YfM VICTORIA, 3." C. 131 NORTHERN AMD CENTRAL BRITISH COLOMBIA'S NEWSPAPER r 1 Blue J UltUtS DRUGS STAR Daily Delivery PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port -"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII. No. 92. PRINCE RUPER8, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS DEMOCR ATS LEAD NG N ITALY 'Uital Poll' VJent Off Tranquilly Canadian Pacific Should Not Freight Into British Columbia, Says Tom Reid TV FORMING NEW Ottawa Talks Differential GERMAN ARMY u Early Returns Favor Government Better Idea Tomorrow ROME (CP) First final tabulation of votes in the Italian general election Sunday and today tonight indicated a substantial victory for the MOSCOW W The Communist press said today that the United tates was organizing a new German Army under Field Mar shal von Runstadt. (Von Runs-tadt is now in prison camp in the American-occupied zone of Germany). Christian Democrat government Province Penalized Because Bad Grade Chosen OTTAWA (CP) The Canadian Pacific Railway should not be allowed to haul freight into British Columbia, Thomas Reid, party in the Senate at least. Two of Rome's 183 senatorial elections including Premier Al- clde de Gasperi's own section LACE OUGHT TO GO TO RUSSIA TRUMAN Speaking Members of the A.H.E.P.A. at Washington, D.C. the in Hellenic Educational Progressive Association Presi-jrry S Truman threw another blunt challenge at third-:;rtsidential nominee, Henry A. Wallace, lnferentially in-in w go to Russia. Telling his listeners that the "Greeks Henry Wallace," he said he referred to a Greek "dema- AlcwbUdes, adding that "he. ought to go to the coun-ioves so well and help them against his own country, If -.he way he feels." Left to right here at the dinner are Chris G Garrison post secretary, Kansas City chapter; , Kapscmallas, commander, Kansas City chapter; Presi-!:uman, receiving lifetime membership In A.H.E.P.A., and Liberal, New Westmin ster, contended today before the Legion To Be Purged Resolution of Quebec Command Calls For Elimination of Subversives House of Commons committee on railways and shipping. He told members that he was "taking gave the Christian Democrats 71 percent to the Communist led Popular Front's fifteen percent. Later trend was more than two to one for the Christian Democrats, this being the lead in first scattered returns. The all-important lower house results will not be known until tomorrow. Italy ended her fateful national elections today after turning out a tremendous vote which la & Hcllis. supreme president of the A.H.E.P.A. this stand" in an effort to end situation which "penalized' MONTREAL O) Direct action Britfsh Columbia because "the to eliminate subversive ele FOWERFUL TURBO-JET ENGINE FOR U.S. AIR FORCE Designed as a secret project during th e closing months of the war, the XJ-37, new 8,000-horsepower Lockheed turbo-jet engine is pictured at the Wright Aeronautical Corp., Wood-Ridge, N.J. Characterized by an extremely small frontal area, the engine can be installed In either wings or fuselage of high-speed planes. This type of power insures extreme! long range of operation with small fuel consumption. C.P.R. took a wrong grade" when it built Its line to the ge Speaks of Jail ments from the Canadian Legion was taken Saturday by the Que bee provincial command in clos John L Lewis looked like a bad omen for the communists. Pacific Coast. Mr. Reid's words brought up in the Committee the thorny question of mountain differential rates which bear heavily on the traffic rolling through the Cunningham Collet-lion of RAUND IS ing a three-day convention. Steps to eradicate communists, anarchists and fascists came in form of a resolution calling upon ASH I N ; T O N (CP) .Justice T. A. Golds Totem Poles May Be Sold The polls closed after twenty-one hours of voting which ia regarded as being full of mean 1! the Dominion command to am Rockies into the Pacific coastal J A today held John L. Lewis guilty of criminal :.pt of court for net sending striking coal miners end the Legion constitution at province. i the Dominion convetion in Sas ' lie Hasn't Got a Thing," Says Vancouver Woman Reluming From Australia CITY MUSEUM MAY LOSE VALUABLE PIECES "OF NATIVE ART The fabulous Cunningham collection of carved o the pits wnen ordered to do so by the courts, ijre announced he would pronounce sentence ing for the future of