Prince Rupert Doily News Saturday. December 24, 1949 United Church Entertainment boys and girls was by the teach- ci s under the direction of Mrs. L M. Grepne. Mrs. A. Logan and Mrs. F. Eby. J. S. Wilson dl-j reeted the choir. j All present then enjoved n :M .Jr-' I ' la. M , ' ' 1 S ,V J,t . , i i - ' ) An Independent rtatlv newspaper rtpvmcrl fn the iipk.uiimr.r of Prince Rupert and ail comniiinii ipa rompn ir,!? northern nnd central British Coliimr:i. ( Autlioriwd as Second CIm-w Mull. Post Ofllce nroirt merit, Ottnwft) Published everv afternoon eicept Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Riiert. British Columbia. O A HTNTFR. Mantintr Fnltor. H. G PEHKY. Manasing Director MEMBER OF CANADIAN PR17.$ At'DIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION PATES j Wty uamer. Per Week, aoc: Per 7Sc: Per Tear. 8 00. t r-.Tr i By Mall. Per Month, fine; Per Year. $5.00 s- f i;i.ifc.Vi.kiki.-i?,Ji'l.i... ..' I Transform Hearts This Christmas i (Rt. Rev. J ,B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia) Once more the spell pf i Christmas falls upon the Dnnillnr Ranlkf KegUlflT DapiISI world and, in reminding us of the beautiful orievgj COFICert of the wise Men and the showing of the set of beautiful slides in color of the Nativity singing many of the well known carols throughout. ti. r : "V. U The evening closed with Santa j presenting every boy and girl) with a lovely mounted picture,! a Christmas package and an ! orange. The hall was beautifully; decorated with two lighted j shepherds and the choirs First United Church Sunday School children enjoyed a very happy Christmas entertajnment Tuesday evening in the presence of many parents. With the Church Hall filled to overflowing with children and grown-up Iriends the younger . members entertained with a varied program. Rev. Lawreneo G. Sieber acted as chairman and called on the different groups for their part in the celebration. The first part of the program centred about a White Gift Service in which the children brought many white gifts for other boys and girls in British Columbia and overseas. Peggy Dominato and Louise Wood gave a responsive star reading. The legend of the White Gifts was told bv the chairman. Then trees. of angels, seeks to transform our hearts into living mangers cradling anew the eternal love of God. Christmas began with a song. aff S MIL' M i A i g - t$Ls tMiJ&i" I Our faith was first proclaimed THERE is a spirit that pervades our world duringlrTto S?. I this Season. W e feel it in the joy of giving day, in individuals or in society, gifts .... in the offering of best wishes to all those tne nots of that sons are a'ays around us .... in the hymns and carols. It is especf- ZMIZ ally necessary in these trying tinges to endeavor to 'ing experience of the Saviour is spread this spirit to all . . . doine it not onlv at Iwavs a elad note of sons- Syndicofed Column For Roilwaymen - WINNIPEO A syndicated newspaper column for railroad men is being published weekly by a number of papers In railroad communities In various parts of the United States. DOLCIN EASES THE PAINS OF Two hundred parents and pupils of the Regular Baptist Church on Wednesday evening braved the wind and rain to watch or take part in their sue- j cessful Christmas Concert. The entire program proceeded smoothly, presenting to the appreciative audience two hours of colorful pageantry, which reminded many of the true meaning of Christmas. After the singing of "O Come All Ye Faithful" by the congregation, the superintendent, O. R. S. Blackaby, extended greetings and prayer was offered by Pastor L. A. Thorpe. The boys' beginners' class "welcomed" everybody to the- concert in their inimitable "shy" way, afterwards telling of Thankful Peter" Mrs. Bert Ewald's primary girls enacted Christmas records the supreme fact of the birth of the Saviour. It was His first approach in that-coming "for us men and for our salvation." It was His first step on the way to the Cross and a long step it was. Christ is our Saviour in every way that we need one. First His yalvation reaches our past. Try as we will to remedy our past i i v l i i ?... Christmas but all the time. ' We can think of no better advice than that which the Pope gave to the people of the world yesterday .... that all Christians should unite to oppose the advance of atheism ... be it the communistic or the capitalistic type. All denominations, we are sure, should be able to come "to accord on some such