0 ymut Uupctt Daily Dcms LID. 3 Monday, April 19, 1948 Local News Items... Ski Films, Civic Centre 8 p.m. Tricycles, KidKars, Childs' VE NOW HAVE STOCKS OF luesaay, April 20. Free. (92 ) Cedar and Planks, lengths to 20 and 22 feet. 1 Rough Clear R. Van Walleghan returned to the city on the Cardena last night from a trip to Vancouver. Rockers, Doll Cribs, Doll Carriages. Prices reduced for quick selling. Buy at Elio's. (tf) Miss Jean Travis of the U.B.C. extension department, returned to Prince Rupert on the Co- lcnS' ',:,.;, in inches. iu gins all Ctdar Shingle. Number l ana numoer a, sx. New Baby Carriages. Price greatly reduced for quick selling. Buy at Elio's. (tf) PRICES ON APPLICATION quitlam from a short business trip to Port Clements and Mas- JAPANESE CHERRYi TREES GROWING' Years ago a couple of dozen young Japanese cherry trees were presented to the city and these were planted on each side of the cinder pathway leading toward the railway station. The little trees, which blossom but do not bear fruit, made a pretty fair start but, in course of time, most of them disappeared. Today, four are left. They stand on the harbor side of the pathway and have a healthy, growing appearance, although they look is if sometime, they had Odd Lines ul : Mrs. L. M. Shannon returned se" to the city on the Cardena last Mrs. Graffsten of Port Clem- SALE PRICES V,?T? went to f?4m f?"le Where she ents, who will visit her dauglv BERT AND McCAFFERY LTD. attend the recent mar ter Anna during her stay in the riage of her daughter. PHONE 116 Building Supplies city, arrived yesterday on the Coquitlam from the Queen lumber Canadian Club Nominations Meeting and Tea, Civic Centre, Tuesday, April 20 at 2:45 p.m. (92) r Furniture requlre- Charlotte Islands. ' ' Andrew Urquhart, purchasing agent for the Union Steamship Co., is making the round trip at Eelio's. The prices 30 PAIRS OF Reg. Prices $7.50 to $15.00 BOOTS AND . OXFORDS been pulled to one side or ef entire Siocn Waitress's Union Meeting. (tf) or quick selling. north from Vancouver aboard The funeral or Mrs. Mary Ann Cumming, who died in Prince Rupert in her 77th year was held In Vancouver last Friday. Service took place in the chapel of Mount Pleasant Undertaking Co., Kingsway. Rev. ,0. II. W. Lark officiated. Tuesday April 20, 7:30 p.m. Carpenter's Hall. Members please TO CLEAR CI AC PAIR forts had been made to do some uprooting. You saw it in the Daily News! the steamer Cardena which was in port last evening bound for Stewart and Alice Arm. attend. (93) Nell Macdonald and Edward Brigadier and Mrs. Joseph T. Dawes returned to the city Sat "My, my, our little family is certainly growing, eh, Papa?" urday afternoon on the Catala Gillingham, Salvation Army, sailed last night on the Car Vic Olraud, fisheries officer at Terrace, who has been in this area for the past couple of weeks, making a trip on the de have work from Namu where they been doing construction for the last few weeks. the front of his cabin at 3 o'clock dena for a week's trip to the Naas River. They will visit the 10 DOZEN Reg. Frice $1.15 and $1.00 JOCKEY SHORTS AND SHIRTS TO CLEAR EACH ' 7Q( and that he had appeared partmental 'cruiser Bablne Post I Army Corps at Kincolith and Canyon City as well as other FOUND DEAD IN HIS CABIN with Neil Macdonald, is leavine Pure Wool Work Sox. Dress Mr. Eklund called the city ambulance and attendants dhcis Day MAY 9 CARDS 'mm IP L-.W' Percy. Camero nand John Mc Charles H. Kallstrom, about by this evening's train on his Boots and Oxfords, Jockey return to the Interior. Mrs. Gir- Shorts and Shirts, at prices you aud is at present in Vancouver cannot afford to overlook, with her father, Nigel Sher- Watch our ad. WATTS & NICK-wood of Terrace, whose illness ' ERSON. (mth) points in the area. Parents and Teachers! Be sure to hear the report of your delegate, Mrs. S. Anderson, on 60, occupant of a cabin at the Lean who found Kallstrom dead on their arrival. They called Corporal Archie Taylor of the fishermen's floats, east of the LOWEST 12 "'"" 24 ubietj 29c PRICES MO MM.ti . . . 7Sc I the P.