"... f. PR07I.VCIAL LIMY VICTORIA, E. c. : Gltr.lES DltUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TO?i"JS!v?TtrCan,,dl,B Most Sirsilf'eie Padfir Port-'Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 31 vuu XXXVIII, No, 176. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS .JcABS 1 and f assensers Escane Mmv iirplane Crash n Ifebv Island Charlotte Airlines Craft fed Coming Down in BushlTO END STRIKE 1 . J"" ' and ana the uie pilot puot cu of a a Queen vueen Charlotte unariotte ' ' ' i u3 7'' - f " dclegallon of th0 Canad"; ,e escaped lrom injury this morning men's Union called on the deputy ,ft crashed on Digby Island shortly after J minister of labor, Arthur Mc-otn its Real Cove base on a flielit to the! Namara. yesterday to dlscurs PRAIRIE CROPS HELPED BY RAIN Hot to Cool During Week ' Temperature Ranges From WINNIPEO Temperatures ranged from hot to cool In the three prairie provinces during the past week, with widespread rains improving the crop outlook considerably, according to the weekly crop re-pprt of the Department of Agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. Early sown crops In western Saskatchewan and central Alberta have already deteriorated too much to benefit greatly from the added precipitation. Barley cutting has commenced at a few points in Manitoba, but will not be general for. another ten days or two weeks. . Grasshoppers appear to have been fairly well controlled throughout Infested areas and aphlds have practically disappeared In Manitoba where, in southwestern sections, considerable coarse grains were ploughed down as much as 15 per cent at one or two points. , !tlo Islands. I a twin-engine dc Havilland Ilapide, came CANADIAN NAVY MEN TRAIN ON ATHABASK AN Three training ships of the Royal Canadian Navy, the Athabaskan, shown here, together with the Nootka and Halda, are taking officers and men from 20 Canadian naval divisions to sea this summer. Destroyers take over regular naval duties In winter, are used for tra inlng in summer. Nootka and Halda are based in the Atlantic, the Athabaskan In the Pacific. Ocean Falls Boy Is Adjudged Outstanding Swimming Star VANCOUVER Allan Gilchrist of Ocean Falls won the Sir Edward Beatty trophy as the outstanding" swimmer for 1948 as a result of his performance at the British Empire swimming trials here. Jim Portelance of Ocean Falls won the 1500-yard breastroke In 18 minutes 30.8 seconds yesterday. Unscratched ! The pilitt and three passengers from the wrecked aircraft boarded the provincial police boat P.M. I.. 15 at 2:43 and are being brought to the city. Inspector Moods-Johnson and. other members of the rescue parties were at the scene of the crash. The provincial police anmunced that the condition of all who had been on the plane was good. None of them even suffered a scratch, it was stated. PASSING OF CDR. BORRIE Dies Suddenly at Duncan, Vancouver Island Many local friends will learn with deep regret of the sudden After a record movement . of cherries from the Okanagan, apricots are now moving freely and peaches and pears . are starting to move from the south end of the Valley. No damage to the lrult crop Is reported from any source. DRUG TRAFFIC IS INCREASING ' WASHINGTON D. C. "Ex tremely disturbing" increases in the smuggling -of the drug cocaine into the United States was reported yesterday by the Air Lift Is Dity about severe damage, iliree passengers re Mrs. E. L. Orr. Stanley Thomas, .and A P. Nicol, .rime West, Vail-' the plane, was r. Tlninias were "t, and Mrs. Orr '.s. 4ccideiit was not 7 early this af-passengers and mi I)ii by Island expected to be illy later In the re Rupert Ucn- ;i; standing by ash victims f-r ac-ilic Air Lin io sc ene of Ui ported that four fn: walking abou 4('A office here ' litt no one was and all were as the second An lines trip of lid jmlius. The urni-d six pas' ' On the early or Nora Arnold S. Ppn-kter and HIVE "tirred a mile in :i shore, direct v f Cove village, at " of Hie Island. !icc boat, P.M.L. ''r of constables tie of the crash 'ktui red. &"' 'tlsislfd of C'""'d, Engineer .''ise. Constable ' lb" P.M L. 13 'Ifierl man who AI BF RTA IS LEADING CALGARY Alberta's crick-tiers widened their lead in the Dominion cricket tournament yesterday by trouncing Manitoba while the Dominion champions from Ontario defeated British Columbia to take over second place. TO BUM) LOCOMOTIVES DETROIT General Motors today announced plans