PSCVISCIAL tIBHART, DISPATCHED 113 TICTOHIA, B. C. IX 3151 I j CNJ Dailv NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ni?.ixisn nni iTimii-o uni,cn. CABS -vuuoujino nanarnrm Delivi vou . xxx?x aaaia, No. NoC27n8odo'$ 276 M$t St,orc9ic Paeific Port "Prinee RuPert' Key 7 to the wieui Great MDrinweSr Northwest" ivery PRINCE RtlPKRT BP MflNnAV KimrmmrD , , n . 1WU PRTfR PTVB riTWT! Phone 81 Youngs, r a nn fire sua oft Mh UU1 iyoungs and Dr. ,s Large- are the z ,,.)frs for the civic Thain, returning The Dead Engineers Reds Inflict Worse Reverse Yet Drunks and Vags In Police Court ,.ccd today Auto Kills Mrs. Parkin ; p-oposed by G. C. Six charges of vagrancy and I intoxication were before Magis- On Allies In Korea Campaign wui. ,i. i. valine in uiii,: tadrd by c. if. vs.,-i for alderman, jp I.i.rge, proposed I, and .seconded by court inis morning, jjora jonn-1 son, Daniel Walker, natives, were ' each fined $10 and costs; R. E.I ' Mitchell was fined S10 and costs. Lil seek election as SEOUL (CP) The big United Nations offen- Former Prince Rupert Woman Loses Her Life In Tragic Victoria Accident VICTORIA. Mrs. Caroline Parkin, widow of the late A. T. Parkin and lor many years a resident of Prince Rnnert Invite Canadians TojYouth Parley OTTAWA Some 80 Cana-diani have been invited by President Truman to attend th mid-century White House conference on children and youth, the Canadian Welfare Council has announced. Thii conference, called every 10 years for the las, hall-century, this year will attract close to 6,000 (persons to Washington. It will be held the week of Dec. 3. President Truman is honorary Fending employment sentence j sive to bring an early en J to the Korean war vas w?thJvagrancy!bwaare'se witn complete collapse today. This was Magistrate Vance to December the stark reality of the situation after 48 hours of 1. Sentence was also reserved J on Marian Leed, charged with savage fighting in which Chinese and Korean Reds vagrancy, until ability to pay i , . , ... , , Buys was killed here Saturday night Mill transportation to Cedervale is , aeait a Stunning DlOW saia Dy some observers lo Lie determined. IVER There was rmaiion or denial from Toronto that wiien HirucK Dy an automobile driven by a Victoria policeman. Mrs. Parkin's permanent home was in Prince Rupert but she had lived in Victoria off and on for many years. She is survived by a son, Gordon, and a daughter, Mrs. Owen Snell of Klemtu. y , 2 1 I 1 t :id Paper Co. has jp Alaska Pine Co. a .... a . 1 ; I Pulp & Paper Co., chairfnan of the conferencel whose purpose is to study ways of ! helping children to develop the mental, emotional and spiritual quality essential for individual happiness and responsible J. J. STINSON of Jasper, Alta, engineer of the eastbound : transcontinental. CP PHOTO) " Columbia's large HARVEY CHURCH of Jasper, Alta., engineer of the troop train. (CP PHOTO) Violent Storms Sweep Eastern United States Two Hundred Dead Millions of Dollars Damage Misery, for Many Canada Also Feels It rns. rne dispatch '0,000 was involved the worst the United Nation;, forces have suffered since the start of the Korean campaign. The offensive that rolled forward for two days has been stopped cold. United Nations troops are now on the defensive after giving up most of their gains. Reversal of battle fortunes came with startling suddenness and the United States Eighth Army today is battling to hold the southward surge of Red troops. There is no chance of offensive action on this front until the Red attack has been halted and a firm line established. American artillerymen and infantrymen have piled up hundreds of Chinese and North Ko j Chairman of the conference is i Oscar R. Ewing, administrator of Dead Soldiers In Train Wreck the y nited . States Federal Se- SMALL BOYS ASPHYXIATED WINNIPEG CPS Two brothers were asphyxiated today while sleeping unattended In their home. Police reported the deaths of Robert Heywood, aged 6, and Daniel Heywood, four. A small fire is believed to have caused jers ( e Out - Ford Motor have been granted tur wage increase, jrs receive a 15c per CHICAGO (CP) A violent storm which scourged northeastern United States and left Ohio anJ western Pennsylvania snowbound lost force tonight but kept heaping trouble on its victims. Termed the worst of its kind to beset the region, the storm dumped snow on paralyzed Cleveland, Pittsburgh , tne smoke which resulted In i their deaths. curitj Agency. