! Junior Chamber I Plans Convention Prince Ktiprrt Dail? Jlclus Tl.ur.sJ.iy, January 27, 1949 Radio Dial 1240 Kilorytvm DRUG TRAFFIC IS INCREASING HOSPITAL INSURANCE r toubject to Change) Plans for the regional of the Junior Chamber of Act Independent dsirj newspaper fie-stpd to ifce upbuilding of Prince Rupert nd nil communities oompnng northern and central British Columbia (Authnnwd as Second Ciam Mail. Post Offlre Department. Ottawa) 6 I1 I ... i-u Lr si etah iwione Canada's largest ; Commerce -ot Canada to De neiu RnRHrTJlPTTOrj rates . L I - Cltt Carrier. 9tt Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year, IB 00. ttfis:. here in June were dlscussea at ( business is that of illegal drug the semi-monthly meeting 01 tne traffic, according to recent stat- istics. A single pound of opium 'prince Rupert Junior Chamber Election This Year I bought In Bombay for $50 wiU nf commerce in tne viviv vru, 'tortng $900 in a Canadian port last night. The nweting was and when broken down for sale , tended by 10 members who on The prnvincia: government, after having carefully reviewed all the circumstances of a previously unsatisfactory hospitalization situation in British Columbia, embarked in a bold and practical manner on a policy which will redound to the relief and benefit of individual citizens, hospital boads, municipal governments and the provincial gov-ernment'itself, declared Hon. E. El ( u All to drug addicts it nets $15,000. I vened in tne common iuu..Br The " ' narcotics ! following dinner. CtmirmanM'as is increasing throughout the S. G. Turk, president. Dominion, according to the De-. - ! n Hi T. Kenney, minister of lands and j forests and M.L.A. for Skeena, in j an exposition before the Prince partment of National Health Jll rurnace UH and Welfare. During the war PnCeg Now Same years there was a decline in the oH officials number of addicts but since 1943 commentpa today that recent have risen by some the numbers statement one company that eight per cent. j it had .rejUCed its price on fur- Since the problem of arug ad- j Ra0 oi ..M cerrt a gallon diction is of grave concern to reduced tt to the same Thursday f.m. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Stories of Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin and Orchestra 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide , 8:00 Nation's Business 8:15 Vocal Recital 8:30 T.B.A. 9:15 University Round Table 9:45 Anthony Eden :u:00- -CBC Nes 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Island Stories 10:30 Nocturne 11:00 Weather & Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical CiocK' 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9 :0O BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning xJevotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signaf every uanaman, mc . kouui.w , evel aj,rea(iy instituted by tine others. Prices on .ll types of deliveries of furae-ee oil through to most B.C. Ceitr Enjoy h wift flM nd mool modern ir travel. On bjtineH or fien,rJ 1 i.a4r ihu ihf Inka. .- out the .province by all oil companies are ow the name, these officials stated. Film Board has released a film, "Pay-Off In Pain," reporting the inside story of the nation -s narcotic racket. Experts of the Narcotic. Control Division of the Department of National Health and Welfare and the R.C.MT. advised on production of "Pay- the government's mandate doe? ALTHOUGH not run out until July, 1950, the federal elec- tion will be held this year, probably in the early fall. That might le deduced from the statement on elec-tion matters made by Prime Minister St. Laurent Tuesday night. He said that the election would be held in the "not distant future" and urged that party organization, including nomination of candidates, be completed within two months. That would ; bring the time up to the end of March. Allowing a reasonable time for the campaign and taking into account that Parliament may be sitting until late spring or early summer and elections are not usually held in midsummer anyway, early fall would, therefore, appear to be the most likely time. Of course an issue might arise in the course of the , sess'on leading to an earlier appeal. Skeena might well take the hint that now is the time to get the flection campaign machinery rolling. There is plenty to be done by the government party particularly. , Meantime, observers expect that which opened ; yesterday to be one of the most hectic and fiery parliamentary sessions in years. With a general i- election in the offing, the session may see consider vi ' ' ' -' -'nj "Tfmw. ooner. Convenient oaily, encept Sunday with 10' f, Mvinj on round trip (t.(,, Off i;i Pain."' 