Mi i prince Rupert Daflp f3cto 4 .Saturday, January 15. 1949 5 1 LONGBOAT DEATH i J . 11 in ir 5 ? RECALLS FEATS OF Philpott, Evitt ! and Co. Ltd. Today en Sports FAMOUS RUNNER .A; II.- ,:.! - --V'VrV:.vvr---f..'!v:t-,'v 1 . TORONTO 7 The death cf ' I Tom Longboat, Canada's famous ; i long-distance runner of almost a I half-century ago brings many Can Supply You With BER Including Fir, Cedar, etc. JANUARY CLEARING MEN'S WORK BOOTS $8.50 Now S!.r0 . MEN'S ALL WOOL WORK PANTS $7.50 Now 55.50 MEN'S DRESS AND SEMI-DRESS PANTS 54.25 to $7.5 . MEN'S SOCKS for Dress and Work 45c ' BOY'S LONG PANTS , all sizes, from S2.75 BOY'S SPORT SHIRTS Sl.W LOORING In Fir or Hemlock memories to sportswrlters. ' Ivan (Hamilton Spectator) Miller relays this story about the 1 lanky Indian marathoner from Hamilton's well-known runner, Bobby Kerr. It was in Buffalo in the 17th B B Vr"? E A" -M T s YK JM E E M -ML . N S SIDING All Types SASH and DOOR 1 I Regiment Armory, back In 1909, and I believe. Longboat, a mara-, thoner, willingly agreed to run; a three-mile race against George Bonhag, one of the greatest all-Amerlean middle-distance men.' On the one side was Bonhag, trained to a fine finish and run- j ning a distance that was natural for him. ; Famous FOOTHILLS AMIERTA COAL in all sizes . phone est Fate and Father Time finally to their slump, they are taking it taught up with George Howe a bit hard. Poor free throw work and his league-leading Co-op wa9 their downfall in both their seniors in their last game recent losses with a percentage against Bo-Me-Hi Rainmaker cf somewhere around fifteen. IT WA8 NO PICNIC FOR 'MR. ZERO" The league-leading; Deroit Red Wings went on their wildest scoring spree of the National Hockey League season when they whipped the second-place Boston Bruin 10-2, In a recent encounter played at Detroit. It was a goal least for the Wings oil Goalie Frank Brml-sck, Boston's veteran ' Mr. Zero" (above), who turned back only 24 of the 34 shots fired at him while yielding 10 markers. It was the worst rout the lads from Bean Town have suffered all year. BOY'S LACE RVBBER BOOTS $1.95 BOY'S HELMETS all sizes, $1.25 Now 60c CHILDREN'S 2-PIECE SKI SOTS all wool. Regular $10 to $11 Nov? 56 LADIES' AND GIRLS' LNDERWEAR AT REAL REDUCTIONS "On the other was Tom, a niarathoaer, wearing old sneak- ' rs and iU-equlpped, apart from' his natural ability and determination, to run against a highly and today finds Don Titch, first Fashion Footwear, intermed towards , t ..... lpmlprs will meet, the string guard, looking that ole rockin' chair. uon uc- cream of that division at Port trained, experienced and out came entangled with a few arms gimDfi0n tonlaht. ! and legs of the student outftij standing star. 'However, the two started, and for every inch of the three miles they ran stride for stride. As i: iio per word per Insertion, minimum charge, soo. Birth Hotioea Cards of Thank. Ueath Notices, Funeral Notice. Marriage S and Engagement Announce menu : i ' SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE 4 Advertising is payable lu advance, Please refrain from telephoning and in the scramble came up ,ar , nsor8 of Brownwoods, with a rather painful knee n-; Wm jury mat. w in enu ins pivnig . , ataeet-U)etheranditmlshtbethey n eared the finish, eyes I i a. ii At .una .