a Crintt Rupert Daflf OtttJl Tuesday, October 4, 1943. Starting On New Theatre EIGHT POLLS TO RECORD SCHOOL BYLAW VOTING FOR BEAUTY AMD UTILITY VT REASONABLE COST HOTEL ARRIVALS Steenbcrger and child wmiam e,.,,h ii .i t.. are sailing this evening on the membership in the Prince Ru- Construct ui of the new $100,-Catala for a, trip to Vancouver, pert Chamber of rnmmwP(. at'000 Paramount Theatre to be Prince Rupert Eight polling stations seven rural and one urban will rec- W. H. Pearson, Vancouver; R. ord the vote of ratepayers in thej Wittenburg, Portland; E. A. ! Sons of Norway meeting. Wed- - ular monthly meeting of TT y tliifknfs.se in stoclt from V" to l" At New Lower Prices phone now for your copy of . . Extra Living Space in Your Home" MAILED FREE Prince Rupert School District Ivay, Vancouver; E rfT. Clarke, Mrs. J. Kinsman, T. C. Buerk, Van- Vancouver; Vancouver; couver. nesday, October 5. 8 p.m. (233) the Chamber last niht. rirst Street u to be pushed C.C.F. Club meeting Tuesday clvlc Centre Tiny Tots class through to completion, com- 6 P.m. Metropolc Hall. (232) tarU Wednesday. 2:30 enflng foncf; the con- tractors, Mitchell it Currie, will Regular meeting of Chapter CS yearS' I be getting the work under way CLOTHING5 next Thursday on bylaws to raise $407,515 for construction of a new high school unit and a new elementary 'school in the city. Prince Rupert urban voters will cast ballots at the Civic Centre, where Returning Officer H. D. Thain plans to set up a rt&McCaffery 1 211, Women of the Moose, Wed-i Hear Mr- wm. Watts on within the coining week, J. inesday the 5th ' (233) Scn001 By-!aw CFPR, 6:15 to- Harry Black, managr here for . night (it) Famous Players Canadian Cor- Mlss Yvonne Mcarns. who ' Doration. announces. Jdhn Cur- COLLIDED OFF LOCAL HARBOR LIMITED PHONE 116 been acting as secretary at the Generl meeting Prince Ru- ne of Mitchell & Currie is now pomng Nation in the teen age The halibut schooner Lois N. ., ventre ior some time, is ' on nis way Daclc irom Vancou- room. Catala .'. " V',VK" 0" ver where he has been consult- jn the rural areas of the dist- "and seine boat Marie, were in sailing tonight on the for Vancouver. inms win ne shown alter meet- ne witn the architects. Seaman rit i-,or .m h r,niiin, si, iniiisinn nff thB harKnp f Prinpp .0JTISINO IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS1 jEVERTISINO COPY IS APPRECIATED The better , British Woolens, comprising the Shiffer-Hillman collection, are now ready for your . ing. A XT II V i a rVklnlvun'V, . 233) & co. on final bulding arrange- tions at Port Edward, Port Ruptr during the night but man- re-opening of her dancine Mrs- - A- Johnson is sailing ments- 1 Simpson, Port Essington, Digby aged to make port and later to school for children. Information tonight on the Catala for Van- Certain revisions have been ind, Oona River, Osland, and J day were surveyed. How the col and appointments Blue 480 I couver- With her son and daugh- n,doe ule original P1 Hunt's Inlet. lision happened or details of (235) ter-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs Elvin brlng them m? up-to-date but The list of rural voters con- damage had not been learned Johnson of Seattle, she will TOW house wiU of the tains the names of 338 taxpay- ,lp to this afternoon. Attention all Oddfellows make a motor trip to Californa same M originally announc- ers -while on the city list there especial meeting next Tuesday eQ ana oi ine same general des- are more than 2,000. I evening Oct. 4lh on trip to Smi- Constable M. A. McDonaM, sign. It will have seating capacity j The rural bylaw will ask prop- ' thers. All interested please at- wno 1148 been acting as British of 631. erty owners in those localities to I tend. (232) Columbia police officer at Bute- plan Is to get the foundation approve the borrowig of $52,000 dale durine the nast sitmrnpr. Is mmnlptort snH u-niie anA nv -ut- tk. ,. nr tn Is payable in advance. Please refrain from Advertise in ti e Lrnily News! Osland, Mrs. P. Johnson. Hunt's Inlet, Mrs. Rose Taylor. leds 2c per word per insertion, minimum wees 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, '.:, and Eneaeement Announcements: 12. 