iVOi - ORMES DRUGS Ofyly Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER "phohe ; Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, th Key to the Great Northwest i VOL- XXXIX, NO. 190 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUOUST 15, 1950 PRICE FIVE CI CENTS Civic Centtrre : ens L IR & CARNIIVAL IfS p. Shi P c r.yise oisymea qy r ore AUGUST 19th 26th, 1950 .... ; Program SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 Ship Burned Cliff Fall Was Cause 01 Death H n rfl UUIUOUI I 1UO i hjm i wii iu wi iwn No Moves In Rail Strike Security Council India Proposes Settlement Of Korea By Six Smaller Nations Wednesday. August 16, 1950 Unacceptable to Coroner M. M. ! High 2:43 21.0 feet bp.m O-piane muusmui juu rnuiu Exhibits. OFFICIAL OPENING Midway Industrial and Photo Exhibits Outdoor rides. Junior King and Queen Contest. Miss P.N.E. and Carnival Queen I Stephens and chief ol city police ! 15:16 20.5 feet Boh Railway Companies and Bgt. L. Potterton was the ver-'LoW 9:03 2.3 feet Unions Holding Firm . dict of a Jury yesterday after-! 21 20 4 4 feet ' MONTREALQuestloned wSqUtWtwih . , TTx ho garding reportTfrom various fif ' It's A Girl L,r, iL ffr. .h- r. tound dead at the foot of a cliff , LAKE SUCCESS (CP) Security Council's big battlers today studied an Indian proposal to let small countries seek the path of peace in the Korean war. As the council recessed until Thursday, the Indian delegate; Sir Bcnegal Rau, suggested that six Another Disaster For Eastern Excursion Vessel TADOUSSAC, Quebec, (CP) Quebec provincial police today found in searching the fire-i?lacH- p.m. p.m. n StUw Place early last Thurs-nri ldents of the Canadian National ranartian PaHfin RanW9VJ day morning. T'.ie cause of death Prinrcc Contest. NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZE MONDAY, AUGUST 21 elected to find a non-partizan members might be better le " i last to , night. Up solution l0 public and, , J". syyTsas of an kind hvA hPPn mnrf. hv liquor. under Officials wanted a more Qf 1 is 5 Dorn UVJIII i w u private meetings at which dele- II itt' torn. Outdoorrides I rain and Lhair- gates of the cold war partici aii unicers pants, Russia and the United the representatives of the un-i ul "c -ttuoc LONDON 'w A six-pound cruise binp vucucc av ions In an effort to bring about ot death. ibaby girl was born today to small St. Lawrence port, three a settlement of the wage dis-1 The body was identified by princess- Elizabeth, heiress -' bodies believed to be those of States, were not present. Rau suggested that such a put. . Teaaie west,, Droincr ui ae- Rumors to the effect that the.ceasea. little council study "all resolu Staying On presumptive to the Throne, tMr and Mrs. R. W. Shapljo and touching off Jubilant celebra- smaii SOn, Leonard. They were tions throughout the Common- unacccunted for after a" fire We.aL , last night which resulted in the n the ..k- ."Both doing well," was tions ' or proposals that have railways are about to make ' In evidence Dr. J. A. Macuon-new offer, following uDon the aid said he was called to the All Drovincial colice officers three offers already made bv the I scene of the accident and found been or may be presented for peaceful and Just settlement in Korea and submit their recom- official report on mother and 0"'"0,r" ' in Prince Rupert division, in-! railways, did not originate with the man dead. He had been six-year old Another son, it I turned over by the time he ar- daughter who becomes third in a!?"11"8 Inspector F. B. Woods-, th the ratiMav railway manaempntfl managtfmenta mendatlons to the council by T 1 I C- ... T A HI . ,n etn4 1IT-U t V. - . safely Ilw, M s ' fl VpH Oil t.hP RCOT1 A H Prtf mfirt 'S ' lm nf .i.nnotrcinn tn Ula ThmnA DCmarU OUdUUU, W OO specified date.1 o-plane indusrnai ana rnoro Exhibits. p.m. Todd and Pluto Stage Show children free, p.m. Doors open Midway Outdoor rides Industrial and Photo Exhibits. pm COMMENCING POST OFFICE CARNIVAL "P.N.E." QUEEN PARADE. p.m. Coronation Carnival Queen and Junior Kin qand Queen. p.m. Todd and Pluto Stage Show and Dancinq till 1 a m. NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZE TUESDAY, AUGUST 22 J UI1I13UI1 UI1U ocigCAlib x-i. ii new