-.i-i -p nnA ' hi bulging, : 1 fT i r ct Rfiythn days. Mind you, Don never di FOR fcALt FOR UCNT i 1 , . . , t , I JU.SL Llie UI11C UJ UU biiuii pan turn kick about anything as small as, have a victory tQ taJk oyer Jn Bonhog tried in Tain to edge in front. Longboat hung on evenly, so close, they crashed into the tape in a dead heat." call at (12i VIE Heater, Meat Market. FOR RENT 2 room apartment 221 5th East. Phone Red 807 the course of the evening. a crooKea Knee dui. uuu gave Viiin hnf iMjn it those vtilunhte (10) ' .v... . t Harlem Globe Trotters are CANUCK FLOORS N.Y. LIGHTWEIGHT fUK ki.ni Binule sleeping! joints auu uiut ict uic wnij e,uvu jone he had left. He has bought! (himself a brand new auto to. still favorites to take the locals here January 24 and 25 by a slight hundred or so points but room i or quiet, man. reasonable. 224 5th West. H2) NEGRO PLAYER PUT ON SPOT 1 TV t 3 , -J. 1 make matters easier ana win , FOR RENT One tnree-nmm i il.E-Sntn-Drv Washer,' )nl condition, $50.00. ,4. City. tl2 E 3 cylinder" 52 II P. t Marine Diesel In txcel-)iulition, and complete' fiuft. propellor and aux-1 fiiKiiie, l.ld priced very Bible for cash. Bytown Ik; Works. (17) ATLANTA (F Jackie Robin NEW YORK P- L'll Arthur 1 King, of Toronto, 134'4-pound i British Empire lightweight champion, floored Willie Belter-man. 139 V. of New YorK, six! suite, nicelv furnished. Private bath. Phone Black 4iH). 14) FOR RENT-Sleeping Room 050 7th E. Phone Red 471. tf) when it is considered that we will be short .Fitch, Davis etc., they wont have so much to crow about. Vancouver papers mentioned son, Negro second baseman says he will play baseball for the now watch his buddies toil wlthi that old college try until they also decide the court is getting much too large. Tonight Brownwoods will attempt to gain a Victory, their t times while winning a imanl-' i ,E-New and Used Fur- Brooklyn Dodgers if they tell him to, despite opposition from the Ku Klux Klan. That was his reaction last this week that the Trotters will be out this way soon but they New British mtiia mou eight-round (lecixion last night. It was the twenly-thlrd victory In 24 fights for King. ' FOR RENT Front 2 room apartment. Private entrance. 221 5th East. (17) FOR RENT New fully modern New Cups and Saucers first over the fishmen, and they IaT A I I make no mention of any show 4 for ji a; wew mouse 1 eiiilt rln art TVflV Q i-a nlnvinir f j ings in Vancouver by the popu-! night after the Klan questioned New Bookcases. New their best ball since their entry t into senior ranks last season and with their youth, have a defin ,1- y t three roomed apartment, equipped wilh electric stove and retrUerator. Down town location. Relerences reaulred. Aoplv Room 3. Stone BuilfiinK, phone Red 593 durins offcie whether he and Dodger catcher Roy Campanula, also ft Negro, could legally play against the Atlanta Crackers of the South- lar negro quintette. It i3 hoped that the fifteen or sixteen hundred fans that will witness the show here will appreciate the ite advantage over their much Commodore Cafe si i Ranne.s New Harci-Miehtlv Used Radios, euhones. 3 piece Ches-1(1 Oil Burner Ranees, fa. all kinds of other use-tii lcs at low prices. DC. CO.. Black 324. JIURE au f E Lady's winter coat. .. Phone Red S)24. (12i older opppnents. In their last hours. ttf meeting with the Co-op, they were minus Jim Forman who HELP WASTED makes a great difference to their fact that they , will be in on j ern Association, nothing less than the top show. The Dodgers are scheduled to in the world in its line and a meet the Crackers here April 8. show that has been featured in 19 and 10 in exhibition games. Madison Square Garden and) other large centres in the U.S.A. I MEN READ THIS I OFFICE HELP required tor lo general effectiveness on the cal protect. uoiiKisunK oi tiz-couiitanls. Clerks, Timekeepers. Stenographers. Must be court. il.E Radio. Automatic d Chanuer and 30 re-,4 Guitar. Ennlish Pram, t nw. 613 3rd Ave. West i tf) experienced. Apply only to Before closing we might men- vivnx Pomade the amazing new I tlon that Sonny Beynon Is again discovery or the viva