131 VTTTTW. 'TTTyTTTtMTTTTTT TAXI NOHTB-ERN AND CENTRAL MUTUB COLUMBIA i NKWSPAPER 0 fjs57 ' "I b 4 Blue 3 Phone n wv-i in w v va -z.' -"Tts,. t STAR 1 il,A( K AM) WHITE CABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Cabs I Na 38- PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY -IliVI1- 12, 1948 poTr, ,-v- rr &AAAA4A4v!aAAAA4J ' V M AW Jar (.rim ,i Shipping Torts Days Lack Appear to be. ram Eimgyl d by Snowslidc, Ail A II 5 yirviive " ' ' " - -. - . ,., Ikal. - Tie Prl 01 POWER SHOVEL rm.iiii. d lot k-d In ice nl idleness today but ll:d ports in the Mari-c there is a .sharp drop " '-5 THREE COACHES ARE SWEPT DOWN GORGE IN COLORADO . . ATnfrn s i A ( i IS ,1 Prince Rupert's Appetite For Bigger Port Trade Starved by Jones Act . 4. ' J V r ) jtv. came ominous In-a ' v.'ie shipping Drain.Teo work, at Fttirview ; i Cemetery, which was begun re- nvrr last year ships nii v, ui, ... ... fiMiij?). I ,(iriiarln M'Pl A m, im . .stream waiting for t to ; n year there are no Co., was halted this week when ' inu.nc,erel clown on a tiny narrow'-gauge railroad the power sjjovei being used to; train last night, tumbling three coaches down a By HARVEY HICKEY in Toronto Globe and Mail is no grain in the OTTAWA As they watch workmen build S15 !"uthVeo? aboard miraculously 2s- a V'OO pulp te Ln-(l led Jhe, cars were hurtled hundreds of plant on near-by Watson Island the cemetery. cule 1 of of n Prince t IWp Rupert, n RnnH- R B. p C, ItJ?: ' ' lOJailli. V?v LIU' I 16. j feet Two members or the train crew were in hos- (X)0 ,mi plenty of berths nu n claim the situ-to lack of dollars uiruig H'e Unitcci iu use its own ships people are hoping that the puai today with injuries and a luture once predicted for their citv mav t iuKt i The shovel. which actually is , - k .1 w w , 1 I 11 h t grain. inie. . ! a clam working from a Ion" dispatcher for the Denver and Rio Grande Western . Railroad reported that all eleven passengers were shaken up. During the war 75,000 United States troons nd LmJ en.t.."t.?r acUon wh('n t? 5;rpa f't -'-v COSTA RICA PLOT NIPPED :.u the bin winter idle ikiring the week-Tin iday there was millions of tons r,f m, ' '! m.uuum "veroaiancea and teil v. UUKK,AVO i backwards across the shovel it- i niv ihii oi lauu long- badly for Alaska. It seemed then that his Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- bent that it will have to be tak alio today the num-a'iied only 250. One the city had assumed its place Reds are Implicated in Movement lo Overthrow Government way. now part of the CNR. j en to the dry dock to be re-But with the return of peace,. paired' Strlfl TfnitoH C! .! I ft id: me port. nas as a leading Pacific port. The city appeared to be fulfilling the - , KINCE KUPERT-Thls old picture, taken May ,'-S of Ci,,,,r-" T- Ka"1" " his wife. The .spot overlooks Tucks Inlet on wiiat i.s now the town.stte of Prince Rupert which Kan- .staked as a homestead in l!03. Edward Kane, In the rail- iZHZ MrVW'' !M'r- 'S tt S"n "! thP iatc G'rge Kane and he finiiishec. tins picttne to the Daily News. Diamond Merchant in Tel Aviv is Robbed JERUSALEM W Six armed Jews held up a diamond merchant in Tel Aviv today and stole diamonds valued at $100,-0C0, Jewish sources in Tel Aviv reported. ""!"'' "up- The shovel was not 'actually SAN josh rod, pi . rosy forecasts of its trade pos sibilities made years ago by Sir "1C ' down;dgging when the mishap oc-! Troops and police today nipped Wilfrid Laurier and by Charles .lhreat hlch Prince RuPf' curred, but was