TEGGY CIMM, TODAY at 4:35 - 6:55 - 9:00 p m Idtliut Rupert Dail? ntos Saturday, January 13, 1319 ( I HAS. ( Oil! l,v, " Waterfront Whiffs GREEN GRASS OF WYOMING SUNDAY MIDNITE ONI r if il Lt t,k owhi, BOYS in 'Split' I lalibut Season Is Recommend to Commission Northern Herring Run May Be Starting Herring Trawl Licenses Issued RICHARD DENNINU FRANCES RAFFKRTY in "LADY AT MIDNKIIIT IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN! WALLACE'S After Xmmas SALE! STARTING MONDAY FDWAHI) . ROBINSON UAH, HI SSI 1 1, In West coast fishermen may have found a, solution to the iroblem of the shortening halibut season which last year allowed them only a month's fishing before the 25,0(M),0(X)-iound Area Two quoia was caught. This matter ranked high on the agenda of discussion at the meeting between the International ITS THE TALK OF THE TOWN! "NIGHT HAS 1000 EYES" A WlEItD TALE OF f m n son be "split" in to two parts. The fishermen recommend I .... . rKEVISlON Fisheries Commission and members of the industry at Seattle, on Wednesday and Thursday. The shortening season, caused by the large increase in the number of boats on the grounds and more efficient fishing methods has been the inspiration of real concern in the industry. V. S. AIRMEN (Continued from Page 1) Steamship Moved .spirit of camaraderie exists in messes whore the two services meet in off-duty hours. While Royal Air Force pilots declined to comment on their work, the fcclni;;s of American pilots were summed ui by Capt. Henry P. Robinson of Victoria. Texas. ' The British are doing a splendid job," he said. "Considering the difference betwtm their material and ours, they are doing more than their share." Fur Vancouvei Sunday ss Coquitlam Tuesday ss. Caiii.j.,un p.m. Thursday ss. Vium 11:15 p.m. rial William H. Turner is in command with RAF Air Commodore J. W. F. Merer as deputy commander. Above all, the British effort is appreciated by United States pilots themselves. That same spirit of competition which was born at bomber and fighter stations in England during the war Is as keen as ever today, and the same )Y D. V Aim-rii'' ion ui t While delegates to the convention differed in their approach to the matter, they arrived at what appears to be an effective compromise prior to the meeting and presented a reasonable proposal to the Commission. This proposal Is that the sea- 11:00 Weather and Sign Off MONDAI--A.M. 7:00 Musical clock 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC New? U: 15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News & Comty. 9:15 Morninj Devotlona 9:30 Morning Concert , 9:59 Time Signal WINTER IN THE WEST Thirty below In Saskatoon and not a breath cf wind enabled the photographer to record this bit of western winter sconic beauty. The column of smoke pouring from the silhouetted building is a real criterion of the end of the day with the mercury "way below.',' (CP Photoi U'IU'" ' that instead of having intensive fishing start May 1 and continue until the quotas of catches are reached, the season be split and an intermediate closed period be ordered by the Commission. They recommend that after a quota of from eight to 15 million pounds of halibut are taken, the banks be closed until June 1 This would spread out the season and prevent concentration of the period Into approximately 30 days as has been the case for the last few years. Quotas for the main halibut areas, set by the Commission, were announced as: Area Two, extending from Wilhalla Harbor to Cape Spencer, Alaska, 25,500,-000 pounds Area Three, extending north from Cape Spencer to the Aleutian Islands, -28,00,000 pounds. .imcd hU ss. f Feb. 5 and 20 Norah, a.m. From Yamuurer .re succei 7:00-Saturday Night Serenade Sunday-ss. Ca l'lMIII.:l i Radio Dial Wednesday ss Prince i n ru CFPR 1240 Kilocycles 10 a.m. (subject to Change) Friday-ss.. Coquillam, January 15 and 29 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Mciodiss 11:00 Musical Varieties 11:15 Songs of Yesterday. 