. - r- i 4 Vtlntt Hupctt Dailp TL, Local News Items . . . Bevel Cedar Siding I Strawberry Tea. Presbyter- ANNOUNCEMENTS Advrrtlhrmcnts In this column will be churned fur full month at 2&c per word Strawberry Tea, Presbyterian Church, June 16. "C" Grade per 1000 f.s.m. $75.00 SEE IS FOR YOUR LUMBER REQUIREMENTS We carry complete stocks of finish and dimension lumber FLOORIXG, SIDING, SHINGLES, LATH, etc - i ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. "EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" PHONE 116 IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FARGO TRUCKS J. VI v "Mighty fine fishln' outfit yuh got there." Mrs. Wilbur Smith left today to return to Butedale after a visit to the city. Carpenters' Union meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. Special business (139) Mrs. I. Procktrr, of Victoria, v.ho has been visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs- R. A. Morley, sailed this afternoon on the Camosun to return to her home. Dr. L. M. Greene, former pres ident of the Associated Boards 6f Trade of Central British Col umbia, and recently arrived in the city from Smithers to take i'P the practice of medicine, was elected to membership in the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night. P. S. Bonney, who was district forester here years ago and later became logging superintendent for the Pacific Mills, now being retired in Vancouver in a private consultant capacity, is in the city on business in connection with the Columbia Cellulose Co. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. E. Buck, Vancouver; D. G. Heal, North Vancouver; J. Skal- ing, Vancouver; G. Gooding,, Vanrnfivpr A W Princt SanH.I spit; J. Sutton, Victoria; T- K. Leszka, Victoria; J. Ross, Vancouver; G. S. Scott, Victoria; M. F. Crosby, Vancouver; A. S. Ward, Port Clements; O. Gis- The following models in stock at Rupert Motors Ltd. for immediate delivery: 126" W.Li. 1-ton Express 152" W.B. 2-ton Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Speed Rear Axle. 170" W.B. 3-ton Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Speed Rear Axle. l .- Let us W,. H, 1049 June 19 Father9! ..WAY, WW Make June 1!) a s day for Dad wk smart, practical Our stock is now a best with fine i wear, sport shirts Arrow dress s! pure - w ool sweater wide selection of ( sox . . . and don't forget a son Hat Gift Ce cate is on Dad's - list. Store Hours 9 a.m. to i Prince Rupert Fk "300 3rd Ave. 3o51 I Flowers lor All Ocru Chandler & Cow PORTRAIT STLTO Film FinLshint tit Fla-sh Photos Tukrn tl a Phone Green 39 2:6 4 PRINCE RUPERT, B I CANCEL . 1 1 Rupert Motors m that m ( i MORTGAGE . i I 1I.MC.S. llalda lOD.E. TeaJ June 25. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. St. Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November' 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Nov. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" See Our Window Display of SIMMONS and RESTMORE Bedding 327 3rd Ave. West Phone 775 Moving, Packinr, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 riioncs 60 and 68 12 S UeLuxe Delivery Phone 383 Phone Prompt and Efficient Service ANYTIME ANYWHERE Eytcheson & Ponder WRATHAL17S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK bhRVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies 1 PLANNING to fit every type of job "Chrysler-Built" in Canada LIMITED THONES 866 AND 56S LOST AND FOUND LC - ST - In Post Office lobby, ke's on rinc- Flncier Pleae lee with Daily News. (139) FOUND Black wallet, owner mav cIaim same bv caiuns; at Dailv News 0tlce anu paVing f0r t,njs a(j m,t : HELP V..vr .At oOYS WANTED Reliable boys uesirme uaiiy News route i ..noma tile their names at tne uauv News Oftice. (tf) w 