svatcu. t lit-11 kiic i nnjo " -r inn; ui a j . i . ... . . vj ... . - ,J Potterton, are advised of their made the of fer of Thursday last , had set In although there was. she Is second chiid of Princess landed last evening along- wun OUld Thorp W91 rihnhoth onH Trirvo Phllin I 3Q7 rvt.hpr nasSenBers and WaS The "Little Council" retention , with .uu the v T3..l Royal Can- i i It it was referred r to v as a final final : still till some enmo warmth warmth. r- ' j u i, i. u . . . . . v 1'- ' w- i be composed of India, Yugo Their first, Prince Charles, is! taken to Murray Bay, Qwbep. adian Mounted Police which took ' offer for the reason that the marked evidence of injury over provincial policing as from . railways made It clear they had around the right side of the face slavia and Norway all of which twenty-one months old now. I ship's officers said the bnap-As bcth parents are descended iros wno came from Mount have recognized the Commun tomorrow. I decided to go as far as they 'and jaw and the wounds wercj Constable Harold Haighland is possibly could In an effort to imbedded with gravel grains cor persons from Queen Victoria, that name R0yal, were the only ists, and Cuba, Ecuador and Sgypt which have not. the only member of the force achieve a settlement. It was! responding with the gravel in . may be chosen. Another possi-. unaccount,ed for after a J stUl The western Big Three,' to leave at this time, having specifically pointed out that it the surrounding area. bility Is Mary after Che Dac-y s , dramatlc disembarkation here resigned to join his father, Chris was not being put forward as ; There were no other extensive great granamoiner, tne yueen irQm lhe burnm3 Haughland, !u the sawmilUng ; a bargaining point, or with any marks of violence. An .autopsy j Mother, and her aunt, the Pnn- 6 Dleasure crat. .:. France, Britain and the United States, gave the idea a cordial reception In principle but said business at Terrace. thought of further haggling, had revealed he had been well, cess Koyai. rrJtnn .ihpr failed to Nobody in authority spoke of Former local officers who are btrt represented an all-out el- nourished and the Internal or- they would like to hear more fort on the part of the railways gans were in normal condition. being superannuated include In p p.m. Outdoor rides Train and Chair- ' ' details. keep a crowd from its vigil out- the Shapiros as missing. Rather side the wrought iron gates of they termed them unaccounted Clarence House, the London for since the safety of all other to reach an agreement, mis There was a fractured Jaw, a However, Russia's delegate and point was made clear at the bruised chest and abrasions on ; spector H. H Mansell. Kam-loops; Sub-Inspector O. A. Johnson. Pouce Coupe, and Inspector Alex Macdonald. Vancouver. passengers was known and In the hip. One lung was stuck, home of Princess Elizabeth. the current council president, Jakob Malik, made no reference Cheers went up as the official meeting with negotiating committees of the unions who expressed understanding of the p.m. to the InGian suggestion in state against the chest wall, suggest-, nig a former attack of pleurisy. There were brain contusions and a' lacerated cerebellum ..ou -Uie bulletin was posted. Minutes later the roar of cannons ppread the news abroad.. railways position and agreed ments lashing back at Norwegian and French attacks on o-plane . Industrial- and Photo Exhibits. Doors open Midway Outdoor rides Industrial and Photo Exhibits. Todd and Pluto Stage Show. Todd and Pluto Stage Show and Dancing till a.m. the wajLhe has. been filling the In the ancient" Tower oi Lon ' 1 Crossing nmnu fmm tVin vt.prnnll P pm r:.L, "L Ar nloth m hi. f don the Honorable Artillery "J"" "V'l'Comoany. following old tradl lp.m chair. Will Discuss opinion, was uuc - w vcicuio. - - m sEock resulting from massive in- tL i'Zt tv's. -it Hyde Park the regular army sig that they did not consider the offer as being put forward with a "take it or leave It" mentality. P. R. Bengcugh, president of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, said lost night that "It might help" if the railways would ' suggest some definite date as to when they might inaugurate a forty hour