resolve. Then there is something more than merely agreeing. We must follow up that agreement with action, simple action in the spirit Gnnnnn while the children brought their gifts and placed them In the white baskets the Junior Choir sang carols and "Brin a Torch Jeanette. Isabella." The very little folk the three four and. five year olds presented two swee little Christmas carols. These little folks were taught by Mrs. Donald Foward, Mrs. C. J. O. Olson, Mrs. O Green and Mrs. F. Eby. The Primary Department presented an acrostic recitation: "Christmas Morn," and a star drill closing with a Christmas story tableau following the pattern of the carol ''Nowell" sunt; by members of the Junior Choir. The work of preparing these LIKES VIOLET the Christmas Story, using their failures it need and is beyond us. We all dolls as the characters. The be-desperately need a ginner girls, under Mrs. Levelton, tlrm I nMNMf nt important to 11 wh uflrf lh (Miii mtui tiMnumturl of arthnttf Saviour . His great good news is st0le hearts with their cute pres ,1 -ii.'i.. 1. t 1 M 1 i. llifiM t i-aaM rviiurt thai thv k it to nwjint trwir iiornuil ottnrMiiiwi anl and aumuie oi our ciany lives wnerein me spirit. ,iat -though our sins be as scar-of peace and goodwill, exemplified individually may let they shall be white as snow." entation of the "Doll's Lullaby." : Mr. Jam's "Sunbeams" enacted on. mora tijy lh Itiliiwwo tt livtni f j EATON'S also In1 lived collectively. His salvation extends to t he! their class name by a missionary Dresent and here is where' so im "Rhinintr Fnr Jmus A The hope of the World today is, of course, that many fail to seek it. The child's pianoforte solo by Dick Kilborn aspirations for peace and security may be realized prayer that God would make alliand a Christmas recitation "My without recourse to other than civilized action. If lt op,e, ,ay.s. ChrlsUn" wuh" bJ T? VeiU:h were wen presented ana wurmiy nU ki IHH. IN hHh m m dlf .llv nxnfMjtirxifi protlurt dwirrwH io brini fnMti4 n-itrf uf Miiiw au to rthnlM, f Um.-i im, i iMitr atHl nrtirtiu. Pnm by thm vitwrMKw o( ntnny irwuMmlf. HmuIiji mrm mhnt ciMiut. V. twitr vuur rhrnmitiMMn or rihr n i rmU r M-vrrf. cioo t triv vottr M)H IN t.-itfc-ui luUy frntn yur rinifKMt , . . U pnmiit ftiitl pnimgi relief Inxn th rutin krvrl nnmry m rtiwimatwB rfbrtis. lioifr. KuilHii mini Dvuntw. 1 hrm M no rmt li you lo ftr p'" th my ho eomtWJv Osn h'tiulm rtfl4ni Uibtvta vtmt mi! $J t . . . itm Urc. aaiiiM rmttW tf r4 tAi lrt nlv IO. IMm yiM uo lM H A "I N, th mtH vnr rotwfHioti iy ( uit(roU. lt your AiA IN tody' If V -t ,-annoi oM fMM.CIN from ymw tititrtt. !!(. to: 4 Jtn jmUrf, Turtmto 10, Ontario, Editor, Daily News: Violet Ingalls wriu-s a fairly good letter for a lady. I give credit where' it is due. But this is still a man's world. Eve. Keep smiling. ERNEST HAINSWORTH. received. A Christmas Acrostic 'entitled "Bethlehem" was given ; by the Primary Boys and Girls ;(Mr. Thorpe and Mrs. G. R. $ Blackaby) and the Junior boy brought everyone back to the first Christmas with "The Message of the Evergreens." . The climax of the evening was 9 are good Church members do not expect Christ's salvation to take away their tempers, their sharp tongue, their selfishness, their pride and hardness of heart that sees all faults but their own and absolutely refuse to forgive. Christmas Is a wonderful time for making up quarrels, building bridges between hearts that are estranged and setting up the the spirit of Christianity the spirit of Christmas could pervade the world, that hope could be really achieved. We may blame others for this failure in the world today to .secure peace and harmony. But it might be well if each of us did a little soul-searching ourselves to reflect if the blame is all on the other side personally or collectively. Here in Prince Rupert the most of us find our i .4 home again for those who have selves amply blessed this Christmas. Our hope is drifted apart. Christmas is a "si1" God given opportunity for these I m that the cup of our cheer may not be overflowing but that it may be shared with all and that every person within our reach, who we want to call our friends today and every clay, have a really happy Christmas. a three-act piay on Longfellow i poem "The Nativity." This was presented very acceptably by the i t'vo senior classes under G. R. S Blackaby and Miss Anna Becke- tov. I These young peuple solemnly j hroutfht t-) minds the problem ; that confronted God