eral mi-,.i,....i Prince Rupert Daily rectus Lto. Thursday, February 12, 1948 FOOD PRICES EASING OFF Reaction Here to Downward Movement in I'nited States Social Doings Contributions to tins section will be welcomed) EW OFFICERS MRS. KIELBACK Foole in England, collected by the local Rotary Club and to be distributed by the e!ub in Poole, was dispatched at the first of this week to Vancouver who. ice it will be transhipped by the Johnson Steamship Line to London enroute to Poole. The ship FOOD TO RITAIN Rotary Club's Gift Dispatched at First of Week, Including , ' City's Canned Salmon ! . ces on the f;, ginning in hen Canada , c The immediate 70: stiffen prices . merchants here are t the price of fiour J00! 'hlle oat ann .to t. UHW ease off. 'awit ln th(, Easing off in the United States of prices on some food lines and on ether commodities is being felt slightly in Prince Rupert, according to sev- W",frV h ment included 24 cases oi can-Fifteen cases of food and ned salmon purchased from itv? clothing for the fishing town of Mayor's Fund here. Rushing the Seasoi Maybe the birds are, not you if it is a N .nrinrr ' MIX IS NEW REGENT Succeeds Mrs. Teng as Head of Queen Mary Chapter Vear"s Activities Reviewed Mrs. S. A. Kielback was elected regent of Queen Mary Chapter Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, at the annual meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. A. T. Parkin, Borden Street. Mrs. Kielback succeeds Mrs. J. A. Teng who has completed her term as regent and now becomes honorary regent. The officers for 1948 arc: Honorary Regent, Mrs. J. A. Teng; Regent, Mrs. S. A. Kiel-back; First Vice -Regent, Mrs. F. M. Kempton; Second Vice-Regent, Mrs. J. E. Boddie; Secretary. Mrs. Thomas McKeown: Assistant Secretary, Mrs. J. R. Carr; Treasurer. Mrs. J. A. Ten;,': Educational Secretary, Mrs. W. J. Lineham: Echoes Secretary. Mrs. George Howe: Standard Bearer. Mrs. M. J. Keays. Standing committee conveners e "uiuue you a thinking of. v J3 j v 15y making your selections now, you have a fU ranprf New Spring Merchandise to choose from. ARE INSTALLED Caiubrai Chapter Defers Flection of Recent Retiring Recent Mrs. W. S. jjg was presented with a love ly silver meat platter in recognition of her leadership last year by Cambrai Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, at its annual meeting in the Civic Centre on Tuesday niht. The meeting installed a new slate of officers with the exception of regent, election of which was deferred until a later date. Officers are: first Vic? -Regent, Mrs. C. O. Ham. Second Vice -Regent. Mrs. K. Linriseth. Secretary, Miss Vivian W'rath-: all. Treasurer, Mrs. S. A. Saville. Educational Secretary, Mrs. Crawford Moore. Echops Secretary, Mrs. Victor Grant. Work done by the chapter dur-iing the year was shown in the annual reports Welfare contn- buttons totalled almost $100 as was also the value of food par- e ls shmped overseas. Collec- about $200. Retiring officers , , , . . . .. Tl. v l,i Mis. Noble - reported that acti- , ,!. f i ui Luc simpler in iviarcn will include the Cambrai Birth- 1 day Party in the Knights of Columbus Hall and the annual din-rt-r at the Civic Centre. The 'monthly raffle was won by Mrs. George Rorie. j High School pupils contribut ed a large quantity of canned goods and the Boy Scouts assist in connection with the collection. Lindsay's Cartage looked after the packing and shipping. at Civic Centre i i FRIDAY ', Sports i a.m. Bo-Me-Hi gym class . ; 10:30 Rup-Rec tiny tots, p.m. 2:30 Annunciation gym cla. 3:30 Rup-Rec junior girl.' 8:00 Rup-Rec ladies. Basketball Practices I 4:00 King Edward No. 1 VS i Borden. Booth vs. Kin: ! Edward No. 2. ! 6:00 Stones vs. 65 Taxi. 7:00 Sweet Sixteen vs. Savoy. 