week. Naktong jury to the brain stem. r Cooking Show entries received afternoon i nailed the birth with 41 guns. and evening. NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZF WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23 Rail Strike OTTAWA 0 The cabinet meets today and Wednesday Naval units throughout the Commonwealth also marked the event. Inside Clarence House toasts were drunk in' champagne. Prince Philip, home on leave from his naval duties as lieutenant commander in the Royal Navy, is due to return to sea in about two weeks as commander TOKYO Red troops with tanks burst out further on Naktong defence lines today below Changnyong and surged to points seven miles east of the river. They overran segments of the 24th Infantry Division in bitter fighting and piled up casualties on both sides. P P-m. FLASH ! ! COLONELS NAMED OTTAWA Lt. Col. A. A. Stein of Fort William; Lt Col. Jamse Stone, Salmon Arm, and Lt. Col. Dextrose of Montreal have been appointed commanders of the three battalions of the new special Canadian Army brigade. Col. A. F. Baillie of Duncan will be in charge of the artillery the confusion the Shapiros might possibly have got "safely ashore. The finding of the bodies, apparently, ruled thi3 out. ' The Shapiros' son at Murray-Bay said he was handed throuch a window of the Shapiro cabin by his mother. He got ashore with other passengers but did not see his family again. He did not know their 'hereabouts., r Near a quay, the Quebec, a vessel of 7,000 gross tons, smouldered and smoked and police said it would be late afternoon before Investigators would be able to go aboard. At Quebec and Montreal of fleers of Canada Steamship Lines, owners of the vessel, insisted that they bad nothing official on any of the persons unaccounted for. Twenty-five miles out of here, fire broke out in the Quebec's hold. She is declared a total lOSS. -at. . Capt. D. N. Jones, chief examiner of masters and mates for the federal government, has been ordered to make a thorough investigation. and informed quarters said Monday It is "quite likely" the railway strike set for August 22 will be discussed. The government, so far, has given no public sign that it has any Intention of intervening. F P-m. of the frigate Magpie, his first" comrriand. Outdoor rides Train and Chair-o-plane Industrial, Photo and Home Cooking Exhibition. Doors open Midway Home Cooking Rides Industrial and Photo Exhibit. Todd and Pluto Stage Show. Todd and Pluto Stage Show and Dancing till 1 a.m. -NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZE Four brideheads across the river have been established by the Reds. I The Queen was in Clarence i House when the baby was born. I The King, in Scotland, was ad-j vised by telephone as was Prin Earlier Session Is Being Asked LONDON h Winston Churchill Monday urged that parliament be recalled from its summer recess before September 12. the date set by Prime Minister C. R. Attlee. Mr. Churchill said that date "is altogether too remote and bears no relation to the crisis and new facts which are before us." Mr. Attlee invited Mr. Churchill and Clement Da vies. Liberal leader, to meet him on Wednesday to explain their reasons for an earlier calling of Parliament. p.m. p.m. Allied resistanca to the Communists has slowed down the Red REID CRITICAL VANCOUVER Senator Tom war timetable. North Korean cess Margaret, also visiting in Official line has been that the two factions management and labor are capable of working things out themselves. The feeling U general, however, that the government would step In before It would permit a strike to commence, particularly in view of the international situ prisoners said the schedule Reid is critical of the Royal Scotland. - called for capture of Taegu Canadian Mounted Police tak- j Inr over the B.C. Police. He l RSDAY, AUGUST 24 KIDDIES' DAY 5 D m Hi itAnrr rlrtnc Inrli ittrinl nttd ation. South Korea's emergency capital on Tuesday, the fifth anniversary of V-J Day and of Koreas' liberation from Japan. Camgnyong fighting Is bloody but Indecisive. MONTREAL Bandits robbed a Montreal city branch- of the Royal Bank of Canada of $4000 and escaped in a stolen automobile. They knocked the manager down. .thinks it may lead to a' police controlled state and ur?es cities and municipalities that now have their own police to carry on with them. I DONALD GORDON ON AIR TONIGHT MONTREAL The events leading up to the present threat of n a' f 'I' 111 J V 'W W'f ' If ti v TODAY'S STOCKS ! 