co. grows ! , , . , j : hnir and checks dandruff. Results a pappy auu iwjm P'"""wiU maze vou. After 5 vear of suc Savoys suffered a great loss this week When Joe Davis de-j cided to try the fishing banks again and latest reports are that Eddie Ciccone will also follow the sea lanes in the near future. The Box 477 Daily News, giving lull details in first Instance. UNITED FISHERMEN &AL-L1ED WORKERS UNION un-emploved members register for work at the tnlon Oil tee, ONE MAN SHOW Jesse Owens, 193G Berlin Olympics sprint star, who will be one of the added attractions to come here with the Harlem Globetrotters on January 24-25. His work at Ohio State University and the 1936 Olympics has made him probably the most famous sprint and jumping star of all time. Touring with the Trotters, he U giving exhibitions of his specialties demonstrating t starts and "hurdle-Jumping and other racing techniques. He will, if he can get a couple of hurdles, puj. on a real show for the fans. "MR. HANDS" Ted Strong, guard and playing coach of the Harlem Globetrotters, who will be here with the championship professional team on January 24-25. Six feet, three inches tali and weighing 215 pounds, Strong can handle a basketball like the average person handles an orange hi? hands have a 12-inch span, said to be the largest in the game. What he can do with a basketball on a court is unbelievable. In addition to his hoop prowess, he is one of the best hitters in Negro baseball, in which he plays right field in midwest pro leagues. these days. ART MURRAY cessful experiments by the manufacturer this sensational new discovery Is offered to you with the guarantee that it grows hair or .touble your money back. Complete COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" ; S AlF.- Boat Btnldina Shed, ;t wharf, all carpenter s. Blacksmith Shop and us, fccetvline Welding, Lum-r nd material as it stands, ccuent position for mach-i f,hoi). Sell cheap account leaving the country - O. .erg, P.O.. Massett. B.C. (ID' Best Pood and Service In City Metropole Han. Ollice hours: Tues. 7:00 p.m. -10:00 pm.; .. Fn. 7:00 pjn.-.10:UO pju. Sun. 2:00 pm. 4:00 p.m. i 15 hotelmen dropped their last two starts by a 'mere point, one to Brownwoods and the other to the High School ooys after taking a Advertise In the Dally News! Advertising Brings Results! treatment 3 postpaid. iC.O.D. Postage extra). K.IPKX PKOIUTTH (Tlept.- ID) Itox j. Mullon B, Montreal, Qae. v .. - (13, Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. Darid Chow, Mgr. MEN & WOMEN INTERVIEW nitr and win from the Co-op just previous used. Phone I SALE Two iles, never een 6ii0. 1 1 3 ERS to do occasional assign- ments for public opinion poll and marketing research -company. Senior Matriculation required. Air Mail details. at;e,' education, experience. GRU-i NEAU RESEARCH LIMITED,' 80 Richmond Street, West, DC 010 . SALE Cabinet treadle ivinu machine. Apply Suite Leeds Apts. Phone Black 4. . 1 10 i SAl.E-McClarv Raneette, most new, reasonable. Phone d 770. (15) BASKETBALL TIME-TABLE Toronto. tlti SALES HELP VaNTII) MALE CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block , Phone BLUE 442 for - Appointment IIOl'RS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ahd 2 to 5 p.m. ,' EVKNIXOH Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m. lot those unable to come during th( day. RECEPTIONIST In attend i. SALE-Cnenllit Bedspreads Rupert Hotel, Doms and Miller Bay, Bo-Me-Hi and Brown-woods,, High School and Fashion. January 24 Stone and Morgans. Globetrotter series. January 23 Merchants and Fashion, Globetrotters series. January 29 ' Rupert Hotel and Kinsmen, High School and Merchants.' Brownwoods and Savoy, Miller Bay and High School. turn New patented tool mul-! January 15-Kupert Hotel ana Hones man s strciikLth 3t times. N 1 ,h gtar stones and High 2-mmute demonstration sells D,,,,nH BrOWnWOOCtH and and Co- 1 H.nns I,, rn.lronrts trans- School. 