for Hie construction of a diesel-electrlc locomotive plant at London, Ontario. The plant will be of 226,000 square feet floor space on a 210-acre plot ,of land and will employ 100. DOIKS AWAIT WORD CRESTOVA John Lebe-doff, leader of Sons of Freedom Ooiikhohors, said today that woM was being awaited from Russia or Turkey before migrating from Canada. He said that "only slaves of competition" would remain In Canada. Orthodox Doukhob-ors have rejected the idea of leaving Canada. WELLS ARE bLAMFD TORONTO Minister of Health Kelly of Ontario said today that five of twelve wells in the northern Ontario lumbering town of Mattawa showed sufficient contamination to class them as "unfit for domestic use." A statement based on" reports from provincial authorities who investigated the outbreak of dysentery -which is reported to have taken the lives of twelve infants. . NOT RECOGNIZED NEW YORK The New York State Athletic Commission has refused to recognize the winner of the forthcoming Eizard t'harlcs-Giis I.esnevieh fight as the world's heavyweight champion. The winner of such a fight should meet the British champion. SIX DEAD IN HOT WEATHER TORONTO Eastern Can- atla can expect relief during the week-end from the second major heat wave of the summer which is believed partly responsible for six deaths. The hot spell, which set in early this week, has brought temperatures in the nineties. Being Ended BERLIN ffi British and Am erican governments announced twJay that the combined Berlin alr un wlu reduce(j by graQ. u,, staM stortine next Mon- in,, j-mit titeijnettt it was sdid.M "In view of the favorable stock position In Berlin It has " ' """""'"" ' wt-uwicj 1949 GAME REGULATIONS Regulations covering the, hunting of big game in British Columbia for the 1949 season 1 have been published by the pro-i vincial government. Those gnv- , erning hunting in the western t aisirici oi me province-wc vi ( rne tiywn rwr. ai . w' ot Prince Rupert are' as fcm.v, Grizzly Bear September 10, i 1949 to June 30, 1950. There is' closed season on black or brown, bear and there is no open season on white, or Kermodel bear. Deer Bucks only. Over onej year of age, throughout the ' w"hole district (except Graham and Vancouver Islands), open narcotics bureau. Up to now. the bureau said, there had not been any consid-erabi trarli; lit cocame - tha .. use of it in the United States.. However, it is said of 1948: UNGAVAIS I RICH IN IRON QUEBEC 0 Ungavas wealth In Iron ore Is even greater than was heretofore Imagined. Minister of Mines French of Quebec told a press conference yesterday that the North Shore Exploration Co. now estimates there ere 500,000,000 tons of iron ore In the northeastern Quebec region, 200,000,000 more than earlier surveys had shown. The minister said that a company proposes to carry on with plans ;k produce 10,000,000 annually. WASHOUT IN SASKATCHEWAN MOOSE JAW Heavy rain swelling a stream five miles west of Mouse cuwscd the --wash ing out of a bridge and 1300 feet of track. Canadian Pacific main line trains were delayed from six to eleven hours as a result. Rush Hard For Arms WASHINGTON DC. tf The armed services rolled their big oratorical guns up to Capitol ' Hill today in support of Pres ident Truman's drive for the $1,450,000,000 program to help arm friendly nations following passage of the Atlantic pact. ( Defence Secretary Johnson and Army, Navy and High Command led the parade before the House foreign affairs committee, lawmakers are psneclallv in- terested in ttln- Trom Secre- ,ary johnSon and General Omar j Bradley, Army chief of staff, , information about Russia's mil- Rary strength. They also want, an estimate on the effect of the Truman proposal would have on united States defences. I been decided to reduce the aIr!"Q"lte relable information at I fjnnfl. r.t . n ,4 m t I . . Dume n. JJ , n.nu., Allien took place at Duncan, Vancouver Island, on Monday. Commander Borrle, who had made his home at Uplands in Victoria for several years, died In his sleep at the Commercial Hotel, Duncan, while on a visit to the up-island city where he had many friends. He had been In poor health for the past five years. A master mariner uy profession, Commander Borrle served for many- years In the British Merchant Service and prior to the oubtreak of hostilities was In command of a large combined refrigeration and passenger shin operating between the' . w, iSEAMEN URGED OTTAWA A rank nnH