8tock alling from there on the Catla "P before wmter weather be- new schools to replace Booth Me- ; iy, DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE of 1950 . " w"iiper uoraon 6t toniffht for Vancouver to res- mme. nn vr tMat inir- uik j vin- LOST AND FOUND -. . v. . v . uiuiiai iiiii ouiuui aiiu mug rtiraerson y, are cleaning li out their ume his studies at the Univer- or work may be proceeded with Edward elementarv school. a .txt-w ix,or..rtT banks LOST Two m7nthTTldk,nt!paPer at f British olumbia Ijibrador duodv. straved from,Prlce- wi t miss a chance like . our M-I Canadian Catholic Bazaar October S Ratepayers, only, may vote Krrein. the 419 6th E. on Saturday. Please , "3. lod. ' , . i approve a bylaw to raise $356,331 The new theatre is , to be as their share of the new school leady for opening by June, ac- costs. (236) on the School Bv-law. If vou alter five. it me P R- Phone Oreen 779 and 6. Civic Centre Bridge, Oct. 7th, (236) ilso Mrs. Al sadness and cording to present expectations. us ai ti husband The total of $407,515 will actually be only half of the cost of the proposed new schools. The provincial government will con LOST Black wallet Saturday ntfcht containing sum of money, hospital insurance card etc. Phone Oreen 414. (234) Your selection will be endowed with character by the skill of Shiffer-Hillman tailoring, and fitted with a care that is in keeping. May we suggest that you choose early and , take advantage of the season's new patterns. R. D. Cleland of the Booth have a vote, but have no per-Memorlal High School staff sonal Interest in education, re-returned to the city by air Mon- member that others contributed Jay afternoon from Vancouver to the education and welfare of where he attended a' meeting of you and yours. Be democratic the executive of the British Col- and help today's parents edu-umbia Teachers' Federation. cate tomorrow's citizens by vot- THE WLATHER St. Andrew's Cathedral Congregational Dinner, Monday, October 10, 6:30 p.m. Presbyterian Tea, October 13 Job's Daughters Fashion Show and Bubs. tribute' an additional $407,515 to complete the total amount of Synopsis A marked disturbance passed $815,030. ln YES on tne Scn001 By"law UNION MEETING There Two newly slet'PHiB Civic ever the coast last night giving In order to he passed, une ny- . 1 111 tu it. nnnrmtnl ct' 6 8 to 8 am' will pm- be.a special meeting of the Piiune Black Centre. dt) ' extensive rain as it passed. The " iuu Hi) and entertainment, Oct. 21, 8 p.m., Civic Centre. tRebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. Sonja Ladles Bazaar, Oct. 28. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov- WANTED Small furnished hcu.e or apartment bv young couple. Phone Red 852. (237) WANTED Wartime house kitchen range. P. O. Box 1432, City. (233) WANTED TO RENT Two room suite, furnished or semi-fur i sleeping i Constructlon & General Labourers' Union, Local : 1427, on Tuesday, October 4th, at 8 p.m., 1 in the Carpenters' Union Hall on Fraser St. Let's see a record twenty four hour rainfall re- 01 at k&si tnree-inins oi uie corded at Vancouver was 1.04 ratepayers. Inches and at Pachena on the ' Deputy returning officers at west coast 2.27 inches was re-' the city polling station have a t" i J t i -i-. i , : . 'rrvl. Vwmn liner! 11 n vpf hv Mr. I attendance this time fellows. bneht Ix-d-Piiwie Rfd at), and board 1 luiucu. uui ruin is aiso quite - " " - 'ember 9 ppnprai in t.hi interior as thi Thaln. However, those in the; nished. Quiet couple. Close In. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. Bigger and Better than ever! The Catholic Bazaar in School Hall, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 5 and 6, afternoons and fvenings. There will be afternoon tea, sale of home cooking, hot dogs, fish pond, fancy work and novelty booths. BINGO in the evenings. Grand Drawing, Thursday evening. F.verybody wel Be There and take an active interest in your Local Union. (232) storm moves eastward. ; rural stations have been organ- flrariiial Imnrnvomnnt la niiu lzed. They are: 17. ird Avenue, i itli expected in the weather behind Port Edward. William Fraser. Prince