Prince Rupert Doiiy. News " Tuesday, August 15, 1950 , RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR Ray Reflects and Reminisces (Subject to Change) r Boys' Corduroy Longs V ' - . i i ' ' ' v ' One of the first, if not the first police chiefs in Prince Ru-, iperts was the late William H. j Vickers who was stationed hers RS; ATE of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- AND SAVE! way. For years, following Incor TUESDAI P.M. 4:00 Meet CJlsele. 4:15 Stock Quotation and Ini. 4:30 Prairie Folk 4:45 Western Five 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30-Don't Drown 5:45 Lyrical Lady 5:55 CBC News 6:00 Supper Berenade 6:15 Sammy Kaye and Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties 7:00 CBC New ' 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Broadway poration, police administration was In the hands of the city 4.50 anduP1 "Billy", as Intimates all liked i . HEAVY IMPORTED CORDUROY O PLEATED FRpNT O ZIPPER FLY O COLORS: BROWN, GREEN, WINE Sizes 10-18 years. taser and Payne to address htm. was born in 8:30 Record Album 6:00 -Time-Space and Echoing 1 hemes 9:30 Jake and the Kid 10:C0 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Presenting Charles Boyer 11:00 We: ther Report 11.04 Sign Off WEDNESlAl AM. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10-JIere's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News & Comty. 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Famous Voices 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 A Man and Ills Music . 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies 12.00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News j DISPLAY i at HARDWARE I j Plymouth, England, and before settling In - Prince Rupert he spent a while in Yukon, and around Atlin. He was a capable ; if, f s 1 I ft.- I LTD. officer, possessing good Judge N R0NSON ment and personality. It was not so long after his retirement that he pased away In Victoria where he was buried. I 8:00 Donald Gordon ' 8:15 Preacher Diary BROADWAY CAFE ILIVAV STRIKE ' I ' i Six months ago most poeple knew Korea was situated somewhere in or near China, either inland or on the coast' and that a lot of rice was grown there. Few could say extctly If Korea was north or south of Formosa or If the country was hilly or approximately level. How different today! We know more about Korea than some Darts of Canada. Nothing equals war as a teacher of geography. Best Foo.d THREATENS CANADA finest Cooking : Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 The wife of a Boston broker 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B .C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 The Concert Hour 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Comty Our Children 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Bernle Braden Tells A Story 3:30 International Comty. has reported the loss of jewelry valued at $100,000 from her sum mer home in Massacnoseits. Listen to A QUEEN IS CROWNED Margaret Elenore Bradford, 19-year-old blonde London, Ont., native now living in Windsor, Ont., was crowned Miss Canada of 1950 In the contest finals at Burlington, near Hamilton, Thursday night. Employed as a record librarian in a Windsor radio station, Miss Bradford glans a singing career. Vital statistics include:' height, five feet four, weight 114 pounds, 33 inch bust, 23 inch waist and 35 Inch hips. Placing the crown on the new "queen's head Is Margaret Lynn Munn, Miss Canada 01 1949- (CP Photo) Anyway the property is missing While one cannot but hope the Jewels will be restored, sympathizers should not cry too hard. HALD eORDOli Bella Bella's First Child pman and President, Making an atomic bomb costs as much as a battleship, and can be used onlv once, according to the United Kingdom Information Service. It is becoming more and more evident that one of these Church Gets Face Lifting I HOBBY SUPPLIES I'l YiD D j ) notTs,k lTl2i U3 Jian National Railways When the Canadian National davs the people of the world steamer Prince Rupert arrives ' Will have one choice practice here tomorrow on her weekly war and Derish or abolish It five-day voyage to Prince Ru- and live. Attendants at Sunday's services In First Presbyterian Church admired the j ' ( i Penguin Hobby Shop I DOM'S DEP'T STORE pert, Ketchikan and way ports, list of passengers will be Mrs. tourist .eason that seems to church property as a result of James Ramap. of qu m Itlmulate lf nol Rlorify what U repair work which is now pro-!La,.h? known as the ogopogo-first feeding. Reshingling has been TONIGHT 3.oo P.M.PDT CFPR In: completed and painting will be Ave. and Fulton. St. 1 J 16th Phones: BLUE 446, GREEN 232 J ' wiucn wie snip passed tnis ai Tjritih Cnlnmhia The creature- cne next job. The carpenter work is being done by L. C. Eby & Sons. William MacKenzie will I ternoon. At Prince Rupert Mrs, pe!.hapg monster has reappear-Ramage will board the train on d ln &.Q& this time In Loch weunesaay evening ror me reVLeven and can therefore com carry out the painting work. mm nip w ner uuiue. t .lth ty Nei;s British Col-1 ITxfpnslvo r,ni.i r - . 