10 Scout Gets . Prince, Rupert Dally News Saturday", December 24, 1949 Miss Gladys Hndiay, MiM A fc. ai Waterman and Mrs. Edith M J Ult , Larsen of Port Simpson and Miss Ind V Kathleen How, teachers of nat-EA Ch J ive schools in this agency, were W holl(iaf season Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisces and almost two thousand years 1 later you can catch the sob In his throat: "He loved me and i ' gave Himself up for me." "For me," notice! Not for "humanity" as a faceless, anonymous mass, but for each of us indi The Real Love of Chrisfmas (Bishop Anthony Jordan, O.M.I.) loved me and gave Himself up for me. (Gal. 2.20.) On Christmas Eve, in sentimentality we need to fear fW0 19oo tv nt but sophistication. No one is for- K.Vti. if Hear Rate V . . ' mal or supercilious to a baby Assisi and his brethren and Christmas was the birthday met in a cave complete of a Baby. if Cil n What do we see at Bethlehem? V ,:tu ,i W1UI till U., ill I ..-! CV1IU a& . ... THE 4.. 303 3rd Ave. Black tit manger. In that cave, a excitement, unbelievably beau-priest offered Holy Mass and uful; and her Son , stung pink by Francis fulfilled his pious ambi- the wind, helpless, utterly de-tion: "I want for once to cele- pendent on His mother. And is brate seriously the coming of the this God? Is this He who lit the Son of God and see with my own stars, and threw the planets eyes how poor and miserable He swirling out into space, who an-wished to be for our sakes." chored the continents, heaped up That may seem quaint to the the mountains, walled in the vidually. We can .therefore, make St. Paul's words our own. What i a difference this birth made to the world! When we thus exclaim, we are thinking of how the pagan world with its heritage of cruelly, Impurity, in- justice p.n ' false worship was transformed by Our Lord'a teach- ing. But it is important to ask: "How much difference has Christ's birth made in our lives? Some, to be sure; but how much? We are Christians and tint means, in its full richness, not merely the desultory keeping of the commandments, fulfilment of obligations, but a return of love. SU Paul does not merely say: "He loved me'1 and end the sentence there; no, "He loved me and gave Himself up for me" He loved me and expressed His love In action. Does my love for Him similarly show and prove itself? Scout Investiture After First of Year Investiture of scouts of the Fifth Prince Rupert troop after .MB in , .'. . 1 yS-.fT worldly, and quixotic to the cynical but it represents the attitude with which we should approach the holy day. It is not A MERRY CHRISIH1 To Everyon e ' (rttnnu if: the New .Year is expected. Under I , , . the leadership of Scouter Walker t : ' , Page, the group meets weekly "at IMPORTANT TO ITALY ' the Annunciation School hall. Agriculture, the most Impor-The boys are engaged in exams tant of Italian Industrie, em-so that the entire troop may be ploys more than one-third of invested as scouts in January, the population . , M. J. SAUNDERS i Pro fessional and Busing cx ' . ' sn U A vnnntf oirl nplnw u;ith love and seas? Yes. this is He. What Is He doing there in these surroundings, this disguise? St. Paul answers that question, V:K-? P? 4 . v . -m 4 , -. ....- :. t .- ,i Our smeerest liopet for a Happy New Yar a. witk - - CITIZENS OF High Honor " The highest award a boy scout can receive was bestowed t on Troop Leader A. Ross Ingram of the Third Prince Rupert Troop in a ceremony conducted at a meeting of the troop . i F. E. Anfield, district: com- missioned of Boy Scouts in the Prince Rupert area, awarded the King Scout badge arid expressed appreciation of the work done by Troop Leader Ingram In bringing the honor to his troop. The award is the first of its kind I to be presented in this city, Another award was presented by Mr. Anfield at the request of i the 26 boy troop. Dennis Garon, scoutmaster, was presented with I a gold watch and chain as the boys, erect In snappy uniforms, 'looked on. The boys presented the gift as a toker. of their. appreciation for the work done by ' the scoutmaster. ' t Honor penants and the "Good Turn" picture were bestowed by Fred Conrad, group chairman of the troop, on the leading patrol in troop competition. ( " Th5 meeting closed with pres entations of other well earned j awards and a successful and en- oyable ChrLstmas party. The Season's Greetings To all our friends and Customers we extend Joyoua Christmas.