4 -W l Prince Ruperr Daiiy New Tuesday, August 15, 1950 IN THE MATTES Xjt THE EaTATE OP JOHN W. WHEATON DECEASED Xntkt-r to fmilturs TAKE NOTICE that all persons . D business and Pro 4 What City Council Did fr Ate- having claims against the estate ol the late John W. Wheaton. who died at Boulder Creek near Drase Lake. B. C. on or about the 1st day of An March AD. 1950. are hereby required to file same, duly verified upon ORth. to William Jackson, co P. 8. Cunliffe & Co.. 7 Commercial I Street, Nanaimo, B.C., Executor of the last Will and Testament of the ' ' " 'V; k illl lull : WX W t i I BV S H B I . C I -sr. Granted the request of Aid. fuiNtY GO ober 14 as requested provided the earlier date was satisfactory to them.' HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavlni Beaut; Culture In all Iti branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 0pT0METp-, Complete Visual G. D. Frizzell for leave of absence from the meeting and Instructed the city clerk to write a letter of condolence on the death of his father, the late ex-Aid. George Frizzell. Gave to the finance commit 4f IDS iifl OFFICE Hot 9 a m. to s t l Geo- Cook's li G, said deceased or with the undersigned, not later than the 20th day Ot Sept.. A.D. 1950. By . AND TAKB NOT1CB that after the said date, the Executor of the Estate of the said dtjceasrd will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate in accordance with the said Will having regard only to those t claims of which he shall then have i- iiotlce. L. . DATED at Nanaimo, this 12th day cf August AD, lWfiu. 1 P. 8. CUNL1FFK & CO., " ' Solicitors for the Executor, ' Rooms 1-3, k Imperial Huilding, . Nanaimo, ft. C. 7 K CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D.C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 tee power to act regarding Insulation of the city hall and fire hall provided investigation revealed the city had sufficient funds. Aid. Wilfrid McLean voted against the motion. Gave permission to have read a bylaw to amend Street Parking Bylaw No. 9G8 and one to provide for a board of park commissioners to have care of and management of city parks. . . .. "l I Accepted the firm bid of Mc-Mahon and Burns for sale of the whole city bond issue at par In view of their being unable to dispose of them at the figure at which they had taken the option. It was felt that, although par was over one per cent lower than the option they had taken, It was considerably more than other bids had been. k 1 a rs - vAKbAKET M OPTOMETp, SETS RECORD World's largest harness horse money winner with a total of $212,379, Proximity (1:59 25) broke the Stratford, Ont, track record for trotters on Monday, negotiating the mile, over a half-mile track, in 2:06 45. Owned by J. Verhurst and Son of Victor, N.Y., the horse was driven by Clint Hodgim of Clandeboye, Ont., top North American driver last year. Room 10 O m r i, Classifies ads bring-results. o -E BUIlJ COLUSSl'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest lri Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 Adopted recommendations ol the board of works committee that permission be granted to Fred Scadden to erect poster panels on Lot 14. Block 35, Sec. 1, and Lot 4 Block 30, Section Received and filed a communication from the Attorney Gen PH0NS TT Ttti eral informing them that the change-over from provincial Softball Game Errors Comedy EvlAElftETS Battery Wins Over Motors P.O.BOX!;! 1, provided he can satisfy the city that there is no objection, from residents in the vicinity of the latter; and that no action poiice to Royal Canadian Mounted Polce would be effective August 15. Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE be taken regarding a private j Saturday niahts Senior sof tball sewer installed by J. Moritz as game between Rupert Plumbing A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street . VANCOUVER, B.C. Granted permission to the Salvation Army to hold a taa GORDON D F the present level is -not deep and Co-op was a riot from start (There mav or. variations in Drices in- various stores deoend-ma on whether SDeoml or standard aiajiue& ".re listed.) egn uit Bananas, lb. .25 Anrinnts. lb 2d Heavy Battery football team was always the better at com- j day October 7 rather than J3ct- j enough to serve adjacent prop-i to finish with Plumbing winnin OIL BURNER SP3 ertdes. The report was adoptad. 18 to 10. There was plenty of New wick or pot J errors on both sides With both Accepted a recommendation L.nier vnur rsvnriiA I'limi in (teams missing and hitting more - ... , lof the health, social assistance, Peaches, lb 2o Plums, lb .29 Lemons, laree Cal. doa 58 supplied All typet and stoves serviced the Photographic Contest tol man is necesary for one game of ball. However by the time the Vbe held at the Carnival in thij flianefruit 3 lor .ii ( conditional guarad Leave Cow Bay Floats Daily 12 noon 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:35 p.m. x m Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Last Boat Leaves . "Salt Lakes 10:00 p.m. zination in last evenings Man-son Trophy competition and beat the General Motors by three goals to nil. The Gomez brothers divided the goals between them with Alex getting two and Darrow, one. Schedule Of ( Civic Centre, August 19-26. j GEORGE RORIE & CO. I Public Accountants and Audi-l tors, income Tax Returns compiled. . O. L. RORIE, A.A.E. I S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 587 game ended the Plumbers were leading with a score of 18-10 though they went to bat in the last inning on the low end of a 10-9 score. But with the Co-op errors and the Plumbers hitting feet satisfaction service 733 5th West Oranees (Navel) 33 - .7a Dates 37 Cherries, lb 43 Watermelon, lb 2 for .25 Cantalouue. each 2i Veteiaoies Celerv. lb 12 Kinudarb. 3 ius 29 Ri!.s hunch 2 for .2a l police and licensing committee, j that the following trade licences be granted: j ' Rupert Sawmills Ltd. Retail lumber sales; Peter Cole palnt- ing contractor; John H. Reid trucking; R. A. Spark truckling; John H. Roach radio and j electric sales and service; All-Do Amusement Centre confectionery and pinball Entry Forms obtained at WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Commercial Photographers Sr. Baseball I power, the Plumbers scored 9 runs which put the game on ice ! for them. QUAur: rm i'arslev. bunch 10 j TurniDS Oi. Phone: Green 391 Black 92B Codaks and Amateur Supplise. For Downtrodfc Soinach. 2 lb cello 2 for .25! HANDYMAN . HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS and Worn S MAC Chief umpire for the game was Derrick Letonretu. In tonight's game the Firemen play Watson Island. Radishes, bunch An August 15 Commercials vs j Mushrooms, lb .75 . . I Ah nHnwPn ADel oclowes- Head Lettuce .13-.lt ! Cookine Onions. J i03... .21 1 August 17 Abel & Odowes vi Cauliflower lb 23cWatson Isiand. j Tomatoes. Calif., lb. H.H. 41 . 1 cabbage lb 121 August 20 Watson Island vs i SHOE HOSF OX 774 M Potatoes, new. 4 lbs. for . Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOF'S CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS 2a! Abel & Odowes. . .....0'i ' AuSust 22 Watson Island vs 16vi I Commercials. , Baseball Play-Offs Cucumbers, lb Vegetable Marrow, lb. . Sauash. lb. . PHONES ACT" MATTSO UPHOLS.T?.: Phone Blue 818. f 330 Second A-Prince Rup "OOVF.RXMENT MOTOR cannea ttetafiies Dill Pickles, gal 1.65 Cut Green Beans, fey 17 No. 5 Peas, iancv 2 for .2o Mixed Veaetables 25 Diced Beets. Der tiii .16 Black 334 Red 894 In a prelud warm-up exhibition to the city baseball play-offs which commence tonight, Wat P. O. Box 1670 (Kwtlnn 2.") NOTirF. FOR AIM'I.ICITION FOR A (1.11 MI-FAKE NOTICE Is hereby flyen that on Wax Beans, choice 2i son Island Sunday evening oeas and carrots 2for.35 the 2Sth day ot auk"' the Mixed Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 2c pet word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE scored a 6 to 1 victory over Com- , pUmokin 2 for 23 MDOSE PRINCE RUPERT LODGE I NUMBER 1051. intends to sppljr to mercials. Batteries were, Don Baked Beans, 20-oz. tin Scherk and Sinclair for Com-1 Baked Beans, 15-oi. tin. ea. .. viic ljiu uui I.U1ILIUI rju iru tor n b u CARD OF THANKS mercials and, Robinson and Car- ; Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea 17 License in respect ot the premiw- REPAIRS PFRSOXAI. . ... olei for Watscn Island. i - OZ 6 iui .of , ntUBte at Seventh Street. City of t Prince Rlinert. Prnvlnrn r,f HrltiRh We wish to thank our many WATCH Remrrs Dromut effi-1 Soap Bi ox kind friends for their ine Kunertorcier House, wlsli Commenrem( nt nt 01 of the We Play" ! .25 express-' cient service. Georee Cook j to announce to their manv cus-1 0mme!'em( Quart c-oiumbia, upon land described as ions of symoathv and floral Jeweller. Satisfaction guaran- tomers that thev have moved to -13 Lots i and a. Block n. section l. Otlerlnes following the bereave-' teed. IV,. l ,i t noo o j 1 nnrl Wak TclotiH mioHno in Cream. V Ulllt iiJ ' Mao B23. Prince Hi inert I.Hiid llpirlj,- -A Ave. West. Ayent.n fnr "Mmtpr-1 thf ni-pnins nf n htt ia nut nf . , f-ei!S '. tratlon District. In the-Provlnce ol ment of our wile and mother. , John Kemoster and Ralph.' (ltrw-i hnilt," nnrl "T.rTrri Paloili" 1 " . 7 1 I i Large Uraae A 03 - .IU , British Columbia, to entitle each OIL BURNER SPECIALIST-. Stove Service & Reoairs. G. D utiuek Labor Day, September 4 jty, clothes. Fall suits and overcoats I AL l l Xf meet Abel & Odowes, winners of from from $31.00. n nn itf 1 1 Ronson. Black 503 First grade lb. .. Margarine, lb member of the said Club to keep on the premises a riasuuble quantity ol liquor lor personal consumption on : the premises, and entitling the Club; to purchase linuor from a vendor I .61' .37, .50 REAL ESTATE BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS J . i the regular league season, in the best three out of five final. ACCOE.-TTANTS Cheese Canadian Cheese lb Milk Evaporated Milk. PERSONAL Younsr man with nionev to invest would consider oroDosition as workine partner in Prince Ruoert business. Box 770 Daily News. (192o) Rules Available and Entries Recem! at Fire Hall MODERN Painting and Decor-i atine Soence and Matuik j Phone Blue 215. P.O. Boxi 1111. (tfj FOR SALE 8-room house. Fifth Avenue East. Box 7i2 Daily News. (200b) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Incomf ""a- lur ; and to sell by the glass the Uquo' I j so purchased to its members and I - H i guests for consumption on the Club I .7.50 promises in accordance with the pro-. .66 visions of the "Government Liquor i Act" and the regulations promulgated Tax sneciahst. S. O FurS DotV vi'Z'' i ih7 Stone Building. Red 593 I fy ur ilbs-, -r-r FOR SALE A real buv. 5-! COMPLETE builders suDblies FOR SALE OR TRADE (20m)ifluux 13 c x iiiu J room buvcalow. One room fust service. Island City Build- ..M..o.DU inereunoer. t wneao ins SuDOlies. Blue 820. (18m) , DEALERS IN ALL TYPES of 24's 1.82 DATED at the City of Prince, Flour, enuiDment: mill, mine used 1 ea ana Cot lef Bupert. in the Province of British lb 1.00-1.00 Columbia, this 21st day of July,, ipWOOiluTO: Coffee. 