Everything Vtlnti nupttt Friday, July 1 f PHONE 116 for Building Lumber of all kinds Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, Cedar and Asphalt Shingle, Plasterboard, Wall-boards, Fir, Cedar and Birch Plywood, Cement, Brick, Plaster, etc. ALRERT & i MeCAFFERY LIMITED ! Bilvuton, Oregon; Mrs. F. McDonald, Sunnyslde; E. J. Johnson, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Tempest, Calgary; Mrs. M. Forsyth, Pacific; B. Trellis, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan, Woodcock; R. dc MalelssyeTTa "Pine, Oregon; Mrs. J. p. McCullogh, Terra cp ; Mrs. H. Crowthcr! Ketchikan;' Mr. and Mrs. W. Osborne, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. F. Altman, Pueblo, Colorado; E. Altman, Jr., Pueblo, Colorado; G. II. Gall, Vancouver. akrivals jk I ..... iMM,,. -rtfllll i( t ju.t t ,MI Jure Ituperl , m, Toronto; E. L. kMe; E. F. Molz, U. Snowcicn, van- ,e Strong, Ottawa; Hjl'jerg; M. Rek- Xcr; Mr. and Mrs. R. attic; W. II. Trot-iporse: Capt. O. H. Scuttle; L. Mc-mver; Earl Stam, SMART OUTFIT-Matching hat, shoes and handbag in a new suede-like fabric, Is an Ideal combination for this smart, economy-wise miss. Miss Eileen McClelland of Toronto was a visitor in the city today, making the Alaska cruise aboard the Princess Kathleen. Miss McClelland Is a cousin of Mrs. W. Yurgensen of the Salvation Army. Lieut. M. J. Stapleton left by air today for Vancouver for duty at the Vancouver headquarters of the Army Signal Corps. He will be away for the next fortnight. . JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue SO CLEAN e7 Qr SO WHITE ' V '3 SO EASY TO USE bon't Vouch Stuit Juit Vuut Xjevet! Use Ordinary PaperjBai. ' ' Dry j . Odortas I 1 .McBride Street Phone 311 i JvfrtMns Is payable in advance. Please refrain from 1"U"'' i"-' "u pt-r insertion, minimum I Birth Notices 50c, Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, ii.v mivmuui; uuu Ajiltattl'IIU I1L AinnilllPAmun SFKC1AL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Dailtf I3ttof r, a: 29, 1949 Wilf Bennett., editorial writer! for the Vancouver News Heraldj and Pete Madison, of thes paper's editorial staff,' were In; the city today as passengers aboard the Princess Kathleen They are cu route to .gkagway; and Whitehorse doing publicity work for the Canadian Pacific Steamships. Advertise in toe Dally 'News You Saw It In The News! t BMlJBg L-1 Always right' ARROW White! Day time, night time any time's the right time to wear an,Arrow White Shirt. -' Neat-fitting Arrow White Shirts come in a variety of collar styles. Flattering! SANFORIZED too. Sec our selection today! Glidden Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES ' BLUE 816 - J5AANICH PLUMBING AND HEATING A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 7- SPECIAL Continental Bed. Full Size, Rest more flat ribbon spring, full size. Ace sprint; fill mattress, lull size 1 ...".. $71.00 See our carpets Uyt. arrived Phone 775 327 3rd; Avenue Representing G. H. Wood & Co. Ltd. Dustbane Co. Ltd. Brodie Brush Co. Ltd. S. C. Johnson Wax Co. UIPPIY HfllKF Mrs. David Ritchie sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. " Mrs. John McLeod and family sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. W. Alan Whyte, newly appointed general freight agent for the Canadian National Rail ways at Vancouver; Peter Lakle, transferred from here to Victoria as district freight agent, and R. S. Collison, Mr. LakieVs successor here, made the round trip to Ketchikan yesterday aboard the Prince Rupert on official business. Mr. Whyte and Mr. Lakie proceeded through to Vancouver last evening while Mr. Collinson remains tere to assume his new duties. SHOWER FOR ANNIE PAVICH A miscellaneous shower was held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. John Gurvlch, Fifth