J. ... i 'Continued Iron; Pagt 1) j ANCIENT DISPUTE ISrinre ttupcrt Dailp rectus Lto. Thursday, February 12, 1543 s miles an d Chuckle SUBSCRIPTION RATES Kmt,. City Cairlr. err '(''.. lar; Per Mori.lv C5c: Per Tear, 7.00; vl. i.vJtftL By Mail, Per Month, 40c; Per Tear. 94.00. An lndejH-ndent drt'v newspap .' devoted to the upbulltiir.e of Prince Rupert uud ail cormr.mmit-; oompris. ir northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Sicoud Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT EUPEAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION "No. siicv f"v 'he tv: the safety valve of the Magna whale of late to perform that Charta, they can launch as a final operation. Brulem Fulmen, their order in "I wish, to point out to the council, which may uphold and aforesaid worthy and honorable confirm, but cannot invalidate gentlemen and the puo.ic m the tenor of the Registry Act. general who may be induced to - I staked a portion of Kaien invest in the townsite which the Island early in 1904. as I had a railway is to place on the mar- Three salesmen wanted to dis- j Host cuss some things at lunch, but i to In il; courdn't find an rm:ly Itible. ( He in.) H i'U.i:.! Cl iiiuii Uidii't y. Vill.n'f tllUSl ll;. enfui.-e that my ,-ioht to rin hv the laws of the ket at an early date, '' i)u and application consti- staking Fear or Friendliness tutes a cloud on their titles and Fin; illy they .sat at one wl.ere a little elderly lady was eating One .salesman said. "Yu know, boys, it's been three weeks sine-.-I've lH-en able to take a bath." Th' second one caught on and said, "H-ck. I's be' a si. weeks .since I've lui'l a hath. The third barked them up by saying, '.Shucks, you guys a-!1 plumb clean. 1 haven't find a bath since last August " land, placing thereon seven S. A. war scrip and one preemption. I had before then fo-months traversed the coast examining various harbors and finally decided that Tucks Inlet was the most suitable terminal for a transcontinental railway, and in the event of no railwav, then one of the most beautiful will continue to do so until sucn time as a satisfactory arrangement is made with me, as I am determined to have the question settled, whether a man can be deprived of his rights and property without due process of law, and the consent of his peers. i.ri k.e. A p..,!,. very j : t his lin(.ec'i tarv '"J.ii'.l ,-pn.-ed." r "No. n.v i : urp''i'.' ii ThP For this I bide my time. locations for a fruit farm They then sat back to see what would happen. Finally the little old lady piped up "Will one of you stinkers please pass the .saltV" 1'irnn government appeared to aeeep "I would also point out to tne honorable and worthy genl'.e- my applications until it had fur- ' s.uc -" in..,, t. w -2,1 .44JW-V5. - iivelu ri-Unnfehert an nriventur- men. v. mum- umi .r... r, ..... ;,mmitn in env , th.. withstanding the moral cataract 1 PL rli -W own vi i mi"4 veiled uielr has land, and on iu reporting fav-hich LA UJ orubly, my application was re CURIOUS PARALLEL has faced the world in A the past few weeks. The United States Congress has been debating the wisdom and expediency of appropriating $6.S billions in a "calculated risk to support Europe during the next fifteen months, h. is a vast gesture of goodwill that it is hoped will restrict the spread of militaristic communism. At almost the same time the Congress lias been considering the budget for the ear 1;4S-15-U. The major item in that budget is $11 billion for defence. Together these items alone represent more than twic the total expenditures of the United States, for all purposes, in the relatively bountiful years prior to the war. In Britain, while the expenditure is less, the uro-portions devoted to friendship and to fear are similar. - It is a curious judgment on our developing civilization that the very people who are doing their utmost to restore a world to its pre-war prosperity and happiness must still go about their work of mer'-y w ith arms in their hands. . Perhaps it is true, as rr u have claimed, that war is man's natural element. Perhaps it is only that our friendships are not as strong as our iVars. and there might be something we could do about that. fused on the grounds that the iand applied for was a reserve. The case was tried as a test-Harold Daly vs. the Crown the judrie deciding that the reason fur refusal, viz., that the land in r XV. I think that 1 shall never see , A girl refuse a meal that's free; A girl with hungry eyes not fixed upon a drink that's being mixed. A girl who doesn't like to wear n lot of junk to mutch her hair: But girls are lnViu uy guys hl;e me. 'Cause 1 don't like to kiss a tree. Joan had been naughty and r v In ii her moth r was pullin.: her to bed she said: "When you say your pra'crs. Joan, a.'