- May Good Health and Good Fortune be yours always, and may 1950 bring yoa a full measure of Peace., Happiness and. Prosperity. V 3 Third and McBride in . . M 1 ana r tinctr good ilia tor Evitt & Co. Ltd. From different parts of North i America come melancholy hints that the cast of coffee is rising. It's hovering between 7 and 101 icenta. Think of it. Once, a nic-! kel and a cup of coffee were partners. They travelled together something like pork and beans or bacon and eggs. Once, there was the dollar watch, the dollar shirt, the ten cent plug, the 15 j cent shave, the good 5 cent cigar,! and the large size 5 cent candy, bar . Perhaps we have more cash today but is there more or less happiness? Several railway trains were needed to carry- not all Just part of Joe Stalin's birthluy gifts. Being, presumably, a gentleman, he will personally acknowledge each. It Is urged in Prince Rupert that local users of the telephone during busy seasons In partlcular.j restrict the time It can be done. It can be talk instead of leisurely conversation. It Is astonishing how much can be said in two or three minutes If you really utter i it with no rambling or wasted wurds. The point is well taken. It's good to have terminal facilities and use them. Industrial and labor chiefs are saying 1950 will be more encouraging. Strikes will be reduced and war's likelihood less. If more would keep on saying and thinking this, no explanations would be necessary later on. Ketchikan, Immensely proud of being a national record holder, has the right idea. Officially rec- sgniwd as being the nation's wet spot more than 200 inches of rain in 1940 the Alaskan city strikes a distinguished pose, and asks what wouldn't drought-stricken New York City give fo- good, splashing .handout from ler abundant store. Governor General's Christmas Greetings Many Christmas greeting messages are arriving at the Mayor otiice but one of the most in-veresting i which Mrs. Nora Arnold ius rfcccived U one from the Gov-.rnor General and Lady Alexander. It in personally signeo jy Their Excellencies and the .eature is a delightful family ,uup picture taken in the vice- .gal home at Rideau ilall In itlawa. The Governor-General nd his lady and their children .re seen. It was announced In Terrace ecentJy, by J. C. Martin, pro- incial construction supervisor, hat the plans lor an infirma. lad been changed, and the juikling will become an old neii'i home. Changes will be tarted Immediately. It is ex pected work will be finished In Mafch. ' j. - - Christmas At Jonrad Hall Coniutl Uniteu ilull Sunday cliiwl enjoyed their Christmas artles on WeUnesi.ay. The pre-;hool children hurt their party in ie afiernuun' with 23 present ong with their mothers. The tternoon was spent In singing hriutmus itungs and carols and lie Nativity tory told with a annelgraph. A the ehildren ent home they were given a bag jf Christmas treau and a pcppei-.ilnt stick. Mrs. C. Marineau, he teacher of the little tots, was ne sponsor of the party. In the evening th older chlld- en had their party. Ahtmt fifty -y9 and gtt;s fculhered with ome of theif parents to enjoy a thort evening together. Two terns highlighted the evening he showing of colored Nativity illdei beginning with the proph-jsies of Christ's coming. Interspersed with caro: singing, and he Christmas treiits , Among those active at the 1 party were Mrs. A. Bussanich, tfrs. C. Marlnaau, Mrs. William Dunn, Mrs. R. W. Large. Martin Stuart and Rev. L. O Siebcr. Others, teachers and friends, greatly helped In making the party possible, providing