4k t I i4 .99 ea. At wholesale price, rst quality beautiful Chen-es, cll tufted, in all colors, r double or single beds $4.99 "h. Full 90x100 spreads with '.et of flowers design, com- ports, public works snops. lac-! op Miller Bay and Peoples. 18North Star and ance afternoons. .t miliary toiies. electricians, police and highway ctepu.. farmers. Every Auto. bus. truck .or streetcar Kinsmen. Peoples and iwn School, Morgans and Merchant. Co-op and Savoy. Fcoruary 1 High School and -'.;.)$ covered with Chenille r CJ.08. Also Habitant hand-ooked rugs 18"x36," well sade, 3 for $4.00. These ar- North Star, Doms and Peoples, January 22 -High scnooi nnu snould carrv one. Light, compact, low priced. Look at earnings one month Maurice, $4500; Mc E Inane v. mown. Soatt, spare time. Grab your territory now or wish you had. Palcoseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall 4. Ont. (It) i Fashion1 and Stones, Bo-Me-Hi Tactic Hospital is perfectly bnma ihe finest ot ACT" 'COVKRNMtNr KH'OR nnd Co-op. cH'S retail at double the rice. Bent CO D. plus postage, "iney Immediately refunded February 5 North Star and Rupert Hotel, Peoples and Mil (Section a) Notice of Application 'r ' '"n Licence Notice Is hereby Klvcn thnt on the SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES : rQt satisfied. Handicraft ler Bay, Co-op and Brownwoods, istributors, , 25 Sherbrooke "SV-m the Morgans and High School. t. West. Montreal. Que. (S) British Empire Service 7 Ut-i,nr i Nlimoer CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS "v'v PREPARE NOW lor Winter .and Spring Examinations. Write M. C.C. School. 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. February 8 ' , Kinsmen ann High School. High School and Doins. Stones nad Merchants, K"l""-. : ' . " o,mi Board " 1 i C 'new mv&y m Vi', fffie ales A CS "W AVE A CASE I1AN0Y AT Alt. TIMES" for i Club Licence In respect of pre-mis,R situate at 312 Third Avenue Wt in the City of Prince Rupert u.xm lands described M Lot H'"her Block 20. Section t. Map number Si mL Rupert Lan,! K"'""" District, lu the Province, of B'" Columbia, to entitle each nicinbtr ,f .he said Club to keep on the pre- YOU' CAN RUN A HOME Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg. Manitoba. Rex Bowling Alloy Open to general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday ev-nlngs after 9 o'clock. Savviy and Bo-Me-Hi. February 12 Rupert' Hotel and High School, Morgans and Fashion, Brownwoods and Bo-Me-Hi, Miller Bay and Doms. February 15 Kinsmen and North Star, High School and Peoples, High School " and Stones, Savoy and Co-op. February 19-North Star and WO-BEDROOM house on h Ave. E Good view modern tcl en with nook, electric reiace. glassed-in porch. IVfi-RoOM bungalow, very 'ntral. hardwood floors, fire-iaoe.1, OUR-ROOM Wartime on 8th OUH-ROOM Wartime on 6th v, g Vl-ROOM Wartime on took. r or these and other house n"Mlns, call or plume ROB-I MONTADOR LTD. t (17) 1 mines reasonable quantity of ii-Uuor f.a- personal const. mptton " and entitling the Club the premises, 1 vendor honor from a WANTED High School, Peoples and Doms. WANTED USED ROOFING PAPER. As required for insulating purpo.st's, rew nail holes and small tears won't matter. Keply Box 38 or Phone 791. ( 16 ) and to sell by the rIbss the liquor ao purchased to Its member Kus tor consumption on the Club premises in accordance with the provisions of the "Government Liquor Art" and the reflations promul ' M E Brown Harris Tweed gated thereunder, nn.ed this Twenty-First day of -.at December. 