Prime tltipm JDallp mm Thursday, I-VLruary 21, 1U13 fCpD liadio Dial V I I 1 1240 KlloOCt- toubject to Change) I A . ! ' ;I ' ' 1 i ' ,ir Quality Delicious Flavour THUKijDAY KM. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Skock Quotations and Interlude 4:30-Stories of Adventure 4:45-Easy Listening 5:00- The H.tppy Time 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes S Li Piattrr Parade P:00 People Ask 0:15 -King Edward School Broadcast 6:30 -Musical Varieties , 6:45 Smoke Rings " 00 CBC News 7:15-CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide -" " 8:00-Nation "s Business 8:15 Vocal Recital 8:30-To be announced I T: I CANIED FOODS f f BALLET lESPER from Vancouver to compete In tlic annual Canadian ballet festival, left here on C.N.R. lines Tuesday night In charge of directors Mara, McBcrnic and Beth Loekhart. The Vancouver ballet dancers will tour eastern Canadian cltie-following the festival. During the tour they are slated to give a command performance before the Governor-General. j A Canadian Mys' sleeper on ...nil will be a1 room , Table 9:15 University Round lire uay.s v"m Ji , p.mto-Pacii'ic f Hi is my are jt,,,,,,. Iii'1 "in-I ,.t un-up to RO c'TV" WEST EXPECTED WORST IN HISORV-Farmers in Manitoba. Albfrla &re busy Pit-paring to ward off what U expected will be one of the worst fi t,T nf T,i inVi?Si"ns 1,1 thp history of western Canada's agriculture. The year 1943 saw mil-miht 8 ,.?ainagc t0 crols ln thc Prairies and it is expected that the invasion this year nrif p. v, PqUa . 1940 p,BBUC WlUil h"1,1)crs 9.WW.000 in crops. Agricultural auth- ZT i 1'uneh:c,tl a eucational campaign to h-lp thc farmers in their finht. Here a rP0 f -b,ail sPrcaUer Pc from the rear end of an old car is operated and pulled across n the field by farm truck. ' in tne Daily News! I 1 BOOKS TO LEND . ATOMIC CKNTI RY , (Continued froia i'age 1) i OFFICERS OF MAS5ETT P.-T. 12:55 1:00 1:30 1:15 2:00 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:20 3:30 Recorded Interlude Concert Hour Bernie Bradcn -Comly An Idea -Natioiial School Bdct. Musical Program Don Messer and His Islanders -Ethel and Albert. Spotlight On a Star Sketches In Melody -Divertimento ren. nn mvotir Tandy m Uv "ino'ie rooknifc trick" of in ) many hmM rnokt . IM'bMKl'.Aii, I one uf ill", btvi nml ca.iicst wiijw Uoow to hft viip of rvn ji flavour in your .(jtifl in to tiw t II I H II IU 1 '! II U'lll KIVI! VY'l'lfcfVdl i -fJ and conclusions of deep serious 9:45 Clifford Evens 10:03 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10: 15 -Island Stories lC:30-Nocturne ' ll:00-Weather & Sign Off FRIDAY -A.M. 7:00 Musical Cii?eR 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News 3:15 Morning Sung- 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning 'Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30-Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies ll:00-Lefs Play U:15-Songs of Yestetday 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:33 Rec. Int. 11 :45 Famous Voices. p.M. - . 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12-15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast "Crusade In Europe." The Young Lions." "The Big Fisherman." "Elephant and Castle." Tlic Naked and the Dead.", "Thc Golden Hawk." "Tomorrow Will Be Better." : : t ness with lnlerpolations of smilinp; wit and Intriguing hu-1 nior, Mr. Hills, paid hl?h tribute to thc "'.'hr and "rntpi-J Making Pun liases of Kadio and Movie Projector for School and Community FAREWELL PARTY FOR NAVAL MEN Fellow permanent force members and reservists of H.M.C.S. Chatham sponsored a farewell party in the men's mess at Chatham hist night in honor of Stoker, Mi A. J. Fraser a.i Able Seaman D.W. Xidd who arc leaving tonight for Esquimau where they will be attached to H.M.C.S. Naden. Both "Elizabeth, Captive Princess."