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt is a vice-chairman. Among Canadian v"e 1 f a r 3 workers attending will be Phyllis Burns, secretary of the Canadian Welfare Council's child welfare division, and Mrs. J. M. Rudel of Montreal, chairman of the division. Others who have been invited include: Maritime delegates: Gwendolyn Lantz), Halifax; Mrs. Hugh Mc s 4 itr Dead Engineer Started Here Troop train engineer Harvey Church, who lost his life In the railway disaster at Canoe River, west of Jasper last Tuesday when a passenger train collided with a troop train, commenced his railway career here is a fireman. Superintendent C. A. Berner and pioneer local ratlwaymen remember him well. It was In the early twenties that he joined the railway. For many years he has been running out of Jasper. Last reports were that the TO FLY HERE rean dead but the enemy is still attacking with large reserves ol manpower. The Reds lashed the United Nations forces, with mortar, machine-gun and small arms tire. and other Ohio Valley cities. The Rupert Aero Club About Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania flooded Lochhaven, Tyrone and other towns. They Infiltrated behind the lines Snow All Along Railway Line As the cold wave moved In, and shot up convoys, command Ginn, Arthurette, N.B. Quebec delegates: Andree La-combe and Jules Perron, Three duate First Licensed Pilot posts and artillery positions. i millions of residents huddled Rivers; Vernon McAdam. Alice LeBell, E. I. Smit, Rev. Patrick The Americans and South Koreans were forced to fall back all along the line to new peti 'ploughs miserably In heatless homes, Snow are operating ,. , . x,. mi riff Vvw (inn-nr onrl littVit VlV Ambrose, Anne Zaloha, Clauds cn every Division oi me una- p. -j tions. Some umt3 were cut on C Stearns Hartland 1 iiiiljlLlili tvanwaya uci-wctii oiiapcu wuca, body of Church had not yet and fighting their way out of Tt-,, -., iikiir praoor Prince Rupert and Jasper Duti .The downed lines started been recovered. Mrs. C. M. McCrea. , ' ? delay to traffic has as , yet SCOres''of fires, blocked roads and i enmy Pf The Korean war has entered Us.marintndent C A. Ber-! electrocuted five persons., a rpnl -rlsia fnr t.hf United Na- anDled relief' traiFJ .; I GNR. v. b. WRKJHT of Ne-f H West storm since 1938 occur- j tions forces today with the on the eastern seaboard. (lapse of the Korean Republican Second Corps in a two-day re- At. least 214 death were biam-, Ilex SLliU luutxy. j -Heaviest snow point on the ..line so far is at Pacific where Rupert Aero Club, after an active initial Jabout to graduate the first licenced pilot Lining school. He is John Finley, the popu-iy of the club, who recently- passed hh 'vilh'reaTry "flying colors before Len ping Department of Transport examiner. I of written exam-! , . inR awaited but Stewart. Jjng to worry abo-it! other students Include the They only let clu5 president. Dr. W S. Kergin, f . " yn" 1 Robert Dunlop, Douglas Ha?ue, Bob Kelsev club. RnodeSi Gerry Stewart. f veteran RCAF ar Gcrry R0bersoni Bobbv Woods, I news u good news. Sig Andersonj Norman- skogmo Al Berner Tells of Handling . ., .. . , ..I treat up to 20 miles on the mere was 14 mcnes ou me eu un wc wu.uS.. aiu.1(s United States Army's right flank. Atlantic seaboard and heavy pawa, Man. (CP PHOTO) " l snow which fell as far south as Mississippi and Alabama. Damage In New England alone is estimated at $100,000,000. The ground at noon today. At Prince George it was snoring again today after previous snow had been melted by rains. 'Twelve inches of snow is reported-at Endako. Saturday night's train from the East, due at 10:15, did not get in until 3:45 Sunday, having been delayed by connections at Jasper. storm abated today. For a time yesterday all runways of LaGuardia airport at At least forty hours flying Dead and Injured Affer Wreck Pays High Tribute to Doctors and Nurses Who Rose to Emergency in Collision Disaster - C. A.' Berner, superintendent of Canadian Na-j tional Railways here, who returned to the city Sunday morning from Jasper, had charge of the hospital train which was rushed from Jasper Park 83 miles west to Canoe River on the Vancouver line to pick up 48 injured and 10 dead following the passenger and troop train collision