-T. Convention. Meeting dry dock, was found dead at made it necessary to take him 4:50 Saturday afternoon after he had collapsed across the stove tity police. Mr. Kallstrom was born in iCiveden and had lived in Prince Rupert for more than 30 years. 12 DOZEN White. Reg. Price 70c Pair PURE WOOL WORK SOX TO CLEAR tjg PAIR in the kitchen of the small cot tage where he lived alone. R. C. McCorkell, well known pioneer district mining man, was a passenger aboard the Cardena last night going through to Anyox on business in connection with the scrapping and shipment out of the old mining at King Edward School,! Tues. April 20 at 8 o'clock. Entertainment and refreshments. (FM) ROTARY MINSTREL SHOW! Thursday and Friday, April 22 and 23 at 8 p.m. Don't fail to see and hear those side-splitting His body was discovered by I At one time he was a fisherman south a couple of weeks ago but who is now much better at Shaughnessy Military Hospital. Rev. Walter Cooper, who has been spending four weeks at Massett .assisting with the work of the Anglican Church, arrived in Prince Rupert Sunday en- Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST IN NEW OFFICES John Eklund, a neighbor, who j but later he retired from that had become apprehensive after occupation and was employed seeing no sign of movement by a shoe repair shop on Fulton about Kalstrom's cabin for a Street. He was unmarried and couple of hours. Eklund said that ' apparently had no relatives in and smelting plant machinery. BB PRINTING coons Sambo and Tambo and Bones and Jones. Grand Negro Canadian Legion Initi COMPANY route to his home in Vancou Chorus singing all the old fav ver. During his brief stay in the he had last seen Kallstrom at Canada. r Block Third Ave. city he Is the guest of Canon orites. Tickets available from Rotarians and at Civic Centre. (93) ation of Officers, Friday, .April 23, 8 p.m. at Legion Hall, followed by a Social Evening (Bring Missus). Members of A SMALL QUANTITY OF Penman's. Reg. Price $1.30 BOYS' POLO SHIRTS TO CLEAR QQ EACH Rushbrook. Mr. Cooper will be remembered by many who met Your him during his 20 years as a missionary minister at Greenville on the Naas River. Legion and W.A. only, at 9 p.m. (m-w-f) Mrs. J. A. Findlay of Massett arrived in the city on the Coquitlam yesterday morning for ta in the Rough' ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING NEW PHONE BLUE 593 FO TAKE HOME a visit of two weeks. While here she will supervise the hanging of 25" paintings chosen from the VIC CENTRE MASONIC BALL IS PLEASANT AFFAIR LONDON, it Money ranging from 28 shillings ($5.20) to 596, left by British soldiers who died during the Second World War, is still waiting to be claimed, announced the London Gazette. ININfi ROOM r work of British Columbia artists who displayed their paintings in the art show held in Vancouver PHONE 231 4- ' iJ last fall. Sent under the arrangements of the U.B.C. extension A crowd of more than 300 en-Joyed the congenial atmosphere of the Masonic dance In the Civic department, the exhibition wiil be a part of the Prince Rupert Hobby Show. While in the city Mrs. Findlay is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Seaman. Centre auditorium Friday night, dancing to music by Andy Mc-Naughton and His Four Dukes orchestra. . Dancing continued from 10 o'clock until 2 o'clock, with supper served in the dining room. Alex Mitchell acted as master of ceremonies and George Ged-des was in charge of the door. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY in 5V2 hours to SANDSPIT 1 HOUR 10 MINUTES to POUT HARDY 3 HOURS 50 MIX. Q. How can I prevent dust from getting between the pie ture frame and the glass, and committees in cnarge were and soiling the picture? drawn from both Tyee a piece or paper should Tslmosean lodeps and rnn.sist.eil I mm Know where you Are with the FISHER Radio Pilot It tiikc thf RiiiwMiirk mit nf liavl-Kiitiun, IHIk 'yim Jiiiir position I'V-iictiv, mi uiHtti-r Imw thlik thr Whi-r. It mean mure fish In your liiilil, sreaCer safety anil constant i-oiitait with the Meet. I'lsllr.ll means the best In two-way radio lomiHiiniiatioii anil ilirertion-llnU-lng equipment. Ellison Queale Radio Supply Ltd. VICTORIA. B.C. of A. E. Field, Alf Rlvett, A. D.,me pasted around the edBes 011 andthe back of the frame- I this Ritchie, Robert Parker fONIGHT 10:15 p.m. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY paper comes off or becomes ton; George Dybhavn. CBC STATIONS Announcements All advertisements i this column will be chp.rged for a full mouth st 25 cents a word Leaving Prince Rupert 11:50 a.m. Standard Time for information and reiervalions, A. R. Govett, agent, C.P.R. Ticket Office paste on another piece immediately. It is the only way to prevent dust from getting In. Q. How can I stop hiccoughs? A. Hiccoughs can usually be stopped by drinking hot, strong coffee. Q. How can I prevent fish from sticking to the pan while frying? A. Put a teaspoonf ul of salt in the pan and rub thoroughly with waxed paper. Orange Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, v i r i -i April 21. pmpliment Your bUII USE AIRMAIL REGULARLY Women of the Moose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, With a soft and frilly BLOUSE unil ah-s anil Service at lit V l.H K. r Hnwv l.tll. II TOIil A Itaillii 'l.rctrlc mill Kales. Uailio Appliance Co. (.VDNKV M .V M Kailio. ' KTNEV ' ' MMIMIl Cllison Ifueale Itatllo Supply Mil. IMHIT I III KM lliillwav's Kailio Service. (l XI 1(1 VI HK II (fnalicilin Kailio Service. I'KIM'K Kl PI KT W illonl hlectric Works. Lapliani a Gibson Girl or a Tailored Style Advertise in the Daily News. Clitssiiita Advertising Pays! i 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Rotary Minstrel Show, evenings April 22 and 23. Children's matinee April 24. Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter Devonshire Tea, Civic Centre, April 24. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, April 29. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. Mother's Day Tea, Salvation Army Native Girl's Home, May 4, 3-6 p.m. Prince Rupert District Music and Drama Festival Civic Centre, May 5 and 6, afternoons and evenings. St. Peter's spring sale, May 6. We have lovely creations in Pique, Lawn, Sheer, Crepe, and Rayon FOOTHILLS SOOTLESS LUMP EGG .NL'T STOKER Bl'LKLEY VALLEY LUMP COAL ff PHIIPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Building Supplies 632 PHONES 651 Ask about Our Personalized PUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges Gyro Klondyke Nite, May 7. Mother's Day Tea, Home Cooking, Sonja Ladicjs, May 8, Sons of Norway Hall (I.O.D.E.) 5th Ave. East, 2 p.uri. Registered Nfirses" Ass'n Tea, Nurses' Home, Wed., May 12. Piano Concept by John Joseph WAR SURPLUS SALE Ocean Dock Warehouse - Prince Rupert, B.C. The entire War Surplus stock has been moved to Ocean Dock Warehouse, and before loading for shipment to Vancouver we are making further reductions for your opportunity to buy. Prewar quality goods below manufacturing cost. We have a large quantity of the following items and many more' too numerous to mention. KITCHEN TAIJLES $2.00 SIMILE COTS $3.00 SINGLE MATTRESSES $3.00 i WINDOW BLINDS . 50c GALVANIZED WATER PAILS 50c FEATHER PILLOWS $1.00 MATTRESS COVERS each $1.00 KALSOMINE pkt.25c CARLE ROUND NOSE SHOVELS CARGO NETS MINERS' PICKS KITCHEN RANGES waVi WALL C LAlWlM'ila A TUN FTS TIMM Tl!ll' VV; , JSr KITCHEN CHAIRS FLOOD LIGHTS OFFICE CHAIRS TURN RUCKLES FILING CABINETS SHACKLES WALL SHELVING Ariray & Navy Dept. Stores WAR SURPLUS DEPT. Franky, sponsored by Job's Daughters, Civic Centre, May 19. St. Andrew's Anglican tea at the home off Mrs. W. S. Kergln, 324 4th Ave. West, May 27. Eastern Star Tea, June 3. HEADQUARTERS FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES Typewriters (Portables and Standard) Staplers Box Files Ledgers Blank Books Favorite Files File Folders Carbon Paper FOR YOUR OFFICE REQUIREMENTS SEE ft and i - ""rage "able and 8vice. call JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING Sl'PERPAN PRESS KODACHKOME and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. Ux 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. storage lOhAa ft w and Co vg