fiio terms for the ending of the C.S.U. strike Mr. McNamara told the sea-nun flatly to call off the strike as It was hurting the C.S.U. Itself. The delegation staed after the meeting that Mr. McNamara had been non-co-operatlve. PRESIDENT PEROli IS RENOMINATED BUENOS AIRES (P'-The national convention of the Peron-Ista party today proclaimed President Juan Domingo Peron their candidate for re-election in 1952. JAIL, NOT FINES, FOR GAMBLING VANCOUVER Magistrate Oscar Orr announced In police court yesterday he will Impose J Jail terms and not fines In future on bookmakers and gamins house keepers. He imposed fines' yesterday and said these would be the last. i (Courtesy S. D. John ton Co. Ltd. Vancouver Bayonne 05',i Bralorne 9.50 BR. Con. ... .03 BR.X 07 'i Cariboo Quartz 1.15 Congress 03 'a Hedley Mascot 24 Pacific Eastern 04 Pend Oreille ..." 4 80 Pioneer 3.25 Premier Border 04 Privateer 17 Reeves McDonald 2.25 Sheep Creek 1.17 Silbak Premier 10 Vananda 15 Salmon Gold 11 ' Spud Valley .08 Oils- Anglo Canadian 3.10 A.P. Con 15 Atlantic 66 Calmont. 4 SO ! C. & E .31 Central Leduc 76 Home Oil 9.50 Mercury 10 Okalta 1.35 Pacific Pete 2.45 Princess 18 j Royal Canadian 06'2 Toronto Athona 12' i Aumaque IS1 Beattle 54',4 Bevcourt 24 Vi Bobjo 15 Buffalo Canadian 10 Consol. Smelters 95.00 Conwest 1.05 Donalda 59 Eldona 68 East Sullivan 2.15 Giant Yellow-knife 6.30 Ood's Lake 39 Hardrock 19 Harricana Heva , .07 li IIosco .16 Jacknlfe 06 Vi JoJet Quebec 45 Lake Rowan 08 Vi Lapa.ska 00 Little Long Lac 59 Lynx 12 Madsen Red Lake 2.88 McKenzie Red Lake .47 McLeod Cockshutt 1.01 Moneta .'. 40 Negus 2.30 Noranda 56.00 Louvlcourt 12 Pickle Crow 1.95 Regcourt .04Vi San Antonio 4.20 Senator Rouyn 37 Sherrlt Gordon 2.12 Steep Rock 1.70 Sturgeon River 1834 Silver Miller 35 season from September 10 to slans 11Ilea lne DiocKaae May n November 30. On Graham Isl- j ; and there is no closed season I on deer of either sex over one DOUKS HERE " year of age. However, no deer . trip-TV YFARS rlr 1 1 1 c"rv3 killed on Graham Island can be , taken from the Island except j GRAND FORKS -0i Their during the open season. On. fifty-year span of residence in Vancouver Island, the open sea-; Canada much of it troubled-son is from September 10 to wm be celebrated by 5,000 orth-November 15. j 0dox Doukhobors here July 31- w,i o,-,h h, irniioHt me island Ju.-t Kingdom. Moose Open season from September 23 to November 30 As an officer in the Royal Naval Reserve, Commander Borrle saw considerable service I ' 1 i ... .11 III " "nnergnmg training wn-n me Koyai Navy, ana in world for males over one year of age in 1899 in an escape from per-in those portions of the Mac- secution, they have often flout-Kem:le and Cariboo electoral ed Canadian law as being "man-districts lying north of the 51st made." parallel of latitude. I Elk male, over one year of. wi wrnip yi y 1 JVIA age, on the Queen Charlotte Isl- AIVICKICAIN I ands only, from September 24 BE COMMANDER to October 2. I Mminfain rinafr. flvor nnP Vterday that Great Britain and year of age, September 10 to November 30 ,he natlons of Europe would pro- j pose the appointment of an Am-BAG LIMIT Sl'MMARY erican to be commander-ln- The bag limit of big . game , chief of military forces under provided under the regulations Atlantic Pact set-up. This, it was i hand indicates that cocaine is available in large quantities in Peru, Chile and Bolivia and American seamen are smuggling it regularly to the .United States." TO ARRANGE ATOM TALKS WASHINGTON, D. C. ' H A series of "exploratory" talks are being arranged on the contro versial problem of what atomic Information the United States should share with Oreat Britain and Canada. President Truman announced yesterday that discussion would be aimed at setting up long-range co-operation among three Second War atomic partners in a couple of highly Important fields, exchange of scientific and technical information and supplying of raw materials. THE W LATHER Synopsis Cloudy skies and showery weather spread over all but the southern edge of British - Columbia this morning as a weak weather disturbance continued to move eastward across the province. Although some cloudiness is expected to spread over the rest of the province today the weather in these rgelons will continue to be mostly sunny. More rain Is expected over the central and northern sections of the coast overnight with the approach of a small secondary