movine to the a nlot to nvPrthm. n.n.L JL . ; uh,.n when he ho founded t..AA .v, the ,or a lme offered to Seattle': western PnH r th. ... ' " 7.... . M. Hays Aiw'wnl Dispute Over Oiviwrslun hi- situation in H.U-irrred t In the :mmins at Ottawa reiirc Giilis, CCF .r Cape Bret-:.) ribcd conditions a n:o:i B Imiot, Lib-r i"f Halifax, ad-were bad . but ; unite as black as Minted dominant i , ouivcji mucui, anu insiai a tor- tvKitin., th i So S Ala. lart trenching. To move, it was mer president, Rafael Calderon wupping i trade. (required to place heavy wooden Guardia. In this week's Saturday Even- pads beneath its tracks to keep The attempted coup began ing Post, a featured article, en-! it from sinking into the mus- with violence lust night over titled -Seattle Ponders a Bad keg- It was while placing one Sunday s presidential elections. Dream." tells of Prince RuD-,'of these pads in front of its A n .licpman un ihii ., THRIFT URGED BY BANK HEAD GANDHI ASHES ARE COMMITTED j ert's wartime rise. The article tracks that the boom overbal depicts PPrince Rupert as ready ' anced. to ffrah a kIipp nr th ,. i! ALLAHABAD (P Mortal re OJ Prince Rupert Sile Recalled An historic d.MMiment of keen interest reeallinf an early dispute concerninj; the location of the townsita of the I'aciiic Coast terminus of the (Jrand Trunk lacitic Uaiiway. which was eventuallv to he settled on at Prince Kui-crt, has been turned over through the Daily Xcws to C. H. Orme, who is contemplating the writ ins of a history of ic mams of Mohandas K. Gandhi Wu wens wounaea in i OTTAWA-Canaaians should shooting which continued into' produce more and spend less the early morning. for non-essentials. Graham . throHgh the Towers urged in the annual re- stretts. They wore the blue. 'port of the Bank of Canada r-elnvrrf man uhn ront ShiDDimr trarip a-liirh 1 l" " 1 as a saint in this land, were im- tr on Seattle. But an Import j ifets ' ' nirViri uul" i tipc mersed in the waters nf thr ant United States law. the .7nt, .iu. nu rea arm IS WERE jD Tfl RISE yrrs KvpiTl Kfforr tnlarv ( omiiiiltre ' Dands of , presented ,,,,. xtiA.. D ,t i. m.4. .1 Pmrtirmiv k u . ul!Pemea yesterday. yesterday. against ""iuu "mis nerc i.ouay. ""i ""mniwucu in me rosi 1 ""iiiikm uius- xi.-puuiiL-ano national party, Mr Towers warned I Tens of thousands of . persons, ,IU, article, . and - it is because - of this ""o kpS is making J the trenching o od- k and the - red arm bands ui of thP me ' .... ac1 g' ! unaue capital exnenriiturn at l:K'1,KlIn Itichulim: Indian Indian Primp Prime Minister MinitAP law Iaw that that British British CnlumKia Columbia mp' MP's c,du"n eratton difficult, miiieuit. .. Even Even though thnuirh Vaneuardia. Vanguardia Popular Pnnninr i Pnmm.m.i.u.. . .. - deiiberatelvi Commun-! this time and sain that win.. tiij. oy uuwaid i. Kane, son of , government, after d. liie late Geoi-e T. Kane, ft is a aum-onri:; i,, , n, now be-1 Ntnru- witnessed the ceremony here feel that the picture drawn me su"ace was frozen last week ist party, both supporters of was findine it mnrp upcpX tiio Butter I 11-hinh .