European! possibly, for the peace of the world. Officials estimated that ninety percent Qf 29.000,000 , eligible votdfs'" cast ballots. This may be a world record for a free election and a heay VANCOUVER (f Three Van- 1at totem nolesrwhich has been described as the cCuver caiifer suiteiers, i.ir&i u BUYERS ARE katoon next month. The proposed resolution reads: "no anarchist, communist or fascist, avowed or proved, shall be per-mited to become or remain a member, nor shall any person who advocates destruction of organized government in Canada by force." c-ignt Canadians 10 receive ireai- "heart Ot the MUSClim 01 iNOlinern rnusn VjOIUIH- , Judge - Goldsboroufih, i before adjourning the court, hinted that he was at least considering a jail term for Lewis this time. He said that he did not think. ment frftm John tirauna, 'k-, to wnicn jt has been on loan for many years, may . year-old Sydney, Australia, lay- uiVij- IG ABROAD I vote was generally interpreted man returned here bv air Sa'.- U1U tu "'K'"-0 So valuable is this collection that its creator, 8 because of the seriousness of the urdav. I EVER t - Centres of Cunningham.i nniv r.nmment f'ora anv of year-old George TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. D Jchnaton On WWAW.ViiVW.V'.V. VJV.V Vancouver Bralorne 7.60 B. R. Con 02' 2 B. R. X i 07 Cariboo Quartz 1.25 Dentonla 02 Grull Wihksne 05 Hedley Mascot 51 Minto OlVi Pend Oreille 3.95 Pioneer 2.85 Premier Border 03' Privateer 20 Reeves McDonald 1-65 Reno 08 2 case, that it could be decided on a basis of "expediency." , the three Mrs. Ruth Mclntyre, who began gathering it on the Edenshaw of Massett who died Mrs-. Anna Northam and Harold Queen Charlotte Islands more in 1919 and a lame slave boy Evans came from Mrs. North- than 60 years ago, has been re- who had been captured by the . iv-i ,, i i.inn frti,.f1fTtirA hiHc fnr it..i TjnM. fmm nna nf thp main- Goldsborough is the same Judge who fined Lewis $10,000 ".gdjm industries scek-trade will be visited '.ish Columbia buyers lit t'.vonly-four promises.1; men on a gov-spon.-iuieci mission and the United Mine Workers am. ' He nasn 1 col a inina. sue ow""s mu.-usu.v imiuoo vi... --- Bella Bella snid referrine to Braund's sale since before the First World land tribes around i Is Called To Kill Jap Mine II.M.C.S. Antigonish to do Demolition Job on Way Down Coast S3.50C.COO for disregarding a court "stop strike' 'order in 1948. by Hon. Ltslij H. Eyre. His name was Chapman. "At times at our store at Port Essingtorv we had literally tons treatments. War. Braund, who claims to be able Instead, he preferred to have to cure cancer, was recently n exhibited In Prince Rupert, as favoring the anti-communists. Counting began immediately after the polls closed at noon today. Voting was by proportional representation and early returns were expected late tonight. First returns on the 574 seats in the Chamber are due tomorrow. -A grim" tug-of -war in Italy bs-tween Russia and the West was reflected in a bitter and often violent campaign and accounted for the heavy turn-out of voters. Threat of violence, which hung over the two-day voting, never materialized. The governmeut had 330,000 armed watchers on of trade. They left ck lor New York NEW T.C.A. which. of nephrite poles which we had termed a "fraud and a charla- centre of the area in We they will sail April an Australian govern- Indian craftsmen made the ex-, taken in trade. I kept only the tan" by :;tffl are th; major in- SKY FLEET best. I have always considered it interesting that the finest W II'.O illuvtiwn a-iih H.M.C.S. Antigonish, which left here this morning after a weekend visit to port, received orders from naval headquarters work should have come from a ment investigating committee. Henry Wallace Is Coming To Seattle iqulsitely carved figures of native lore. I "I promised the two native j artists that I would never commercialize on it," Mr. Cunnlng- I'll -he lve.s in short- undrr the current aus- high chief and a humble slave boy." Salmon Gold ... 