-lt (iod to make you a goo.l If lie fill tomorrow'' I , "Why, what's fin tomorrow. ; Mummy''" t m. ' Sk-WMfctA XBt' ' ---"" 'r " if sion, are yet so painiuny perturbed over my shortcomings, that I was the first to foresee that on this site would arise a great and thriving city, one which before it is half the aae of Vancouver, will not only embrace my townsite, but spread cut miles beyond it; the railway company having only some 5000 acres available of their own, for extension; without resort to the service of a steam ferry. This asinine attempt to circumscribe this ' far and no farther" will 1 prophesy, have the same result, as that of the ancient dotard who thought by his own royal ip.si dixit, to arrest the progress ol the advancing tide, and vail stamp them forever, as men of little foresight, less honesty and no faith whatever in the future growth of Prince Rupert. I may Hate that I have got one of the best sites on the waters of Pur- question was reserved in 1891, j was in error. Then the honor-able and virtuous gentleman j who was engineering this scheme, put in the significant ,and ominous plea that the 'king jean do no wrung,' but like hi? ; unfortunate prototype, he lost ; his head by trusting too much i to this antiquated doctrine. Meantime, the aforesaid adven-. Hirers hurried to Montreal to , peddle the result of my labor ' and investigation, and from all ' that could be gathered from their own garbled evidence, or so much of it as the commission ; appointed to investigate th'f i matter, would permit to leak ARGt'F PRO AND COS OF ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY PROJECT -Sen. Alexander Wiley 'R, of Wisconsin, left, told the U. S. Senate that the St. Lawrence .seaway project would strengthen the nation's defence potential both by new transportation and power faciliies. Wiley, .shown trying to "sell" the seaway pmiert to Sen. Harry Cabot I.o!..'e n, of Mus.-,arhu.s.selt.s. right, who is opposed lo the seaway bill, and eight other members of the senate lureign relations committee supported the executive agreement with Canada lor carrying lorward the huge project, while lour others prepared to fie.ht it. talk Irorn hU! T u Il'.iywo Hi kids were ing as they walked home sell iol, "I've !'(,! '. Wo bru'hcr.s and one U boasted one "How many have" "I don't have ,mv brothe SUIT YOURSt At ttieAQi 1 MU.I slUtTI S, licit .i,: U :;' SUITS flirt- WihiI Muri anil nrM ( (IMM M)0 (n F.llf.ll-!: ( ;il).i'r.;- throb and hum with the Yuriou and all lots carry an ind'-leii..- ind FRIDAY, THE THIRTEENTH FRIDAY THE I-'ITH FEARSOME again tomorrow, and every bold Inlet, protected from a!i industries that constitute the 1 lite blood ol a great cilv. whei ' I am selling lots at reasonable j prices without deception as to will be here citizen who lout, it appears they realized an Pmse M.s'.eis. answered the second lad. "but 1 have three papas by tnv i firs! mama and four manias by my last papa " .storms, navigable by erait ol an sizes, through which the rail- j amount in excess of $40,000 out ; of the transaction, and the hon- s and three on avoids black cats, leaning ladder ible title Such then is my laith .11 the futu:e ol pnivc Rapiit. "I claim no monopoly in th' name. The railway has a perfect and equal rit'ht to it and can rei'isler in the usual wav as an addition to the city of Prince Rupert, this and this only can they dp legally. Yours truly, GEO T KANE way cannot avoid coming, and which in the near future will ACM! orable and worthy gentlemm j who are now so anxious to up-, ! hold the equities, whitewashed i Host: "There are n-v ciand- their situation, and those wh ) fail to secure a foothold at present iuw prices, will re-ret it. as it is bound to be one of the most beautiful portions, as well as the most industrious of the new city, CLOTHING SB nni s ashes over thete " Guest: "Oh so the poor has passed on''" their who had tried , colleague, to',ABo, Ki:i.a i io hoki ( ! prove that Kaien Island was .iisgrsiii.ns inr aiih-ikIhh-iii n. ,not a reserve at all, but a pen- ' -'"'LmrT 'V".T "" " " j insula on which the reserve in The n.mrd mvitcs Labour and Em-question was placed in 1891, Ployr OruumHtionn. Uvm direct i,, . . . . interem in the oixtbIhui of thu. A-i thus not only justice ignoring lo sublnll sut:a(.su11ns lor amei.ci- and eouitV. but the Dhvsical ments to the Act. for its oonsiclera- 77? e famous tion in maKing rwommenaaii'iiis to tiie Hon. Minister nt Uibour for possible suhmishion to Uip Iz-itlslal ure. HuhmiMUons should be preprect in six i fit copies and addressed lo: The Secretary. ., Labour Relations Board .li.f) 1110 Ooveniment Street. Victoria. B C. " r . - - A, lie received not Inter tiian reo- to 1!4K IU ruary 21st. ; facts of creation itself, in their : eagerness to deprive me of my 'lawful rights. I "It is perhaps a hopeful sign that frail humanity still pays such tribute to. virtue that when any of them seek the suffrage (if their fellow men. they cannot afford to flout it altogether, ane. in this case, the aforesaid hon- 1 orable and worthy gentlemen, acted on Hamlet's advice to his mother, "Assume a' virtue if you have it not," and as they knew the statements of the said honorable and virtuous gentleman a match had better arm himself with