"" '"""" : mMnLXT- - - .--p -V II - ... . t Print ntipcrt DafTp J3ctos TUESDAY. JUNE 14, 1949 TRCCKERS AT COUNCIL Continued Irom Pag? One) LET'S TRY ANEW GOVERNMENT where deliveries must be made to front entrances. The truckers also stated that the enforcement of "no double parking" was making It diffi- YOU BET IT'S IMPORTANT W y wde your winter col supply N0.W, sou'? absolutely suje of wmlumvte "Tfre forthcoming election resented In parliament. The Which takes nl Q0 Tuna KlV fnn i; ft tH ,1 A- I cult for them too as often other !! 1949, will be of utmost import--1 The C,C.? U forever fighting vehicles, particularly passenger ance to all natives throughout high prices and unnecessary cars' prevented them from get-, the province. We have had costs of living. The present tln8 parallel to the curb near Liberal and Conservative gov- government Is taxing us con- ' their destination, ernments In power for the past trary to laws and treaties. The Harry Black, representing the one hundred years or more and Indian has no right, to pay In- Automobile Association, brought gave very little consideration come Tax. Many white people up the question of parking towards the advancement of do not believe we pay Income passenger cars as close as 12 the real Canadian and first Tax but we do. W are paying inches to some of the high eurbs Citizens of Canada- sales tax also- What services 'on Third Avenue, pointing out Since the C.C.F. party came do the Indians get In return? that lt was usually lmpossibe into the political field they Our foreign canned salmon t0 Curb-side doors in such Zu f J v",115 about,markets "e allin off' case. However. Alderman equality to the little people, case, salmon Is too high priced, .u.. health f" yur lnUy from the lirst told nip and on through inter. ORDER NOW! CAW 651 IPQTT, EYIIT & CO. owns itiCU uiitt muiui ictus of Tho thif r r m !;ifird j n th! QU1allty rl e ?h d0e j "at . T?l i were not liable to be prosecuted 50'g a mood umber liuildinff Supplies r parking their cars more than by the overwhelming vows ational costs to. fishermen are they received in the last elec- rising, yet our salmon prices 12 Ulcnes from the CU,D under tion, of which was the cause of have dropped. There is some- sucn circumstances. Mr. Black the birth of the so-called Coali-.thing wrong somewhere In the offered the suggestion that ,i,ii, ..,,i ,. on sieht-seeine buses be uermitted ....... wuiLimiicm, u,i wiiuiu ate auiiutMiibiauuu, VVililC UUi tun u o i none other than the Liberals ned salmon prices are rising In to unload In front of the theatre ana conservatives joined to-he stores, while to the fisher- ai sucn umes as uie snow is gether to defeat the C.C.Jr, wheiwnen, Uie pi ice aie dropping, jnot ia operation. the CC.F. had them beat in the The past governments have The recommendation present- election. suffered us for over a century, ed by the Truckers' Association, ( The Coalition did give us the Your relatives and mine have the council for consideration vole, but what eljse besides the ded uselessly with curable dis- was reaci by jonn McLcod. vote? it is clear to see mat eases tnrougn me government nurine their huslnpss session Oo have a SlupPQSP you have what you feel w a: good opportunity which calls for bank credit. If one bank cannot see it your way, or if you think you can get a better deal elsewhere, you're free to "shop around". Banks compete to serve the most diversified needs, no matter how specialized any of them may be . . . personal, business, or farm loans, money transfers, collections to name just a few. they want us merely for an In- failure to give the Indians suf- tRe council ruled that for the ftrument, say to boost the elec- ficient medical help and decent ing trucks would be per- homes to live In, We have been tion In their favor. If they mUwd to back ,n to,tne cu,.u were sincere in granting us this made to dwell on small reserva- &nd un,oad tetwWn vote, then give us full citizen- tms some of the barren $ & 'Miip ugius aim privnes aucn ciu?, v.v; "v" - i-pontime the Traffic we weanwme tne iraaic Di k hnnaer riisease and misery. Committee will attempt to. work Also, why J did we not get this Many more of our ........ relatives died nn niMnnilivianl t i lha .