18 Sheep Creek 105 Taylor Bridge 40 Taku River : 54 Vananda 15 V2 Congress 02sk Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalgamated .02 12 Spud Valley 13 Oils ;,m to .save Canadian in Esquimalt to proceed to the north end of Vancouver Island Sometning in me naiure oi ii ' Will be on Run Across Canada June 1 WINNIPEG Canada will have In effect a brand new airline on June 1. It became known here today that the last of TransCanada SEATTLE (PHenry Wallace, ham said Saturday as he pro-third party aspirant for presi- pared to sail for Vancouver for dent of the UnitDd States, will medical attention. "But they are Mmmixsion s?cks new ' f"r purchase of goods vlsit-Seattle May 21 and address! dead now so I think the prom Win in the United carving competition seemed tojto assist in the immunizing of a have existed between the Chief floating Japanese mine which and the crippled boy. The Chief was reported there during the held himself above recognizing .week-end. A naval launch has the poor, alien lad and was never also been dispatched from Vic-known to speak to him. Great toria. t ise nas been luniuea. i couiu a public meeting in the course of his national campaign. use the money, too," he added. Report .that the collection of 39 pieces has at last been placed for sale has had a disturbing duty. Heavy police detachments guarded the streets. Some of ths soldiers actually acted as baoy sitters while mothers went out to vote. Two attacks on army ammunition dumps In the Milan area were reported but government spokesman minimized the Importance of them. He called one a false alarm. There was some gunfire around the ammunition as their kinship as artists snouia have been, It was not great k Kai-Shek Air Lines $15,000,000 fleet ot North Star aircraft will be off the Montreal assembly line by that date, a result of the improved supply situation. G. R. McGregor, T.C.A. presi- THE WEATHER h Presidenf FLOODS BAD IN ALBERTA - A.P. Con 15 Calmont 53 V2 C. & E 5.60 Home 7.90 Toronto Athona 07 Aumaque 16 Beattie .. .67 Bevcourt 37 Bobjo 12'A Buffalo Canadian 09 Consol. Smelters 105.50 Synopsis A weak disturbance lay sta enough to overcome the Haiaa chiefs pride. Mr. Cunningham weuld not say what recent offers have have been received for the col- 'dent, promptly moved up tne effect on the directors of the Museum of Northern British Columbia who are in no position to purchase it. They are wrestling with plans to save it for the regional museum. Kai-Shek, although he date set for the Introduction of tionary across central British CARBON, Alii. Thirty in this town, 60 miles north- rt the office, was re-! the new fleet into Canadian r'nltnnhin this mnrniniy pivin President of China with a service by 30 days. By the end lection but It is generally rec-, occasional light rain or mlxed least of Calgary, were forced, to dumps but governn!ent officials said the outbursts were not actually connected with the voting. ti;,n of the riictutnrini of next month the country will evacuate . their homes during OgIilvlI Ul Having u vaiuc t-o i - ai-iH cnniu In fho nnrtVipm So far. they see no way of 'hich he lino h.y f- hp flvlnir faster and with more the week-end as flood waters meeting any price that would be around $5,000. Years ag' Jc , sections. There was some cloudi TT.. . continued to rise. Elsewhere ln reasonable for the collection, turned aown an uu ui ja,, ness in the southern areas of term of office would he The National Museum at Ottawa, he said. the province this morning but U southern Albertath e flood situ ation is becoming serious. !"s. He hH in.(.j seats available between coasi and coast than ever before. Wlnnipeggers, for example, will reach Toronto In four hours. Vancouver will be only two and throueh its curator. Dr. Marias I Mr. Cunningham, who has' s expected to clear off by '0Uld father retire from .88 .60 .84 .48 4.00 .77 .14 .08 .lO'a Conwest Donalda Eldona Elder Giant Yellowknlfe God's-Lake Hardrock Harrlcana "... Heva lived In the city fo rthe- last' on axlA a flne afternoon was Barbeau, and an unnamea group several months after coming ln nrosnect aeain todav. A storm ldpncy and take over mre active duties of is developing one thousand miles FIVE PROVINCES VOTING IN 1948 OTTAWA Five provinces of Canada are expected to have provincial elections this year. They are Ontario, date for the election in which province has a half hours from Calgary. Toronto and Montreal are 355 air miles apart, yet only 100 minutes will separate them on June 1. Hosco 30 off the coast and is expected to give rain along the entire coast tomorrow with Increasing cloudiness throughout the Interior. Forecast from Port Essingtos, still takes a buoyant interest in life despite his 82 years. However, his eyesight