1 " wuu t.i.ciiJ i Mrs. Ramage said was umbia has had alleged glimpses of the Manse ihave already been born in Bella Bella on June 17, but tnis is a Dusy ana practical completed. f Railway Association 1885. This Is the first time sht i province. Has anyone ever yet has had an opportunity to visit ! beheld every inch of the ogopoga her native province after an ab-; stretched on some lake shore? sence of f,4 vears. althoueh she ' In order to really enjoy one, it's of Canada 'is unable to visit the place of necessary to have ample leisure 1 her birth durln? her trip, she to begin with. As for lmagin-! chose to return home via Prince ation, that's, something else FINE PRINTING at Rupert so that, she might pass again. close by. I Her rather, the late Rev. W. B. His job is waiting for him Cuvler, went to Bella Bella as should he be spared to return, n Mnt.runt. mtssinnnrir in iR Ottawa announces. And that, I s T 1 U 2 k S REGAL PRINTERS CAR GOT HIGHWAY HOBBLE? A serious illness whieh later of course, also means. if the em-, proved fatal, caused him . to Payment Is there. And there Is leave Bella Bella for Ontario something else again. Plenty of with his famiiv in 1836. Accord- young fellows, after a spell of PHONE 21 222 Second Av.. ln? to Mrs. Ramage the Bella soldiering, and seeing distant Bella tribe gave her the Indian lands have difterent ideas about l-. : . ! name of Edna Idzumka shortly sem8 QOWn Bain- after her birth. ' Now mother of a daughter! Going back to the origin or and two sons, both veterans pf; Canadian place names, one dis-the last war, Mrs. Ramage hasjcovers points of difference and resided fcr the past six years In more than one change before Asquith, where her husband is i final agreement and recognition, a farmer. Previously they lived T a k e for Instance "Prince ln Bruce County, Ontario. For Arthars Landing". With the corn-five years durins world war Il.'lng of the C.P.R., the expres- If your Jar bumps along the highway, making life uncomfortable for you and the family, better drive up here for service on your springs and shock absorbers. The cost is low and service Is rapid. Drive up today! Bob Parker Ormes ll . Drugs I Mrs. Ramage taught school In slon "Landing" was objected to Ontario and Saskatchewan. the Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION SERVICE and there was a new deal. Sir William Van Home was an old friend of Chester Arthur, president of the United States from 1881 to 1885, and well disposed toward the Dominion. And so. In the renaming, the Great Lakes wheat .shipping centre became 'Port Arthur" equally hon Lid. Ford-Monarch Dealers Hie Home of Friendly . Service. )elivry Service BASEBALL SCORES TODAY American League Detroit 4, Cleveland 1 MONDAY National St. Louis 6, Chicago 7 Cincinnati 13, Pittsburgh 8 Detroit, 2, Clevelnad 3 oring both Prince and President. ! 10NE 81 Prince Rupert, B.C. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. McDonald were passengers on the northbound trip of the Coquitlam Sunday. Dr. Miller will engage Jn medical practice at Alice Arm. body's Talking About This Great Razor Bargain ! I - - - .-r ' --i-- Sit"3Wllil8 RitCtlBD '. Hare's a kitchen so pleasant you'll even want to loaf in HI Of course, the more time you spend here, the more you'll appreciate the beauty, the ease-of-cleaning, the long lastingness of a Gold Seal Congoleum Rug. For Congoleum has a wear-layer WITH 10 CILLETTI HUE HADES IN DISPENSER) greatett baraam BIG $2.00 VALUE "'! hi!,y If. ,fie Mw, For Only of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel equal in thickness to 8 coats of best floor paint applied by hand. And it's the on(y enamel surface floor covering with the famous money-back guarantee, look for it on the tug you buyl ade Dispenser, now n..i,i i.v"wn seal M .' W U HUM BM1IIIM fj I rcnt Styrene travel DB. P change, blH-. miuiy, , j ft adm.Fortopsillihflv. ,,ni ' convenient k CONGOLEUM RiailTIRID TRADS MARK rkRazor Set-only $1.29. IF ft HASN'T THE GOLD SEAl, tT ISN'T CONGOtCUM 14 k. hnoni, leaving (V o o tdg. ' Local Representatives for Congoleum Rugs Gordon and Anderson Ltd. mZ Agents for Congoleum Rugs A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. Hello, Joe, I haven't seen you ln fifteen years! What's new?"