Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, August 15, 1950 jOceanographic linp.WMiiiliniwwMw WWPfMTBryiwiMjH K-j ; ;) r j Return From Coast Cruise Surveyors Here J0i..i50J TAYLOri ' w M.Mt MunouHr nun lovfsrotv.' Visitor to port for a few days is H.M.CS Cedarwood, Lieut. Cdr. I imim.fnnn-inniuii ' Dr. R. G. Large ana Party Had Many Experiences on Five Weeks' Outing We feature a complete stock L mim-HlKHW-OCIIUIIMM t jvsVj J I J. A. Wolfenden, R.C.N.tR.) com-i m a n d 1 n g an oceanographic 35 of Dr. R. G. Large returned to'survey party headed by Cdr. port Saturday 4 p.m. with' Robert Waldie of the Dominion o'clock Saturday afternoon with I Biological Station, Nanalmo. Also his power cruiser Yaloa after a aboard are th 8ub.Lieuten-five weeks holiday trip as far , , . . under training. A. Bajkov, Theanta down the coast as Victoria. cruise was replete with many in-1 D- Laidman, J. Morrison, ah teresting experiences and some (students at the University of HW-t nr , titJI HOLLYWOOD CAFE minor excitement. UNION MADE MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE British Columbia. Complete ship's company number 30. Arriving in port Sunday morning, the company aboard the Cedarwood Saturday had com- Going south, Dr. Large had as his companion C. H. Orme. They , went out by way of the West I Coast of Princess Royal Island where Dr. Large was Interested OVERALLS and WORK. CLOTHES DI.DDT MCM'C AUh DfWC CTODP in investigating the remains o pleted erection of three beacons an old Indian village. From the at Skidegate. Chief duty of the OrEN FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Dishes - CHOP SUEY CHOW MElN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 rvUlLiM I ILii J Hill UV I J JIVlL 4 growth of tiees through old buildings, the doctor is convinced that it must have been deserted for over 100 years. An experience on the southbound trip was a brush with gillnets which were lying thick in Queen Charlotte Sound off Egg Island. A propeller of the Yaloa became entangled in one of the nets, necessitating a call at Alert Bay to clear It out. I LING THE TAILOR OPPORTUNITY KIIOCKS.i FOR A BUILDER OR INVESTOR survey, however, is sampling water temperatures and content at different depths at stations along the route, which Includes the west coast of British Columbia, Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands. Officers are all R.C.N. (R) and men are R.C.N. The thiee Sub-Lieutenants under training have been In the reserve at the University and are among twelve picked for active training during the summer. Three oceanographies ar working with Dr. Waldie. The Cedarwood claims two distinctions. It Is the only Canadian Navy ship to cross the Arctic Cltcle. that was last summer under Cdr. Wolfenden, and the only Navy ship on the west coast with sails. The sails are said to' steady the ship In bad weather. The crew reports there has been only one day since the cruise started August 3 when there was any appreciable sunshine and that for a matter of three or four hours. They expect to complete the survey August Exceptional Offering From Vancouver, Dr. Large headed for Victoria and saw 150 American yachts, mostly from Puget Sound, come In to Royal Victoria Yacht Club at Cad-boro Bay on the International yacht race from Seattle. It was a spectacular sight with so many vessels at once but was handled with splendidly precise R.C.A.F. TOURISTS Trying a more primitive means of transport than they normally employ are FO. N. E. Bonn of Montreal, left, and FO. D. H. Kuhn of Dartmouth, N.S. This R.C.A.F. photo was taken in Tokyo during a stop-over by the big North Stars of the 426 Squ.idron now flying the Pacific airlift from McChord Field, Tacoma, Wash., to Japan. (CP Photo) LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS MADE TO MEASURE SUITS LATEST STYLES IN COATS HIGHEST QUALITY O GUARANTEED FIT PRESSING WHILE YOU WAIT , LING THE TAILOR Box 286 220 - 6th St. Phone 649 Large subdivision in Prince Rupert's better rt section. All services available. No taxes to pay Panoramic harbor view. Area comparable to 38 city: prising nearly 3 acres. Easy walking distance to set pital, downtown shopping centres, waterfront, and 'i : Seeking Work' Individual lots available or will sell entire property :s needed housing development. Priced to sell be. assessed value on similar property. Terms if SHIPS and WATERFRONT Allan Armstrong for full particulars. Phone 3i:J For Europeans A Canadian immigration team is making a survey of the district A call was also made at Salt Spring Island to visit Dr. W. S. Kergln's big farm property. (Dr. Kergin is at present there for a holiday.) . With Dr. J. P. Cade and Dr. Neal Carter on board, the Yaloa left Vancouver last Wednesday for the homeward trip. A minor mishap occurred near Kclsey Bay 297 (eves.) office of Armstrong Agencies. V-. 