! 1 1 , I . . . . ......-..,..-. n. ;i iv-ip; nn ,i ( . iliii,'.' of Sliin-iffti Kniil Flavouring for arw fruit nii-inx from a fruit cup. (iive your rA j, mil pie meringues exi-iting new ftiavour v, i j ) .niirilf h peppermint, Hiitlerfieolch or Ortingn ,, i' .-IiiitiIT'.s looil Colour. Or uukr ymir own, I! , iiiir-fnll Willi SlnrnfT'K Hum Mini or n ,. mini- mi'. .Slni-riffx True Vanilla is a (Treat, , i- (ii moiiicii. Vuu M r', it V made froiy genuum .... ii" .n Ufii ml ingredient. ThI- .1 little in n ,1, h uf Miliar . . . ii lid you'll know why it docs firil ir ui' cukrg wkioa ice cream pudding! prise" or the. people, of Prince, MASSETT--Mrs. Peter Jones Rupert ln having "scooped" the has been elected president of rest of the country in obtaining the Massett Parent-Teachers-heir Civic Centre., whieh'mlcht Association with Mrs. Rufus ,vc!l be the envy of any commit- Abrams a.s vice-president. Miss Mindszenty Judge lity or city iiv British Columbia Ruby Weir as secretary and Mrs. treasurer. Com- Stoker Fraser and AB Kidd KATES 4c per day .Minimum charge, 10c " ' By the month, $1.00 I'ETKR PAN -GIFT SHOPPE LENDING LIBRARY Want Ads Brmg Results!" I akr Soys: -" Similav's our (lay for a great big brcak- Adam Bell as mitlee will be Flees From Hungary ' VIENNA United States' authorities say they Have received a lip that one of the judges in the trial of Cardinal' appointed later have been attached lo the per by this executive manent force complement of ,,l,, llll' llliel UOIieiOOH HilV 1(1 : l".1 ui " If ll V"! to tun IhitiS I v li"l ill-cover Ibis pi-ci.ll h '.' S.nii'lv write lo me Itailwnt a Si.. M.mirial, l'A- for your ii , i mi n ipc booklet ! You'll rind i iii'm- iii' iin in it . . . for III' INZ Chatham for the last year. They are leaving on the Prince Rupert tonight for the south. 'Joseph Mindszenty hus flcdj from Hungary. i I'.-. hp ill In urns' iind verMitik! Ami ilbl ymi know i,.i ii'.i,(--lu amoni: (betiiiaiii Ileinz Soup in ti n niir hihI ibmnnubt gund (U.ilily? I ll bet your, ,v about llciiiz delicious wniie ! . . . tbat'i or Canada. That Was .something VlilcU could be boasted of : far and wide and, as for himself,, he would not neglect to mention it In his travels.' ; " ' ' "' . ' .'IPKESSLI) BY YOUTH The speaker told how he had irst been impressed,, with, thc new Canadian spirit and its oofslbilllies of contribution by tlic thousands of young Canadians- inon and women alike independent, en t hun iastlc, stron g and open with whom-he- hnd i iiirw personally in contact during his service as a naval chap-aln. "It was there where I saw F. C. Dry, principal, spoke on how school and home could cooperate for the benefit of both. He thanked the Association for its efforts in raising funds to purchase a radio for the school. Thc cost of purchasing a moving picture projector for the school was discussed and decision was made to proceed with thc purchase. Plans weref concluded for a variety concert to be held March WjJie Spccioly ICord Pftcolic I r p-i't t Si,r., i- 1'iH a-, I''- Hi vt. I.e. : I I 4. i It was reported that the school had recently received u set of books from the field matron. V first how Canada p'ould make its I , voice heard and where I received a new concept bf the contribu-Jon the people , of ; this 'nation could make to the stability of r,i k Heap The Pancac( Hiofc for tbr " tt.'ir il'.-b ' of ."ur SlirovM 'l'lie."