I 3 J3r nice Gupert Daflp J3rtoxl Saturday, January 15, 149 N.K. A! LESK3N-OF-THE-HONTH T, Reminiscences By W.J. and Reflections J ty " f'CUPID UNLIMITED NOTTINGHAM. Eng. a -Following a newspaper report that Nottingham had 20,000 surplus women, the lord mayor "has been inundated with letters" - GALT, OaU JeHrey Bond. r b! nd ex-R.C AT. veteran, was maried here to nurse Sybil Stopps, who used to read to him when he was studying physiotherapy at St. Dunstan's Hospital i l England. Bride and groom hopt to find employment in th? same hospital. asjdng for introductions from Radio brought broadcasts, and the latter ushered in the golden age of the commentators who. -rammi n Each, aceordins to his way of thinkinp. Prinre Rujjert has plenty of folX who decline to lonely men throughout the world. as a rule, possess rich voices, and wear a hat. no matter how en chantlns or how merciless the when not certain of some state-1 ft f& h ments, faU back on that good old weather is. And another fellow will wear his cap, even though soaking, through the dinner or lunch hour. r standby "as asserted by an Informed source." Millions drink it in. ' By the time the average man has absorbed several hours of the flow of words -lie knows a little about a whole lot, doubts the rest, feels a headache coming on. and is conscious of an ever mounting uneasiness and fear, along with a fresh crop of suspicion. a.,,.,,.,, "'"rin-tf-ri )i iitniM-'i -MraroWj'ga Housecleaning? GET YOUR AIDS AT THE VARIETY STORE FI.OOR WAX GLASS WAX WINDOW CIXANER SOIL-OFF LIQUID VENEER MYSTIC FOAM WALLPAPER CLEANER GREASE SPOT REMOVER and many other items to help lighten your t.asks. During the war, Prince Rupert's population, counting the local armed forces was approximately twice what it is today. There developed, of course, a traffic problem. With the approach, today, of industrial ex J ) . ... Xl.J ..... M . j V. I k. 1 Suitable for construction anywhere in Canada, this two-hed-room bungalow strikes a modern note and should prove an attractive house in any suburban area. With full basement, living room, kitchea-dining room, bathruom and a total of six dothtw and storage closets, it w complete in every way. Designed by M. G. Dixon, B.Arch., M.U.A.I.C., Ottawa, it answers the living uecda of the small family. The vestibule affordu protection and include space for hanging coat. The hall given access to the living room on the right and tie kiteheft wv the left. pansion, the same difficulty will return, perhaps in a more aggra-! Winding up the Donald Mc-vatert form, for it ia certain the ; Leod estate in New Hazelton, the number of cars is not decreasing.' Omlneea Herald print s long It all comes down to the fact that I of lots, and district proper-aa Prince Rupert 1 It has a familiar )ook, and tune goes on will have to become used to do- j remluds one strongly of how ing shopping in a larger business! money was made In Prince Ru-area, and think of their city not' P' nt le wa-v' (,,"'ln remalnins forever, between Mc-lhe juicy tlaV!-Bride and Sixth Streets j ' FEEWEE PUP--Tiny Tim, tnoatth-old Pomeraniau Charles Cower of Vancouver, just fits Into a tc-p,,, only an ounce and a hilf at birth, the dot is shown h'. with an eye dropper. At night it is wrapped In an fit. to keep it warm. The mother dog is at the right SIS 3rd Ave. IV. Phone Red 400 r r member of the 0 tish Empire. rr BURNS NIGHT Doctors and nurses all over the thing to impossible to credit the! D AMC TOM PI FTF fcHl J vVl il LI. Ik story told by a Detroit woman. i It seems the lady mistook a ma- MlMllbt,r9 o ltle pvince Rliperc ternity case for just an ordinary B..rlVs club wt,re ... ln .or,ie Of ample size, the living room (eakures a flush fireplace which could be finished uvor'ting to a variety of styles to suit the owner's individual taste. The kitchen is well laid out and includes a dining alcdva which in just the place for family meala. By provhiiug an access panel, the dining table could be moved frum kiu-hen to hying ro4vm as required. Direct access to the basement and service Wltrance is provided from the kitchen. The bedrooms are Urge, have t-ross ventilation aad elothee elrtsets of exceptional size. The master bdrwm ha cltuW cluset while a hnen ciost is located in the bathroom. The strtratfe eiuaet in tiie living room should pov vry usefu!4 a handy place ir such items as the card table, games ami vacuum cleaner. The house should fare south as provision