8:00 Bo-Me-Hi vs. Co-op. 9:00 Brownwoods vs. Fashion Footwear. Special Events a.m. 10:30 Leath.ercraft group. I p.m. 5:45 Community " Calender CFPR. , 8:00 Camera Club, Typogra- , phical Union, Mixed Card Club. ; 9:00 Rotary Rehearsal. LOSES LIFE SAVINGS OAKTHORPE, Leicestershire, England (P Tom Wilson, 50, crippled carpenter who neither drank nor smoked, refused to bank his money because "the government would take part of it." Thieves broke into his cottage and stole 500 life's savings. Advertise in the Dailv News! CROWNING "MISS UNITED NATIONS OK 1948"-The sixth annual ball of the United Nations' club to provide food and medical aid for children of Europe and Far East was heid in Washington, DC, this week with representatives from 42 lands participating in the pageant and vieing for the title of "Miss United Nations of 19 !8." The title was won by Miss Nora Marlins, daughter of Ambassador and Madame Carlos Martins of Brazil. The lovely senorita from "below the border" is pictured being crowned by Dr John R. Steelman, assistant to President Truman, as Attorney-General Tom Clark presents Miss Martins with a cup. Looking on at right is John Davis Lodge R of Connecticut. 'Sf AM'' for the Queen Elizabeth H spi. tai. It was decided to join the Prince Rupert Film Council bv payment oi a fee of $250. Flans were discussed for daffodil tea to be held Easter Monday. Following the. business vision, delicious refreshments were served. ., ' " '"" WRITES MUSICAL SCORE LONDON O-Sir Arnold Bax. Master of the King's Mustek, '.s working on the musical score fir his first feature mihn. Dickms' Oliver Twist", now in pioduc- tion at Pinewood Studios are: Fmnire Stnrtv Mrs n r" stuart; Ex.Service Personnel. , Mrs j A T chud and We). fare Mrs j. stewart. Hospital, v A B Ljve and Foote and Mrs F. M. iR. S. Blackaby; Cancer Fund, , , Mrs. Earl - Becker. The retiring regent was presented with a pretty vase as a : token of appreciation for her work during the year, the pres-1 entation being made by Mis. Kielback. i The new regent was appointed It was reported that the sum fwt Mm, 't fiSiM InAt Mil! delegate to the provincial an-STOCK FEEDING TRIALS ,nual meeting to be held in Vic-i CANBERRA (P The Austra-1 toria April 12. 13 and 14. i lian Meat Board is financing a three-year experiment in the of $84 had been expended to topping-off of beef cattle with send food parcels to needy Bri -grain sorghum. Tests will be tons. Members were urged to made under field conditions in redouble their efforts in this re-north-Western New South.spect. Seventy-six articles of Waies and similar experiments clothing were also sent at a total with other supplementary food-I cost of $141.30. I stuffs are being considered. The educational committer YOU NEEDN'T WAIT FOR YOUR SHIP TO COME IN BEFORE CHOOSINQ YOUR SPRINO ENSEMBLE. USE OUR PERSONALIZED BUDGET PLAN. NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue 1 -Li $3.95 $1.95 $4 05 ATTENTION ed FISHERMEN! Install a Marine Mis f flea On Your Boat Engine and Avoid Harmful BACK PRESSURE We make mufflers to suit your engine. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. Black 884 A PIECE OF GOOD LUCK And it won't come by picking up a horse shoe. You'll have all the good luck you need for buying or selling needed services and articles by using the classified section of The Daily News. The D lily News First Dun's Service StJti McBrlde St. 0r t reported that the sum of $20 liad i been donated to Borden Street School, magazine subscriptions to Terrace High Schoul and Bor- den Street School as well as' seventy-live calendars. Mem- bers had assisted at the annual Empire Day celebration. The child and welfare report showed $135 donated to the Civic Centre and 5:4.50 to assist the aged and the blind. ' One new member. Mrs. Marg- a ret Stewart, was initiated. A letter of thanks from th-.' Duchess of Edinburgh 'Princess Elizabeth i thanking the order for its gift of an ermine wrap was read. A balance from the gift fund was used for equip- ment. supplies and special foods $7 regular to $8.50 S n E Jot ARANCE OF ODD LINES Plain. Toe Brown & Black Oxfords regular to Sealskin Slippers regular to $3.95 .50.... at ork Boots and Oxfords regular to $6.50. rown Moccasin Toe Oxfords i $5.50 IND MANY OTHER BARGAINS AT Si ra nJDt Sale in ZS Years Starts Friday 13th, Eaids Saturday 21st