Olb (M.1ES DRUGS Daily Delivery PHONE 81 CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." v VOL. XXXVIII, No. 12. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, l'J4U PRICE FIVE CENTS OS ways Kpiress I Fish & fa i - C fl'-n :.' 'Tn ijr mi M v-.Jv W -On - Kates ! Move Seen as Blow to Industry am I r -.. DREW HITS AT SOCIALISM CALGARY Canadians must do "everything in their power to ftiauie that the stifling of Socialism does not come to Canada," George Drew, national leader of the Progressive-Conservative party said in an ad On Both East and West Coasts Tariff Is Increased By Forty Percent On Express Shipments OTTAWA (CP) The Canadian railways today FISH PROBLEMS Canadian fishing industry problems and their solution were discussed in-Ottawa this week at a conference or the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Experts from all over Canada attended. Shown here are several members of the board, left to right: Dr. R. E. FvXrstti', director of Uie Pacific biulokctl oLtUuii at Naiinimo; Dr. A. G. IlunUiitau of Toronto, consulting director of the board; Dr. G.'B Reed of Kingston, board chairman; and Dr. Neil Carter, director of the Vancouver experimental station. (CP Photo) j served notice that they are increasing express rates HEALTH INSURANCE IS GIVEN HIGH PLACE IN TRUMAN POLICY THE WEATHER Synopsis Cloudy skies over the interior of British Columbia are expected to clear during the day. Snow which was still falling over the southeastern corner of the prov on fish by amounts ranging up to 40 percent. 1 he higher toils have been filed with the Board of Transport commissioners and will "affect several million pounds annually of fresh and frozen fish moving from points on the west and dress here last night. Shaking to 1,500 at ,n public meeting, lie made a spirited appeal for support of his party and urged his listeners to take "vigorous political action" to QN' RAMPAGE Swollen by Inc combination of three vy rain and melting snow and ice, the Passlac river ml wild through the falls at Little Falls, N.J. Rivers upstate New York, New Jersey and New England ;their banks, isolating hundreds of communities and Jlions of dollars of property damage. By GEORGE RONALD Canadian Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON High on Presi east coasts. ince at daybreak this morning is LABOR PAPER GOES WEEKLY will be u blow The increase expected to end by noon. Clear dent Truman's long list of social security proposals which at Prince Rupert fishermen, skies over the southern coastal safguard their economic and democratic freedom." Mr. Drew stopped here after a visit to Vancouver earlier this week. regions are expected to give way have brought cries of "state socialism" from the opposition CLACK BAY, N.S.Thc Glace whose products are moved al-Bay Gazette lias changed from a mosi exclusively to central and daily to weekly paper, because eim, markets by rail. IRMEN AND GERMANS HAIL 1 ROLE IN BERLIN AIRLIFT to increased cloudiness tomor . m "Of row as a flow of relatively warm is a national health insurance plan. and moist Pacific air establishes itself over the district. I Dealers here feel that it probably will result in a reduction in '.the consumption of their The opposition, it is believed, of the increasing costs of production. The Gazette was Canada's only dally Labor paper. Growing financial troubles, and need ol new equipment made the daily Held prohibitive. Nine-Month Surplus will be led by the American Medical Association, though products, since the boost will Forecast Queen Cahrlottes and North have to be carried through to Coast Overcast today and Sun Canada Has Food To Give Britain OTTAWA - British officialdom still seems obsessed with the Idea many individual doctors are expected to support the- Tru consumers. 