Prince Rupert Daily New? Muiuhiy. November 27, ltfliO u (!wg' my- 3X , ,.xV?r. Slorm Slops U.N. Session Survivors :! Improving i SHIPS ad WATERFRONT 4, - lUil 'A !!. ft I. EDMONTON. Improvement in the conditions of all survivors of last week's railway ir Consideration of Communist China's Charges Deferred LAKE SUCCESS United Nations security council session was cancelled Saturday became of a storm which swept the city, officials urging every one to go home as quickly as possible. The meeting had been calied at the request of Jacob Malik, mm i WALLACE'S Now on Display at DEPT.. STORE wreck at Canoe River west of : Advent of Ice conditions In the 0 tv-v i Jasper Park is reported. i Skeena River has brought the ; Royal Canadian Mounted Po- j government snagboat Essington lice are still searching the into port after her season's ac- T- wre:kage for the remains of five tiviiifj and the vessel is now; Russian delegate, to consider mteslng persons four soldieis' being used in connection with ' Communist China charges of Early Winter Hils Terrace Girl- Softball Dcnce Enjoyed J TERRACE The Girls' Softball team held an entertaining party at the I.O.O.F. hall on Friday evening to which almost 150 guetts had received invitations. The Boys' Orchestra played for Auxiliary To Buy Incubator TERRACE The monthly meeting of the Terrace Hospital Auxiliary was held on Thursday evening in the hospital with a and one railroad engineer. j the installation of a new log ; ; breakwater at the fishermen s LIQUOR FOR (Heats just east of the dry dock i where improvements are being KIFW KTCt'ut PICVY ilUKt .carried out by the Department A quantity of liquor intended of Public Works. Some of the v V, 'A Vy. liquor , Essington s crew are now taking lor delivery delivery to to the the new new United States aggression in Korea and Formosa. The" Communist Chinese special delegation arrived yesterday. Queen Wins First Race KEMPTON PARK C The Queen Friday saw her silks carried successfully for the first time when her five-year-oH store on Second Avenue arrived the dancing and refreshments, small attendance, due, no doubt, including turkey sandwiches, were served at midnight. There were three spot dance prizes and vacation. One of the last missions of the Essington was the picking up and bringing into the marine station at Seal Cove for winter storing of lights which had been installed recently )n the lower Skeena River for the benefit of the new log towing TERRACE Thursday's blizzard had a crippling effect on the district. Snowploughs could net get the main roads cleared of snow at once and cars were snowed in all over the district. Even in the centre of the town, some cars had to be dug out of the snow bank. Almost two feet of snow fell in two days and there are drifts several feet high. Thursday's blizzard was something to remembe:', coming so early. Usually the cold and snow come around Christmas. The lowest temperature was on Thurs in Prince Rupert yesterday. Announcement has already been made that the premises will be open on Friday, December 1, although the doors had not been put in place up to this noon. It will still be some time before the stucco to apply to the front of the building will be put on. TOUAY TO WIDNF.SDAY 7 I'.M. - 9:10 uJLviUea in connection ilh the , "r1"" "a!,er Mam won the bringing of timber to the ne tlree"le Wimbledon Steeple- 40UI ....... V to the stormy weather and the poor conditions of the roads. President, Mrs. D. G. Little, was in the chair. Since the previous meeting the cost of an incubator had been ascertained and, as this cost was felt to ti within the means of the Auxiliary, it. was decided to ! purchase one through the Red Cr?ss for the local hospital. j Christmas cheer for the pa-. Ments and nurses was discuss-! "d. Donations of Cb istmai cookies, cakes and candies will bo welcomed. I chase by eight lengths. Duke of worioiK s Possible was semnrf i these were won by Dwayne Ber-ger and Effie Appledorne, Lola Regan and Cec Baxter, Peter ' Parmenter and Pearl Haugiand. The elimination dance prize was won by Eflie Appledorne and Dwayne Berger. Tha girls' softball team has been very active this year, play-I ing