r PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, 113 onr.!0 DRUGS 1 TICTORIA, B. C. CAT 3150 -Ddit)rDelivery NORTHXRN AND CKNTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S KIWSPAPIR PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific PortTrince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVIII, No. 232. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1949. - PRICE FIVE CENTS CABS fence Musfcj: r Field'fiP pert Held irimice Chamber of Commerce Pacific Cable Rates Apprentices ATTEMPT TO FIND SUNKEN SEINE BOAT Ipful To Iron Curtain Few Here Is Taking Its Case To International Rnarrl Apresent high rates for commercial umid radio messages across the Pacific An effort was made today to i'; ' V I. ?" . ( '. IT .. : A Z, ' Hi A Boys, Rather Than Employers local. Ih. sunken hulk ol the IIIIWIIUUWIIUI it-1 tiritwh Columbia to Far Eastern ports Held Responsible There arc only ten apprent aed on the floor of the House of Com- Franci Millerd seine boat Rose; at? which went to the bottom1 Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce is carrying early Monday following a coi-1 jts case for tne establishment of a landing field for air-il8?; craft here direct to the International Joint Defence ices signed up to trades In rirp Murray. M.P. for Cariboo, when Hon. Prince Rupert, making this the rier, Transport Minister, brought in his wont place in British Columbia M - t- i i nr i i: n n 1 r.i. TUn knm. i Edye pass, zo miles west oiiuoara at wasningLOn, u.v. anu utiawa. me inar Canadian crown - ; for acceptance of "the apprent rrince Rupert hpr at : nipptinp- last niffht. decided to dispatch a ate over the as- penings In East Asia. High cable iceship system, Ted Ivay of the uid Wireless Ltd. and wireless rates are at pros rw;brief on the subject to the Defence Board. The.stra- inadiaii Marconi U-nt making communications In tr, to ncri. port hr here Monriav Monday evenine evening ! teglc position 01 riince ivupen, r - T Applfwhaite. I that sphere very difficult." apprenticeship branch of the, provincial Department of Labor told the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce which he ad for repairs after she had taken 'from the defence standpoint in to do pllotig. It was felt unfair & uk.Ic part in SAFEGUARDING B.C. the six -man crew of the Rose the light of existing interna- to charge ships the expense ol I Following his statement in i , r. City aboard following the col- tional conditions is being em- bringing pilots here from Van- dressed briefly at Its monthly i the cable and the Hour, ol Cammuns, Mr. lixion a mirvpv of her hull nhasized in addition to tne neea couver and the Chamber la asK- t by Canada will Murray gave newsmen to under thowed that damage was not as 'of an air field heie ior the. ef-'ing that such expenses be ab f, on the Pa- stand that, when the bill cam been previously great as had dinner meeting last night. "What Is the matter? he .isked. ' Pointing to a situation last W. I. MUNRO General Superintendent of Transportation, Western region, Canadian National Railways, who has retired from active service after 50 years of railroading in western Canada. JAMES J. BEHAN Who has been promoted to General Superintendent of Transportation, Western region, Canadian National Railways, succeeding W. I. Munro, retired, td to equal those before committee, he would urge ficient carrying on of commer- j sorbed by the pilotage board cial air transport. The brief Is ! rather than be made a charge also being sent to Prime Minister j against the ships. ': feared. x" the Cariboo an amendment to safeguard This mnrnine James Bruce. British Columbia's Interests. He manatrer of the Francis Millerd L. S. 8t. Laurent, the minister Among other matters before the Chamber at its Coast of Canada referred to the recent launching cannery at Seal Cove, left lor of transport and the minister of the scene of the collision aboard ' national defence. Support ot the ni; oil by nign 0f an air service via northern winter In Vancouver where 40,000 unskilled unemployed were seeking work while jobs for tkllled and "hlifhly paid tradesmen went unfilled, Mr. Ivay meeting was that of the an-nual winter overhaul oi Cana Iran commimlca-1 British Columbia and the Yukon the chartered packer Pauline v., Seattle Chamber oi omiuertc Storing ports in to Asia by the Canadian Pacific dian National coastal ships. A Capt. Chris Viktil in the hope wm also be sought in view oi Mr Murray said. Airlines. letter from E. T. Applewhalte, of locating tne wrecK wnlcn may prince Rupert s position on uic be drifting submerged first line of defence." ntabliih quick -i ttm Informed that opening M.P- said it was too late to do told the Chamber of the Joint federal and provincial government program for the training Uiawniratlons onlpf t,jie Canadian airline service anything about the steamer WORLD SERIES "This Is Bums' Year," Say Brooklyn Die-hards The Ro.se Citysank about 4 SERV,CE t. ii adding to the nas already resulted In new busi a.m. Monday after receiving it iron Curtain of severe damage on the starboard Pilotaee service at this port was of boys In the trades, a program ,C member added. side near the stern In the col-'aiso discussed at last ' night's ness from Asiatic ports for B.C. growers, manufacturers ana brokers. Low cable "and wireless rates direct to Shanghai, Hong which was designed for the aid of business men, Industries and . 