THIS AND THAT 3 Prince Uupttt Dailp JSetos Saturday, January 15, 1943 ocal News Items... BEAUTY . . . UTILITY . ... ECONOMY 1 Moose Whfst drive and ikmce every Saturday night, 8:30. (12) Mr. and Mrs. C. Bunn will leave Sunday night on the Co VANCOUVER 0i Vancouver housewives may soon have to put out milk bottles every other day. Dairymen are studying a scheme for deliveries on alternate days, similar to that used in many United States cities. I) WITH ORANGE LADIES PLAN SOCIAL Appointment of a committee to convene a social evening to be held on Fcburary 10 was a feature of the business session of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association (luring the meeting held Thursday evening in the Oddfellows Hall. quitlam for Vancouver. Sheardowiis' aie carrying all LVAPLY WEATHERBOARD Cash for old gold. BuIkci'b. ; Whist and Cribbagc, Legion Rooms, 8 p.m. Thurs., Jan. 20. L. T. Buchanan sailed last night on the Coquitlum for Queen Charlotte City. Ben Sampson who has been on a three weeks vi$it to Vancouver on private business, returned to the city yesterday. SALE Special Sale of Used o odin stock early delivery arknesscs oi this Douglas Fir L from 12 to 40 feet available ifllltitiililSi lililllliilliiUlliiulilllliiililiiilllUiUlilUIIIIUUIUill LBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Northland Dairy products. Drop in and buy a bottle. '12) Conrad P.-T.A. Card Party January 21, school basement 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Crozier left on the Coquitlam last night for Sand.spit. wornr Appointed to the entertainment I l iTMItKIt lil T 1 1 1 I N. f 2 Kf Il! 2S committee were Mrs. F. Barber, lit PHONE 116 r IFir Flooring, Northwest Construction, general contractors. Mrs. William Denton, Mrs. Frank Ellison, Mrs. J. F. Feasby, Mrs. A. Hamilton, Mrs. A. Lund and Mrs. C. Mclntyre. The meeting also heard a re a8n Four doors west of Prince Rupert Hotel. Phone 5C3. (12) Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ebcll will sail on the Coquitlam Sunday night for Vancouver. Make it a Must! Visit North Meeting or tne Canadian Legion Boxing Club, Legion Hall, Monday night, 8:30. All interested please attend. 13) In the Salvation Army Cita Iare laid RING TEA. tig committee of the lie Moose met this 'home of Mis. Percy . . . port by Mrs: M. Viereck regarding the Christmas party, for which Mrs. Viereck and her com mittee received a vote of thanks spring tea, which will be held In April. Present were Senior Regent, Mrs. Thomas Glenn, Mrs. O. Stegavlg, Mrs. B. Skinner, Mrs. O. Giskc, Mrs. R. Olske, Mrs. B. J. Bacon, Mrs. C. Mcln-tyre, Mrs. J. Kaspcr, Mrs. R. Fossum, Mrs. S. Haugan, Mrs H. T. Munccy and Mrs. Percy Bond. TRT A CLAo.lED AD! Chairman of the meeting was land Dairy today. We will show you around. (12) ft Graduate nogem, del tonight at 8 p.m., movies will be shown, taken by Major W. Yurgcnsen in East Africa, tress, assisted by Mrs. W. Way, Mrs. H. Paulsen, Worthy Mis- for the annual ns ' wv,t i r- tft--3(-j Deputy Mistress. The meeting NOTICE The Social Welfare Denmark, England and Canada. (lt concluded with refreshments Branch offices, formerly In the Court House will, as from Jan Date of the next regular meet Waist Overalls and Jeans Western Glove, Caribou, G. W.G. and Headlight. PAIR $3.25 t0 $3.95 Bib Overalls Western Glove, Headlight andG.W.G. PAIR $4.25, $4.35 and $4.50 Carpenteiw Overalls Western Glove and Headlight. PAIR " $4.75 and $5.15 Mill ft PtouJ 4 "Just two bunches of the broccoli you have on sale, Mr. Smith, that's all." The annual general meeting! ing is January 27. uary 15, 1949, occupy Rooms 6 and 8, upstairs In the Stone Block, located at Third Avenue of the Prince Rupert Fishing Vessel Owners Mutual Protective Fund will be held In the com ARMSTRONG, B.C. Share t reject patients. No participating HEALTH INSURANCE (Continued from Page 1) holders of the Armstrong Co and Fifth Street. hospital would be subject to Announcements All dvnrtuwtifMia mi tnui column will be charged for a t ill month at as ccnu a wurd mon lounge, Civic Centre Sunday operative Society have decided government control. January 16th at 2:30 p.m. All 4. The Insurance fund, not the patient, would pay "fair and to replace their present quarters with a modern department store. They voted to authorize a bond issue not to exceed $100,000 at four percent. members please attend. '12) Northlanu Dairy is contacting all inquiries as soon as pos adequate" fees to participating 1 A local man received a letter this morning, bearing his name, and addressed to Prince Albert, British Columbia. It had been mailed at Larned, Kansas. NOTICE From January 10 to Jan. 22, the Pioneer Canadian doctors and dentists. It would give Insured persons free choice of doctors, plus "local grass-roots administration and full use of voluntary