has been made by meant of ample roof projection over the living room miadovi W take advantage vl solar beating in winter and to provide had from the direct sun in the summer, - ... The drawings show frame construction but the dimensions ara o arranged that the house may be finished in veneer or solid masonry. The area of this house for estimatiaif purposes it 8G7 square fe4 The exterior dimens-ions are 31 feet 4 invhe hy S4 fwe 4 inclie and tht minimum required lot width is 40 feet, withouv dhvewav. ComnuKlore Cafe, January 25. One oi the important decisions reached by the members was that admittance to the banqm-t will be by membership tickets only, and arrangement have been made to cater to 50 people. In his opening remarks before the business meeting commenced President Frew expressed the congratulations of the club to Jarvts McLeod who was honored tome time ago by being made a cold. She tame home from work not feeling very well. Her hus- i last night at a meeting held in ! the Civic Centre. Under the v.:, 'V i; s. mm i band dlago,ed the trouble as a : f.ha,rmh.,. nf .H-nt J A BARGAINS for quick Sale 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe 1941 Dodge Station Wagon Hoth vehicles in good general condition. Can be seen and demonstrated at Rupert Motors Ltd. Corner 2nd, 3rd and Park. Ave. PHONE 5CC RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Frew the meeting worked out the final plans for the annual Burn's cold in the back, and recom-; mended a hot bath and bed. i There is this much about it. ! Night banquet to be held at the 'i A( MacKEf Friend Husband may as well realize that if he is thinking pf specializing ln obstetric;, he should give the matter serlou.-. reconsideratoin. FURN1TJ t ITD "A Ciood Plac and Check Up OTTAWA ARMY NURSE SENT TO ten Januari Bedding Sl consi-tr. Your car takes a terrific beating in winter. Save it frtktn worse by having us keep It greased properly. TT 2" Sled TutuD) thinks she will get use1 to them WIUJN'G TO TRAVEL' "I'm game for anything I love travel and I'm willing to go anywhere," she said when she stopped off here enroute to her new posting mor than 1,000 miles northwest of Edmonton. At Whitehorse, Miss Caldwell will have lots to keep her busy. There are seven other nurse and three doetors at the 50-bed hospital which looks after military personnel, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, government employees and emergency elviUan Copies of the New York Her- ' aid-Tribune, which issue devotes pages of space to Canada, have I been received irt Prince Rupert.1 Written In a readable, yet mat-' ter-of-faet way, the special tells all about Canadian Industrial expansion and resources. The Herald-Tribune is performing a valued service, and some day, Canada will be discovered In full. IP 11 w Steel Rihbua K c t s Sprir,t - KiM i BOB PARKER'S in 3 r 4 BULGER'S JANUARY CLEARANCE Surplus Stock ALL FOR ft sa: b.at UPTOWN SERVICE STATION ALSO SPRINf 1 a s, I'MIIS, i her f Exccin NORTHLAND EDMONTON (P A pretty brunette Ottawa girl Is embark-in" on a new career as the second Canadian girl to join the army as a nurse since the Second World War. She is Gloria Caldwell, who comes from a soldiering family and has been posted to White-hmse, Y.T-, deep in the Canadian northland. Miss Caldwell isn't sure just what prompted her to join the army but thinks perhaps it is the fact that her lather Is a major in the Royal Canadian Medlcr.l Corps and her brother Is training at the Royal Canadian School of Military Engineering at Chilliwaek, B.C. MATTHESS srl 2nd and Mcltride OH Phone 791 jjne fcl . cases. ' ' Royal York, NO TAX EXCEPT the 3 Royal York. pL lAberg ,l ie: filled t,T,7. PR S Sani PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL . 1 poles. jure en All above ! tempered t AIL srKtiu- At 23, Miss Caldwell , has packet! a lot of training Into a short space of time. She graduated from the Oshawa.' Ont., General Hospital, In 1847, and took post graduate training at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.' Specially trained in obstetrics and gynccolgy, Miss Caldwell's knowledge of these subjects will come in handy a Whitehorse where an "avera mr.r nurni4. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 475 Howe Street VANCOUVER - B.C. TA 9545 I5YTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Phone ,73 If'1 - 1 aimos : 7.00 Leather Travel Case for toilet kit, waterproof lining and zipper $ 3.95 6.00 Leather-covered Writing Set with zipper 3.45 22,50 Leather Brief Case, Targe size . . . 