- i i' - upper. M-niinm! I'd iay lfio(? Huffy. M'rui'tptiou-f looking n-u.lLi . Jew " tin: tlliv i ' iiimic' r,( Cltlftt N HI! AM CUll ' S l!l'l'! Vi-j, ll'c f -'ilv ib iinitiev ffiMHir of Hii ili'lii iii.!.- rorn fymp. ni:ike- it a faouii'r null tbo'i-H'lnl," of woiihti wfni take ib bbt, in 0(mI rooking fold cihmI fivi. S.i t'r ft reiii Sbnoo Tiir-dav ln .li, wr. f C,inn llr ind Willi jwir j :i ii;- k . lit il on IliC f ibfi in H m w crre-lopiK'd rrmtaiiier ...ii v iil b'ok ulnar! . . .anil pour hi ea.-ily fniiu Hie cono-.-bapeil top! right And Sunny ... tlnt' th a ' e v e n (be t f,l . pfaclirr the sI.iikI.ikIs of Canadian iti:'.'."i hip anil flic rvpressioii of Canadian nationality in the ways of culture . The next 100 years, he predicted, would see a great page in history carved out by Canada on it. own merits. strenr;th and power. .' Mrs. T. N. Youngs presided over Ihe meeting and Hp- thanks o'f Ihe clubVere tendered to the speaker by Mrs. James B. Gibson. A delightful feature of the evening's program, for which even the .speaker e:,p .' . , (1 app'r ..i-(ion and suiiti:-'e, v:is the p'.w- ihe world." True it was that the world had witnessed tlic'. dissolution of the former concept of the British. Empire, ' admitted thej speaker, timed with a tremendous shift in world power and thc ad,vent of the atomic age. Yet it was not lo be forgotten, i particularly in Canada which hud sunk it.t roots deeply and ! J.roiij;ly mulcr British sovereignty, that Britain through one .lundreel years had kept tin; ,. odd stable in a igreat era of uracc. f ('l,.,,ini,v-l Kebru-nry mortiiiii; will bulk wfirn you rlrirt the day rich I nil'i 1 J s-iw. 'i' L If-5 A great fight In Canada today inK or tince pi.tim .solos by lit lie was to keep alive the- principles Martlet Soilaml Liszt's Lici: s-1 if responsible government. traum" ami Grid's ' Anitra's j And Canada, which had let Dance" and Battorliy." . I in rest of Ihe fatipire in the ' -. 77 .fc V clii.rfnl "( Itl'.AM OK WHFAT" linakfal! S-rve I'.Ki Ixmll'ul.'! ("i-nnopiii ii;t ." Minute "Cream of beat " i o very en y to prepun f( i eiv foo( lo eat! And It 6 k cooil for you. too... for 5 Minnie "Cream of Win it" eoti-lar.ii liloiid-eiiriebiinr Iron and it. prioiibx eylra Cub'iiini and I'bof-plm ii- tor lin t,- ilefi 'ient in tbc-o i 'eiiient . llri'ait.-( it conk, 1u ilrbeiom (!r:e t il iil it y ev en for k.t.ii -i oi jii.t five tiiinutrx of iioiliuif , , . Ibou-and of nmtbrM iniike a babit of il. It's a K.aod baby food ... and " lironn-up " trial! Stvo it for bieakfa.-t lomoriow . . . (oppcil w il b r.i i.-in i. Miaur nud milk! ti'na bn aki'ii.-l-di-b ilb carly-mornint; ;ipM' ite-appea! ! l-pl'i iii( 1 1 . hili rr :( in, i inealf rerl a'mly i'i-1 a bill., iboiii'lit to traii.-t'orm II,, "BUILD B.C- PAYROLLS" J'- M-i i emaiid for freedom, must be radj U stand on her own feet. "We stand In a perilous position and we cannot longer run lo' Whitehall or Washington, D C." j The best way in w hich Can- ; mia could say "Thank You" to Britain was lo provide her own defences and be at till times ready to pour out her aid lo the old Mother Land. Expressing .the fear that the Ail bo 4 . CREAMY RICH PACIFIC MILK ' ''"IW Home? Wei i. id Am I i ,,, How ro """" Perfect Pk" ,,'''oi;jTrnn 'I mill oiiieli'.nt n bit on (lie " hiiecial " fide. "iv day liial iieire mid nrire wninen am II 1.1,-1 1 nipply il. ,,.,.M.rt. exeitcinenl in mi ab -- plain, or in rniur Mieli Mirialion a 3 i. ill lie nf mine: CI, ill I 'l.t-p., I, .11.1 I in I'lliillV ii - i' 1 " phi. Win. i, tin,,, l.nak into In'l.