-...!. t ... ,i Kir Ik. I. . ... II. nillVHrOrt ln inll.. i. V . J- ' t , ' . ,. j petumn of right' on behalf ul' urmlaes me th ra,i,Jn , 1 i - wwm ! to finance with the banks. the elder Mr. Kane who con-: the name, but before I am - The House of fluence of the Ganges, Jumna' The principle of the Jones Ac; IaVy Pwer unit workcd on ana baraswati Rivers. Ms that United StatPS Bonrts "K "lueS aisc :s settling into o.nn.iuee probinn ienaea tn.u he Had been mule-! through with them they will! ted out of his lecal registration , find that this Rose would smell I i k f. t .u. tne trench from the sides after Local Reservists Show Up Well In Amy's Winter Aianoeuvers ujr oy a uum U1IC pail Ol llie it , , United States to another must," ls SCped ou be carried in United States ships.) Purpose of the trench Is to An exception in Canada"s favor drain a la.rvpr nm-iim, r th oi aw u.wn.sre m mnre Ru- ; a g(,d deal sweeter to them and ... I.ert by roMusion between the, the world at large, if they had TODAYS STOCKS Grand Trunk Pacific Railway ' come by it honestly. Meantime I Courtesy s. d iijuuiton o. t"M Wednp.sday by yior u,p llightniMi-M:it, that con-' full wartime price ii.d not likely have 't'i u;i-urf!e in Can- is made in respect of the Pacific 'cemetery to make it available as they complacently sit astride j 'tontimi'-d on Page Two uasi, oiaies oi wasnington. 'or use as tne northern nart. hr- ;-i i Oregon and California. Vaneouver Bralorne 9.50 b tore the lu- comes filled. The city's contract with Highway Construction Co. for the work is about $2,400. it- -T f .i.tt.i-t.-e investiga' a .-ky-rncketlne pr ; In nee Rupert's contingent to the army's cise Husky II" proved themselves competent gunners ami made an outstanding show during the first week of the cold weather manoeuvres at Wainwrigtit Alberta, according to Lieut. Frank Parlette who led the seven-man contingent east 10 days a-o pri- j W HAT PRINCE j Rl'PERTl WANTS Freight originating in the j United States may be carried by .03 .08 2.20 .12 B. R. Con B. R. X Cariboo Quartz Dcntonia Grull Wihksne Hedley Mascot Minto ,0434 ; a Canadian railway to a Car-,80 ladian port on the Pacific and 'ia. "I do not :! find all or even ri explanation of wniiin the eoimtry." He was 1 Hie United States Lieut, fariette returned home .02 , after the first week of the exer Pend Orielle 2.30 Co. and tnn provincial government. The story of Kane's allegation was well known to old timers of this part of the country. The status of Kaien I.sland and Tsimpseun Peninsula as provincial or Indian reserves entered into the dispute. The date of the statment of claim was August 23. 1009. The claim w.is b;ised on an alleged granting on June 18. 1903, of a free homestead of land on Kaien Island ) Kane. That homestead later became the site of the city of Prince Rupert, terminus of the Grand Tiunk Pacific Railway. Kane, in a letter to the Van r-omvi W !:!. Arril 7. 1908. set forth his position. The letter j was i.s foll 'V.s: I Mlf. RANK'S NSWKH I thence moved by. a Canadian j vessel to any of these three States. Thus goods from Chi- CURB PRICES, i CURB WAGES LONDON (P c. H. Millard, United Steelworkers of America director, said last night that Canadian unions will curb their wage demands if Pioneer 3.25 TT I EWE ATH ER j Rain occasionally mixed with ; snow is spreading down the Bri- i tish Columbia coast and snow is: falling over Central B. C. Cloudy ' skies and showery weather are ! expected behind th weak dis-j turbanc as it moves southeast-1 ward across the province and 1 milder weather will prevail to- i morrow. Present indications! are that this will only be tem-j porary, however, as another' weak outbreak of cold air ap-j pears to be developing overj Alaska. Prince Rupert, Queen Char-j lolte.s and North CoastOver-: east occasional light rain or! .0434 j cago can be moved over the CPR Marshall, chief Dom- to Vancouver and shinnprf .27 i else as did Gunner