4 press messages Uslon with he Invercan about meeting and a brief 13 being for Prince Rupert this winter but that it was a matter on which the Chamber might well keep pounding. Representations have now been made to the minister of transport, emphas-. izing the importa.ae of keeping the local yard f unction-? ; 9:30 Sunday nleht. u,0rriort tr a teiii-rai committee Vuit to get news tilt Canada. The Allie Reynolds Named Starting tvi-i r m v l, vl,ooi Kong and Singapore from Van- Mr. Bruce said that he hopes on pilotage which Is coming to the boys themselves. The con- ( tracts Involved unoertakings nri nhlitatlons on both sides. to to salvaee gaivage the the seine seine net net a a val- val- the the coast coast and and will will be De asked asuea to mj atenrts Into the)Couvpr will stimulate business rucner lur new ium ann-vwo across the Pacific. NEW YORK (CP)-Allie Reynolds Avill be the ZTZ'Zl" TZ TZ I ln lo have peace In The whvilc idea was that there The old order placed the I It Murray added. was suoreo. m une nuiu ui mo gueigcsuons is maw v i Rof Ckty as she set out across p0iriUnent of a new harbor mas-1 In the matter of senatorial ap-.1 oi ii n..in . . i . morio tn nnint mpntii. Wlme Minister St. would be an adequate supply of starting pitcher or New York Yankees m the World Canadian ports on the Pacific online irafipiiiipn and to ellmin! QnviuE at YqiiIou Stnfliiim Initmrrnw. Manaeer Burt nn;aw i ail. ivn uit tuw i , . r n p if , enucdvvui uc " i 'Canada should be ii:h i!h political. I. ...i... ,ui Wo oKis Lanrfnt. Laurent nnvtsea advtsed the the Chamber Chamber Oltl.ivu L1V1IVC C . ....i-.. - ' w ... vimi w. t nave a peison u win ate in the future such situ- c-u ntt on ia kponintr silent about the choice of mounds- that the matter on representa i Mimerual hap- under a severe handicap. Mes-..ages from North China had to" be routed all-round the world via London and , Morttii'al lo Vancouver.- . Such rates. ,,wf re km a . ihir hart tnen In the I .. . . wv.i .. I vrw.L- 1 m 1 1. 1 1 ri I'c naat-where lare numbers ot '"" """'"j" ""w "Slie may have dritted up on I some beach where we, can get airheflons? enough ' to get the(1i net," he said. The""Ten Uent" World "Series boomed ''into a $10t- l'SM ()( k'S l'nt-n C If . tion of Central British Columbia, in the Upper House would be kept in mind when filling future vacancies. The Chamber meeting heard three speakers Ted Ivay of the often m high that B.C. business 000,000 bonanza for New York unskilled -workers become a charge upon the country In discussion that followed, Damage to the lnvercan's bowl men hesitated to use either cable City. champions, a- favorites over the Vintnrlrs of the Yankees and Dodgers of the National by fl&wi Mr. Ivay's address concensus ap or wireless. . "Ocean freights also dlscrimln-(Contlnuecu .a page4 - tho nnrtprrs In the frenzied base- to 9 which means that the bettor provincial Department of Labor who made an appeal for local ball pennant race finals have must put down i on ine xannet-s support of the apprenticeship to $5 to win over Brooklyn. hrought thousands of fans to the program of the two govern peared to be that the fault nere did not lie with tlhe employers but with the boys themselves and tiielr parents Wh wcTe lured by the transient but lm-provldenllal prosperity of high wages for unskilled labor. city, Jamming hotels and putting a iieavy premium o" f erics tick at first though to be serious, was revealed to be only "slight" following a survey last night However because of the engine failure after the collision, she had to be towed to port here by the Armour Salvage and Towing Co. tug Kalen wheh left port here at 2 a.m. Monday to give aid. A search of the area near (Continued on Page 5) STEELWORKER , HURT IN FALL .. .05' j 9.50 .03 OGVj 1.15 .01"; .27 525 3 30 ets. , . '. ments; A. B. Brown, who explained the forthcoming money bylaws for schools here and urged support In the voting this Thursday, and E. D. Forward,. There are those, however, who predict thatHhe Series will be as close and exciting as were the. league finals and, if it i'3 true there Is always a first time, then It is not too fan-(Continued Page 6) BIG riltAS WIND HOUSTONVAi Vicious hurricane smashed across the Teas coast, hit Galvaston and Houston a walloping blow and sped inland