities being revealed is one which wiit bring small joy to the spirit of City Engineer Don Stewart mid i. luv.iuiverK unci motorists. '"'i' ii ill ini.; lVI'l' I'M'.icl. In :' " "ill years '' ;'"'"'l'Uiil. Mr;-. ''I'ii'la in limit ""-('liil.lre,, and '"'"l .'iilii 1921 The objects coming to light iiu vacant lots are many arid varied unemployment insurance benefits paid ln November, December and January went to Vancouver, the Minister of Labor. Hon. Humphrey Mitchell informed the House of Commons. . He was answering a query from Angus Mclnnis (CCF-Vancouver Easti on the consideration given employable unemployed in that city. Mr. Mitchell said many families moved to the west coast ln winter becasue of the climate and the government could not be responsible if they failed tc find work and were ineligible for insurance. Mr. Mitchell remarked that 601 families had moved into British Columbia in January and they came from ranging fiom carefully-cached t.onsldei.ed rare ln the history R. 'a in p j, llr. dog bones to empty soup cans of courts in this province. PASSENGER EMBARGO STILL ON BUT RAILWAY FREIGHT SERVICE RESUMED Embargo on passenger train movements between Prince Rupert and Terrace continued in effect today on the railway line but freight service along the trtacherous, snow-banked stretch of track was still being carried on following the arrival here of twTo commodity-laden freight trains Wednesday after- noon" , . .. 'coal, arrived here at 3 p.m. VJ ' 1 . Danger of further snowslides 6 Wednesday, thus relieving a fuel in the Kwinitsa-Salvus area are snortage whlch had developed responsible lor continuation of during the last few days. The the embargo on passenger ser- j trains were the first to arrive vice. Railway officials fear that here in 10 "days, further snow obstruction mayh An emergency flight which occur any day and they decline 'was to have been put into ef- '"".'''I liiuyed CI' II JET BOMBERS TO FLY SOON I nne .,. vl.silo here "jiiicu, It is the sad condition of the LONDON it L Hiifuln is ruf;h- "i her tailing iiur i , ,,,,1 ti....i i..i i...,,.i...iv city streets as they emerge from their coating of snow ami glare ... I ' t '' kill iiini. JL'V ' 'U'l-Mi- into thf vU-icv Air Ulnidj.r Al'- which possibly were buried there furtively by .some hurried householder during the garbage-congested Christmas holidays. But. probably the classic example of winter woe was a deposit of coal on a hiliy street, clumped there early in January by a truck driver in an effort to obtain traction lor his empty vehicle which got stuck in the Continual freezing and thur Ilendcj-son suiri vesterday . lcP CRASH AT HONG KONG KILLS 23 HONG KONG KP A Cathay Pacific Airways passenger plane from Manila crashed and burned near here today, killing 23 persons 19 passengers and four members of the crew. The plane Mimic, 111 I I C II n I ,....,nv. - ... i"-tilUIUO.UUlll ., BUtUIHl'B.V ,,.,, , ,tl UV(' ; "g his air csttmutcs for 1949-iiai v i J'1 U"; . 50- Thpy wlu uI very high all over Canada. thawing have done their worst. On many a street where the already-cracking asphalt covering was held together by recent patches, telltale cracks and "I am sure," the Minister ob- to resume scheduled service feet between Prince Rupert and served, "my honorable friend 'until the danger is passed. Terrace Tuesday by Canadian aUiftlj'il :,nf nonij f 1 iu, t,, 41. nmir1 snow while going and this is aiP'ungea wu) a rocKy ravine m iningicu wan pui- l.imitiK are i and decayed surface ma- iacti down hill an isolated part of northern Hung Kong island. The wreck- will agree with me that British, Meanwhile, a freight tram of Pacific Air ines was cancecea Columbia is a pleasant place in 20 cars, preceded by the rotary for the third day because of ; uiade a future. Jjc added. '" also a , "I'll M,., , , "i '""'v ' iiapter,: snow plow, left for Terrace and adverse weather at Terrace. age burned for hours after the 'which to spend the winter. terial forecasting the need tor i. was ry i6...Si, hasty repairs if the surface Is j day by a procession of passing ' iMlKUtt.,.s Of! NEW AIR I.ITT I! I (OKI) crash. "Sometimes," interjected M. J. com- ci warns niw n o.o ho uoved from a late to ui ' I Coldwell, the CCF. leader. ,i, i BERLIN American and Brit- iiv i, ' V1' " oue h air lift planes set up a new Pacific at 5:30 this morning, Snow conditions at the'Ter-the first eastbound train since race air port caused cancella-Saturday night. tion of the earlier flight. The ' Two trains, pulling 52 cars, air line office here hopes to get ' " including 27 of badly-needed a flight through tomorrow. narable to a complete rebuilding i were probably, even smaller than the deposit on the road. .t.rnrtinc throunh the O wind, if winter comes, can ANCIENT VETS Veterinary science began I "Not lately," remarked another in' member. I "If I went to live in British her., -,T C1' MMinage record lor a secona aay, Thorn AgUlll, Hl wl" " v ket in many spring cleaning be far behind? the Egyptian civilization. Son Umd. wilting snow Man " e delivering nearly 7000 tons oi j lood andother supplies.