31. - itn na.fnl 1 Heading North on Big-Game . '"" bilities for Europeans wanting to Hunt Prince George Fully Booked Johnson Straits when the GENTS' WATCHES 15 Jewel Waterproof Shockproof Complete with Expansion Bracelet come to this country. It is part of 1 in an educational tour of British ' Yaloa was caught in a tidal cur- Caller at the Prince Rupert1 t itrvt ... r lent tiiiu a.i ucii u ucauueau Rowing and Yacht Club floats i . . , -and sprung a plank. Again of the employment tnc vessel pul ln at Alert Bay Unemployment Insur-'for repairs: Saturday night to Sunday aftr-lbranci noon was the Seattle charter I - v . ..... i George Cook; No ance Commi5:sinn Thp inimi-i rvnfi,'i,. rir, cn-i-m .oi. 1 ... . - iFuo.ij, .w. vQfht I A7i 1 1 mi: a Pont font Potnrcnn Potorcnn ,y.wu v i- v. v,v,.i.w, orauon Diiiccrs. wno nnv hppn I r,-, n ci-,. m o cnmumtami i JEWELLER 'hPl'!1.plCl"??!J,n W0lki"S tJic Hague. Holland. ; Rivers Inlet and the big fish 29.75 E. Hannett of New York and Mr; are C. C. Wallace and A. A. Box 1188 Hannett and two sons who areEWen. heading for Kodiak Island and During their stay here, the taken by the party was a 43-pounder which took one hour and, 20 minutes to land. Officials of the B.C. Packers were there at the same time and party will examine the Columbia Cellulose plant at Port Edward, Nelson Brothers Fisheries Ltd., other big game hunting areas in western Alaska. Both Dr. and Mrs. Hannett are trophy hunters of some repute and they hope GIVE tHE FOLKS AT HOME A TREAT! ' were hauling them in right and Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. Ltd., and ether possible em I to obtain some good specimens ;on this trip including a Kodiak ! bear. Their cruise in the north I will occupy about a month. 'k Come in today and take home a delicious CAKE, PIE or JELLY ROLL. ployers. They leave Wednesday ' night for Prince George. 1 On their return to Europe, they will be concerned chiefly with trying to encourage people cap left one being as large as 63 pounds. Fourth member of the party on arrival was Dr. L. M. Greene, who flew south from here to board the Yaloa at Alert Bay. Enlistment At I C.N.R. cruise liner Princ Rupert Bakery Lfd. able of establishing themselves here in coming over as well as tfork with displaced persons camps. Lamont, Miss P. Skeelles, R. P. Henderson, Mrs. A. W. Allaire. ; George, Capt. Ernest Caldwell, will be in port this evening at : 8 o'clock southbound from Alaska j ports and, on her next north-; bound sailing, will be in port j Sunday morning. Like the rest ; of her trips this year, the Prince ; George is reported sold out for i next voyage. The last sailing of the Prince George on the sum-I mer run will bring her here Halfway Mark OTTAWA !(Pi The special Canadian Army force to fight ag- Avoia w5 ooloik fag" j gression is fifty percent up to A satisfying grand flavoj oticiig.ii, ne .rmy repuxea today. Headquarters announced that an even 2.500 men have been enlisted for the brigade group. 'In Vancouver there have been 136 acceptances). Please your whole family'- August 31 northbound. Then sho will revert for the fall to the regular service between Vancouver, Powell River, Prince Rupert and Ketchikan for the fall in place of Prince Rupert. Postum's fine vigorous rich fcj flruin.itrM an A fMlrlrpn eniov rI C.P.R. steamer Princess Kathleen, Capt. W. C. Hubenet, arrived here Sunday noon southbound from her Alaska cruise. She had been kept waiting outside the harbor three hours due to heavy fog, so remained here less than an hour. Boarding the vessel here for Vancouver were Mr. and Mrs. Lambert, A. J.' S. Craig, Dr. Koppe, Mr. and Mrs. D C. Wing and two children, R. J. Peters, E. H. Kimball