several games with other ! teams outside of town. The pre-, sident is Mrs. George Grant and the secretary, Miss Irene Haug-i .'and. and Printer's Pie third. uel Yciir . . . Devonshire Duke Is Dead jceilmose mill on Watson Island. i Eight inches of ice in the Skeena j River a couple of weeks ago ended the navigation season, barges 1 of Columbia Cellulose being frozen in. Of recent days, the Skeena River ice has been breaking up owing to the mild leather but that will only be temporary. day, the official reading being 5 below. Woman Is Killed 'S Xmas Officer Suspended LONDON. The Duke of Devonshire, son of a former Cnnara nf rnr,nA, The members are asked to knit One of the effects of the cold weather is that people do more j i ; telephoning, especially the youngsters who have been kept j home from school, with the re- I fult that there has been a cer-1 tain amount of delay in central1 Cards How! fockies for the children ! patients, yesterday at the age of 55. His , VICTORIA Constable Robc.-t Fred; Coleman was suspended follow -Western Producer, Capt ly uc OUppllea oy inelSOn. the Mirauis of Arlinpt.nn. lit n't a I m asked not to use the telephone Red Cross. ! succeeds to the dukedom. unnecessarily. : Glass for the top of the coffee it ing a traffic fatality at the week-end when the car he was driving truck and killed Mrs. Caroline Parkin. 68. answering calls. X j Kohze, arrived in port late Sat-' urday with 20.000 pounds of flat-Ifish from Hecate Straits waters I for delivery to the Atlin Fisher-I ies. i Two events were cancelled due table Durchaspd hv the Aiiviiinm CHR15TIV1A5 mi The new quarters which will j t0 the bad weather and sickness. for the nurses lounge has been Posi Office If Congested I placed on the table and the new building, will have a larger switch board having 165 lines drapes, which the members re making, should be ready to brighten the lonnge for The Cub "Father and Son" banquet, which was to have been held on Friday, was postponed to next Wednesday evening. Ths Kin Amateur Concert, which shoul'd have been held last Thursday will be held this Thursday instead. TERRACE The loral post office is undergoing a change again in an endeavor to keep up with ! the ever expanding volume of ' business. When the bulding was Capt, John Boden, commodore of the Union Steamships coastal fleet, is leaving the steamer Ca-mo;-un at the conclusion of the and 15 cords, but, such is the increase of service here, that it, too, will have times of severe strain and the public are being .MTTIOX su.t: - Timber Salr M-iV. Thnre will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 10 am. on Tuesday. January a.lrd. 1961, in the office of the District Forester, Prin'T Rupert. BC the Licence X 511155. to cut 8.074.000 f.b.m of sturiduiK and felled Spruce. Cedar. Hemlock and Balsam on an area comprising of part of surveyed timber licence BOlflp. Exstew Ktatinn rtarwe s r:,nt 3rd Street STATIOM-KS P'inct Rupert H I K E SITPIUJ rrt.'N'rrus first built JI R vuitt'e Ior Ulree mon around 1920 the post to take vacation time which has nfHre office nrm.nmrf occupied about Qht one-fourth n.fn,,Hi, Frincc George Edito. Leaves it4i,(t,J been a:cumulating since the first of the year Capt. J. Hal- of the lower floor space. At the front, next door to it, was the office of the notary public and. when he left town, the late crow is expected to take over 1 Land District. - I Three yeara win be allowed for re PRINCE GEORGE. Harry Gregson, who has been editor of moval of timber. Extra comfort end less work H command of the Camosun while! Cap;,. Boden is away. Kecpin up I Provided anyone unable to attend School Teas . A: Terrace TERRACE Tho parents of the children in Mrs. Mcintosh's room and Miss Switzer's room were the the Prince George Citizen for Charles Gilbert took over the past two years, is leaving office. Later, for a short time. her nojn arrival time the Camn- lne uctlon In person may submit neie, naving purcnased the West Mrs. A. Kirkaldy had a dress sun readied p.