plans providing ncdical services." OLD-AGE INSURANCE The same group also is sponsoring an extension of federal . Bridge Party, Civic Centre, Fri. Jan. 21, 8 p.m. Booth P.T.A. tea and musical, Thursday, Januiiry 27. . Burns Banquet, Presbyterian Church Hall, Thurs. Jan. 27. sible. If you wish tickets for Northland Dairy products phone Oscar Ewing, federal security administrator, whose main job 18 and U salesman will call or Is national health, favors a pay-J Civic Centre tickets may be obtained at Laundries offer you $2.50 worth roll-deduction plan starting at Sheardowiis". (12) Salvation Army Native Girls Hostel Birthday Tea and Home of dry cleaning for $2.00. Any old-age insurance to another one-haif of one percent on the thing over $2.50, 20 off. Water earn Tm,,...n.1uni..nn- 25,000,000 persons and a doubt Cooking Sale, January 27, 3-0. Dates Sports e'rs offer 20 discount on all dry-cleaning orders of $2.50 and Cribbagc, Whist, Bridge at Cath olic School Hall, Jan. 27, 8 p.m. Mr. Truman said now avciagot $25 a month. Dingell and the three senators proofing and moth proofing at a small extra charge. (12) ANNETTE MANSELL'S January Clearance of Dresses. 75 Dresses to clear at 2 for the first $4,800 of annual income, rising to three percent for top-bracket employees. Employer and employee would pay equal shares. Ewing would administer any health scheme. It' presumably would not go into operation for several years, until a suffi The Shrine Club Band will over. Time Jan. 10 to Jan. 22. Don't miss this chance to get -City Rep Basketball A.M. 11:00- P.M. Coveralls Western Glove, Hickory 86.50 eM Caribou flEJ A A Blue Denim VW.VV Suit Headlight &7 OS Blue Drill V Suit Painters Overalls and Smocks Western Glove Make ea rys P.itJ Garment Work Shirts Priced from " , hold a concert at the Civic 'icLuxe $41.95 said in a statement that their $2.50 value for $2.00. Call 283 Centre January 31 health bill will include these and our driver will call and deliver dally. 13i price of 1. You buy one and get one free. This season's dresses, Team. -Adult Club Badminton. Special -Fishing Vessel Owners. points: 1. Employed persons, self Cambrai Chapter I. O. D. E. Valentine Tea and Home Cooking Feb. 10. cient tuna had rjcen newest styles and fabrics. Clearing all winter coats at 25 off. Call early for a better selection The United Church Valentine Tea at the home of Mrs. A. J. at 525 3rd Ave. West. (tf) PROFITABLE HOBBY RE G 1 N A (P Through! a daughter in Philadelphia, a local employed persons and their dependents would be eligible. 2. Insured persons would be entitled to medical and dental service from general practitioners and specialists, home nurs- i Dominate. Feb. 17. The United Church Spring Sale, Muy 5. resident corresponded with ar CI wf-toi . , , (African prince wiio wished $3.95 t?JL. I tf AIR HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Datc Cafe in the City Open from 8 p.m. lo 4 a.m. pxchango souvenirs. The prince 1 and hospital care, laboratory listed the trifles he was collect-1 services; X-rays, expensive pre Opposite scribed medicines, eye - glasses I ing, ornaments shirts and ANNE'S Health Unit 104 To Vancouver R. L. McLean,' money. and appliances su".h as artiifi-cial limbs. 3. Every qualified doctor, dentist, nurse and hospital would be guaranteed the right to partici HOME-MADE CANDY Phone HLUK 3S9 210 FOURTH STREET a. kivch, J. u. Anderson. To .Sandspit P. Powers. From Vancouver V. Grant. From Sandspit L. W. Wc Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 1MIONE 31 Advertise In the Dally News! Classified Ads Bring Results! Street i !' "(Sen. j pate or not, and to accept or ! . i V- f iiiitimiiniriHiSiimimifNiNitiitHnmmmmiHiiMiMitiHH 0 HALF OF OUR PRESENT STOCK MUST BE SOLD, REGARDLESS OF COST ... To Make Way For Completely New Lines ... MENS WA TC11ES LADIES' WATCHES Ediuums m A REAL SPECIAL 49C and up Rings REGULAR $15 to $31.25 NOW $8 to $15 AND TAX Men s i I REGULAR , $16 to $22.50 NOW S10 to $15 TLUS TAX Odd Pieces of Silver, China Etc. REGULAR $2.50 to $6 now $i.5o ' AND TAX REGULAR $31.25 to $46 now S20 PLUS TAX ALL OTHERS LESS 25',:; WE PAY THE TAX . All Pins, Pearls, Pendants 25 OFF WE PAY THE TAX MANTEL CLOCKS Sl'ECIAL 25 and 33 OFF ALL OTHER WATCHES LESS 25' f WE P.AY THE TAX RONSON'S LIGHTERS REGULAR $6.65 and $8.85 NOW S5.50 and $7.50 - UMBRELLAS REGULAR $5.95 NOW $4.50 GLAMOR PINS REGULAR $2.50 to $6 I NOW 80c I AND TAX Tl4IUf CLOCKS 'IUGULAR $2.65 - NOW $1.95 25 OFF ALL DIAMOND AND WEDDINGS RINGS 4 14 f Everything At a DISCOUNT - If Not Marked or Displayed, Ask A Clerk . . . "Your Friendly Jeweller" T DELAY! Ltr REALLY PAY ) . jY AT THESE PRICES i mi tiiiiii)iiiMiMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiilltlilMllinillllll11IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII!llllll 111 IIIIIIH I 1