16.95 15.00 Men's Leather Travelling Brush and Toilet Set 9.75 6.00 Small Camera in case 3.45 3.50 to 5,00 Ladies Brush, Comb and Iron and Brass Oaswngs Electric ftnd Acetylene Welding The fact that her best friend, Lois Frood, also of Ottawa, was J it'1 f 4?n,- Urst the first girl to join the army as a nurse since the end of the war nay "also have had somcj 1 f of 100 babies are born 'at . tha; Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY hospital each month. Mirror, at PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 3.50 to 5.00 Men's Leather Wallets 1.95 1.95 7.95 9.75 12.00 Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases . . 15.00 Combined Lighter Cigarette Cases ,1 BA tides if r blstr Et. V bearing on Miss Caldwell's choice. ' Never very far north or west of Ottawa, Miss Caldwell thinks th idea of a sojourn in White-hovse intriguing. She said sh doesn't like snow or cold weather' but like a good soldier LONGEST-WED BRITONS? LONDON Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parsons, 91 and 9a, who celebrated their 73rd wedding, anniversary in December, believe they are Britain's longest-married couple. " Gr. eer cc i MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUTLDINO An Extra! J"" MATTSON'S UPHOITEHINQ AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Custom-built Chesterfield Suites and Occasional Chairs Spring-filled Mattresses Repaired Drapes CurUdns Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 528 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. THIS AND THAT Bridden CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS or two where ts to be added tions will the value of y PHONE BLUE 593 TVO 4Ul A MITCHE! 3.50 and 4.00 Tall Floor Smoking Stand and Tray 1.95 12.00 Weather Forecast Barometers . . 8.95 20.00 Music Box Liquor Set with leather covered bottle and glass, in walnut box ;.. 13.50 3.50 to 5.00 Compacts, assorted plastic and metal i . . ,. , . . 95c 3.50 Poker Chip Sets in wood, black . . 1.95 5.75 to 7.50 Black Corded Silk Ladies' Purses and Bags 2.95 Also many other Special Values such as large Sterling Silver Gilt Brooches, regularly 6.00 to 8.00 Special 2.95 Men's 15-jeweled Wrist Watches in gold-filled cases 14.00 2.00 to 3.50 Assorted Earrings 50c P.O. Box 1134 CURR4 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. i'lVO. centr place FOUI Ave. FOUI income Tax Returns Compiled LIMITC I'.uildcrs and C PHONS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Bcsner Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY . SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 MFW " " ! t-u ijr v Tlic U, M.iil,.. Uam. l, r,ic. Im-. f ''I J Floor Sanding A Specialty HOTEH PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles- and Colors J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 HANDYMAN , HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS RED 5G1 P.O. BOX 721 Carving Sets Pocket Knives Home Away nt a Building and repairs of all kinds PYREX DOUBLE BOILERS 50 Roonn, i i PRINCE KCPffj Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners Casseroles Table Cutlery PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenintrs T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT NOW AVAli THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. P.O. Box 1670 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East L "Whose turn Is it to go crazy trying to dress me?" It's the FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment AH Work Guaranteed j Wells Cartage Ltd. j i Complete Moving Service i Crating Packing Cartage! BLUE 780 BLUE 980 Rex For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. (Cafle . . for Tasty Meals Chow Mcin JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETR TST John Bulger Lid. Third Avenue Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General -Cartaga and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor., 2nd and Park Avenues Established' 1910 Phones 60 and S8 Chop Suey LOOK FOB 1 TJfAIN SCHEDULE For the Last- new nm Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders 8:00 p.m. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Ileeto and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL flo 774 Second Ave. GOLD SEAU From the East . Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m.