J. Basso, but j the five others remained for the ; full two 'weeks. i Despite the fact that some cf ; them had never experienced cold ; weather, they carried on without ' difficulty in temperatures that sins. No two groups were dressed alike, because the authorities were testing different types of winter wear." First part of the course in-, eluded training in skiing, snow-shoeing and ski-joring. The men tied ropes onto Sherman tanks flnrl nnannn nni.tnA 1 Premier Border Privateer Reeves McDonald Reno Salmon Gold 1.15 .10 .201-. thence to Seattle in a Canadian freighter. Situated north of Vancouver. they get a guarantee that the " i.'ii, said that only ""'5 in the world had ""'ices than Can-Zealand. Australia Afnc:i :-l!ee if, today Inves-r hn'ter situation alar reference to will j ranged as low as 30 below. Lieut Dominion government curb prices. He said . .... n,,Ui.-vauic.. auu that Sheep Creek 1.00 Taku River 55 Congress 03 Pacific Eastern 06 Hedley Amalgamated .02'2 "UCHC 'u- cioining sped across the snow-covered provided by the made the - army plains on skis. Instructor in the Canadian labor was now ready for the ultimate func-. tion participating in i "ompuuani. j ski-training was Bruno Easier, ! "We were issued complete sets famed ski instructor at Banff.- -of winter clothing," he recalled,! Training then centred on' Spud Valley . .12 "As I see by the d.uiy papers dri?zle today. Cloudy with snow ; Prince Rupert has no hopes of getting this southbound trade. What Interests Prince Rupert is the northward trade. Its ambition i.s to receive goods from Chicago or St. Paul and to move them in a Prince Rupert ship to Alaska. Prince Rupert is 600 miles or two days by sea closer to Alaska than Seattle is. Quick to capitalize on a four days' saving of Central Zeballos including parkas and moccas- j specialized work. For the Prince that the government of British Hurries Friday. Winds. south-Columbia, ' urged thereto by j westerly '15 m.p.h.i today and laudible motives of equity, con -, northwest ?Xn tomorrow. Little template caneelling my regis . change in temperature. Lows to-tration of the townsite of Prince night and highs Friday -At Port .01 4 .42 .14'i .44 Silbak Premier Oils A. P. Con Calmont C. & E STAYED " 1 j 3.70 Rinvn. 1 wish to remind the Hardy 37 and 4ft. Mussett 32 and KK - Commodity uri- Rupert boys it was artillery. This training climaxed in a mock battle that was just as close to the real thing as it could be., LOCAL TRAINING PROVED I'SEFIX Training which the Prince Rupert lads had received with f 15 C. that this same: 38, prince Rujiert 32 and 40. public 1 " (1 thi.ii- H,,,. ,,.,.,, Foothills 3.40 Home 5.50 shipping space on a round trip, the United States Government ' ;'(wv but ihp lo a trot. Mm-. ''"w'(l today in "bservaneo. Toronto Athona Aumaque Beattic Bevcourt Bobjo .08 .20 .63 .47 .14 "ic limit during the war made Prince Rupert the main port through which men and materials were shipped to Alaska. The United States spent $20,00,000 expanding Prince Rupert's dock ties and millions more on ware for the 111 Chicago yesterday. 11,11 and ;the 120th Battery here' made them so competent that the officers in charge of the exercise found it necessary to send to Edmonton for permanent force gun layers during the exercises, Lieut. Parlette declared. Montreal Buffalo Canadian .12 ' "!lt SIHH-Cl in stock !l" but they firmnrl houses and railway sidings. This taste of wartime nros- I ll'"li'ig. Mines con- J V ' l 7 i s. ? . - t , n v i ' d.. -.