'J-.ls flying the sup-in .IJerlln are asking V their part in the jift in history should (C widely recognized, (j I to date is a proud n noon of June 28, "i food -carrying DC-hun Wuiisdoi f In the day. Fog patches forming over man administration. The increase will mainly affect the summer fresh fish shipments night and persisting through Sunday. Occasional ligh tdrlzzle Shortly atfer Truman's stat- ChurchiJls Pay Windsors Visit from tills port, since they arc of-the-union speech, January 5, Set $600 Million I OTTAWA -Canada's budgetary surplus for the first nine months of the current fiscal year was set at $0()!,94'J,(i!)8 by the Federal Department of Finance last night. Revenues for (he period from last April 1 to December 31 amounted to $1,-950.208,47!) and expenditures were eany Sunday. Winds light today and southerly (20) Sunday. Little usually consigned via express, a group of Democratic congress i while frozen fish usually goes change In temperature. Low to that Canada is unable to provide the United Kingdom with as much fixjd as they need, the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. J. O. Gardiner, told a press conference here, on Ids return from the United Kingdom. men set the stage for a new legislative battle by describing by fast freight. night and, high Sunday at Port CANNKS - Winnlnn Clmrehill and Mis. Churchill and their daughter, Sarah, are spending three weeks on the Riviera, the gii'f-sls of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. I Cost of a carload shipment to e, and noon Dec. 1(1. j . .'one and Hiitlsh civil I aii era ft flew 32.382 i iverbig Hlli7!,lfl() miles! iiij i;i!l.2l!ii tons of sup- j the health - scheme proposals tkiil ji- Mvi tu. XtMi i Miirm iff. td KIDNAPPED ENGRAVER Ernest W. Conduit, former Toronto enslaver, whq said he was Hardy, Massett and Prince Rupert, 35 and 42, Chicago from Prince Rupert they will urge. "Our health is far behind the progress of medical science," I will increase from about $1,200 to ubout $1,700 under the view I told them that other coun $l,34l,2:i8.780. I kept chained live days in a tries had let them down, and that tariff. Current express rati: Vancouver house by a gang of Canada had not." the-presldent said. "Proper medical care is so expencive that it are 4,! cents a pound and the counterfeiters who sought to TODAY'S STOCKS have hint make engravings for pounds. bogus currency. Conduit, CG I' Vuii tr y , ! ,Muist"tl Cu. Mil. I twill- "That's pretty sleep," de- was shackled to a bed four days ! dared one fish company opera t the former German! ':;.mi's are only a third ;"r:ti--iu tol d hu'.. l,akin:,t mini. the vat dilference ices of the two countries, iresenl a maximum ef- ('APWITV SMAI.I.Mt as the British are still large number of twlu-airerall with oidy V2- iciiv, the Americans arc licatlie then chained to a metal box in the basement of the house. (C P. Photol KEEP CLEAR OF DOCTORS F.xerpl When Itrally III, Irqrs Itrilish Medico tor here. "When it is passed along to the consumer it may mean a reduction in the amount of flsli sold." This opinion was supported by Bevcourt , 27 Jiob.io 13 Buffalo Canadian ...... .17 Consul. Smelters 117.00 t:; out Of tti'c jeticn ol Hie'' great majority, of our citizen.;. The present coverage of the social security laws is altogether inadequate, and benefit payments are too low. We need and we must have without further delaya system of prepaid medical insurance which will enable every American to afford good medical care." The congressional group Representative John D. DingeU ot Michigan and Senators James Murray of Montana. Robert F. Wnyner 'of Npw Vnrlc miH .T LOa ANGLLbS - So long as a S. M. Rosembcrg, vice-president I dent of the Canadian Fishing I man feels in good health, he should not go near a physician. That's what Dr. James F. Bralls- Co. at Vancouver. He suid last j night that the Increase would' Vancouver Bayonne Bralorne 9.00 B. It.. Con. 02 li B. R. X I'ii Cariboo Quartz 143 Congress i Medley Mascot 4'J Pen dOreille . 5 r0 Pioneer . 3.1)0 Premier Border .04 Privateer 21 Reeves McDonald 3.04 Reno 07 , Sheep Creek 1 Silbak Premier .40 Taku River 33 Vananda 411 Salmon Gold .IS'z Spud Valley 00 Oils- iord, noted British medical manj says. I mean a boost m the price oi fish and mean heavy losses to the British Columbia fishing in dustry because price-conscious IIoward Mc0rath of Rhole ly mr-em;ined Skyrnasters, i wble of carrying 10 tons. ; !i;;t vf r.ilts sent, Ui Bril-s U'Us plainly of the ap-ii of I he C e r m a n s ves for "Operation Plain s the British part or the is oflicially known, un: like an nnlitie shop iy, the list includes hanil-imber prayer beads, Miu ' vases, carved jade, Ro-porci-ldin and chinaware, silver, paintings, jewel HEALTH UHIT NAMES OFFICERS Annual meeting of the Prince Rupert and District Union Board of Health was held Friday in the Health Unit office. Members present includeed A. S. Nicker-son, retiring Chairman; Aldermen W. F. Stone, W. J. McLean