1948 CANADIAN I.KOTON OF THF BRITISH EMPIRE RF.RVIC K 1'EAGUl (CO-AST - W ANTED Car catteries, car radiators, bruss and copper; navine eond n'lces See B i.,. F1J RNlTUi: ECO, Black 324. WANTED-Junk scrap Iron and Co-op and Bo-Me-Hi, Mcrcn-ants and Morgans. . February 22 Kinsmen and Rupert Hotel. High .School and Miller Bay, Fashion and High School, Savoy and Brownwoods. February 26 High School and Kinsmen, Fashion and Merchants, Bo-Me-Hi and Savoy, Doms and High School. PRINCE RUFKRi Brtn (20) BER 27 size 38-40. Phone Black .oj 03) 'JUICK SALE Cheap, 5-' electric Viklnu Caolnet ' 8 in good condition. Phone i 849 or call at 740 Fulton ,.Jl (13) ALE Local fresh eggs. Till Ave. West. Phone Blue . tl8) scrap steei. itiuuc w wTnTED " TCT RENT Light 1 ..knoiiincj mom near hos- a ore ened. Box 476 Daily IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In the Mailer ..f the M.ite nt (13) News. Classified advertising aiay A. e.na.i. " thiirle LIIV3ITED LOST AND FOUND brings results. Inteslale TAKE NOTICE that by Order of W. O. Fulton. WORK WANTED D.N'TANT Available-f till orx part time. Box 478, $ News. (12) 4 kevs on chain. Aoply Box 771. City. ,.ho ihe inth dav of January. AD T.ANn REGISTRY ACT LOST P.O. Re: Certificate of Title No. 25731-1 l4t), I was appointed Administrator bracelet. f.OST-Oupcnies gold of the Estate of cnnrica n. ewin.. ilanonyorl 1121 Done Phone (12i MAKING K 990. Green 29ti, PERSONAL THE PMPE OF THE PACIFIC All parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to Bth day oi me on or before the February. AD. 104a ulnr whh.i date claims filed may be paid with WANTED Good unrse res houiiv daily nursing or 4iic cases. (13) VANCOUVER VICTOE1A SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun- Sunday, 11 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. . FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, Jan. 14 and 28, 10 p.m. I- V FOR NORTn QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS r s.. Cosultlam, Jan. 7 and 21, 10 p.m. 5 FRANK J. 8KINNf Dr(no Riinrt Afffttlt FRANKIE STEWART wishes to n ,-,, nr. in his many friends to Lot one Thousand Three Hundred' and Three (1303). Ra.iKe Five (6). Coast District WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Anthony Tereschenko has been filed 111 this office, notice Is hereby Riven that 1 shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certillcate.. unless in the meantime valid oWlectlon be made In me In writing. E WANTED Educated re- that he is and customers now operating 53 Taxi situ-nted across from the Rex Gale patronane would be Your, ted F r greatry apprecui g hour service call 53 T.txt. tiai out reference to any cluuns oi wniuii I then had no knowledge. All parties Indebted to the aald Estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith Dated at the City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, this 12th tlav of January. AD 1B4B GORDON F. FORBES, Official Administrator. Pruice Rupert, B.C. (HI) METAL WORK i woman desires postnon "housekeeper. Take full J"'. (13) : jt IUNEkY Ffrh SALE dW better lumber more lOmicallv use the modern 110-to-rlate voe Nptinnl Jble Sawmills manufac-u by NatKititti rvi(.iii.iery (buny Limited, Vancouver, I (tf) VANCOUVER . NEW WESTMINSTER VICTORIA This dvcriiiem'enl i. not publijU or displayed by r tjie Liquor Control Bo.rd or by the Government of British Columbia DATED at the Land Registry Office. Priuoe Rupert, B. C. this Third Ave. Phone 568 14th dav of December. 1018, AD. , ANDREW THOMPSON, DenutT Registrar " of Title. PLUMBING Installations ai id Repairs. SHEET METAI, WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. I.elour.'eau & &)" h, Sixth west. Phone Mi- un (18)