-. st "v! . , here and I 'lt' steady fiver in A: ... . pcrity has whetted Prince Rupert's appetite for the peace Winnipeg J-'-uiKe. iiricpo "That pleased them a lot and made us pretty popular." Experiments in winter use of guns and equipment, however, was not thB only point of Exer- Consol. Smelters 92.50 Conwe.st , 80 Donalda 82 Eldona 87 Elder .57 Giant Yellowknife 5.50 Hardrock 12 ij Harricana 07 Heva 18 Hosco 33 again l"e American weak- time Alaska trade. Prince Rupert and Alaska ar? thus both interested in seeing I;iii:i:m, ft. - ,V - ' Icise Husky, according to Lieut. 1 Farlette. Ithe Jones Act amended. The FIN'l'K efforts of Alaska congressmen in ri(1,m. (,f nw. m Jackllife 043t! this dimptinn r,.o1vnrl o lhni. 'xeliiinue s:iih ,,i ''!v t"ilay that the Joliet Quebec 35 . j recently when the United States Lake Rowan 12 j Maritime Commission expressed Lapaska 07?i dlsannrnvnl nf a miui nf two LSI-4;i 1 1 h. V u'"'rt could be ex- ''Ulltllliin r.. Little Long Lac 1.20 act. It is hoped, however, that Hie . lW0 "They wanted to prove that they could take a man off the street and make them competent to use artillery effectively within a week," he said. This, appar- ently. was done. All equipment was kept outside to test its winterizing. Modern equipment was there in immense quantities, greater, according to Lieut. Parlette than uangerous Wa eventually the act may be Madsen 2.80 lohamroH tn nt ,k 'if infl.iti 1 v.iu.iQbu .v iuu maoivit hi nit: .. "nun aas ! 1 a. w. u, same category as Washington. California and Oregon and thus be eligible to receive United States goods handled by Canadian railways, ports and ships. 'lllt' l)resiii,.,,f ... ... til ... . 1,1 "IP 4 " J"14 ISU1 bureau. I' ;"jatln. Many 1 'greed. aerial view shows' the FUEL SHIP CAUGHT IN ICE-This niotolship Albany carrying 90,000 gallons of kerosene to the . . u .,,,r,v,t in thp icp in t.hp fnrpn HnH- i Kvi Vv VtA tv V , 1 HARRY ARCHIBALD EXPRESSES VIEWS Only by this means can Prince McKeKnzie Red Lake.. .55 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.30 Moneta 30 Negus 2.45 Noranda 46.25 Louvicourt i,26 Pickle Crow 2.05 Regcourt 07'j San Antonio 3,90 Senator Rouyn 57 Sherritt Gordon 2.19 Steep Rock :.. 2.05 Sturgeon River 18 Silver Miller 38 God's Lake 75 rnu .i-h.M-r oiTU i h v. i iiiiuiiu - - AL TIDES uri oi iui i V --. The irc-breakerf Gentian, is son rivpr neur Kingston, N Y ho had seen It during any of his wartime experience. "There were unlimited supplies of amunition and they - let u.s shoot as much of it as ws wanted." Still at Wainwright with tro other 250 reservists from other parts of western Canada are Bombardiers Berkland and May and Gunners Olsen, Paavola Rupert gain the prosperity at I '""V 13, 1948 . lane through the thick eh,..,,.. I,. K....L-irnnnri Cllttill" a miTt'OW TUTO PLANT CLOSES DOWN IN FUEL SHORTAGE Workers stream from the huge Dodge motor car factory at Detroit, Mich., at 4 p.m. as the current cold-induced heating fuel shortage forces the big plant to close down. Thousands are out of work in the Detroit and Windsor, Ont areas as plant after plant closes its doors because ef lack cf heat. tributed to it by the Saturday Evening Post article. This was the view expressed today by Harry G. Archibald Continued on r-a?e 8 ice to open a channel for the oil boat to follow. The ship left New York with the emergency oil cargo at the request of Albany officials because of an acute fuel shortage in the N. Y. state capital. 200 f,'et 1 2 : 200 t If. feet 36 4 4 feet and Mulroney. .