... One) r,,'-' filA R E TS ! N.K A. DESIGNOF-THE MONTH print? Uuperl DafI? I3cfci3 Tuesday, October 4, 1949: CFPR Radio Dial 1240Kl'xycies (Subject to Change) disgppeared the n'ht' ,n the Bo.se ,can was the , fresh fruit Peaches, Hales, 2 pounds Crate .... Prunes, Case Bananas, lb Apples, cjuicing, 3 ib Lemons; large Cal., doz (jiuf-utiruii. Calif., 3 ior within area. ,. he halibut Capt. B''n g C. Pafkt'r8 .pffived slht ? came to-arbor mouth, jjy damaged- o I! ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY .. .43 ..$2.75 $2.19 .25 .20 .50 .25 urates (Navel) 22-..5U uvxn, 10 35 Cunttloupe, 27 s, 2 for 'Z43 Vegetable Celery, lb , . .13 Khuburb. 2 lb .15 Beets, bunch '7 .iu Parsley, bunch 15 Turnips, lb ... . .07 Spinach 2 ib .' .27 kaujihes. bunch .08 Or: en Onions. 3 bunches .2(1 Mushrooms, lb .85' Head JU-ttuce 19 Cooking Onions, 3 lbs 25 Com on Cob, 12 for 69 Cabbage, lb .. u Tomatoes, No. 1 lb 19 New Potatoes, 10 ib 58 Green Peppers, lb 29 Cucumbers, each l( Vegetable Marrow, lb 07 Squash, lb iq Carrefl Vettai.les Dill Pickles, p,al 1.65 Cut Green Beans, Icy 2U No. 5 Peas, fancy .19 NEWS TOR ERST RESULTS . m r r , ,!rtl by Van- nCS t j tramps U1 - , . .... ' V ANNOUNCEMENT THE SERVICES OF A QUALIFIED PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOW AVAILABLE CATHERINE LAURIE Public Stenographer Mied Vegetables . Diced Beets, per tin j wax heans, choice : ta.xed t-ia'i ami Carrots .... Pi'mpV'n, 2 (or Baked Beans, 20-o.. tin Baked Beans, 15 -ok. tin, ea. iuiiuttucs. as-. ... Fresh Miiu ,1 drop in t'r- U impossible ije uv.i.e'5 saV- The New?! FLOWER QUEEN Pretty Barbara Ann Fee of Richmond, Que., a technician in a Montreal hospital, won this bouquet of roses and the title of Flower Queen In a province - wide competition attracting 600 entries. By an odd coincidence, the 1949 florists' convention was meeting at the same time and Its 2,500 delegates turned up for the Queen's coronation at Montreal's Windsor Station. (C. P. Photo) Quart '. .22 Pint .12 Cream. V, pint .28 Larue, cartoned, doz 79 Medium .7u Under First Grade lb r,8 Margarine, lb 40 Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb 50 Hour Milk Evaporated Milk. 10-oz. tins. 2 lor S3 Case 7.7 Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 58 Flour. 49's, N.j, 1 hard wheat S5 Flour, 24 s 1 y:. Tea and Coffee J J Numerous selneboats which conee, u 69 Dt Luxe ,b 118 had been remaining in Prince nt Rupert during the recent strike Orange Juice ...... 29 tle-un. started movlnir out. upsln1 - Blended 25 Families in search of a truly moderately-priced three-bedroom houwe nhould investigate the lea-UicvuC Uiiit pleasing ueRB in:h includes five rooms and batli within a minimum of epaee. Entrance to the living room is through a vestibule containing a coat closet. Although the kitchen is of minimum size, it is designed for workingeonvenienceand hasampleroomfordiningfacilities. Kitchen and bathroom plumbing is arranged so as to reduce, cost to a minimum. Adequate clot space has been provided in each bedroom while tlicre is a linen closet at the head of the stairs and another in the hall near the bathroom. The bay window is an atti active feature enhancing the appearance of both the exterior of the house and the interior of the living room; While construction drawings for this house specify horizontal wood siding on the lower half and vertical siding on the gable ends, aluminum siding has been used on the house illustrated. Other types of exterior finishes could be used with equally pleasing results. The floor area, for estimiting purposes, ia f,7 square feet while the outside dimensions are 24 feet eight inches by 24 feet fourinches. Steamship Movement " WWWi' W.WVAV For Vaucumrr Tuesday ss. Camocun, l:?Jt p.m. Thursday Prince Ruiiert 11:15 p m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p m irtunminiMwfiT - Sunday si.. Camosun, U pj'i Wednesday ss Prince Kupe , 1 10 a.m. For Aliee Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Cainosim, 1 pm From Alice Arm arid Slew ar ""uesday ss. Canuun, a.m. r ' i f .ro i,f r-nil 1'J lornatoes. 