treats and decorating the Hall. i The Sunday School sent a box of oranges and a box of peppermint sticks to the local Radio Station for the boys and girls at Miller Bay hospital. , i Case Again OTTAWA, Xt The Board of Transport Commlsioners said today that It will hear further submissions from the Canadian railways in February on their application for a general twenty percent increase in railway freight rates. This announcement came a day afur the Supreme Court of Canada had handed down a Judgment expressing the opinion that the board had failed In its duty by not making a final decision on the application when it awarded the railways an interim increase of eiiiht, percent In September. Rowland Mik-s of the C'iv!e Centre staff Railed Thursday on the Prince Gtnnee lor Vancou-f y spend the Chiistmas a no New Year holiday season . 7 - rffuy the jayi'ul plruure of your Christina Holiday hecome the core of happy t. 1 mrmorSr for lite .. com. enr! 1 x ft ft i A A CHRISTMAS ft ft ft TO ALL ft ft A A 4S& A i A I A 1 ft A I ; A I Mitchell & Currie ft ft : I ft Limited A i BUILDERS AND A A CONTRACTORS A ft A A J r Merry j M Christmas a 1 10 Peler 1 V V I , Pan m rm Gift Shoppe (Phyllis Pullen) F F O N E CABS Stand: York Hotel, 3rd Ave. ,4! W 1 'sSHrH5 1 mijr yonr Nw Yr I Ii ' "' Trow wit nppni. " li (Vf ' 4 Hl ,'i 1 pllix and mIIIi'' I I go on our v. l( c. Staff (, , , ' & r may change ffr J VjJ ; Management k shesarTalways'thelame Mt . ROYd! Hotd f 1 -i; Christmas and IKE . ' 8 1 J New Year to You sW'ti1!? "V . , w! AMERRY;.V.-;i iSI' - - . CHRISTMAS ; I :i -Locker Plant . Our hest whhe for a hltrry Chrhlmat NnniA ' ' The years ' celebrations HJ,i SK J A Merry fOJ1 Happy . . . 'SjJ A'' M A TO THE a m rMnrr,,.. v. e? i ' MATTS0N"S UPHOLSTOUS0 I Prions Blut III P0 Sot 330 Second Aran Prlnc Rupert, B C FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCHVfCfl CALL K I f $ M. J. SAINDEE? New, Modern Equipnrt All Work Gmrantoi A. P. GARDNERS! CHARTERED ACCOUNTA:; 1118 Melrtlte 8ir VANCOUVER BC MARGARET MclEi OPTOMETRIST Boom 10 STONE BUID1S0 PHONI BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE R0RIE4C Public Accountant ana tors. Income Tax Bf - complN ' Q. L. ROHIE, A A t a B. LAIRD, B. Com Besner Block -rm nvl DR P J. CHEKfii DENTIST , BUITh k. SMITH BW PhOlr. HANDYMAN, OENERAL CO! NTBACT mid til PHONES p.O. BlacK 334 PO Bo . i wjfnn. v-"- ..it PHONE BED FOB BOCK AHP; tne i in Advertise our Best Wishes for a SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analyst! OFFICE HOURS 0 a m. to 3 p.m. 23 tt 2 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suiie 7, Smith Bluck Phone 525 P.O. Box i218 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Cultur In all IU branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H, 8. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Bet'ice Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 730 RED . QUALITY REPAIRS ror Downtrodden Heels and Worn 8ol MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second -e WE HAVE IN STOCK JUMMINS diesels and SIMPLEX gas engines. Boat owners and parties interested are invited to view these machines it our shop. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 067-Days New Residence Phone Number Red 964 TRAIN 'ScrUKPULE or tbe East- Monday. Wednesday, rrldaj 8:00 p.m. From tbt Kst Tuesday, Thursday. Baturda; 10:19 p.m. , , i 7nv &.jr-s.,'& .sis t' ',' . Itfl .... j. r Al I j-v w i.wwm 1 i: Cor. , f tetihe PRINCE RUPERT AND DISTRICT. y g It is a pleasure at this time of the year to gratefully acknowledge the generous patronage and goodwill we have enjoyed in the past. J We extend our hearty thanks and best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. f THE COMMODORE CAFE Dine at... COMMODORE CAFE FOR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER , and for .. : SPECIAL . NEW YEAR'S DINNER I-.-.., Phone 17 for reservation and Happy Ntt Ytar Philpott, I rkfckkfckkfckkftftkfckkl,kk.kkkkk.kkkkkkkkkkhkkfck. irirtiitfuiititti.ta ,n