and hearing is failing. He has turned much of his remaining interests over to his nephew, Donald McAllister, who arrived here last year from .04 Jacknlfe PD PEAK at Victoria Is reported to bei hot on its trail. At present, the collection is reposing in the museum here, and this Board has plans to place It in a larger display case where it can be shown to better advantage. The collection, product of a lifetime of loving appreciation of fine handicraft, was begun Mr. McGregor described the Joliet Quebec 33 Lake Rowan 10 MS OVER new fleet todav as one that Canadians could view with pride INNATI been announced for June 7, Quebec, New Brunswick, Sas fl .11,,,,.! I Two Fire Calls Answered Friday City fire department answered two fire calls Friday, neither of a serious nature. An overheated stove at the Ridley Home brougnt out the fire truck at 1 p.m., and a few minutes later a call came in from the residence of E. Er-ickSjSn, 112 Eighth Avenue West., where another overheated stove had caused trouble. No damage resulted in either case. Alberta Minister's Condition Serious nn s.iiri its tmnearance In the Prince Rupert. Queen Charlottes and North Coast Southern Section Cloudy today and tonight. Tuesday, intermittent K'-ntucky and Indiana skies across Canada would mark hv Mr Pnnnlnohnni. when, as ' the culmination of two years of planning and training. It was a major goal achieved In T.C.A.'s post-war program. a boy he sailed to the Queen WINNIPEG MAN 0 o River rolled past waon it.s way to the nLDamaec fears Lapaska a 05 Little Long Lac 90 Lynx 07 Vi Madsen Red Lake 2.60 McKenzie Red Lake 53 McLeod Cockshutt .... 107 Moneta 28 Negus 2.08 Noranda 49 00 Louvlcourt 61 Pickle Crow 1-01 Regcourt - 06 Vi Senator Rouyn 40 Sherrit Gordon 2.28 Steep Hock 2.10 -y weather has, ap- LOCAL TIDES l0ect the Charlotte Island villages with his trader-father from their home at Port Essington. Its pieces are examples of an art that once flourished on the Islands, but which now Is practically extinct. PUT TO DEATH WINNIPEG Lawrence Deacon, aged 35, was hanged fo murder early Friday despite appeals for commutation of hla sentence by 14,000 private citi- swollen record clt-'Pth and des- Tuesday, April 20 ;i feared DV num. 11:06 High nominal ,i katchewan and Alberta, Premier Drew, in announcing the Ontario election, said that the $600,000,000 development program for the province-owned electrical system would be the chief issue. The announcement fulfilled persistent rumors but the date was a surprise. The fall had been anticipated. The Liberal leader said the electrical development issue was an "excuse" and not a "reason" for an election. There was no good reason why an election should be held now. The C.C.F. has announced it will contest every seat In the province. rain, winds ngnt today and tonight and southeast (20t Tuesday. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Tuesday At Port Hardy 40 and 48. Northern Section Intermittent rain or mixed rain and snow today and Tuesday. Winds light today and southeast (20) Tuesday. Little change ln temperature. Lows tonight and highs Tuesday At Massett 36 and 45, Prine Rupert 35 and 44. Don Esselmont sailed Saturday 1948 19.6 feet 20.5 feet 6.4 feet 4.1 feet "torded EDMONTON Condition of W. A.' Fallow, minister of public works in the Alberta government, who collapsed with a 111 the cities al- 23:40 5:04 17:24 Low hild the h, "The Haidas used to spend zens, the Department of Justice their winters carving nephrite' refusing to intervene. Deacon slate into totem poles and other, had bocn twice convicted of the stroke in his office in the Par- liament Buildings late last week, figures," Mr. Cunningham re- ABBOTSFORD, B.C., 0) is still reported as being serious called. "There were some fine among them but there iron bolt slaying of a taxi driv er, Rohann Johnson, in March 194G. The defence insisted that the verdict was unjustified because the evidence was and he is showing little im- artists Seventy - one B-24 Liberator bombers costing $250,000 each have been sold to scrap dealers for $300 each, here and now For p, " e Rupert' victorious B.C. All-Stars provement. Only recently he re- were two who exceeded all the turned from a trip to Arizona rest." In the interests of his health. These two were Chief Charlie atternoon on tne Catala on a VIC business trip to Klemtu. .'await the wreckers' hammers.