20-oz ta In 2S-oz 34 H cN0A .tiinCalvrtt to the fishing areas yesterday following settlement of the 0iin4 Hcird or strike dispute. Some departed Ale'U20 -riin7a"?wTT: for the Queen Charlotte Islands 48-oz 34 while others proceeded to John- j . Canned fruits Pineapple, crushed 38 stone Straits, r,. i. down th com. pu.res, 20-oz . .. . . Xi WORLD SKK1ES HERE ! Whne no ofiiCiai announce-! ment was available up to early ! tills afternoon, it appears that ; Big League bttseball fans in Prince Rupert will be able to hear the 1949 World Series I broadcast from Station CFPR. S Cancellation orders have been received at the Blation for other programs which would normtilly be emitted at the time of the World Series. The annual diamond classic commences at Yankee Stadium, New York, tomorrow between Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Yankees. The broadcast should aturt about 9:45 a.m. TUEStiA r.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4: 30 -Life in the Open 4:45 Musical Merry-Clo-Round 5:00-Hot Wax 6:30 -Musical Program 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 - Perry Como 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 -Smoke Rings 7-nn ;ho New 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to BroifUway 8:00 Science Reporter 8:15 Points of View 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Radio Cartoons 9:15 Piano Recital 9:30-Woodwlnd Quartette 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 T.B.A. 10:30-Dance With CBS 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY -A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock H-nil CBC New- 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8: Id- Morning Souk 8:30 Miisic for Moderr. 8 45-Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty v : l S Morning Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert 0:45 World Series 1 :30 Waltz Time 1 :45 Commentary Country Women 2:00 Easy Listening 2:30 Records at Randtra 2:43 Novelty Tunes 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Spotlight On a Star titr Ocean Fafa Thursday sj. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. Prince Ropen 10 a.m. YOl'R ALTO A BRAT? IS IT EASILY RILED? CAN FAST MAKE IT AN I'NSI'OILED CHILD! ... Iis1 r 23 .18 .23 .19 .25 .23 .21 bso am 3? -Wri "T KITCHEN 0INCTTE ' HVIN6 RM. I M-KI6-a vest. j I 1 I J I I 1 fiJ BED I RM BED RM. Apricots. 20-oz 33 Cherries, ancy, 20-oz 38 Loganberries. 20-oz 29 , Peaches, clioice .31) ! ' Lard I Pure, lb 27 j ShortcninR 29 I Soap Soap, face, bar 10 i Laundry, cuke 2 for .25 j Soap Powders, larce M ilace I ui Cherries, Va ib. pkt 45 Coconut, to t 'Almond Paste, lb.-..: jH Fruit Cake Mix. lb.- Dates, fancy. 1 lb. pkt . J i Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. . '35 Seeded Kui.sms, 2 lbs. . ,2 Shelled Wainuts, 'A lb 4 ( i Swelled Almonds. 6 oz 39 Snelled Brazils. M, lb. . .45 Jams Pura Strawberry, 24-oz Raspberry, 24 oz 47 Blackberry, 4-lb 87 Cherrv, 24-oz. . ... M Peach, 4 lb .BS Apricot. 4-lb 79 Soups Canned Soups 13 to .21? Meats Chicken, lb 08 Ham, boned and rolled, lb. 1.00 Hani, re, lb Bologna, lb. Weii'er. In Garlic Sausage Bacon, pk.R lb 48 -'roo ski. niece ... !)! Cottage Roll, lb Liver Sausage, lb Snare Kius. ib. Fresh Pork Ham, lb. .751 Pork Chops, lb Pork Sausage, lb NOW AVAlLABLF LOOK FOR THE NEW RED ANb WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEI I GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND k BllLDF.KS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY ,Vw;. i a; ie fSi i - i m ' 1 tejrj .:: JtJhfmm$i' 1 IjP & m hWWi m w J'- Sti3&.