and J. N. Forman; and Mrs. E. W. Becker, representing the Prince Rupert School Board Officers elected were Alderman J. N. Forman, Chairman; Miss C. Balagno, Treasurer; and Miss J. Leslie, Senior Public Heftlth Nurse Secretary, pending the appointment of a full-time Medical Director for the Unit. Treasurer's Report showed a balance on January 1, 1949, of $734.' Expenditures during the year included $102.50 for signs' for the Clinic building and constructing a shelter beside the building for baby buggies-, also $2.50 for membership in the Prince Rupert Film Council. Miss Leslie reported upon a meeting of Senior Public Health Nurses, held recently in Victoria to acquaint field staffs with new developments in the provincial health program. Federal grants, over and above normal provincial 142 .57 ',2 .70 3.30 5.40 .55 .20 .0!) .11 .29 04 'z .45 .07 .10 .93 .14 2.G8 .44 Con west. .: Donalda Kldona Fast Sullivan .; Giant Yellowknife God's Lake llardrock Harricana .-. lleva 1 Iosco Jacknife Joliel Quebec Lake Rowan Lapaska I.itllc Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red I,ake .. McKen.ie Red Lake consumers woidd rebel at higher land said their legislation will benefit 125,000,000 persons 85 percent of the population. Continued on Page 3 C.P.R. EXPECTS BIG INCOME OTTAWA P Income of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. is expected to jump $36,000,000 this year over 1948 without any increase in rates, the company today told the Board of Transport' Commissioners. A C.P.R. estimate of 1949 revenue from rail operations under present rates figures placed it at $391,532,000, but the company said the figure is very optimistic and could decline with a business recession. . Because of the danger of a slackening of business, a' company spokesman said, it Is unlikely that the company would go over the 1918 estimate without a new rate increase. He is founder of the British Radiological Association and holds' to the view that periodic medical examinations for tuberculosis and cancer do more harm than good. "People should go to a doctor when symptoms develop," he declared, ' but stay away when they feel well and fit. If people seek advice when they feel sick and nut worry when they feel well, prices. , West coast fish is now being shipped as far east as Montreal. No estimate was placed on the amount that the increase would boost British Columbia fit;h, but Ruiid M. Anllieson, manager of the Maritime Transportation Coiimdsslou, estimated that It would Increase shipping costs for cast coast shippers by more 4.75 .24 Anglo Canadian A. P. Con VAST FUTURE FOR CANADA IS SEEN NEW YORK ff Finance Minister Abbott said last night that l end Cockshutt. 1.10 Ian tic , ou mi 48 Moncta 48 G.30 Negus , 2.33 rives, money and time will be, saved. Mass examinations of persons without symptoms in Calmont C. & E. Central l.educ Inffed dolls, and assorted 1 lues (it every conceivable! '.me inid color. ' otJTs it 1 1 r it m i ccpt, inexpensive Rifts like arc j-c turned with a note iks to Hie donor, but, the Is of Berlin's western scent the western zones of ny continue to send pres-wy day in increasing than $100,000 a year. Home Oil I cancer clinics arc of doubtful value. l.:: Noranda a'Vz 13.00 I.ouvlcourt 44 13 Vi Pickle Crow 2.20 1.50 ItCM.eonrt .07 2.95 San Antonio 3.95 39 Senator Rouyn 44 ' Wi SliciTlt Gordon 2.43 .21 Mercury .. " Ok alia Pacific Pete Prncesss Royal Canadian LOCAL TIDES Sunday, January 10, 194!) Board for a It has asked the 20 per cent boost. Canada "by discovering vast supplies of important raw ma-i lerials, is on the threshold of further tremendous expansion of production and economic power."! In a speech prepared for delivery at the annual luncheon of the Women's Canadian Club in New York, he said that this economic power would lead "to Dr. Brailsford's home is In Birmingham, Knglaml, and he is making a tour of U.S. medical centres. lie mentioned that even X-ray experts make mistakes. Careless diagnosis, he said, either gives a sense of false security or creates worry, without reason. High South Bra.eau 20.4 iect 22.9 feet 7.0 feet 1.0 feet Steep Kock 1DO .. 