storm. Extensive fog banks have developed over the open water and are spreading over the exposed coastal areas of southern Vancouver Island. Forecast North Coast Overcast and continuing cool. Occasional light rain or drizzle today. In-termitten rain tonight. A few showers Saturday. Winds westerly (15 mph) shifting to southeasterly (2Q mph) tonight and becoming westerly (20 mph) Saturday morning. Low tonight and highs Saturday at Port Hardy 48 and 60, Masse tt 50 and 60, Prince Rupert 50 and 58. lift by stages commencing August 'l, 1949." The city has upwards of five months' stockpile of essential Wra u"i "P since me itus- August 1. Since the religious sect migrated here from Russia LONDON It was intimated suggested, would give a better chance of obtaining full American military aid. Saturday, July 30, 1949 High 4:18 2O.0 feet 16:53 20.1 feet ' Low 10:36 3.4 feet 23:09 5.3 feet BASEBALL GAME 13 WASHED OUT Rainy weather caused postponement of the league baseball game scheduled for last night between Merchants and Commercials. These are game reserves on which hunting is perpetually restricted. In regard to animals classed as fur bearing, there is no restriction on the hunting of racoon, skunk and wolverine by the holder of a fire-arms lie ense. f "V were follower f-'y at 1:10 con- I'istahles "I VC I limrnt mil Me-1 .,, , . i Woods - Johnston i , ronihie. I w;is a inem- I J a group, making ' vp treatment to I need it. ' :e Plane crashed i'l.V level so that anticipated 111 getting to the --" Kt-ud ly cir 'io over th f 1 1'tii. then flew ki,n arter liarn-'i.lvil plane nn;i ':d- ot t!,n cltv "nt '.t"od by o I "I'diilnlng radl . vitli tl0 ,..,. llp i Hi Invrsl - weio on ti,. s- W. M. Wal i, 011 motor tr p 1 Kelso, Washer ;-' "le city by ir Tpy were a. ie by their von-w ""d A. 8. Nlck-r- ni(,t. at Smltlvi's, lhefP yesLerd ty. War 1 was in command of. one of His Majesty's ships at the Oalllpoll landing. In World War 11 Commander Borrle served as naval officer- in-charge at Prince Rupert 1940-41. and in a similar capac ity at Vancouver 1942-43. After repeated requests to again serve afloat, he was in 1944 appointed In command of H.M.C.S. Preserver, which was based at St. John's, Newfoundland, and was employed as a supply ship for Falrmiles In the submarine warfare In the Straits of Belle Isle, mouth of the St. Lawrence and other waters adjacent to the newest province. In 1945 Ill-health torced Commander Borrle to relinquish his command and he was transferred back to the Pacific coast; (H.MC.S. Burrard) where he! served until the end of the war. He Is survived by a wife in Vancouver and near relatives in England where he was born. TOM CLARK IS NAMED JUSTICE WASHINGTON -President Truman yesterday announced the allows that "no person shall at any time during the open season, kill or have In his possession more than one caribou, one mountain sheep and not over two mountain goats. Provision for mountain s'heop and caribou is for the eastern district only, since there is no open season on them in the western district. The bag limit. lor mosse and elk shall be one of either in any part of the province. No hunter Is allowed to take one of each. Bag limit for grizzly bear is one, except in the area north of the 57th parallel, the northern part of the province, where the bag limit is two. There is no bag limit on black or brown bear. Bag limit on .deer Is two, except on Graham Island where there Is no bag limit insofar as bonafide residents are concerned. Closed areas within the west ern district Include Kaien Isl and, on which Prince Rupert is situated and a portion of the Skeena electoral district immediately south of Terrace, which includes Braun's Island. on his return to nn,nlnaUon of Attorney-General 10m ciark to the Supreme uouu of the United States to succeed Ji'-jTfY Justice Frank Murphy who died ionight last week. Senator Howard Mc-f L Motors , Grith of Rhode Island Is noml- vs nated to succeed Clark as At- LOBSTER QUEEN, KING SIZE SPECIMEN Lobster Queen of Shediac, N.B., is Miss Shirley McLcllan, left, shown with Miss Betty Jean Ferguson, Miss Canada, shortly after Miss Ferguson had crowned the new queen at the Lobster Festival held in the New Brunswick seaside resort. The- lobster on her lap weighs 12 pounds and was largest of those on display during festival. !VJi LEGION torney-Oencral. The President "M. said he cxDectcd both nominees would accept the new posts.