5000 voters at pro-election T,"c.'Jr1 Wednesday. Chamber of Com- , IIUTCe. (If help wawtfr Ymm. man lor Vr ami,y g Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning Classifieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c, Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE lasson, Crofton; Mr-and Mrs. C.jau seeking improved local re- ian Church, 35c. (139 J. A. R. Tingley. of Vancouver, secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society who spoke to a public meeting here at the week-end, sailed this afternoon on the Camosun to return south. Mrs. A. Hamilton of Golden and Mrs. V. Diment of Victoria, travelling north on the Princess Louise, were luncheon guests yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Seaman. Mrs Ham ilton is making a brief visit to Dawson while Mrs. Diment plans to remain in the Yukon for the next three months. PETITION FOR BETTER RADIO Available For Local Signing Whole District Seeking Improvement For the signature of local radio listeners who would like to see improvement in the broadcasting service of CBC over the local station, petitions have been placed in city stores by the : Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- ; merce, it was announced at last night's meeting of the Prince ! Rupert Chamber of Commerce. The petition asks specifically for a more complete emission of de- i sirflhlp nflta'nrt nrnrram, from HFPR. i Last night's meeting also received I briefs and communications from Smithers and other interior boards and chambers. ception services. These will be sent to the local radio committee with a view to having further representations along this line emanate from the convention of ' the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia to be held in Smithers in August. The Chamber, heard that the Interest of Hon. R. W. Mayhew, I minister of fisheries, in the matter rif imnrnvpH rarfin , vice for this part of the country had been enlisted during a recent visit of the minister, to n.p ule ri. CKy' Advertise In the Dally New! JOHN H. BULGER DPTOMETR 1ST John Bulger Ltd. ' Third Avenue WWW T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Torts Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT ' For P.eservations Write or Call CITY OR Dcror, OFFICE , PRINCE RUPERT. B C. m it It: f '.' '" , m rc ,. 1 ho .. ((.!. 'IHei WH ftra o fssvied Joillt lotlce It tl om Jon il frlc'at JerUt alld vritin , Ire. . -n """"""""" M .1 t I That mortgage on your on jrAur mortgage. The yearly home presents no worry so long premium starts at about 1 of s your earning power contin. your mortgage loan, and relies. To your family, alone, it duces by about half long rnfore would be too much to handle the mortgage period ends, and might result in the loss of , . ' , their home. , Their house their home-rent free. Isn't that (he m'o lor a very small yearly pre important assurance you can niium you can guarantee enough give your family? Let us end money for your family to pay you all the details about this all the remaining instalments mortgage cancellation policy. Msil the clip ur. - . im j uo IJLn, 1 J1J llLCiinc. ior uont ena ana luDrication jsj.uuu or Dest offer. Will take work Preferably single. Ap- late model car as part pay-ply Bob Parker Ltd. (tf ment. Apply Box 536 Daily HELP WrANTED o. with meat exDerience. Bulk- Jey Market. ttf) grande piano. In perfect play-"iF(iMFM uivTrn" ! ins, condition. Lovely tone- A MLMMtAMiu real sacrifice at $400. What NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ROBERT BRETT, 653 Tatlow Street Black 210 FYR - LARM. automata warning of of fire fire daners dangrs. Onarris Guards life. lif? SUMMER MENUS? Young, Kamloops; S. A. Orr Penticton; Mrs. T. Crozier, Sands-pit; Mrs. D. Dahms, Sandspit; K. T. Aro, Nanaimo; G. Wood, Curnaby; Mrs- E. Dunlap, Khut-zeymateen Inlet; Hon. E. T. Ken-ncy; Victoria; O. Hanson, city; lied Nash, Terrace; W- Robin-ton, Terrace. FOR RENT TOURIST accomodation Phone Red 471. itf) FOR SALE FOR SALE OR PART EX CHANGE 1947 2V, ton Maple! Leaf truck with Brentford i Anthony tail eate loader,! heater and defroster, sinnal ! mill's .7 ,r mi! n I wews- . U43) FOR rai.f Rtpin.