Avenue West, in honor of Miss Annie Pavich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Pavich, Fraser Street, whose marriage takes place shortly. Many friends gathered for the occasion. Miss Pavich has been an employee of the telephone system for the past three years. Miss Joan Adcock and Miss Dishka Penoff presented the gifts which were useful and beautiful and which were contained in a gaily decorated basketball. Among those present were: Mrs. Vincent Cukrov of San Francisco, Mrs. George Pavich, mother of the bride-to-be, Mrs. Desanovitch of Prince George, Mrs. J. R. Carr, Mrs. E. Olson, Mrs. Penoff, Miss Dishka Penoff, Mi.ss Mary Adcock, Miss Joan Adcock, Misses M. and E. Pavlikis, Mrs. S. Bill, Mrs. G. Chresty, Miss N. Pavich, Miss'l M. Desanovitch, Miss D. Olson, Mrs. E. H. Hicks.' Mrs. Penoff and Mrs. Gurvlch poured and sorviteurs of dainty refreshments - -were Misg N. Pavich. J. Adcock and D. Desanovitch. AIR PASSENGERS (CP. A.) To Vancouver Miss J. Husoy, F. Snowden, Mrs. M. Simmons. W. Blackmore; M. J. Stapleton; Mrs. M. J. Bennett and child. ' From Vancouver F. Regam-ery, Mrs. D. McNabb, R. T. de Maleissye, J. Paradise; B. Lou-ten, L. Jensen, Mrs. J, Bunn, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mr. Machfta. From Sandspit Mrs. Heppcl, Mrs. Hill, Mr. Letonte. (O. C. A.) To Masset Mayor Nora Arnold, Mrs. Basil S. Prockter and daughters, Mr. Nicholl, S. Thomas, Mr. Schubert, Mrs. M. Bond,. To Port Clements Mrs. L. Orr. To Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. T. Webber, G. G. Withers, Mrs. M. Geddes, Miss R. Town-send, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fltz-patrick, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. De-Shane, H. A. Stewart. A. Barr, C. Creaghan, J. Hoar. From Vancouver Lt. Col. J. Carson, D. Fisher, ,L. O'Mara, Mi.ss M. Thomas, J. H. Falls, E. Crummy, C. Rande, A. M. Mar-nee, W. G. Russell, Miss H. Pry-stay, Miss M. Chappell, Mrs. A. Dieter, D. Carey, Mrs. Sparrow and two children, Mrs. W. ThP RlnrW ... fi . .... ... onoppe Mid- Season Clearance of cottons and' girls summer coats. Also clear-' n odds and ends. Don't miss1 this event for n,t I . uuu-eeason "" (176) ) Mrs. O. Rusvlk and two children sailed last night on the ... ivuueri ior a trip to Vancouver. Nell McDonald. Well lrnnn,n prospector of Stewart, Is a visit-1 or In the city this week. I Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Forward and family returned in th I Wednesday night by car after a month's holiday trip to Vancouver, Vancouver Island and Seattle. , ! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peddle I of Vancouver are spending a couple of weeks In the city as, the gucsU of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. v uson-Murray, Bowser Street. Are Wed Quietly At Home Ceremony At a quiet wedding ceremony In the home of the groom at 141 Wantage Road, Mrs. Louisa Danes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Danes, of Hazelton, beeame the bride of August Olson, of Prince Rupert. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Monson of Sweden. The rite was performed by Major W. Yurgensen of the Salvation Army in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. a. Wigman. The groom is employed with Mit chell and Currle. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name DV anV Dprsiin nlhoi- than mi,- se"- Lciv Husov. i (176) ! ANNOUNCEMENTS AdverUwrnenu in tnia column will b churned tor a lull month t a 5c per word Vacation School, First Baptist Church dally 8:30 a.m. July 18-29. - All children, ages 3-14 years. Port Edward W. A. Bazaar, August 8th, Community Hall. Catholic. Bazaar October 5 and 6. - Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 28. 6t Peter s W. A. Fall Bazaar. Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov 17. I O D E. Chapter s Fali Baz C. aar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 28. Saturday. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala H. Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN T. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, July 29 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS S.s. Coquitlam, August 5 and 19 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Keep Cool HAMILOUOINU . TImlHT Kale X-473:i8 Scaled tenders will be received by the District Forester. Prince Ru- j pert. B. C. not later than noon on the 22nd day of August, 1949. for the purchase of Licence X-473S8 near Dean Channel to cut 476.000 feet of Fir. Spruce. Hemlock. Cedar. Balsam and other secles of sawloxs. Two (21 years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B. C, or the District Forester Prince Rupert. B. C. Ranger A. A. ANTUAA, Bella Coola. B. C. (It) KM 'm '6iA&W7D FZBSHER t NBtf! saw-new! eeishn. AH9 TASTi&t THM tVZZ. ! VOUll RE (HAD ysn changed to Kellogg 'a Bran Flake. Toaaty-crisp in milk. Fresher, we guarantee it . . . TY THEM AT NO RISK. If Kellogg'i ren't fresher than other bran flakea, end empty carton to Kellogg's, Dept. 4-A, London, Ont. OX iouklt your money bockt MHDLY 1AXATIVE. Contain! enough Dran to help regularity, many folk nnai t ry them. .t. I Sanitation for the Nation i SMITH & ELKINS PLUMBING ' AND HEATING i Phone 171 P.O. Box 274 wow.' X i - 4 1 ' i mL -an i mill"" " r m CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 142 for Appointment WILL BE AWAY ON VACATION First Three' Weeks in August NEEDS CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES - GLO PAINTS AiOTHBR. MOWS foil SALE I i Snap 1948 Chev-9. Delivery, Healer, mill-ant' only Sucre s Grocery, and McBnde. (181) Ismucr Sewing M;i- I Jirtl CUIlUltlOll. Ho. Sit Uicen 'ibl. (177) EaMCtte Electric $.icliine Rood work- jii ij4uuui. Keel W. j. Mathews, st. (177) - liaov carriage, n 7UU . (17() 49 M.n,irrh, Illily Phone Oreen 7Hu. (177) j ' CrosoJcv Slielva-I Tutor $200. KelH? no and bench,' .e Biue Ml morn-(170) A s.hii) ; : ; uid roiu custom lnw-car conuition to .st-il. Can at n or write vV. 11. .o. box lout), city. (tl) '39 Plymouth in lion. Aupiv 18jo 'il. (178) 1 electric rarigettc 'lie Burt UJi. Household elfects. t'llcslerileld sinli. V'l.s, bras, sealers! If, boys skates Phone Red 927. (178) rBlouks. 1013 7th (178) 194,", llnlnvn oK fnev. pick-up, like fK body covered. $' Rupert Kisher-Phone 681 4 '176) I) riflnt hZ....ZZ snts, ammunition,! 3 ' lr latest iulders I benpe Sales Co., 1 st- Ottawa, Ont. 4 (1951 "few and used furn : "OllIlL! Il.incr llrvl t,H'. louttnu 'lacks .' KOOfl hlpvrlnv . Wucwriters h:itJ fwum, new electric .tiiers and elec-Inew rugs, beautl- Hew runs anil "S--S-e H. c. Fur- Black 324 (tf t ISucedrr Shovels, I iiclli.es; Adam? f rs. Liltlrfnrd Bros. JKiwd Maintenance LTI' Clamshell id Rock Grapples; J" Concrete Mixers; 'ft Trucks; Nelson ws fr stockpile i "eyar. Rice Port- rumps; Na-itX Sr,rapers and ytional All steel National mills: National ana Convevors Ration from Na- ninery Co. Ltd., B. C (tt) Pure bred male IDs. S. H ,..o.,i. ..u ,e!i-h. Geo. Storey, (181) I-One r fT w...7Ci " 8 m,..,r snow ease, ri'ass front and lu'Br vegetable or I-' t d; feasoniibte. f;i ! Butchers. Phone p-C'ty. (179) ladies ble.vele. 