John in goal and w . Wilson, Mercer, Owens, Wilson. "eision by any word or sign. The penalty provided for in such a eis feel that they were unlucky' on both occasions to lose but the Battery scoff at the Idea.; Ptfnfe Hutifrt PflfTp 1351 TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1949 case is being sent oft the Held. Heavy Battery Still Unbeaten " competently. Dunb -great wme puuk, Ferguson lb Ve"ch. Gomez .V That does nobody any good and They feel they deserved to win. certainly does not help the Well it's goals that count and I with them. the goalie cleared well. Veitch and Mazzone sent their forwards ahead and Pavlikis worked his way through to shoot from close in and Boulter saved when the ball appeared to have passed through his legs. Play now became ragged with players indulging In a lot of loose talk. John Wilson made Referee: S. P. Woodside. Linesmen: J N. Kelly, Kar-asofsky. COMMENTS Morgan again was very safe team or attract spectators. the Battery got more than the Legionnaires. I Sport Shots There was far too much "squawking" in the second half JContlnued on PaBe . Gunners Defeat General Motors Monday Evening Friday night's game will be of last night's game. Generally .. . .. i nne Kntn oon ttoqw Rttpiv nnd Can- r.u- i w lnnkeri if 11 te " thp lnilnff losing tP9H icaui uim -.. .j - SPECIAL LOW-PRICE OF Nick Pavllkls leads the forwards in goal scoring with four to date. The other players who have scored one ea;h are Van-etta. Ward, Stead. Price, Baxter, Pat Wilson. FER! . .... . .. the "beefing" but last night it adian Legion in the first round smart ,m in their football new Cup. In tpftm playprs of the Dominlon Day strips last night. Doug Friz- &hmM remember that they both games to date between zell took time out to come up must not show any dlssatis- these teams the Battery have and see the lads. He was pleased faction with the referee's de- been winners. The Legion play WB&ifm In a hard-fought game last a good run but his through pass evening the Heavy Battery con- was cleared Dy Mazzone who Al- kicked behind for a corner, tinued their winning ways. though they had only ten play- Ferguson cleared well The Mot-ers on the field they blanked ors were pressing but could not the General Motors, winning by beat a tough defence. Mercer made a fine run and Currie two goals to nil. Exchanges were even at the crossed a beauty but the Inside start until Pavlikis nipped in men all missed a good chance, fast to snatch a loose ball but Full time came with the Battery winners by two clear shot wide. Motors were press- deservedly Ing and Ferguson came through goals. . to clear well. Mercer shot Just Teams: wide. Pavlikis sent VanettV Heavy Battery-Morgan; Dun-ahead but Sunberg saved. The bar, Ferguson, Mazone, Veitch. General Motors defence got into Darrow Gomez, Vanetta, Park- AIR PASSENGERS ing so different today ' '' " 'f''' To Vancouver Miss J. A. Erlckson, Miss P Moore, Mrs. H. Blackburn, Mrs. H. Hand, W. Eckert, C. Noel, M. Erlckson, J. WITH 10 GIUETTI BLUE BIAOES IN DISPENStK H. Stone. i To Sandspit-Mrs- T. Crosier. . hllt Rmi!ter was rignt nouse, Pavlikis, Ward. "Hid From Vancouver M. Rogue ! . ... ... . . on.i,,nPri r,Pneral Motors Boulter: j H. L. Batten. t. Heal, M. F. Cros- Shaving's a breeze, blade changing a cinch with the new Gillette Rocket One Piece Razor and Gillette Dispenser. Enjoy utmost shaving ease and convenience, plus double-edge economy. Get yours now! Gillette Rocket 0ne-Pie Ram and twisting mlskick of a defender- Robinson, Sunberg, Lien. Olson, Dunbar cleared from Currie Haugan. McKay, Currie, Pat i i and a moment later stopjed ! by, J. Ross, C. E. Buck. O Ward. I From Sandspit Mrs. O. A. I Hunter, Mrs. T. Crozler, Mrs D iDahms, A. W. Priest, Q. Ward, Mercer. Morgan cleared from Owens. MrKav crossed well out Gillette DlipMr K. Leszka, J. Sutton, J. BUnllng,' i Q Gooding, W. Goltz. with 10 Gillette llee 429 f-1 - T"' lied... R.,.l.r rtJlt $2.00 vol-. w KScf 55 Gomez cleared. Cun ie and Wilson combined until Veitch broke up the move. Robinson made a fine interception when Park-house and Pavlikis were danger- mm Harold Hampton, newly elect Pavlikis made a good run ed president of the Junior j oils. came out and Chamber of Commerce, "attend- and Boulter TENDERS addressed to SEALED the undersigned, and endorsed ..t i,. f,,r whurf KeDuirs. Port ed the regular monthly dinner cleared. . of the Prince Rupert Chamber The Motors halfback line of PIRACY on the Hiph Spas was, no doubt, exciting