-irt yesterday fromlf"1" 5"p;n!;d "e hour of xr , J .cuction and treated aa one bid Vancouver, Alert Bay, Sointula,! Further i . parucu.aru particu.aru : :nav ,, he oi oi. you with a Coleman Oil Heater i var.roiiver m ws. C. A. Warner shon there Kt.lll Intpr tho nnt saw front of the building. The late Low in Cost Efficient in, Nimu, Belia Belia and Butedale and sailed at 11 p.m. for Port Simp -on. Ki.icolith, Alice Arm and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow morning to rail ioutn at 12 noon. Operation talned from the Deputy Mmnter of Forests. Victoria, B.C.. or the District Foreater. Pr:nce iiuptrt, BC. , ill) ACHING BACK? Why suffer with backache or uainlul joints? Many find quick relief bv takini Dr. Chase's Kidney-I.irer Pilis. This proven remedy treats two conditions at once; contains special remedial ingredient Snow Closes Mill Al Ecstall River , Mrs. Groig, postmistress, and hr r family had their quarters bo-hind the post office and the , second storey of the building. In the succeeding years, however, the once large, comfortable liv 1 a f io now at VUil through the new school. Nexli Wednesday, the parents of the1 children in Miss Semagrad's Cass and Mrs. Clifford's class will ba so ente-tained. This will te a weekly procedure until all the classes have been visited, to enable all the parents to get to know the teachers and vice versa and to to see where and how the children spend their time during Eighteen inches of snow, and probably mare since then, brought an end to operations at CvU (oil's or ixxn aiuney and liver diw,rder whuh often caue backache. Dr. Chase- ing room nas De-en sacrificed lor more postal space until rmv nothing remains of it and tli" nume vou can i Second Union steamer of the day, the C'hiL-otin, Capt. Harry i M'.Loan, returned to port at 5:30 ;"yesierday afternoon from Mas-i set Intel points and sailed at 8 ! p m. lor' Vancouver via Butedale, 'Nanvj and Westview. Browns Sawmill. on the Eistail River near Port Essington a few rDR.CHACcc! w depentl ob. s9 lower floor is all office. The next - - - " days ago. Members of the mill step should be a complete n-w ' crew have arrived in the city. . ; building. nicn ai iooi nours f Kicl!rii;i Street.. Pl.rii.e 3U I m serving-" qJ ! ' j -ii -a. t-ia -ts, .. a. '-t-. Va- r,5 0k ANNETTE'S Jm? 1 This advertisement is not published of disrlayexi by the. Liquor Control Board u ov the Government oi British Columbia Store Vide Bargains for the Thrifty Shopper!! K A The -MA til SALE For Xinns Uhl y ins, i 1 in It JOHN H. BULGER Ol'TOMETRlST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ISIS ml g Sin lomorroiv 9 (iw JSovcmlwv 2 oik I uvsduy 7 , h Ml Ml II Special COAT Sale LOUNGING PAJAMAS . . . Regular value Io $22.50. FRE-XMAS SQJO " SALE tit 'i M m Vii i - bis ! 'fn " 1 tttj: j SUITS . . . Gabardine, Covert Cloth, Camei Hair, Mohair, Velbur, Baralhca, Broadcloth, Harris Tweed . . All colors and sizes. DiSCOUNT OFF REGULAR PRICE. tZ 0 . . . SHOP EARLY FOR A BETTER SELECTION Q IIIGHT GOV115 . . . Twcccis Checks Wooclwin, icq. valuo and Printed. STATION WAGON COATS ! ! Sizes 3 to 7 Green Brown Natural THE STORK SHOPPE It:ue 810 303 3rd Ave. W. Worsted and to $39.50. 9.95 Safin Stripes, Rayon PRE-XMAS SALE BRASSIERES All colors and sizes. Reqular value to $6.95 PRE-XMAS SALE $2-95 Regular value $1 .95. $1.00 White only. Sizes 32 io 33 I'Rt-XMAS SALE BLOUSES . . . PAJAMAS... GARTER BELTS nd sis SSrg M S n' . I l-.. . 1. ,l Trn RoSC 0 DUicner uoy biyic, -- Crepe, Beaded and Metallic. Short and long sleeves. Reg. value to 6.95 sAuXMAS 52.95 Regular value $1.95. PRE-XMAS SALE ... $1.00 Blue. Reqular value bo.J- PRE-XMAS SALE JACKETS . . . HOUSE DRESSES SLIPS jr , , , d 1 .vm. -;r- n-r White an' NYLON HOSE Every pair perfect. Reg. value $1 .95 PRE-XMAS 9Q SALF - All wanted sizes. Reg. PRE-XMAS SALE Satin, Crepes, Wools and Lace. All sizes and colors. Reg. value Io $5.95 -EXMAS 1-95 c, o I p r s and value $2.95. $1.00 Lacc-trimmcd. Tea Re-;.. Blue Sizes 32 to 42. Reqular value $2.95. PRE-XMAS SALE $1.49 M 'jW "Hospitality ond Good Food" ' That is Our Aim I'lionc 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe Shop Early Tuesday for Your Share of the Many Store -Wide Bargains Aniiette Manseli Ladies' Wear CHRISTMAS SOXES GIVEN FREE AVEE 525 THIRD 1 1 .T... v- - . . ... VM . t. - ..-I V"-