'deck u,".,. rit'-F?' fie ri, R irauer. "c oao. pvp- (17!)l LOST AM) FOl'NU LOST Ladies wrist watch between Anglican Cathedral and Fashion Footwear. Phone, biack 49. (177) LO.'iT Men's Rabardine coat near C.N.K. General Ofliep Tuesday evening. Finder please phone Black 621. (1761 LOST Pair of glasses in brown case. Finder please return to Daily News office. (176) BUSINESS OPPOItTtNITIES FOR SALE-Third Avenue business, good location, good turnover. For lurther Intorma-tion. apply Box 544 Daily News. (til FOR SALE Delivery business with two trucks. For lnlorma-tiou call 383. ttf) . ' want,:j . - . WANTED Young girl to share Hunt housekeeping room. 1'none Red 61)3. U7(i) W ANTED Have you space for two cellanese employees. Preferably sell-contained bachelor suite, better than average. iVill pay top rental. Consider bed-sittinn room with hoard. Apply Box 549, Daijy News. (177) llbl-P WANTED WANTED Taxi despatches Apply 112 Taxi. (tf) MAlDs" WANTED for kitchen and ward work. Salary to start $81.00 per month, less $30.00 per month maintenance. Uniforms provided. Apply to Miller Bay Indian Hospital, Prince Rupert, B.C. (179) WANTED For railway office, clerk with hich school educa-i tion. some typing. Box 5.r3, Daily News. (179 ; BOYS WANTED rtellaole boys' desiring Daily News route should file their names at tne Daily News Office. (tl) WOKK WANTED PAIN11NG tmd DECORATING Brush or spray. Call us for free estimates and save money. Call Spence & Matuik.! Blue 21S, 233 mil street. 11811 FOK KbNT FOR RENT Room and board. 1153 11th Ave. E. Blue 50R. (176) FOR RENT Sleeping room fori rent. 81)1 Borden Street, (tf); REAL ESTATE FOR-SALE Attractive family home with three bedrooms, nnn MUrVit eiinsiiier rent ing to rif.ht party, with refer-j enees. Please write Box 554, Daily News. (177) FOR SALE Wartime six, Ben- ilx, oil range, Venetian Dunns, redecorated. $3,500 cash. Apply 1344 8th Ave. East. (178) FOR SALE Six-roomed house fnf min Kuan fur cash. I Phone Red 597 or call at 817 9th West. 'l8n Robert E. Monlador Limited ' offer the following: 4 room with basement 5th West. 6 room furnished 1st Over-' look. (( room 2nd Overlook 4 room large Piggot Ave. 4 room 6th East, across bridge. 4 room 8th East near Conrad. 7 room Ambrose Ave. 7 room 5th Ave. East. For these and many others all priced to sell for cash or terms, phone Robert E. Mont-ador Limited. (178) FOR SALE Brick and concrete block, 2nd Ave. Apartment, hardwood floors, hot water heat. Store, full basement. Phone Red 104 after 6. (tf) FOR SALE FOR SALE Used shingles selected clear, $100 per bundle. Phono 41. 1186) PAPER TOWELS PAPER .CUPS DEODORANTS DISINFECTANTS PRINCE RUPERT 712 Second Avenue August is the corner - Phone 632 P. O. Box 772 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS A penalty of 57c will be added to all taxes for 1949 remaining unpaid at July 31st, 1949.. Final date of payment at City Hall without penalty 13 Saturday, July 30th, 1949. . For the convenience of taxpayers the City Collector's office will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for payment of taxes only. - Remittances post marked not later than July 31st will be accepted without penalty. Payments made Monday, August 1 or subsequently will be subject to penalty. II. M. FOOTE, Collector, City of Prince Rupert. ' , (176) AND THERE ARE MANY SUMMER DAYS YET TO COME ... "GET YOUR LOTIONS, CREAMS, SUN CLASSES and other holiday supplies at just around o -.4lvJK!L. V- OP TASTY MEALS AT THE ex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY ; CHOW MEIN i i Live Electrically HMlarr pjanuanj SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE PHONE 79 FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING J REOITIRKMKNTS -.SEE REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Are. Box 423 HOUSEHOLD STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN UTENSILS SATIN Electric Fans $12.95 Electric Ranges $229.00 Electric Rangettes $69.00 Electric Ironers $129.50 Electric Floor Polishers $59.50 Electric Washers $148.50 ENAMELS VARNISHES Northern B.C. PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT Power Co. Ltd, BESNER BLOCK STEWART, BJC. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 jn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 tat Outside Order. I