and two Drink Postuml Finish your day'i work feeling fresh! Drinlr Poslurn avoid tea and coffee. Tea and coffee contain caffein a drug that may disturb your sleep, nerves or digestion and leave you tired. Postum contains no caffein cannot possibly harm you. at every hour and as much as they want. r CP. g.s. Princess Louise, Capt. W. C. Hubenet, was In port Monday morning from 10 a.m. to 12.30 noon on a northbound voyage to I children. SAVE UP TO U A CUP Think of it I - a switch to Postum saves you up to 60 of your beverage costs. -' POST. Last days Sanson's China Sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are positively the last days of this great ANNIVERSARY SALE it All Sale items left will be offered at Real Give-Away Prices. it Come Early! it They won't last long! Manson's China Shop Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Est. 1910 Phones SO and 6ft Alaska Disembarking here were D .Michael, H Wyatt, Vancouver; the brothers Orr, J. S. Wilson, W. Caron and L. W. Lefler, Ocean Falls. Embarking here were Mr. and Mrs. H. Bapty and son, George Miller, Skagway and "return. Some 200 round trip Alaska All but ten of her passengers being members of an Eastern Farm Tour Bureau Party from New York and New Jersey, Union Steamer Chilcotin, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived in port at 10:15 Saturday morning from Van- Switch to today . BLONDIE Lady with a Winning Way. : fjy CHIC i tourists inciuaed a party of 55 1 couver on one or her summer people from Baltimore headed I cruise voyage to Alaska She ! by Dr. Keppner. I sailed at 1 p.m. for Ketchikan I Mr. and Mrs Archie W. Shiel ,and other points as far north of Bellingham, Washington, who as Skagway tnd Glacier Bay. ; were in Prince Rupert recently Ten of tne Chiicotin's pnss?ncer.s enroute north, arc looking into were Canadians, includnig H..S. salmon pack progress. Mr. Shiel Hurlbert, K.C.. nrom'nent bar-is chairman of the executive rlster of Vesreville, Alberta, and committee of the Pacific Amfri- Mrs- Hurlburt. 303 W. 3rd Green 960 jean Fisheries. There are can-I neries at Petersburg and Kasaan i and the floating cannery Neva, as well as enterprises elsewhere I in Alaska. The Dominion hydrographlc survey steamer William J. Stewart, Capt. G. Billard, which is working in Browning Entrance ,arrived in port Saturday night and left early Monday morning ro continue its work. The Stewart has been working In the area for about- three weeks and will be here about until the end of 9 Of. IM, K.n fniw 11 w k. Tiri. xl wm UJ TV"t'f . , . , jrifvfJ ,.-t VANCOUVER VICTORIA , I Feud Thouahr. I c,, n r- .. far . ... , v u...... WU1UUIIU.I i . I I September. 'I Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam I .,,,,,,.,,.,,, ' . -"1 I I ri r-irr - ii-ir T ill r .1 i II - union steamers Camosu.n, Cant. William MrCombe. and Coquitlam. Cart. John Bnrtpn ALICE ARM, STEWART AND I J Mlj j .1'IIIIHII1II' Z- PORT SIMPSON E.Lelte7Xr ISN'T mTlV . CT 1 IC-U-ri Live, The Modern Way. ELECTRICALLY! 289 SINGLE BURNER HOTPLATES .. $3.45 285 TWO BURNER HOTPLATES .... $9.25 RANGETTES, Automatic Oven $74.00 G.E. WASHER MS9 $139.50 G.E. WASHER MS9P , $149.50 G.E. IRONER, Table Model $60.00 MOFFAT RANGES $277.95 GURNEY RANGES $236.30 NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO., PRINCE RUPERT 8TEWART, B. C. PHONE 210 Sunday, Coquitlam. 11 p.m. ! tlfO lli KaXSLJlteS! SiW were in port Sundav evening for H their weekly rendezvous arriving at 4 p.m. On its wav back I for jvortii queen feT.v Us3C Iwwen ws )iia' night I W'"Josa PwAToCb I I KNOT I Mtrr1UpcUMENTtL! CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . & 2rT&1 "MO TO Oi I - Camosun, August 18 UH rt Mljq TfWT W L!I 1 from Queen Charlotte Islands, the Camosun picked up a num FOR SOUTH QUEEN ym --C Si S I ' li Q xlWjJ CHARLOTTE ISLANDS W?dMS Vf . VF3! ss. Camosun, August 25 TW feVicHf " V'J FRAMK J. SKINNER LWil ' ik&t fe P . -. LM ber of passenpers here for Vancouver and way points. Northbound for Stewart and Alice Arm, the Coou.tlam brought Mrs. Annette' Mansell and two granddaughters, Misses Windle I and Stone. B C. White, A. A.! a i f rcn tiv i -: w-f. Wallace A. E. Fwen. A. Pelletier. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. Gil- mour, R. E. Mortimer, R H.