In provid-i ing Man's salvation and His won-; ilerful solution in the sending at His Son to accomplish this ex-j acting mission. j The evening was Vounded out i by colored slides of the Christmas Story, shown by the Pastor, and j the presentation of gifts and things. One great source of happiness is apologizing. If God brings to your mind this Christmas some person whose relation to you is not what it ought to be try apologizing. If everyone of us looked for a chance to apologize as hard as we shy away from it, this Christmas would be far happier In many circles. As you bring happiness to others your own happiness is Increased. Christ's (I L $ Goodluckl CXX 0 fine Friends! vW frri fin 1 pj salvation is equal to all these Happincssl Gv J Health! . candy to every child by the tra things and others like them. ditional "Donor" who arrived just in time for this event. Prosperity! ' VAC, WAREHOUSE SAVED IT WAS great news that we published yesterday I thatthe huge warehouse on the local waterfront, built by the American Army during the war, is to be preserved for a useful industrial purpose. -Well can we recall a meeting of citizens just two years ago this time which city council and the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce called in a desperate effort to devise ways and means to head fool forward ar1 . in thf. OaHv Nswii Kau (ill these fkawrei he ijours tills Cmim Christ's salvation extends to the nations also. "Peace on earth to men of goodwill" was the promise of the angels. But down the ages the nations rejected the offer. Individuals in them had goodwill but their corporate acts were selfish Not. rpachtntr thp year to Iirin wllli rrnr many friend llie mm MrT I ANNETTE MANSELL ; ill ri,cli(ne an! i,ctu off th definite threat of demolition at that time, good will they lost the peace on of the iioIiJay teaion. We were hard nut to it then nnrl pvpn tViP mAst Virmo earth and wars have recurred all LADIES WEAR ..a.: ""v- uvjjv-- ful hardly expected that two years hence would bring an announcement that a purchase for use had been achieved. ( As E. T. Applewhaite, M.P. said, yesterday, the Chamber of Commerce, especially some of its optim down the years. One fact that cheers us this Christmas Is the increase of goodwill among the democratic nations. They are more permeated by godwill than ever before. The Saviour's power over the From Staff and Management of . The Sports Shop ' if : : Don't Miss the Christmas Broadcasts - CALL - Blue 992 istic, never-say-die members, can be given a lot of nations depends on His power credit for this culmination over the ,ndivi?uals of the na" surrender lets the Saviour trans- 1 he Chamber also had a hand in the preservation form his life makes the greatest of the American-built part of the ocean dock now 1ion- Every Person wh, in g'aJ G- -a, , vv - 7,'fi KEN'S RADIO CLINIC turned over to Canadian National Railways, and The former administration building, now being converted into multiple housing project. contribution he can make to the peace of the world. It is only people for whom the Kingdom of God has come personally who In any adequate way can help it to come among the nations. For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Rlue 992 ton Saw It in The News! AdvRrtW ni the Dahy News! m a r I -mr r 7w ' 1. .. w ."'.. I ' l ll nil l l ill it' 't SPECIALIZING In Designing and I II 1 'wVrv i I f '"QiiaTj'i rr v' v. ; 11 i u . f - t . Remode ing vr nit -- , t- ri VANCOUVER VICTORIA May thisarlstnias-tiJe possess scores of wonderful Russ" Gatzke CONTRACTING prises and pleasures for Phone Black 279 you to enjoy and rememberl 1 ':-ymm With volumes of good wislips, ,v I I ! ii )l I 'A For Christmas joy and cheer XYii 1iVV And linppinrss ami gladness, j-jr jL HI V Vg .- SEATTLE Sunday. 9 p.m., Camosun Ti-esouy, 1:33 p.m., Coquitlam E ARM. STEWART AND PORT S'MPSON 3unuay, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTR ISLANDS ss. Camosun Dec. 18 and 30 10 p.m. FOR NORTn QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, Dec. 9 and 23 and 23 FRVNK J. SKINNF.P Prince Runcrt Aged ' Third Arenne Prxkie . J '.I tvcr uay lliiouiiout llie ycarl j f IsiS hrrnui PllC IfriP ltd. v I If V UjTh 'MI -liVf Prince Rupert EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.n.A. Phone Green 883 Bos 586 W.rr JF 1 M V & III "I tsv . if . ,1. rsi. i ... i ) , I i "Well! How've you been? Gained a little weight since I last saw you, haven't you?" b.r f kr hT-? v I Ii.