Rupert Symphony the storm a!thoush showers - Port Simpson, Miss Jane Com- Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. Reply to Box 590 Daily News. (233) WANTED TO RENT By Dec 15 or Jan. 1, 3 room apartment. Apply Box 583 Dally News Ollice or Phone Black ill Biz- will uii. uiripsnrpart inriav mon. I.OJ3.E. Chapters Fall A visit to his native Northern Ireland and other parts of the British Isles is in store for 8tan Smith,, veteran local employee of the W. H. Malkln Co., 'who .is!) calibre, Bar, Nov. 24. nude P-14 , na Itf I come. (234 port iwsmgwn. miss r . vapen Digby Island, R. W. Mclnnea. Oona River, Mrs. B. Iveson. St. Andrew's Cathearal Fall Clearing skies in the interior this evening will allow over- ninVit. t.pmnpm.t.nrpa f.r fall npar ntaiUi' . Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. price only WANTED Metal, copper, brass, leaves by train tomorrow night Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. 'rw lor I Furniture. Good prices. (254)ifr Montreal to make for the AIR PASSENGERS BALAGNO FlorUU Phone Green 787 . Bos 1193 the freezing level once more. Forecast ,;im. Money auslaclOTy. S.O.N, whist drive and dance every Friday. (240) MXr v?AN.'f.D To Vancouver-C. Hood, A. W. N(lrtn Coast Region Cloudy1 1.J26 Queen ,'255) transAtlantlc crossing. Mr. Smith plans to visit his former home . at . Londonderry, for the first tune since 1918. Sm'ATIONiT WANTED SITUATION WANTED I will look after boats at Fairvirw Oov. Floats at $3.00 a month. J. Blake. Boat K.O. (242) mmmmmmmm LUXURY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE BOYS AND GIRLS Opportunity ior earning, after school hours by delivering Daily News ' routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at Daily News office. U(" ( cHOOS- V Lantz.. C. Latimer, L. Hanson, R. with' sneers ' today. Variable M. Grey, T. Doucette, Mrs. T. cloudljwS3 tomorrow. Little Doucette, F. Kohse. change in temperature. Winds To Port Hardy-D. Moore. westerly 15 miles per-hour to-To SandspltH. Sundheim, T. day tomorrow. Lows to-Brentzen, F. B. Woods-Johnson. nlgnt and nigns tomo'rrow-at From Vancouver-Mrs. Pearce. Port Harc,yi 40.and 55; Sand-W. H. Pearson, R. C. Buerk, R. . fpltf 43 and 55; Prince Rupert Kinsman. W. H. Brown, R. A. 40 amj 53 ... . : itjtcrfiold i cheap. 1 (232) Jfcf boat Phone i mil 2 p m. 1235) itr.AL fcX.ATfa i'OU HAVENT LIVED UNTILj 7 . 7 FOR IMMEDIATE BALfir- n- cycle A-li H.mioK in town. Good WANTED Work by experienced woman. Camp work or housekeeping. P. O. Box 1G34, Prince Rupert. (233) ! PERSONAL . Phone' ,.t.. ,i nninreiit.lon. Enaulre .,232M Box 592 Daily News. 234i YOU'VE TRIED OUR FOREVER AMBERGERS MM tiirni- for sale 4 room wartime Cole, G. Hill, W. McGowan, T. C. Creghan. R. Wittenburg, R. D. Cleland, H. Cameron, Mifs S. Cannon, A. C. Dearrig. ! From Sandsplt Miss J. Tre-' meer, Mr. Symes. "1 BLACKHEADS Don't mumu blirklmuli diwoln th". Wo ounrm el roino powatr Irom irat tor n PI "tl wit cloth ovor bli-khd,, ThT iutBKr hr tWi ml ilmpl to. . SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. , : For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT. , For Reservation Write or Call -jinurs- insu ated Di irx cnimiity, PERSONAL Amb tious aenUe- r M 1K1 Hh iAu npa iv nninwd exterior man 4a years, wishes to meet refined lady,pLaueaerWho is (J34)j only $2500, terms arranged. 1 inicresiea in ousmess. matrimony if suited Box 587 Daily News. (239) See Armstrong nviii;ic; Phone 342. 237' pnn rat .v. Ijirse four, nltelv L cruiaer U X VW plwood ' quick sale, L 1233) decorated, on Overlixik. good VICKERS' l OI1TIUIB IN CANADA AND It tliHIIUtlD ti CalVttt ATTENTION SNACK BAR Just off Third Avenue - 1 view, easy terms. or lnior- b'.chen cab- mation see Armstrong A'en-183. (237i cies or Phone 342. 237) PERSONAL DRUG SUNpRIES . twelve samples for 50c pott-paid in plain sealed wrapper. . catalogue included. General Novelty Co.. Dept. 