1950 A.D. 1.21 Tea DeLuxe Quantity ID. PLUMBINU and Heatlne -' Sheet Metal work. Tar and, Gravel Koofina. Call 629 6th i West. Phone 543. Letourneau and Sons. (tf) I fiartly finished, pood coniii-ion. Call Black 735. UD FOR SALE Waterfront property on Lakelse Late. 2 ibins, about 300 vards south of old hotel. Write Mr. S. Kohut, New Dodson Hotei. 25 East Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) and loceing suoolies: new and used wire rone: nioe and fittings: chain, steel Dlate and shapes. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 25 Prior St.. Vancouver, B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf) Loyal Order af Moose Prince Rupert Lodge Number 1061 i h.T. MUNCEY, I Secretary. (193) LLi FOR eltcta-ical contract work! lntge or small, call Grant &i Newton. Black '18m) I juice Blended. 20 oz 25 Grapefruit 1 Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea 16 48 oz 3 gallon 70 Auuio, 4O-02. tin, i tor .2V 48-oz .31 Canned fruits FOR R1TNT i THE SPOT FOR SAIIE 5-room furnLshed house with 2 lots. Apply 436 Sheibrooke Ave., or phone Red .267. (204p) MARINE and eenerai sheet FOR RENT Room and board metal work. Thorn Sheet! f0r 2 men. Phone Red 660. Metal Works. Black 84. ! (195c) SATIN - GLO ; Pineapple, crushed .31 i Pieces, 20-oz .4! liomi - I TOURISTS Phone Red 471. WANTED FOR SALE c-St 26"-ci2r-. 38 Semi Gloss & High Gloss. (tf) WHERE EVERYBODY SI In many beautiful tints J Loz-anberrles. 20-oz .33 Peacnes. choice .24 1 Pure, lb .24 for interior decorating. QUICK DRYING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Shortenine .31 1 J Soao 1 Soap, face, bar .I'd I Laundry, cake 2 ior .251 i Soao Powders, large- .38; WANTED TO RENT Couple FOR SALE Duo-Therm oil FOR RENT Sleeping room for desire 2 or 3 large room semi- heater. Enterprise pot burner ; Kentleman. Blue 433. U90p) furnished suite, self-contain- . cu range. Phone Red. 809. I - ed If possible non drinkers. (191p) IIirLP WAKTED Reasonable rent. Electricity preferred. Permanent basis. FOR SALE 1948 Willy's 4-wheel HELP WANTED Bovs or girls Apply Box 775 Daily News. drive, one-ton pick-un. 22,000 Reliable bovs or girls desiring (l'JOp)' mileo"e. Best offer accepted. to handle Dailv News routes . - Box 774 Dailv News. U9up) i should leave their names at WANTED Housekeeping ,- room - - the office Dailv News. (tf) for auiet respectable gentle- FOR SALE 1949 Anglla, good ' -- - , man. vicinity of new schools. condition. 8000 miles. $975. VANTED Experienced book-Box 775 Dailv News. (193p): (192p) i keener wants part time work i Cherries, lb. pkt. EVENINGS and WEEK-ENDS j .45 i . Art . .39 ,. .43 . .34 . .38 .31 o'S& 1 rent house with FOR SALE Windows with uoconui. io Almond Paste, lb. . Kruic Cake Mix, ID Dates, fancv. 1 lb. pkt. Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs. Seeded Raisins, 15 ozs. WANTED To at least 2 bedrooms, fairly frames. Phone Red 739. I3bj: Would consider keeping books for small business. Apply Box 769 Dailv News. (tf) central if po.sible. Bonus paid Frederick St. (19lp) THE BEST tl e p; c! A FOR SALE Refrigerator. 3- WANTED Local eirl for sales piece chesterfield suite. 5- and tvping services at the piece dining room suite, wash-1 Runert Radio and Eiectric. ins: machine, bovs bicycle: Experience and personality and numerous items of ex- reauired. (tf) cellent household furnishings. . -' ior suitable dwelling. Box 77ti, Dally News. (191p) WANTED Room and Board by government employee, male, single, age 29. Please vhone 498 between 9 and 5 or write P.O. Box 337. (195p) IS .:out Shelled Walnuts. V, lb 35 Shelled Almonds, a oz. 3a Shelled Brazils. 