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Inter.' ude 11:45 Famous Voices f.M. 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25-Program Rc&umc 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast " ' I -r 1 1 ?F, xj M A U S ALA 4 P W 1 if vS-Hy- - 7 MAI 110! I i. I ni ion " 1 CnlUIIH rt Jinn' Swill iy tli---' nil Vii'lni I)'1 cess Norah, a.m. For Alice Arm and Sit, Sunday ss. Cardena, l; From Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday-ss. Caiiiiwin. From Ocean Falls Wcdnssday- ss. Prince 10 a.m. Wednesday ss. Prince January 15 and 29 -ss. I SATURDAY P.M. 4:30 Here's to Romance 5:00 Singing String's 5:15 Announcer's Choice , 5:30 Top Bands 5:45 Sports College 6:00 CBC NEWS 0:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Latin American Rhythm 6:30 Good Music by Goodmaii 0:45 Perry Como 7:30--Organ Music 8:00-Alberta Ranch House 8:30-Date With Music 8:45 Dancing Time 9:00-Chamber Music 9:30 -Pacific Pianoforte 10:00 CBC NEWS 10:10 CBC News 10:15- Selling Abroad 10:30 Dal Richards Orel) 11:00 Wcuther and Sign Off. SUNDAY A.M. 8:30-Sunday Recital 9:0O-BBC News ant$ Couunentary 9:15 Memo From Lake Success 9:59 Time Signal 10:00-B.C. Gardener Members of the International Halibut Commission sitting in Seattle consist of G. W. Nick-erson of Prince Rupert, chairman; Dr. Stewart Bates of Ottwa, deputy minister of fish-cries; A. J. Whitmorc, chief supervisor of fisheries for British Norah, a.m. For ror Oeran Oeran Fafl: 12:55 Recorded Interlude fisheries, and bringing a better quality of fish and fish by products to consumers, in both Columbia; Milton C. James of Washington, DC., assistant dir- domestic and export markets. 10:15 Just Mary, Tor. ui uic u.o. risn ana wna. There are fifteen members of 1 10:30 Wav of the SDlrit , Prm,, 1 Thursday Ihursday-ss. ss. Prime Prince 11:15 11:15 p p.m. in, January January 5 5 and and 20 20 -s.s. i . ,,., NOrUh' Norah, p.m. 3'm- I'.dviMt i .it n ti ijVIISlIri I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wi fl vi iiir ") ASTHMA Mi'i ) AND HAY FEVEI S M J I Id. Vmiennn-r. 1 y ni(: me bervicc, and E. W. Allen of-the Board. Their quests carry SealUe. Representatives of the UlP11, allc, d()WI1 lhc cousta, ll:00-CBC News 1 1 :03 Capitol Reports Ott. 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernic Bradcn Tells a Story 1:45 Commentary and Talk Club Clinic 2:00 .Feature Conceit 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:00 - Ethel and Albert 3:15 A Woman's View Point 3:30 -Divertimento 3:45 BBC News waters on both coasts and as 11:30 Religious Period. Tor. ii.Mii'iini'ii ana vessel owners are also picsenl. far north as Ungava Bay at the 12:00 -N.Y. Philharmonic Orch. A new safety device for lost fishermen has been invented in Halifax. It sends nut enliance of Hudson Bay. It was the Hoard's biological staff which uncovered a profitable inland fishing area in Great Slave Lake. nJw 4 fV1 - Vi radio signals which can be picked up by radio-direction finder equipment. The device is for uso in small'dorles. In thick weather, or during storms fishermen hesi A five-year Skeena River salmon investigation was completed during the fall of 1948. tate to leave their ships, for fear 1 where research was also con-in the investigation of they may not be able to make tinned 9:30 -Harmony Harbour, Hlfx. 1:30-Church of the Air 2:00 -Musical Program 2:30 -Vancouver Symphony Orch. 3:25 - CBC News 3:27 -Weather Forecast 3:30 - Songs & Singers 4:00 -Week -End Review 4:15-Jolm Fisher, 4:30 Strings for Sunday 5:00 -Record Album 5:30 -Musical Program 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs, Tor. 6:30 Familiar Music, 7:00 -Stage 49 8:00 Musical Program 8:30 -Critically Speaking . 