Aluminum Co. Likes Kilimuiil for hidmlvy Vhmi ltfncc nupctt Dailu j3cus Thursday, January 27, ID 19 Special guests welcomed at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Geofge McAdams, Molse Dubois and Will Robinson of Terrace, William LlUlp Charles Klo?" j! h Olicr lwr ' ' M L A 3:10 RED CROSS TO STORE SUPPLIES Continued Irom Page One) ing the current year out of $3,-000,000 for the whole province. r j Prince Rupert had received an Tony Martin - Y voi "let the widening out of the road te-tween Prince Rupert and Port Edward. The contract would be, let forthwith and worfc started at an early date. It was also bC-ins? arranged to hard snrfarp t.hp Would be Prepared fur Disaster It. A. Morley New President Prince Rupert Red Cross As- ASBAH- Smart , 's Towels and increase during the past year of $11,000 from $50,000 and Skeena $25,000 from $120,000, Omineca an increase of $35,000 from $160,000, Fort George $25,-000 from $110,000 and Cariboo $40,000 from $190,000. sociation will seek authority- FRIDAY at 7:00-0:03; SAT. at 2()!);.iJ from the B. C. Red Cross Society i 'JEAN 'ARTHUR East of KwlniUsa tnerc was to be an extensive program including a new si eel bridge across the Skeena River at Kispiox for which material had been ordered, a new bridge at Porphry Creek, alleviation of 'switchbacks between Hazelton and Cedarvale and further straightening out of dangerous curves between Usk and Terrace. While more money was required for maintenance of the northern" tran-sprovincial highway and he would continue to press for it, Mr. Kenney referred to steadily increasing maintenance grants which had been secured for Prince Rupert, Skeena, Omineca, Fort George and Cariboo until a total of $760,000 had been obtained dur FACE Edward- As for the road between Prince Rupert and Terrace, arrangements were being made to put in a rock crusher to provide surfacing material. A new power grader for this end of the road was also being provided. "Personally," asserted the minister, "I will not rest happy until to spend $200 for immediate disaster relief supplies for storage in the city. The decision was made at the annual meeting of the organization in the Civic Centre last night which also elected its 1949 slate of officers. Members felt that a quantity of blankets and clothing should CLOTHS IS BEAl'TIFL'L COLOR GROUPS WALLACE'S of course! be in storage here for use when1 As for snow removal, Mr. Kenney thought it might be admitted that the Skeena Valley had had a fair proportion of the funds available for this purpose. "I know how desirable it is that the road be kept open in winter" but there Mas the question if, in view of the. traffic, this was economic at this time. It was difficult for even the railway, with its heavy equipment, to keep (he railway line rlear. Here was a problem that would eventually, as traffic increased, have to be solved in co-operation with the railway with heavier equipment. every foot of the road between Prince Rupert and Prince George is paved but that will take time and we will have to be patient." LATEST NEWS 1 fjP - . needed. At present, the local Red Cross must contact provincial headquarters at Vancouver for authority to spend money in such cases. It was felt that In case of disaster, a quantity of such supplies should be immedi Tyrone Power Is Married in Rome Removal of Soft Drink' Tax Sought CALGARY, ,(P Removal of the" two Wartime taxes on soft drinks hi being sought by manufacturers across Canada. These are the lc tax per bottle and the 25 per cent excise tax. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT ROME, (P Linda Christian and Tyrone Power, well known leading man of the United States moving picture screen, were married here today. I ately available. Storage space for the supplies will be made available by the Daily News. New officers of the organization are: I wif.iv f nit J. D. Mi'Riu, president of the Advertise in the Daily News! rriiicc Rupert Liberal Association, was In the chair over a responsive mixed gathering of over 100 men and women. Mr. Eight carloads of frozen hali-tScal Cove, today for the Ecstalt but for transshipment East over .River in the attempt to cut her Canadian . National Railways way through the drift ice with have been landed here from j supplies for the Falls River southeastern Alaska during the 'power plant, nineteen miles up-past twenty-four hours. Yester-j stream from the confluence of day afternoon the Sydney was in . the Ecstall with the Skeena port with three carloads from River. As far as transportation 1 i I 1 J .Ti McRae expressed the uplnloii that this district was fortun Honorary President, Bishop J. B. Gibson - President, R. A. Morley. Vice President, Mrs. T. N. Youngs. Secretary, II. A. Breen (ta?wfflOaii ate in having a minister of Mr. Kenney's ability and . enthusiasm to represent it In the gov Ketchikan and Petersburg. This morning" the Robert Eugene arrived With fivp pnrlmrl (mm Treasurer, S. J. Saville Executive Mrs. J. D. Fraser, is concerned. Engineer John Lambic and his assistant. Bob Rudderham, have been isolated