1 .l I,. . : . . " nation-wide railway strike will be discussed tonight by Donald g. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) Gordon, president of the Canadian National Railways, over the Bevcourt Bobjo .11 hi 1 v . . - . i Photo Exhibits. ! p.m. Todd and Pluto Stage Show children free, p m. Doors open Midway Outdoor rides Industrial and Photo Midway Outdoor rides Exhibit. 3 P.m. Children's Pet Show A prize for every entry and Special Awards. 3 Pm. Todd and Pluto Stage Show and Dancing till 1 a.m. 'cultural Exhibits remind during evening. NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZF FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 5 P-m. Outdoor rides Horticultural Show - Industrial and Photo transcontinental networks of the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora-ttion. The flfteen-mlnute broad i "Ill S8! 1 w jVU .. -. (Courtesy Vancouver Bayonne Bralorne B R. Con , B R. X . Cariboo Quartz Hedley Mascot Buffalo Canadian 183i! f cast will be heard at 8 00 p.m. .02 i.60 .02i'2 .04 .85 .25 Consol. Smelters 110.25 Conwest .". 1-50 Mill l l- - ' eiiirrrl THE WEATHUR, Synopsis Donalda Eldona , -. East Sullivan Pend Oreille 7.05 Pioneer 2.35 More than one inch of rain fell over the southern coast of 02 3a Giant Yellowknife 6.50 Premier Border .11 Privateer British Columbia as a result of a disturbance which moved In iLA ri. ri-" Reeves McDonald 3.10 land durlnz tihe night. Another .03 Reno centre appears to be developing God's Lake Hardrock Harricana i- Heva - Hosco ...w.. Jacknlfe Joliet Quebec Sheep Creek 112 off the Washington coast ana Sllbak Premier .28 .05 12',i 05 Exhibit. Doors open Horticultural Show Industrial and Photo Exhibits. Todd and Pluto Stage Show. Todd and Pluto Stage Show and Taku River Vananda ... p.m. 1 Pm. 1 Pm. yw.i 1. 1 ' , yy s x Jf- TvT t I Lapaska . -9 Salmon Gold Little Long Lac Silver Standard 2.00 2 f! fVl YW ' Lynx- cool unsettled weather Is expected to be general in almost all regions of the provinces during the next two days. Regional forecasts valid until midnight Wednesday, Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy with showers today and Wednesday. Little change In temperature. Winds light. Lows to Madsen Red Lake ...... 2.10 Western Uranium 70 Oils Anclo Canadian 4.95 uancing till I a.m. - NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZE McKenzie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt . Moneta A.P. Con 43Vi SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 P.m. Outdoor rides Horticultural Negus 1 01 Noranda 68.50 .14 1, -ul,,.i , 1 , ,.,., 1.11,,.,-v Tft : ' - Louvicourt night and nig'ns weanesaay at Port Hardy, Sandsplt and Prince Rupert, 52 and 60. I Pickle Crow 184 REFUGEES ARRIVE This former steam trawler, the Goran, Regcourt i.05',ii Pm. Pm. San Antonio 2.45 docked at Bathurst, hi northern New Brunswick, brought 123 17 Atlantic 2-55 ,C. & E 8.00 Central Leduc :. 1 70 Home Oil 15 50 Mercury .'. 12 Okalta 1-70 Pacific Pete 5.95 Princess '. 58 Royal Canadian 07i Toronto Athona -08 Aumaque I7 Beattle Senator Rouyn zz Baltic refugees to Canada after a zs-aay voyage irom oweueii. Show Industrial and Photo Exhibit Midway. Todd and Pluto Stage Show. Doors open Horticultural Show Industrial and Photo Exhibit Midway Outdoor rides. Todd and Pluto Stage Show. Grand Award. 2.26 Sherrit Gordon LOS ANGELES 0) Penny Clark, seven-year-old daughter of the late famed crooner Buddy Clark, was killed yesterday when she darted In front of a car. BAUD COKCERT Court House Grounds ' ' WEDNESDAY. 8 P.M. Steep Rock 3.35 Some of them are shown on deck before sailing on to Quebec for immigration and customs examinations. Included among the .15 Sturgeon River (CP Photo) Pm. Pm. Silver Miller 861 nassencers was a four-year-old girl. Clark was killed in an air crash last October. Upper Canada 1.83 ' , CLp FOR REFERENCE BASEBALL TTONUGKTir - City League Playoff Vatson Island vs. Commercials