9:00 Classics lor Today 9:30-Vesper Hour 10:00-CBC News 10:15-Canadian Statues 10:30 Prelude to Midnight their way back. The small radios are about 18 by 12 Inches and are inexpensive. I herring trawling and pilchards, which had dropped from a $2,000,000 a year industry in MARK ANNIVERSARY A brass plaque, unveiled in the Whig-Standard building, Kingston commemorates the 100th anniversary of daily paper publication in that Ontario city. The ceremony was attended by descendants of the founder of the D-iiiy British Whig and representatives of its -successor, The Whig-Standard. Photographed standing beneath the plaque, left to right, are: Fred B. Pense of the present staff of the paper, Miss Edith Pcnse, Harry E. Pense, Mrs. Bruce' Hopkins, all great grandchildren of Dr. Edward Barker, the founder; Senator W. Rupert Davies, publisher of the Whig-Standard; Lt.-Col. Court'andt M. Strange of the Kingston Historical Society; and Edwin E. Horsey, oldest surviving member of the staff of the British Whig. (CP Photo) '1945 to almost nothing in 1918. The annual conference of The United States pilchard Canada's Fisheries Research catch has also suffered severe-Board, a government-sponsored I lv f'm some unexplained cause, scientific body, assembled here The reason is also being sought seek later methods of improving ! by the Board's scientists. By CHICK YOUNG -The Woman of the Hour. BLONDIE . : , ,f,:y;,v THIS AND THAT Vl" St. i v.ii! WIU sv ,,1,1 , '.r crA "v'' JzL yjA. A -I- ' 0VrSCOCli.Cjy i11 ' rr- 1 Hun 'h4.rnK Mrtlhrw ,lm' Vimr I" 1 . , ' ' - I ll I ) )V "From the looks of it, I'd say you need more than .!".'r just a refresher course." ij; j, IF Business hasn't been very brisk for the herring licet so lar this year but with the coining of milder weather chances look better. The first catch reported for this area since Christmas came from Boody Passage in the Bardswcll Group near Milbank Sound where two boats brought in GO tons. It is not known whethere the herrings raughi. arc migratory or local but the area they were taken from Indicates that they might be ir is 1'luinulng or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 271 Three herrii.' Irawl permits have been issued here for Hecate Straits. As far as the north coast is concerned this is a new method ' of catching herring and the re REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Income Tax Returns Prepared sults are likely to prove of considerable interest to those engaged in the Herring fisheries. Z ' pn" " BPT I VJMU WANTS J ' , H i' ' ' ME OJ THE , f J " f ' v PWONE, N SOME GIRL , - 1 C , ' - ; nf - R ' Mi ? ffi ipiiijijlillii1' ' r, ip?p?n i.jjf I : 1 rap i'm chilly- (good ' . '"C n idea-- - r- I THINK I'LL STAPT 1 S I'LL HELP (V ' i 1 $.' . . WHEN VOURE 1 , A PIPE IN THE rf YOU V I. i . t- V" ,.'-- fl fi-EACV ROP it J J(S . s;tJ n$J "1 FIREPLACE - iUFES r ' s - ? h i $k &tcZ-& A MATCH r- . ' , CPS S TUB rt J J - fl 1 ivV ' J (TWE BMt OF SCftP fl 1 rtWf (STARtS vELU'JG 3 I 7 ISTTO MV vriiw H hit TO SUIT EVERY NEEL1 f CAMERAS IIUCI'I, s;l I. Terr; 'J; there 'j with 5" Mrs Advertise In the Daiiy News! K. K. 324 2nd MORTIMKIt Ave. (Near CFPR I Baby Brownie Special . Brownie Target Slx-20 Brownie Target Six-10 Kodak Duaflcx Camera Flash Attachment for Kodak Duaflcx "1 Kodak Vigilant Junior Six-2n Prince Rupert Florist 300 3rd Ave. 3ox 516 Tel. 777 Flowers loi All Occasions Kodak Vigilant Slx-20. 18.8 Lens Kodak Vigilant Slx-20, f8.3 Lens Kodak Vigilant Slx-20, f4.5 Lens Kodak 35 13.5 Len3 with Range Finder Flash Attachment for Above Four Cameras Argus 35 f3.5 Lens with Case and Flashgun .. Slot' II' p 51:1 IAKI I COTTAGE- CHKESK New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Wrath-all's Photo Finishing eT MC ( ''try I. If it's a Slicel JVletal Problem CALL BLACK 881 ..Troughs, ..Flashings, you name it we'll Eaves it. RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Mstlmzs of . 1 i BOATS FOR .SALE OR CHARTER savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. Bo 541 FJIASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT f -ilMMi BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND HSHINU l.li T THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. Phone BLACK 881 TRY-RUPERT MARINE REALTY v FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Libsett's. Waterfront) 1 1AV f tog I Box 548 ' Phone Green '