ernment. TKIIU'TES PA. I. E. T. Applewhalte, Liberal federal candidate, introduced Mr. Kenney in humorous vein. Mrs. C. II. Elkins, Staff Sergeant Pctersburg and Juncau u b for the past week and a half. G. A. Johnson, Mrs. Arthur ported that some six million However, communication is of frozen halibut still remains maintained every day by radio- GIVE THEM dR imoiipje B A HA IT HFUL AND DtLICIOUS (JA DUNK AT ANY TIME .... Smith, Hawtlforn Graham. Brief reports were given by! in cold storage plants of south- phone and telephone. !4, !JU, eastern Alaska between Ketchi-' Mr. Kenney was a minister to whom a great debt of gratitude was owed for the tremendous work he had consistently done kan and Sitka. Much of it is with a fair-sized list of pass- expected to move through here cigars, CNR. steamer Prince for shipment East. Northern B. C. Power Co.'s THE Rupert, Capt. Ernest Caldwell, arrived in port at 11:45 yesterday morning from Vancouver, Westview and Ocean Falls, sailing at midnight for Ketchikan, whence she will return here this evening to sail at 11:15 p.m. on her return south. landing barge, with Vic Grant in charge, left Sourdough Bay, retiring president, Mrs. C. H. Elkins, and Treasurer S. J. Saville. Mrs. Elkins reported on the resignation of former Prcs-'clent Arnold Flatcn, who left the city last year, and her own succession to office. She commented on a meeting of regional representatives held at Terrace last summer which was attended by herself and Mr. Breen as delegates from the Prince Rupert Society. Terrace, she described as the centre of Red Cross activity in the area. Matters concerning Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. HOLDERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS . FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORKS ' ' ; i ESTIMATES FREE ON REQUEST P. O. Box 1676 :: P,nc Red 633 for Prince Rupert and the whole central InteiTor. Mr. Applewhiate took opportunity to deplore the tendency, particularly in the federal field, of governments to operate according to their own views rather than the wishes of the majority. Mayor N. E. Arnold brought greetings of the city to a "forth-right. intelligent and forward-looking" minister. His efforts had contributed largely to the happy era of new prosperity which appeared, to be facing Prince Rupert lnlhe development of now forest.1 products. Robert S. Henry, assistant purser, is back on duty this week aboard the steamer Prince Rupert and congratulations are in 7 : ! flood damage were dealt with by the meeting. Mr. Saville reported that collections during last year's Reel Cross drive were $3,819 and that expenses for the year had been $15. The matter of appointing a delegate to the annual meeting of the provincial ,Red Cross Association in Vancouver on February 17 and 18 was left to the executive. A special committee win in. oraer. it is ins lirst voyage ' r ' yf - since his marriage December 31 at San Raphael, California, to Miss Edith Sheffield. lJHfl:WTTTy ---- m - - Mim. El m t appointed to direct the 1949 Red Cross fund-raising drive in the area. The matter of organizing blood donors in the city was left in abeyance until it is known' whether or not the Red Cross mobile blood donors' clinic will visit Prince Rupert this year. PdinCE RUPERT su PPLY HOUSE ,4$ - i t !. I RENOVATION 1 ' We MUST MAKE ROOM IN OB TO CARkY OUT OUR RM TION OUR ENTIRE ST0( Offered To You At In the current year as in years past, we will endeavour to produce collou goods at ll in lowest possihle prices. Our cflorls, and ol oilier Canadian mills, lo maintain low prices despite higher costs of prodw .lion and ol rasv collou, won a know Icdgmrnl of llic Prices Committee of llic I louse ol Commons. I lie Coinniillre's report specifically noted evidence that tlie primary collou industry liad. arnce llie end ol price control in 1917. ' gone a hnifi way hnrards preserem(( (is cosefy is possible llie refuiionship wlih llw ivilini pi iff n7iti ohhi'mv.d il lie lime o decontrol. ' We lake ll pis acknowledgment as a t dull cnge lo us to continue with" as sliicl a low-price polity as events will permit us. In production we are making every elforl to meet your needs, Through plant replacement and modernization we are, endeavouring lo keep our mills at llie high level ol technical pcrlormance which for nearly half a century lias meant a steady How ol goods lo Canadian consumers and em pleytncnl for thousands of Canadians in the niciiiulacluie of first rale goodl. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED other kind, just return the empty carton to Kcllogg's, Dept. 4 A, London, Out. You get double your money back! LADIES f Tried Kcllogg's Bran Flakes lately ? M m ! What a special treat ! Crisper in milk. Rushed to you fresh from the oven. Kellogg-fresh! And Kcllogg's invites you to Try them of no ritk! If these Bran Flakes aren't fresher than any p- l( ' ' ) So helpful, too! Many folks find it contains enough bran to be mildly laxative. hSM SALE COMMENCES FRI., $ : 1 Cash Sales AllSalo TVSvifUW:- f RODUCTS MANUFACTURERS OF