6 oz. 3b bnelled Brazils. iA lb .42 Jams Pure Blackberry, 4-iD. 87 Cherry. 24-oz. .54 Peach. 4 lb .83 in Ikii advcrtiitmtnl la yx publiibcJ sr diipllytd by ; IF YOU ARE WISE YOU Wtt - OUTFIT THE LADS ; AT THE 601 6th Ave. East or phone , wanted immediately, woman tka LlaiHV Control DMid W im Swi for third cook! Apply to the Green 963. (194p) WANTED Two gentlemen iust dietition, Prince Rupert General Hospital. (191) arrived in city, desire room and FOR SALE Buffet and table. i 7 ; I board in private home if oos Phone Red 471. (tf) I s III WANTED Reliable person to' care for 8-month old -baby for SPORTS SHQ two weeks. Phone Red 911. t j i l i i sible. Apply Daily News. (tf) WANTED Scrap cast, brass cooper, batteries and radi ators. Phone 543. Call 629 6tn west. (tf) (190p) s V) r?i V. II Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD SCHUMAN Old Post Office Bldg.) FOR SALE 194$ Chevrolet j sedan. 739 Cth Ave. West, Phone 524. (193p) FOR SALE Half ton Austin truck. Mileage 8000. Phone Elack 626. (190p) LOST i ! i. r -n t r j i i i i i j WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scran iron Jackets 0 Trousers ' Rainroak Hali LOST Bv post office, navy blue gabardine billfold with money and small check. Finder please leave at Dailv News. Reward. steel, brass, copper, lead. etc. HI-POWERED Snortlne Rifles- Honest trading. Prompt, pav- Write lor latest catalog. Dealers enauiries invited. Scope (194P)j m ..St)) S ' r?i ftA I haies co Ltd.. 323 Oueen St, Ottawa. Oni,. (tf) FOR SALE New beds complete. Sleeping coU. Unoainted chests of drawers. Scores ot other articles, very reasonably priced. B.C. Furniture Co. (tf) LOST Dark blue budgie bird on Saturday. Phone Blue ws. (194P) LOST Small home-made leather purse near United Church. Sunday. August 13th. Mrs. Bureess. Miller Bay Hos ment, made. Atlas iron &; Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van-: couver. B.C. Phone Pacific' 6357. (tf); WANTED Immediately, f urn- j lshed accomodation -with housekeeping privileges for four adults. Applv Box 773,1 Dailv News. (193p) WANTED Urgently reauired. 3 or 4 room furnished house on apartment for 2 to 3 months. pital. Phone 13Q. (195p) FOR SALE 1949 Chev. Sedan,' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 6 (0)' Always Prompt and Courteous We're Here' to Serva YOU 4-door. Applv 70 Cabs, (tf) , NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Ling-belt Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Draglines: Adam? Road Graders: Liitleford Bros Black Too Road Maintenance Eauipment: Cwen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Oraoples; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps: National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited . Vancouver. B.C. (tf' FOR SALE 3rd Avenue Business for Sale. Ideal for Woman or Couple. Location is one of the best. , $5,000.00 WILL HANDLE . Information only to those Genuinely Interested S. D. JOHNSTON CO. PHONE 130 Contact Sanders. Ruoert Ho-tel. (193t WANTED-lc.N. Telegraph em-"Dlovee reauires board and 'room for approximately 3 months. Phone 261. (190p) WANTED Furnished apart 1 ment or house alter August '15 bv couple with 8 vear old -child. Box 768 Dailv News. (190P) WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished house, or would be willing to buv at $100.00 per month. Phone Mrs. B. Halliday at 281. (190p) x Commodore Cafe 'Hospitality and Good Food" Phone 17 for Srnd-Out Orders 3rd Ave. David Chow. Mgr. ! The Geof Mrthrw Akrm Sf rrice, Inc. "Everything works fine, now Mrs. Bolllg,