( WELCOME GYROS . . . TO PRINCE RUPERT We hope you'll like your little visit. You'll find our people open hearted and fiiendly as Is usual In the north- You'll find our climate better than you expected. We don't have to wear gum boots and slickers nil the time. If you see a little rain it's only the same kind you get at home so do as we do, just let it rain. Sometimes we'd like a little rain. We are glad to be free, of lots, of nuisances other places have, such as floods, dust storms, extreme cold, sweltering heat, cyclones, thunderstorms, flies and mosquitoes, poverty and slums. We have no snakes or reptiles, no dangerous wild animals or epidemics or serious diseases. We hope you'll come again. vote three years ago instead of in two world conflcHs, died for , few that will meet the need of building, the Coalition limelight the liberty which was promised by giving us the vote just when and expounded so loudly during, the traffic. the election campaigns began, the recruiting period; even after t We all have minds of ouf these two great sacrifices by the own let's not be fooled, vote Indians, they are sua aeniea iNUri I numl rAIK SostgU" that WU1 d U!JlyrKrPrSS T MARRIED HERE and mothers are deprived I . , Immediately the natives were thers mnrrip rPremonv ner- by More than 95 out of 100 bank loan application are decided "right in the field" in the branches bank managers who take a personal interest in serving their customers' individual requirements. granted the vote, the C.C.F. of their sons, who died in the formed by Government Agent placed an Indian candidate in .wars. They could have helped Oordon Forbes at the Covy.t the election campaign, namr ly their elders now, since the gov- Saturdav .united Marv Frank Calder of Greenville, B. ernment denies the o o l Ag e C. I have not seen an Indian Pension to the aged Indians. J Sv(lnpv warren of Alice Coalition candidate; same ;old What we all peed to do ia try , Arm and iotm Janets Bousek, - ,irrta m.ta Mew Onve.mment. who will .- i... on ennnl no mat- o otewarw. vyiinesses w be a minor, or a ward, rather ter what color or race- The hard- than to be 'simple stooge, to a : working man should begin to .1 Thompson and L A- folhe, government that thinks so little, share the values of his produce. ( both of Prince Rupert. The ,,f 11 nm nhnrieines. The O.O.I Here's hoping for a better bridegroom ts a customs officer v oip. a chance to be ren- Kovernment. i at the northern town (Contributed by Joseph R. Daniels) Going to your barJt it not lilt having to deaf with a itote bureau but that's how if would f be under itate monopoly. O R E D BY Sy YOUR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL n D Radio Dial Cr f K 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) i - PIES IN RUPERT, TERRACE BURIAL TERRACE Joseph Albert Morris, 71, passed peacefully away in Prince Rupert General Hospital on Friday afternoon, June 10, after an illness of two months duration. He will be laid at rest In the Kalum cemetery, 1 M us ! "S RADIO CLINIC 9ANK SPQNS 7:00 CBC New 7:15 CBC News Roundup 30 Liberal Federal Talk : 00 Record Album 8:30 Modern Stylings 9:00 Music by Eric Wild 9:30 Conductor's Choice JO: 00 CBQ News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Points of View 10:30 Leicester Square to Broadway ".1:00 Weather and Fish DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, 8MTTH BLOCK i Satisfactory Service CALL 53 Phone 7C5 P.O. Box 1401 Terrace, on Tuesday afternootu 3 Second Avenue West RATTERY Continued; rrom page tj Parkhouse tried hard- (Constructive and was unlucky Boulter had 'no chance with not to score. Owens crossed ' some t' centres as did McKay. eithPr svmt snw BnA unw TUESDAY P.M. V 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Fred Hill 4:45 Patsy and Patches 5:00 Songs from the Shows 5:30 Western Five 5:45 Suppert Varieties - -J:00 Supper Serenade 6: 15 Dinah Shore , 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings inson were two reliable, forcing backs, this being Robin Pat Wilson was not much in efc-idence though he put in onis grand shot. John Wilson, re- A. HUNDEIDE WATKIN'S DEALER ' Seventh Avenue West following a funeral service. Originally from the prairies, deceased had been a resident oi Terrace for the past two years and is survived here by his widow, Mrs. Minnie T. Morris, and three daughters, Mrs. G. E. -Loveless. Mrs. H. Qambiio, son's best game. Olson again at lieving Lien, In the second half, MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINO Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue Prince RuDert. B.C. was a tower of strength wer sturdy, strong defenders tackling hard, and using their heads to " good advantage. Gomea' fighting spirit was responsible for their second goal. The Jour, forwards drove hard with the outside vmg men, Vanetta and Ward, both scor BLACK 890 Box 296 centre half. Lien and Haugan piayea eneciiveiy ana wim great determination. tackled, hard and never let up PIANO TECHNICIAN and North Star Trophy (City League) Of the forwards, Currie PWLDFAP Mercer were the pick. Currie Jng, Voicing and Repairs and Mrs. i. C. Brickley. Two sons, Hilton and Melvin, reside with their families at Telkwa There are also twelve ing with grand shots. Pavlikis found his "shooting boots" al-. Heavy Battery .... 