'i'ljt oretrlt of the Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon j yesterday on the purposes and : operation of the B.C. Hospital! Insurance Plan. j Citizens Mr. Kenney sa4d, will be Insured, on the payment of a ! premium which is in the reach of the average person, for hospital treatment which otherwise would be a great burden if they were able to pay at all. Hospital boards will be reliev-, ed of large operating deficits which have made it impossible J for many of them to think in terms of capital expansion. j Local governments will not longer be faced with increasing j requests for still further assist- ance in meeting hospital deficits. I Provincial government will be : relieved to a degree at least of j extending continually increased aid to a situation which was de- j film will include Prince Rupert. TCT.KPHONE 7S4 1 i &r teriorating faster than it could 10:00 Ellen Harris ! be repaired. i 10:15 Morning Melodies plan, Mr. Kenney ! 10 :30 Round-un, Time Under the would con-1 ocanuiiiavian Meioaies elucidated, everyone How M. S. A. pre Physicians and Surgeor. AT COST 11:00 Let's Play 11:15 Songs of Yesterday tribute his fair share of the cost of hospital services and. in re- m m m ' s B ru H th dt he S st cc fo e ct w tr t U di tc a Sf Vi m rc w b: Jt tl turn, has his hospital bills paid 11 3U "earner forecast for him on a public ward level. 11-31 Message Period. 1 hp inct nf l-insmtfil carp is 11:33 ReC. Int. for 122,000 persons k 11:45- -Famous Voices. therefore, distributed equitably Leader Progressive Conservative Party will speak Thursday Night JAN. 27th on the subject "The Nation's Business" CFPR Prince Rupert, 8 p.m. Progressive Conservative Party over the whole population and r-M- - 12:00 Mid-day Melodies selected groups or communities 2:15 CBC News Eight years afo, the phyician and mrgonnni the non-profit Medical Services Association tii pr attention at cost for employee groups thruj prepayment. To-day, 122,(XK) employees and dependentia are no longer saddled with the , burden of operating deficits. i As for hospitals .payments are made on behalf of beneficiaries on the basis of actual operating; costs of individual hospitals and, ; theoretically, hospitals in future should have no operating deficits providing the hospitals are ad-, ministered and operated on a sound and efficient basis. Fur-; ermore the position of hospitals to embark upon expansions and replacements is improved.! There was no intention of the government to assume the op 12:25 Program Resume 12:30- B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 1 :45 Comty An Idea 2:00 National School Bdct. 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15-Spotiight On a Star 3: 20-Sketches In Melody 3:30 Divertimento NOT SO DANGEROUS monthly memherhip dues to the M S A. and a?, from over one thousand doctors in the provn need medical care. Subscribing as well tn the Provincial Cowry Insurance plan, members are thus completely ot hisic medical needs the attention of a phya throutih M S A. and hospitalization through it plan. Since W) M S. A. monthly dues have increased use of the services provided -1 pcf doctor each month in 1944. 1 in 10 m 104H. In V M.S.A. p-fiJ out $187,321.91 to 1J.45S jaw eration of hospitals which were still a community responsibility. Mr. Kenney did not foresee any grave congestion of exist MONTREAL P Dr. Hamilton! Baxter, Montreal plastic surgeon, able skirmishing and jockeying for political advantage and a better position at the polls. The budget, expected in May, likely will indicate the trend of governmental thinking. An election this year appears all the more a certainty with the suggestion that the budget may contain a series of tax cuts to say nothing of other Very important legislative proposals. , TERRACE INFIRMARY ' A NNOUNCEMENT made here yesterday by ' Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests and M.L.A. for Skeena, that the former military hospital at Terrace is to be immediately put in shape at a cost of $250,000 for use as a provincial in- - firmary is welcome confirmation of the government's intention to proceed immediately with the implementation of its already announced intention to that effect. . - We can think of no place in British Columbia more adapted and more pleasantly situated for the accomodation of people who require care and- serv-ice yet not active hospitalization than that lofty and beautifully located bench overlooking the pretty vil- laft'e of Terrace and the expansive Skeena and Lake River valleys. The people who go to the infirmary at Terrace, we are sure, will enjoy life there and the people of Terrace will be glad to have them around. YEAR OF HIGH HOPE CANADIANS have reason for high hope. Our .....,,.. resources are still so great that even with less than a healthful, honest effort to contribute to our share of the world's work, most of the men, women and children of this country will be better housed, better' clothed and better fed in the coming year than nine-tenths of the people of, the earth. There is always the hope that Canadians as a whole will rise to their opportunities and by greater intelligence and industry make physical and spiritual gains -wWch will provide Canada and its customers with a higher standard of living and a growth of good will " which will contribute immensely to peace. The clanger of 1949 is that' Canadians may be . satisfied with less than their best effort and waste .: 'their opportunities to serve their own good and the good of mankind. f" rr i V4 it is -(fifty rn" ' ing hospital facilities under the says operations for cleft palates plan providing, with the co-, and lips are not dangerous and operation of all, best use was fatalrtiesfrom such surgery are made of the accommodation rare. One case occurs in every which was available. - 00 births and has no connection "Hospital insurance is with witn frights and falls or "bad us now and it is here to stay," ; blood." monthly bill ever. While at present membership is still open tuer.r of ten or more, it is hoped to broaden the c v: community groups may participate. The growth of M.S. A., Canada's large-! Ac plan, is made possible by the co-operation i! B.' employees and doctors in this non-profit pre-rvr. orjymisition. Medical Services Assoc DIRECTORS: R, W.CiS.T CilV Br L'J. '" K K hi..i.n ...... M w.t'M I tiM ("i ' ' t f IV.IMI S!.-!'H'ii( ! :tvt III' lid. j 1 B-. J Bl I I'l i. I J ' M 1 R.n tr.,r--S-..v,u,, . I.n! 1 .l R!r..m B I. ...-K.l.jy 4. 1 1 (' M.l .v, M P - fv,!:..- is I'hi f.l S '! -ii I I Wli. h, ..Ml) .' i-t, ' i BROADWAY CAFE Always the Best Place to F.at HIGH QUALITY FOODS TRY OUR SPECIAL , BUSINESS LUNCHES assenea Kir. 'ft.enney. , in reviewing the . total problem, I suggest that the advantages will far outweigh any shortcomings it may have. We have something worth while and justified. Your co-operation is invited for complete co-operation is essential to complete success." President Maurice Brydges presided over the Gyro luncheon and the speaker was thanked, on behalf of the club, by G. A. Hunter. Guests of the clay, besides Mr. Kenney, were M. V. Gormely and Bert Hougan or Prince Rupert and Gordon Weaver of Vancouver. The Butcher, The B The Totem Pole W Ut''arcllcps of occupation, every it a pen he can depend on tha why we recommend f Walcrman A Parser 9 E' $2.60 to $18.00 TRY OUR CHINESE DISHES Extra Special to Take Home! Chow Mein Sweet and Pour (508 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 PENCILS TO MATCH IF DESIRE . WAM.FTS 81.00 to Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor, 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 KEY CASES .: 5ct UONSON MC.HTKKS INSURANCE FOR PEACE . Pace anil its blettsinB do not come of themselves. IV'e in preparedness! Pence is not complacency. " Today, the Canadian Mililier is, a man Iuirtg an important job important to ohililrcn at ply . . . important to the farmer reaping the harvect ... to the family enjoying the Surnlay meal .'f to ftie trademnan nt his hench ... to the doctor 'inrl !tis palii-nt important to your freedom. Younji; men who join the Canadian Army Active Force will find many opportunities open to them the chance to acquire spcrialixcrl Knowh-ilp and technical training . . . opportunity for promotion, includinjf advancement to commissioned rank. There are generous retirement benefits, excellent food, medical and denial care. If you are a young mun of spirit, the Canadian Army Active Force offers you a promising career with a future. You are eligible if you are 17 years of ape or over and can meet the Army's requirements. Write tar iit your nearest recruiting depot for t-otnplete details. V fw S i- i in ,i , MaeMvs, CHIROPRACTOR WANTED Al PLICATIONS W1IX BE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOI I OW 1NG POSITIONS FOR 1949: CAMP MANACEIiS liOAT ( HEWS ONE SKIPPER J. CLAUSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY Bo?5i8 Prince Rupert, B.C. John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block S) Ormes Q Phone BLUE 442 for . Appointment HOURS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 to 8 p.m. ICVKMNOS Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m. foi inoe unable to come during tht day. RECEPTIONIST tn attendance afternoons. PRESCRIPTION CHEM1 oTORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 AM FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam LICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m'. for soxrrn queen CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Jan. 28, 10 p.m. - FOR NORTn QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -12 NOON 7 P.M. TO 8 P M. .i. JOIN THI CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE NOW.' No. 11 IVnonn.-l Di pot, 4tli Avi-nuC A Hinliliury Hireel Jrii4i,VANf;OIJVlit,j.j. . GREETING CARDS PEN'S AND PENCILS OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIONERY SEE CHILDREN'S PHOTO SPECIAL!! ONE DOZEN PORTRAITS FOR $10.00 For Appointment Call at mergency Dally car delivery service rom t Irorn 0 .m till R p.m ni' ibb Printing Co. PHONE 81 s s. Coquitlam, February 4 and 18, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeent Third Ave. PfcLon 668 Chandler & Cowgill Besner Block Phone 234 216 4th Street Green 389 UVflHTIRING IN THE DATI.Y NEWS H.JlNC"