'PR.' 71 Major St.. Toronto. Ont. (235) This Klvtrtisement i not published or du played by the Liquor Control Board by the Government of British Columbi 1316 Sixth Street BLUE 92 tousirv mat. Victoria RC Larec 10 room CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ' nd a play house on Hillside Ave. 10 mln- (237 for cash. Particulars Pr"Se i KO NEED TO SUFFER From "r,-, t j Rupert Realty Co. 23 Eczema Psoriasis Impetigo, FOR i-Lim . . . WE HAVE THE RIGHT BUYER FOR VOIR HOME! Take advantage of our excellent list of PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. For satisfaction and prompt action, place your listings with the ... . PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. THONE GREEN 667 '. AudIv 4i HOME FOR SALE Wartime (243) . four on bus route, handy to acne.' ringworm, ncn, ourns, shnsles. chaling, skin blemishes, etc. Use SOOTHING HEALING XMR OINTMENT 65c box at Druggists or PO Box 967, Vancouver. (Hi school, stores. Appiy iu.su Ave. E. 2" Highest Quality in Your Printing W lumber Ul Ave. Mrtflrrn house con- (f);FOR SALE bariiroom and :0'N names' "Mr Bh.,VPs ! il.es: am,. ? pantry with attic and base- meat. On main highway, suit-. able for Celanese Corp. em-1 ployees Furniture available Avail yourself of our experience and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 f'tltford Bros. EBY & SONS Contractors "mtemineo en ninw ., ,, M Graooles: I REPAIRS . REMODELLING -ucie Miters; ftob: Nelson ' r Stockpile SAVOY lilOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1391 , FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT It required. Casn jziuu. Box 589 Dally N!l3 FOR SALE: Six-room home" with harbor view on Ambrose Avenue $3,500.00. With furniture, including Bendlx. oil range, Victor radio - phonograph, $4.500.00 R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave., Phone 88. FOR SALE Stx-rooin wartime housp u,iti flnn view Oil Pl- JmM; Na- ouits ana al All Kiooi FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.ILA. Phnne Green SR3 Box 5ftS for the household M Conveyors. HOURS '")m Na-Co. Ltd. got Avenue, garage. $3,000.00. R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave., BRUSHES GALVANIZED TUBS CLOTHES DRYERS CARPET SWEEPERS Uf) BROOMS DUST MOPS PAPER TOWELS PAINT ROLLERS Phone 88. 1 4 Uxprt Weekdays 9 a.m. to a p.m. . . Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE Office Fix". 11 S Wood Kit- EfVtrin THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. s. New Ijr SJ Wagons. PHONE 101 255 THIRD AVENUE CONFUCIUS SAYS: 'Better to fix furnace than sit in house with coat on.' Moving, racking, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 PRIME RUPERT REALTY CO. Listings 5 room house and basement Section 2. $300.00. First class residence at Seal Cove. 5 rooms and bath. $5800. Terms. 5 rooms and bath. Hot water heated. $2000.00 down, balance as rent. 5 rooms and bath on two lots. Close in $3000.00. 7 room house, cement basement. Hot air furnace. Close in. Garage. 7500.00. Terms. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 667 (232) PHONE 79 tk, -"'"P Lino- ,?West nrln... f lBlack 321 Cilt IhlnRleX r'i tr bun-iron sirii.,. 1 Fargo Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SUPPORT THE SCHOOL BY-LAW nn M 1" x k" HOLLYWOOD cafe m thousand "jhetng stove! (242) 8 ft BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with relnlorced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. c.r"'n-boat et --"u engine, FOR SALE Boat building and repair shop with valuable waterfront lot on Cow Bay, boat shed 70' by 60' with four Rrids, two under roof with all nuiy p o CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment iiol as 10:30 .m. to 13:30 p.m. and 3 to B p.m. CVKMNUM Monday and FrtdRy. 1-M p m. 'of those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST la attendance afternoons. OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dlshee For expert work at reasonable cost CALL BLACK 884 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. m..r- . tTS1 pal tools, bandsaw, circular saw, "i ' wuck in- CHOP SUEY-CnOW MEIN Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop portable skill saw. sanoer, drills, electric motors, paint spray, etc., all In A-l condition. Full price $5,500.00. R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88. , (232) tt (Vi.T - For Outside Orders pnONE 133 rl0Ifths, snan (.Witil Try a Cla.ssl.ripa AG for Remit?