-air nnriaht. P.er.s- ".ease write J. E. warcl' Sandspit. B. C. (It) FOR SALE Men's wool work socks. Direct from mill. Hi- boot socks $4.00 per dozen. 16" ribbed leg-reinforced heel and toe $6 00 doz. Send money order to Chart Knitting Mills, Penetang. Ontario. (142) ini a iimp ir BLACKHcADa lintpl method thnt tl mwm th. Gt tw m,nc. of pmin from your dnisiriBt,, ftpply with ft Kwder t, wwt clotJi irnty ovr th blsckhftsHfr fti4 TV will wosdftr wlwra tkr h" EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. riione Green 883 Hox 586 You'll find what you need "rr3 property. Arouses from sound for SALE Violin "rpnsnmhle rea sleep, be heard for ni'if; can quar- Black BiaCK 718 718' U40' ter mile. No electric wiring, . nothing to get out of order. FOR SALE Second hand Mor-Dependable. inexpensive, lasts ris piano, $125 Apply H G a lifetime. Just being intro- Helgerson Ltd (139) oucea- Nothing like it. Write ., or wire for sales proposition. OK SALE 5 h.p. Easthope, Fvr-Larm Dept.. Palcoseel Co. nropellor and shaft. Price, Ltd., Cornwall, Ont. (It) S100- P- O. Box 155. (142) V' at the I K-Y MARKFT a ni t lb l NORTH AM1RICAN LIFE, Head Without obligating me in any mortgage cantellation plan. Same Arlilrn'. i Groceries Fresh nrl fnlrl i Meats Produce h i PHONE RED 441 151 run ruhti UtAAXtAil W'Y MARKET ! RK9 Sixth Ave. K. Office, 1 1 1 King Si. W , Toronto. way, please lend me details of your INFORMATION P.O. BOX 1678 FUNERAL NOTICES MJm"Vl949eLum'junee Pol ton! Maahs aVed 73 vears 8 noUlslllfo Mrs Jean Maahs of 315 6th Ave. West- Kev. R. A. Villson win conduct services at f irst United Church at 8 p.m. Wed- nesdav. June 15. Remains to be torwarded to Vancouver June 23 lor interment. B. C. Undertakers in charge ot ar raneements. WICK At Hecate Straits Saturday. June 11. 1949. John loved husband of Mrs. Hedwig Christina Wick of 1248 Beach Piace- Funeral services will ho.HnM at St Pani c Tnfhoran Church at 2:30 p.m. ihurs- day. June 16. with Rev. E T7" Soiland officiating. Interment to follow in the Sons of Norway plot Fairview cemetery. B. C. Undertakers in charue of arrangements. FOR SALE FOR SALE New and used f urn- T. n;. Mnr firct. t and blocks, good bicycles, Underwood typewriters, battleship linoleum, new electric hotplates, toasters and electric irons, new rues, beautiful patterns, new cups and saucers. Everything at the lowest prices See B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE 32' x 9' combination , gillnetter and trolling boat, new Palmer engine, some t o, -nrf ics m mq tai , tu not i. uiut. jj -j (tf) NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES j Link-belt Speeder Shovels, Cranes, Draglir.es; Adams Road Graders; Littlrford Bros. Black Top Road Maintenance Euuipment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks; Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets, National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National S1l!r..mi1V Portable sfwm Us- National Full information from Na tional Machinery Co. Ltd. Vancouver, B. C. (tf) FOR SALE 4 room furnished house close in. . F or particu- j FOR SALE 1941 Plymouth 4-door Sedan. $1200.00. Can be seen at Rupert Motors Ltd. (tf) FOR SALE 28-foot cabin cruiser. "Blue Jay" completely equipped. Can be seen at Yacht Club. For particulars phone Blue103. (tf) FOR SALE One duotherm