- J - - : I . t $f J . y v ! Lr v - -; v a. i . i. 1 401 Third Ave. (I'rince Rupert Realty Co.) Stenography Report Mailing Li.it? Bulletins Monthly Statements Minutes Pro fessional JEANNE FAURE ART CLASSES 211 NINTH AVENUE EAST Phone Green 928 KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West f B. & W. TRANSFER DRY FIR' KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 188 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 8S9 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment AH Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS! 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - BC. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINO PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 11B4 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Complied Bcsner Block Phon 387 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 785 P.O. Box 1401 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. ! - Tel. Green 867 Days. Green 412 Evgs. Mimeographing Letters Composed "Financial Statements and Business K. J. & B. CO. ; PAINTING OF ALL KINDS Remodeling RoomB Bathrooms and Kitchens Our Specialty Willing to Go Anywhere All Work Guaranteed , BOX No. '1141 STATION B JACK AND JILL KINDERGARTEN MRS. E. C. McLEAN Phone Black 712 Sixth and Tatlow i BVTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agent for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales Service and Parts Boat owners and uwrs of Industrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and U1V over equipment problems. DR. GARNET El IL MONTGOMERY i ' DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box t216 ( ; PIANO) TECHNICIAN i Tuning, Voicing and Repairs ' MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 519 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs ot all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES . Black 334 P.O. Box 1670 P.O. Box 1670 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 828 S30 Second Avenut Princa Rupert, B O. ' ' " .v ' - . r k . 'y--;-i i--.-v t ' VJ k. - m m i iritjt .1 I s You can't keep youngsters out of the kitchen i i i so why not give them a corner all their own! A private snack-bar, located just inside the back door, featuring jumbo jars of their favourite after-school hi U noina to invite traffic. But Hit": BACK. TO SCHOOL George Daniel Blondin, 81-year-old bearded' prospector and reputed millionaire from Bourlamaque, Que., appears right at home in this kitchen. He is one of a large group of miners and prospectors who are taking a domestic science course at Val D'Or. After all, the veteran prospector points out, food is a mighty Important item in the bush country., CP Photo) your good Gold Seal Congoleum rug can take any COITlinn nnJ r i w.i .. i X w.xi immhsnArl nnin Li , yumgi wiin its wear layei ui , "enamel equal in thickness to 8 coats of the best floor paint applied Wii , r..u . ..... j i oia oeal Congoleum is lastingly pretty, ana it ciemi QS taw ti.UL Al. I -I - iL. rmomkar I Eftf iiii me swisn or a aamp ciom. jui icitohi-v L 1 hat only real Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs can give i i IS AVE I "' jea it . . . r W -uines me ramous guarantee of satisfaction! 50 littl -I Hf e money. tIMITEO, MONTREAL Our technicians will take the kinks out of your car in record time, at moderate prices. In terms of fuel saved and comfort added, this service will pay for itself, DRIVE IN NOW! T " " 0 Congol.um b.iuM !'Pm.ni, (,om ,im, , tlmfc 0 at REPORTING and PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 343 Evenings, Oreen 1811 ! ts... . J . TiWw?.niit; UVfre t r RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 ) vonuleum Rugs J Agents for Congoleum Rugs A. Mackenzie Furniture Ltd, 'v klrl A. 1 ierson Ltd. i