3 3 0 0 7 2 6 was always a threat and was though he was not able to beat General Motors ..2110122 unlucky not to have scored. Morgan. Mercer was clever and Canadian Legion 3 0 3 0 2 6 0 MIKE COL.USSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th. Easl HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Us branches Phone 655 204 4th Street P.GARET McLEOl) Arrivals WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clocfc 7:45 "Singing Sam" a. 00 CBC Hews 8:I&r-Morniiig Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8 45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Cymty 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 CoKce Time 9i:59r-Tune Bigpat 10:00 Ellen Harris 10: l& Mwnng Melodies. :aa Roundup Time 10:45 Food for Thought-Kate Aidkin 11:00 Berni Braden Tens, a story U: 15 Songs of. Yesterday U:30r-Weather, frweeast U:3I Mess Vv :33r Recorded Interlude 11:45 Famous Voices P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melpdles, .2:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast ""' OPTOMETRIST M 10, STONE BUILDINO A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS To get 5(fa0RE NO TEDIOUS LONG-BOILINO One Minute only for both Jam; end Jellies When you use Certo or "Certo" Crystals your jams and jellies need only a ONE-MINUTE full, rolling boil. This short boil does more than save you time and work. Since so little juice has time to boil away, you get an average yield of 10 glasses where old, long-boil would only yield about 6. 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. PHONE BLUE 003 P.O. Box 1184 Jam or Jelly from your fruit use either BUILDING ALTERING REPAIRING For Supplies phone nr.i MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors FOR YOUR K AND CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 93W fi. J. SAUNDERS fw, Modern Eqnlpment or p All Work Ouaianteed BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Apents for SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. And the lovely taste and colour of fresh fruit stay in your jams and jellies because the boil is too short to spoil the one or dull the other. SUR RESULT IVERY TIME If you follow EXACTLY the recipe that come under the label of every bottle of Certo or in every package of "Certo" crystals, you'H hav no t allure. You'll get lovely, sparkling jams and jellies every time. Different fruits need different handling, so there's a separate, easy-to-follow kitchen tested recipe, fqr each fruit. Crystals ' KINDLING WOOD 5"c Sack Delivered P Wood, Random Lengths $10 per load loking I REMODEL your coo for better eating I !0NE B & W TRANSFER Green 186 SAVOY HOTEL W, L. WOODS, Prop PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 ERASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT E0RGE L. RORIE Qiud oiut &i5q...Resute m SURE Well Cartage Ltd. Complete Morlnf Serrfce A. h Accountant, Auditor, etc. S Tax Returns Compiled Cratinf Packlnf Cartage fwer Block Phone 387 BLUE 781 BED 516 Only In NOItlJ WADE con yo btoin th odvantagM of Itavor tavlna VAPOR StAU otir cUantnfl SUINUS Slctl and vn hvcting THUMIC tAT COPPIR SOlTOMt jjlimrirrff-ff i...mMi 'SjgtscnEoui.E 'Way. Werinnulav Friday, There's no guesswork in making jam or jelly with Certo Fruit Pectin or "Certo" Crystals, tt takes no more time than to make a simple dessert. You get better set, better appearance, better taste . . . and about 50co more jam or jelly from the same amount of fruit! Please yourself which you use. Certo and "Certo" Crystals are both nothing but fruit pectin . . . the natural substance in fruit that makes jams "jam" and jellies '"jell" . . . extracted and concentrated for quicker, easier, beffer jam and jelly-making. The; word "Certo" is a trade mark. p.m. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS h h the JJMday, Thursday, Saturday 0 tl m FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS Building and lepalrs of all kind Roofs, Chimney 011 Bu1 HOItlt Will' QCAU RE?AlttS 'w Downtrodden Heels ft V. mwt - w :.. v x at 9 w s 1 urn m 1 -www w PHONE 24 Ask nour 'qrocer todaq fcr whichever qou prefer Jcnjjfeils PHONES 06 lift "on sole SHOE HOSPITAL ProducH of Bos 423 222 Second Ave. Cnral Foods Black 687 Red 894 evenings 1 P.O. Box 1670 1 1