last Tuesday. Speaking to the Daily the injured, Mr. Berner turned New York were flooded with two feet of water following the snow. IN CANADA time are required before one can go up for a licence- Eight of these hours must be solo. Fin- fmmercial ticket. f'ter as a student fci Since the 'ocal ' last March fiidiod Assiduously, St - TORONTO (Pi Walloped by a ley's crass-country flight is ihe Innnesf hv fur for nnv student nl week-end of weird weather, Eastern Canada today counted Tseveringlv. Ftr4 tho Enunn1 Thp' mp., of the Mount Etna In Eruption li 1 death toll and widespread prop Troop Train In Collision Another Railway Wreck In Southern States 1 No One Killed SCREVEN, Georgia An Atlantic coast line troop traiil, smashed into a freight train at-a depot here today and both en-' gines burst Into flames. Several trainmen were hurt but all soldiers escaped serious injury. There were 300 soldiers on the train. j Fuel oil from diesel engines spewed over the cars of - both trains and over a small depot and, in a few minutes, a tremendous fire was raging. The engines telescoped into an arch. ,1 , erty destruction. Deaths of 11. and possibly 12 CATANIA. Sicily W Molten! persons, in Ontario and Quebec lava flow 650 feet wide from were attributed to the storm Mount Etna today threatened ! which rode into Canada from villages on the northeastern j the Uhited States. Winds ranged rest have had little more than twenty hours and such solo fly-in? as they have done has been upwards of twenty hours. Short winter davs now curtail the flying instruction of the club With the long evenings gone, when the club 65 h.p. enginu! Taylorcraft would be seen frequently in the air over the city . V'J tki ih News today, he paid hign trmue the relief train over to super-to doctors and nurses who re-tendent William Frame of Ed-sponded to the appeal for help son who accompanied it to Ed-lft the speedy organization to monton. Nine nurses from Jaspar f dual control flyln? M instructor. Then I'1 flying ' when in-N student was cao-f 'iaft by himself. In rnnv proved himself Itl his solo flying w.s 'h a 3Vii-hour 200-f' flifht which took I;1 const into Oren- w the Kitimaat f'lsp Lake, where he GNR. A. J. ATCHISON of Loon Lake, Sask. (CP PHOTO) Slopes Of the 10,741-IOOt-nign; irom ou to oo nines per iiuui, mountain. j taking toll of Ontario beach Etna burst into flame and , communities. Some 300 persons the relief and rescue expedition ' accompanied the train to the after word was received of the' Alberta capital, disaster. Mr. Berner was loath to dis cords Just cannot describe cuss the chaos and horror of the their untiring and unselfish' scene at the wreck.. However, he nrif in succorine the Injured 1 did comment on the rarity of smoke Saturday, bringing panic were left homeless and cottages to the countrvside. A series of were smashed by giant waves and harbor, flights are restnetea r- i 1 I 1 t,n1U., nffnw. heavy earth tremors accompan- j and flooded near. Hamilton. At ied the eruption. i least 200 persons were injured. W. and then bflCKl eauirua.v imii """" ', ' rove ba e -s'or noons and SundaVs- But thpre 13 Vnhpnv wps' asked I no flagging of interest or enthus- M he met stron? i lasm- M a r5 h.n Tavlor-I "We can always study and we The last big burst of lava, ash j I and assisting in connection with 1 such occurrences on railways j the dead and dying," said Mr. (compared with air and highway ana smone uum r-uio. w m y,, traffic. "I Berner today. One lone doctor Dr. P. J. icimmitt. of Edson was the first Domcbials estimated that the J . T()T)AY' STOCK S LKJIJLl o 0 1 UIYO the1; creeping flow might reach J w ust anyway. r be the first VracUi-the nnxt vnr - have good social times too," said one member, harking back to a recent dancing .party in the comfortable club quarters at Senl Cove-a remnant of the big war- village of Fornazza by midnignt j Wheal King (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston to. l.trt.) x manv more for at the scene. Later he was joined by Dr. T. O'Hagen and Dr. George Straughan of Jasper. Ten nurses were mustered at 'eteen student pil the village are leaving. i Rl school and seven I time base. VAINCUUVEK Although the outbreak from At Chicago WU on their wav. Pilot Instructor Bob Kelseys Beattle 60 Bevcourt 50 Bobjo 14 the crater shook Catania badly, no casualties are yet reported. Jasper some from the hospital and others retired and with one p written examina-i technical associate i.s Bob Davis CHICAGO Canadian took first aid honors in eight sections of pre- I nurses' aid and two "illv or partiallv--lof Queen Charlotte Airlines who, having "olo-ed " j as aircraft enginee"-, checks the ' rtoane. Flizabeth club's plane thoroughly and re?