-i with a fork, ''i'11;" Ilia I Iris bre-i moulded in ihvsert eUjw.. ' Kill - ilb tbat, w omlr-ri ill ' bekeil-in ' L i i:of Next Tuesday's your Happy Pancake Day! The day you delight your family with stacks and sucks of fludy-light, golden brown Aunt Jemimas . . . right hot from the griddle . . all glistening with butter and dripping with ' .rich appetising syrup! Aunt Jemimas are so easy to fix, too . . . you just add milk "or water . . . Stir, and pop 'cm on the griddle! Serve 'Aunt Jemimas often a plate of 4 delicious Aunt Jcmimai - costs less than 5d f GET BOTH KINDS: The ReJ box for Iluffy-light pamakei and waffles; the Yellow box for tastc-tinglin' buckwheat 'cakes, llcg. Sun or 3'i lb. Economy Bag. I . Cntcif fioomt Needn't He Stuffy-' ei : lc." o Tin b.W.n.5. .rThetid " cm. . . wperoto'-, Rec tor You'll like Pacific Milk's creamy-rich texture. It's irradiated to give an extra measure of goodness and it's vacuum packed lo keep indefinitely. Try some today! PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed " nit- I.- a home-m.ikitif ili; ,) rrv tlial'.-- worlb a lot of ripealtirr, 1 flunk. Know bow fitkery inli r-i lo-i d rooio.s fie-li-Mi,r.jli'i lt c a.-y.ui'vpensi e and !'"' P'.-'el! '" I I H 11! t bro on m. ?n --"pcrW oil ! Ill; iraroni- f f- 7ht Quaker Oals Company . of Canada limittd lull:, ''iini, i"'i i' mi.'I, a H a real I'll" prk- 1 ." " ib Ii , '' pennies . Gieo.. V iihout seas"111"1' ,he flrid V t l:Sv.. ii United Nations 7.ts going tlic ; way of thc League of Nations, j the speaker saw In Soviet Rus- sia a new Fiankenstln colossus; of solid Imperialism. He gave; personal incidents of Commit- I nisi activity even In his own ; city of Victoria.' Ever since the J western allies had accepted Russia a.s an ally, the Soviet Uepub- ; lie ha:l adopted a policy of im-j perial aggression on a scale which left thc dreams of Peter j thc Great, against which even Karl Marx had remonstrated, in the 'wekwnsh. ' ( OAIMIM.ST HAND WAGON "Communism," declared Mr. Kills "is being used today as the. band wagon for Russian aggrandizement." She was Ihi! only nation in the world which had gained territory following j Ihe war. Yet there were evenj sonic Canadians who today, un-j concerned about the real social problems, would rise at. the least-excuse to the defence or Russia! and communism. I As for Canada, .Mr. Hills pre- I sciilud a great increase of 1 1 1 1 1 1 bra ft I I nuick-as-H-wiuk (be VAl'AIR way I Simply uncap a Imflln of this womlirful new room deodorant nml in a jiffy (he room will h free of (.tale eooking or tubaeeo odoiirM - - bird-eni!!' or "doggy' pmells! Ye--, will bani.-h thu oiloui's of cookiiiB cabbafie ami your lui.iband'ii slale i'i(iar smoko - ami il eo-U le.-s (ban a cent each 'IIIHT Opposite Health Unit ANNE'S rlir oiii.rr; rliee.-n ' in fur Ami . , ' "I'lllll.l 'r only ont. --Tor cK lhtm "KiA 6. w ri.-i tiK" Home-Made Candy aaml Fresh Roasted Nuts niunl!,. until o- 4 - .. tf i.-ll lRi"" e !n iitrf'iSu why not a.-k for - I."' ,.4lllc t,l. ,.l lllj rf HIHiv I, II,. V It. SSu-'-"'"J'"J Bel .''! inniiey-yftviDg JO-08. refill 'vli.. lit $t.l!l? ? -ii'iii.uriiw! 'Title ibiesf'" tniiik I hi,--, inoib m itup j.:- ii 11 1. fiirtur v. I.o ,nl. a cuT,:- 4' :r,1"l I ,' V U 114-11 that count in w " """I III feniiiii.,,. IS FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM ivi'iie use "less, k1 iim- COO """'ivc.irira.-i 'i :n iloi it-.- II, -it h;, are po'ver- "I abr 'ft " '-v w'i'- lo (li'bcale III f ' I'll1 v ii '"iiu'iiii-iil, lo ii-c!. A-k ..our ilninnist for "Hie Id ii, e t,,rl,r Hn-nl. l-fll Ct-efcent I population by immigration tt Ji b,: an fre, bocktct uiviijir frank fuels on s('iit to vou in plain wrapper. would learn and .nm mm w'i turn 'it n i i -"iTrliflriry-"' people who