today. Winds of 100 miles per hour whipped the area but there were no fatalities. This city was buffeted for more than an hour. it G. B. Ludvlgson, a steelworkerl : The weather outlook is bad with predicted eloudlness and showers. , The Yankees, American League , The importance of getting in touch With the boys In the schools was stressed Civic Centre director, who spok? of the current Civic Centre mem iT4er ., for Dominion Bridge Co. on tne Watson Island project, w as taken to hospital at 5 pm. Monday ' Buffering injuries resulting from . fall while at work. Ludvljson bership campaign and on an Donald increase in the Chambers an " " " r 1 fell from an upper part of the, VIOLENCE IN STRIKE PITTSBURG Gunfire and. nual sponsorship grant from $50 to $100. if U k steel framework of tne oi me w... u.ii. .i.Hor ronnt ruction ;mier death broke a brief calm in Vice-President L M. Felsen-thal occupied the chair at last Ulllilllll1 . . ... it 1 (...iloiigl the strife-scarred mine fields about 4:3U. Me suih-icu im as twin strikes of 900,000 Unit to his chest and back. His condition was reported "good" this ed Slates steel and coal work night's meeting in the absence through indisposition of'Treslr dent O. R. 8. Blackaby., "I . t .03 2 .20V2 2.15 03 V;. I. 18 .3(5 .08 .10 4.20 .18 .7ii .40 6.00 .99 II. 50 .10 1.90 ers continued today at the r.adian morning. staggering cost of more than C. A. Berner was elected dele $30,000,000 per day. Violence gate of the Chaiber to the forth flared in Tennessee. A Virginia miner was killed in a rock fall. coming annual convention of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Montreal with E. T.,Apple- 'due CZ'ECHOSLOVAKIA BREAKS whaite, M.P., as alternate, Mr. .... . ', also nomnated to A-i - t- i ..!., Rprnpr was Wednesday, October 5, 194 the national policy committee of the convention. Hurh 0:10 194 feet dian . as expected today scrapped Its friendship pact with Yugoslavia and demanded that the Yugoslav ambassador to Prague be recalled immed Twonlo 12:38 20.0 feet Low v 8:24 5.1 feet 18:48 5.2 feet 300 . .03 '2 . .11', 4 .12 . .56 V, SHOOTINGS 1M i WOULD BREAK v vs' ' ' N " tBw J, . , , . " . ' f CZECHOSLOVAKIA PRAGUE Three men were killed and several others injured in Shooting incidents here Saturday night. One man, before he died of 'Indian Sawtcrs UP MONOPOLY AYRSHIRE, Seotland T bullet wounds in the sbomacn. iately. MAY HIT P.G.E. VICTORIA The crippling strike of 500.000 CIO steel workers in the United States, already threatening to throttle American production, may reach out to block plans of the British Columbia government to have the Pacific Great Eastern Railway rolling Into Prince George by 1951. The provincial department of railways here reports the strike will probably delay the Ouesnel-Prince George extension. 'fern Emphrys Hughes, teetotaler school teacher and Labor mem ike Is reported to have said: "Comrades, why have yqu done this to mef" Eye-wtnesses, in one instance, said that tommy gun fire came ber for Ayrshire, will ask Prime .15 .no-', 100.00 1.13 .71 . .00 3 15 6.50 . .40 .28 .OR' .12 .12 .OS ... .51 ... .00 .o: 63 .1' 2.9T V Ty.- Minister Attlce when Parliament opens October 12 to make pro- from a car carrying unllormea auction and export of whisky a state monopoly. passengers. They sprayed it into people waiting for a public transport vehicle outside ot Prague's big Pankbac prison. Quebec Huches said that a "little group of wealthy monopolists In the United Kingdom are cashing WOULD TAKE OFF in on- the thirst of America. B.C. ELECTRIC TAX MAXIM SCHAP1R0 Pianist Wednesday 8:30 p.m. Rr1 Lake ckshutt His proposition would mean a reduction in the price of Scotcn In Canada and the United States; iinwtoiimw::. in ii !! m VANCOUVER Elimination of federal Income taxes on the British Columbia Electric Co. as one step toward reducing of tninslt fares here will be sought by Vancouver. Mayor Charles Thompson said yesterday that the tax Is "discriminatxry" In that privately-owned utilities pay it while publicly-owned firms do not. t .... Crow .... .sn : 1.5M .31 2.2 i .. G0.P1 .li4 2.10 4.11 .37 2.87 1.07 13 -:o RATEPAYERS ., wll . 1 rf,H decW t on Thursdav w whether or not they approve of bylaws to authorize M ihese to Wie restrlcted facilities of l''SStoe School and tl P present inadequate q King Edward elementary Memorial High Booth Replace ratepayers wuld be school. v-nf,?2elr of fee Booth unit Complete cost new required to pay '-f 07 5 15 over 2 year P period. A ,top) would be $2 45 05 i J cent of city and rural voters will be required for ap-complete majoiity oi ,f;"rrcombtned cost would be $356,331 While the rural share ol tne com vwai of the bviaws. City s share oV. -i JOIN TODAY CIVIC -CENTRE' See Schedule Page 2 Catholic Bazaar Wednesday and Thursday Afternoons school: hall: P River" (234) i WOllW be $51,184. ItTes.-ni, n-...,..