11:20 .Slunieon River .18 Low 8:20 Toronto Atliona n I on-r.r. 1i :. silver Miicll' .61 Aumaquc xp'es, her appreciatoln, a ;'i Knl recently sent a Jiooch which had been a heirloom. An aecompany-'tc explained that it was l,V valuable she possessed ''Please give this to lb" air lirt pilots., They 'it think we are ungrateful tt th' y are doing for us.'' r letters are longer. Rome. wUivi In illegible English. TERRACE BOARD ELECTS OFFICERS TERRACE Dudley Little was elected president of the Terrace Board of Trade at the annual meeting held Friday night. C.J. Norrington was elected vice-president, James Stevenson, secretary and Harry Phillips, IS SECRETARY TO MINISTER strengthening of our trading position with the United States." He said that the importaut discoveries were ''iron ore in northern Quebec and Labrador, uranium in the northwest, oil in Alberta and titlniferous ore in Quebec." expenditures, have made it possible to expand present services, add new ones, provide postgraduate instruction for members of the staff, and conduct field and laboratory research. ,Short-term and long-term projects are being embarked upon which should result in greatly improved health services for the people of British Columbia. While in Victoria, Miss Leslie conferred with Doctor J. A. Taylor, director of local health Services; Miss M. Frith, Director of Public Health Nursing; and Mr. R. Bowerlng, director of Division of Environment Sanitation. Policies for the Prince Rupert and District Health Unit were dis- to an announce According ment Just , made in Ottawa, Arthur H.Sager, of Hazellon, has been appointed private sec-i-etiiiv to the Federal Minister !'.-V .' r " ( Jr . I ne piMfect examples of Mang. But, whether ic v.-) ii ten in German or In FINE POINT IN DENTISTRY I a- y all say practically i'mej thine -"ic.h danke PHILADELPHIA The Penusyl- j Newfie's Money, vania Supreme Court rules that T Ii?-mnpar of Fisheries, Hon. Robert May-hew. Mr. Sager, who formerly was in charge of Public Relations ut the University of British Columbia, was a Spitfire 1-Hlliank you." I 'iri'S !Mi:it;i;i j K itisli air lift effort is, ., i j "jurors cannot be required to , , , , i r i.. 1 I A T 1 L' A "ST Al,i,M Mut'fllllHl oecK.e wnai, amount oi mice is, . ' T i cussed and an itinerary worked neeessHi'v to px tract a tooth", land's entry into the Canadian: . . . ..... of the '-iiized by United States pilot in the Great War and won ry Government, us was the D.F.C. At the time of his out whereby outlying parts Marie T. Blerstehi charged Dr. Confederation becomes final Franklin Whitman had frac-j Newfoundland's currency will tured her iaw while extracting disappear. The twenty - cent discharge he held the rank ot Squadron Leader. I nim'i mhieli look ko niucli like two teeth and sought damages i jsl l; when "Opera ton s'1 Aid "Operation Plain i merged futo a unified F-.",AI'' command known as frined Air Lift Task ; ' fnled Slates MaJ. Gen-;w inned uu pUge g, ! Canadian quarters that they "The degree of force," said the ut iiart iii 1 often' oass unwittingly will no Freeze to Death On " Shanghai Streets the technique of extracting j be seen again, greatly no doubt, to the relief of eastern uanacta. district might be visited more regularly. It is hoped that during the next year, every outlying school in the area extending up the Portland Canal and across to the Queen Charlotte Islands and Inland as far as Houston, will be visited at least once. Regular monthly or weekly visits are already belnj made to all readily accessible areas; It Is hoped that now, a limited amount of service can be provided to even the most isolated parts. I x . ' I teeth.'' 'This is developed only after study and experience. Negligence may not be Inter-ferred by laymen, merely because the jaw was found to be fractured. A jaw could be broken even if there was no sketball REUTHER VISITS CANADA Walter Reuther, president of the united Automomie wuiia. members t, a policy session in Windsor -onferred with the 15 Canadian U.A.W.-C.II. region "0ov Mr Reuther. his arm still in a cast as a result of an attack on his life last summer, i SHANGHAI - in mree u.o following Christmas, when a cold wave was experienced, no fewer than 311 bodies were picked up on the streets of Shanghai. All had died from exposure. Of the 311. 285 were chlldrenn. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Vancouver 2, Seattle 1. Oakland 3, Los Angeles 1. )NIGHT . . Tm 0mitv, f st rntharinps He ft i and Georae Burt of Windsor, Canadian re- lack of care and skill." ls snown wiui joui - - . ph0(,0) pWNWOODS vs. CO-OP gionai aiieciui vi me uuui.