oil heater, like new. Phone Blue 789 after J:30 p.m. (138) FOR SALE 30 ft.dllnet boat Blueback II. in good condition. At New Floats. Box 517, Daily News. (138) FOR SALE 1937 Chrysler. Apply 1408lst Overlook. (139) (II) ' '93.19111 -mod jo jaquiBMO joiunf 'AtipssupaM uonooia iei'duia -o.id s.ia0A 0O0S aaiNVM FOR SALE 27 ft troller Danny Boy. 5 h.p. Vivian engine goon snane. Price $350. Annlv D. Sharpe, Dodge Cove, Dieby isiana. (139) FOR SALE Speed boat 17 ft. Ford V8 engine. Cheap for casn. Fhone Green 838. (140) FOR SALE Baby carriage In good condition. Phone Blue 432. (142) FOR SALE White and grey enamel coal or wood stove. Bargain. Phone Green 288. (1381 ncoi t i rb Tu .f : b;; w : ; CM i 1 THE Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors 0 FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Housps built under the N.II.A. Plan 20 down payment-balance In eaxy monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. Free Estimatees HAPPY VACATIONING! WE'LL SHOW VOl' THE WAV . . Our quality gas and lub lants plus our service nui your car more drpniufj For Carrfrro varationir-S- 1 us service your car. h o i n s Weekdays 8 a m. to 12 mldnlplit Sundays-8 a.m. to 1" P "M FOR FURTHER FIIoinE BLACK 224 We always check your: GAS OIL WATKIl TIRES BATTERY BOB PARKER'S REAL ESTATE 'i I IfOK Fon oALE qatp a 4 r,lr room wartime ,rnZ fully furnished all modern furniture, like new, such ' as custom velour chesterfield suite, combination radio, walnut veneer bedroom suite. electric fireplace. electric trl'K- ldnl.n suij ctr rk.em.ne mtcnen noor- rencea in lawn. ADDiv idj zna Overlook between 5 and 8 p.m. (It; FOR SALE: Going concern, good income. $8,00U to handle. Seal Cove Store. (139) . SALE One acre lot, new' hu?e. water and lights, wood shed, chicken house and big earaen. Apply Bill Pruss, Terrace. (147) METAL, VTOHX PLUIkIBiNa Installations and Kepairs. SJIEfcT MET A! WORK. Tar and Gravl Rout Ing. Letourneau & Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543.. (tf) YOUNG MEN Between 17 and 30 Years Hovrng a minimum of complctft Gr.ide IX education con become part of Canada's new expanding Air Force. TRAIN AS Aero Engine Technician Airframe Technician Instrument Technician Or Other Tradesman fformfr R.C.A.F. tradesmen may retain their trade grouping Sound Pension Plan Medical and Dental Core Provided 30 Days Vacation a Year with Pay Plu5 ether Benefit! Mail Coupon to: Officer Commanding, R.C.A.F. Recruiting Unit, Kingsway Ave., Edmonton Pleaie send me without obligation, full particulars concerning enlistment in the R.C.A.F. Noma Street Address - ', . Town or City Province Age Last grade completed at tchool I It's Slen; UPTOWN SERVICE SHTJOI rilONE Second and McBride f -y , :, : A Representative Warehouse Stock to Save You Time and Money THF CHEAT NEW GENKUAL ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER! YOU GUIDE IT, TWO COUNTER-ROTATING BRUSHES DO ALL THE WORK! The wonderful new G-E Polisher gives a gleaming polish to harriwood, linoleum 6r tile floors. Weighing only 16 pounds, the G-E Polisher is easily portable ... yet it is just the right weight to do a thorough, speedy polishing job. from: fwHu1vai Tic JR. nuhhpr rffe 1.1(1. General Dry Battery Co. of Cana" (jvjsj(Pn) Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd. "'ain Imperial Wiping Itat Co. Md. itf'. I'4 Complete with two polishing- " G. II. Wood & Co. Ltd Dustbane and others at Save . . . PRECIOUS TIME ERISHABLE FREIGHT Call 476 For information on Regular or Charter Flights throughout British Columbia brushes and two lambs wool buffing pads. 59.50 Northern B.C. PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE niSTBIBl'TOR Power Co. Ltd. BESNER BLOCK TV IIVrlililUlaliM - p O. Box " Phone 632