- workers joined the doctors on; liminary competitions at the In - THE WEATHER ;nerk and Rontiie lilarly every week r t a Trail GNR. R. W. MANLEY of Niagara Falls, Ont. (CP PHOTO) Mr. Berner's relief train which ! ternational Hay and Grain Show sped to Cedarside at 2:50 p.m.! here during the week-end. and was back at Jasper at 8:20 Winners included Mrs. Amy p.m. Kelsey of Victoria who placed Mr Berner had high' tribute to spring wheat with an entry cf pay to Conductor Manprize of H"t among 35 in. the hard red the troop train for the efficient . ref"rd wheat. manner in which he took charge ne victory was the first on of the situation in handling the the way towards winning the dead and Injured and appor- wheat queen title she won last Honing them to the relief train. 194J- ' Decision having been made R- B- Robbins of Shaunavon, tw faniiit.ies at Jas- Saskatchewan, won the cham- CENTRE 1950-51 CONCERT SERIES Buffalo Canadian 28 12 Consol. Smelters 126.00 Conwest 2.03 Donalda 50 T Eldona 26 East Sullivan : 7.70 Giant Yellowknife 6.60 God's Lake 40 Hardrock 27 Vi Harricana 07 Heva 10j Hosco 06 Jacknife 5 '4 Joliet Qirebec 1.03 Lake Rowan 08 Lapaska 05 Little Long Lac 52 .... T irtt in r t J f Synopsis j The wa-m moist air mass which has covered most of British .Columbia for the past few days is now being displaced by colder air and temperatures will be a little colder tomorrow. The extremely cold air which has been covering Alaska is again pushing southward into the Prince George region and temperatures in that district will fall about 20 degrees by tonight. Variable cloudiness is expected in most sections of the province today and tomorrow. Forecast North coast region, northern and Bayonno 1 Bralorne .-. 6.20 B R Con 02 B R X 04 Cariboo Quartz 1.00 Congress 08 Hedley Mascot 50 Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille 8.20 Pioneer 1.90 Premier Border 8Vi Privateer .' 7Vi Reeves McDonald 3.90 Reno 02 Sheep Creek : 1.38 Silbak Premier 30 Taku River 6V2 Salmon Gold r. 02 Spud Valley 04 Silver Standard 2.15 Western Uranium 1.05 Oils-Anglo Canadian 5.00 A P Con 37 Atlantic 2.40 Calmont 88 Central Leduc 2.45 Home Oil 14.50 Mercury .12 . Okalta 2.00 Pacific Pete 7.30 Princess 1.62 Royal Canadian 10 Vi DESIRE LIGETE . . . Bass-Baritone Sun Francisco, New York City New Orleans Opera Companies and- MARCUS GORDON . . . Pianist Brilliant Young American iper were not adequate to handle' Pionship and the wheat kin; title title IV with th an on ovhihll exhibit nf of rjnriir, durum "f(itH wheat. IYllA liy HOCKEY SCORES PACIFIC COAST (Saturday) Tacoma 4, New Westminster 2 (Sunday) Tacoma 4, Portland 1 section Cloudy today and to VIRGINIA DAVIS "Portraits" in Sonjf" Broadway Star of "Hansel and Gretal'j "Student Prince," "Firefly," "Roberta" r Tuesday, November 28. 1950 High 3:41 18.1 feet Madsen Red Lake 2.30 McKenzie Red Lake 48 McLeod Cockshutt 2.30 Moneta 40 Negus 85 Noranda 74.00 Louvicourt , .19 Pickle Crow 1.80 Regouurt "5 San Antonio 2.50 Senator Rouyn ... 21 V2 Sherrit Gordon 2.77 Steep Rock 6.45 Sturgeon River 15 Silver Miller .87 Upper Canada 1 90 Golden Manitou 8.10 15:03 20.0 feet Low 9:08 9.8 feet morrow. Showers this morning, j Snow flurries this afternoon and i tonight. Colder tomorrow. Wind, northeas.t (15 mph). Lows to- night and highs tomorrow at Sandspit, 27 and 32, Prince Rupert, 28 and 33. Remainder of! region cloudy with showers to- J day and tomorrow. A little cold- ; er tomorrow. Wind light. Lows j tonight and highs tomorrow at j Port Hardy. 3fi and 43. j 21:57 4.5 feet .CANCER SOCIETY . MEETING Civic Centre, Wed., Nov. 29 2:30 p.m. Annual Meeting Film r i j " - I I SEASON TICKET ''" & $3 ()0 rcselved; General Admission $2.00 I I (llli,"ial 209, saving to Civic Centre Members: i $3.20 . $2.40 and $1.60 s "ne 231 Hr 107 or call at Civic Centre Office TORONTO CUTS OUT MIDDLEMEN Venezuela operates many free markets for. sale of produce direct from farmer to consumer. GNR. A. G. STROUD of Howley, Nfld. tCP PHOTO) .09 Athona . Aumaque