a horseshoe or clovei-leaf, knock on wood, or simply stay in bed all.day. Safety-conscious employers might ponder the latter course (after all, Friday the 10th comes only twice this year its next occurence is in August). This method of foiling fate is recommended by at least one eminent psychologist. Some people are so upset by their superstitious dread of Friday the 13th -explains this authority that thev concentrate on ,one pet fear with the result their alertness to other'tiangers is diminished. "If -.vaii-ere -desperately- fearful something is going to happen to you on Friday the l-'ith, it is well to staviiUisd," he concludes. As for the oricin of the ill-omened day, it's any goblin's guess. The number 13 was deemed unlucky by astronomers of ancient Babylon and Scandinavian mycologists blacklisted it because Balder .their sun-god, had to die when it cropped up in the circle of Valhalla. Most widely accepted version of its origin, how-evei, isMJie fact theie were 13 euests at the Last Supnei, including Judas Iseariot who next day traditiornrty a Friday betrayed Christ. The old hoodoo hasn't put in an appearance since last June the only Friday the Kith in 1947. No year is complete without at least one day when it behooves the superstitious to sleep, eat, walk and talk warily. Six times during the last five years Frida lias been dated up with the 10th. n tit. j 'v , w-' :r '.- " 'JA- who cheated me out of my law- ' fill rights, could not be swallowed hv the intelliuenl intcn nf D i C, they discreetly determined to dump him overboard for the fon British Coumthl CONSISTENT Advertising DIDN'T PAY SO MANY WOULDN'T BE 9 k' i 1 Oianaqem mev MIMIIVI. ACT i iillee of Appliiiitiini fur Orlifit ale I ol linprovi-Mienls j EveniiiK At Lake Fractional Min- eral Claims Situate In the Portland i ' Canal Mining Division. Cassiai-. at Arcerice.n Creek. ..Lawful holder: Charles Lundstrom. I ! Number of the holder's free mm- I er's certificate: 140HB-K. j Take notice that I. W. H Forrest.. ' of Victoria. B.C., acting as a Kent, for Charles Lundstrom. of Stewart. B.C.. free Miner's Certificate No. 14(l.'lll-F. intends, at the end of sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of the above claims. the FEATURE ATTRACTION at ail ADVERTISING Today The Daily Hews ! 1 1 ! 1 ? -X A sr I , i . . iuj,u FRUIT DEALERS ! And further take notice that action, under section 8ft of the "Min-eial Act." must be commenced before the issuance of Buch Certificate of Improvements. . Dated this 30th day of August. 1047. W. H FORREST. Crown in th Okanapan Vtlley's famous mountain onluirds H.C Mcintosh Hc1h are unmatched for ejuulity. You sec their famotiH colors tuste their fresher flavor enjoy their wholesome, HI id toothsome coodness! Fruit dealers are feuturinK these f-'ral apples that are such favorites with Canadians everywhere. 4 The PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION ONE WEEK SALE commencing Monday, I ebruary Kith A few lines of clothing, bedding and dress shoes, offered at prices you will find interesting! MEN'S Sl'ITS from $25.00 MEN'S TOPCOATS from 15.00 MEN'S DRESS PANTS from 4.50 MEN'S DltESS KIIIKTS from 1.75 MEN'S AI.E WOOL SWEATERS from 3.50 MEN'S DRESS SHOES, black and brown .... from, pair 4.50 MEN'S RAIN COATS, dress and semi-dress from 8.50 A lew putrs All Wool, Special Australia full size blankets, superfine quality, soft, warm and durable, in while., pink and blue. Note the special sale price, pair $:!7.50 EMBROIDERED PH.I.OW CASES, boxed, now at $2.25 REVERSIBLE BED THROWS, fine all wool quality, bound ends of pure silk ribbon . $8.50 Vi.sil this Sale during the week at Dry Goods Department of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative, Waterfront. II. C. Mcintosh l!cd are superh for eating fresh and prand, too, for cooking. I'ies, puddings, sauces, and all worts of cooked . i j apple dishes made with distinctive "Mcintosh" It.C. Mcintosh Iteda hold thai luscious, flavor. ft TRY THIS 36V OlSH PARUM6.' NO! 1 PONr WANT AMI ii hard uJorkto fovea grouch... Buy B.C. Mcintosh Reds today. Enjoy them to the full. They're economical to huy, und mighty good to eat I depremrd feeliity constipation causes. There ii a simple, pleasant precaution you can take, flat Kellogg'g AO- , lirun every day. It is guaranteed on a dniihle-your-money-hack lanis to keep you regular vuturallji. No wonder nearly one out of every two Canadian families now serves All-limn, (lot some today. Hove you ever noticed how often the men wit!) mutiny dispositions Beem to hav i'iViJhi likk" ... in love . or in liusinp,skl jt Would be odd if they didn't I It is hard work to love u grouch. If you ont to be happy (and beloved), Olid Stfiine you certainly must avoid is that "jumpy," irriinhlr, TRY Rex Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OCR SPECIALTY OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Guaranteed to KEEP YOU "REGULAR OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK OPEN S A.M. TO 2 AM. SECOND AVENUE, m -DBs si NATURALLY