until it fame to bre.ikfa'ling on salt pork and tliijt's biscuit. Nowadays that deli rioui rrrrul. Post's Crupe-Nuts Flukes, ig eaten jo fully on both sea and land. It's made from lint one but TWO grains sun-ripened wheat and malted barlejr. Bold buccaneers of today come aboard Kith test it hen Crape-Nuts Flakes are in the offing. And good thing too, because these honey-golden flukes provide nourishment they need , t . useful quantities of carbohydrates, protein, phosphorous, iron and other food essentials. Say "Ahoy, Mr. Grocer I Grape-Nuts Flukes, please 1" of Commerce " last evehing as Olson, Lien, and Haugan were clemPimi bc," win be received the official representativ of the strong defenders but the for- until 300 p.m. ' Efrshr,wrPfp"elrs " Jaycees and was appropriately wards were ineffective. Owens J"yp0'fciempntt bc 1 welcomed bv G R. S Blackabv. missed nn oneninff and Dunbar! di0 frm i.t contract and spec- ;PLA' .$10,0 5pee CM HE) ? Ilea rpTtrrs net GP-17? the senior president- BLONDIE Brief Encounter. By CHICK YOUNG s- . ' T" ( i'll have them off) VTTV -ilrl f ( THE TAIlOB PWCNED ) fZSF 1 CAME L ,N A JlFFy HI I INI A J TrrJl Z-7 f ' VOU'PE rC7 VF.PV - headed away Curiie'S good Shot. Ideation can be seen and lorrna u . tender obtained at the otlice in tnc u k.. Owens crossed a beauty but EnK1Ileer, Department of Pub- Gomez and then Morgan saved, i )lc Work. Ottawa, at the ollke of Parkhouse was good and Van- the District . . . l 1 nitllfltiiu New Westminster. V v.. etta got aay to drive In a great ,"n(" t 'thP P()St o(tu. at Port shot that Boulter got his fin-1 elements. Prince Rupert. Vancouver gers to and turned against the J victor b. ton to the bar but cou'd not stop The Bat- Mdml(!n(( the rjrpnrtment win tery Was then a goal up. Mor- mipply blue-prints and specldcatlon Pan saved Olsons long shot. Then Mercer headed the ball bsllk chPque payable to the order ot against the underside of 'the tn Minister of public works. The crossbar for it to rebound Irtto dS SOCIABLE, DNTrwOOP- WHY Ull-'N I VUU - 7 INVITE WP P i, Combines Instant Blade Changing -Super; V or TO COVE IN ? .0 7 Shaving Comfort Double Edge Economy play .... . a lucky escape for Bat-1 wMUn month from the date of If not retum- tery. Morgan brought off a reception of tenders. withln that period the deioslt i 9 X.i t!w,n ed I! Re: i , am ,.Thi ( . !-' "trlei ' WM riss o ' fsueel ! Joult lotlce it tl torn Jon .1 'Ulcai rUt alld vrttin . DH Ve, h ""rwV t S With Pavlikis nearly thrOURh,' Tenders will not be considered unlesa made on printed form. i Mip- Robinson came to the rescue. , , , . 'nlled bT the Department and In c- The second half found open- f "ni,Ce with conditions set forth lng exchanges even. Currle'i 'herein. good centre was blocked and.l Each " on a cnarverru -d bt a certified cheque in a flash. Pavlikis was nearly i. jj, ,n Canada, payable to the through at the Other end. Sun- ovder of the Honourable the Mln-, Works, equal to 10 ,. j H o.t ler of Public No Change from the Dollar. PRINCE -. RUEf r,a" r " " ' " ""'""i.. ,h ,mint of the ten- Salt Lake Ferry Daily Service Except Monday SI II MU LES Tuesday... Wednesday . a n d Thursday Leave Cow Bay floats, 4. 5, 7 and 8 p.m. ' lExtri trip Thursday " afternoon, 2:30) Saturday Every hour start-l:ig at 11 a-.:. Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. - Phnne tiREF.N 391 or BLACK 916 in dfr. or Bearer ias oi vne uoim"-ten of Canada or of the Canadian national Railway Company and Its hit the upright with a fine drive Mazzone cleared. John Wilson made a good run with Currie BOWLING All constituent companies, uncomumm- OPEN DAILY FROM and McKay carryinf It. on but nlly guaranteed a to principal and by the Drninlon of Can-6 Morgan saved. Gomes fought .-inu-re ,,, jfada, or the aforementioned bonds his Wfiy through and gave Ward fantl . certified cheque If required ICE-CREAM CONE ?) lJp WITH ME, JhfA , Tts U I A V- I a nice pass irom wnicn me iai-to maKe up n """" By order. 3:30 P.M. TO 11 PM Saturdays 12 N to 12 Muinicht PHONE KI'.D :os Bowl In Clean and P!t: Surroundings ter scored with a great drive to put the Gunners two up. Motors came rieht back and Morgan J M. 80MERVH.LE. 8ecretnry. rvnartmnt of Public Works I JubU ncoi ;Be: saved from Currie. Pavtik4s ouwa' J,,ne 1949 was through but missed. Olson gave Morgan a long shot that mlr . k t i I 4 BROADWAY iiaiiiifiii Qpf -Big Deal Bumstead! i Lin 9 i 6; htjr P-L llllllll M MOII-LUn , J-V J . NA1TA MINUTE-' IT !. A THERE'S NO C ifrJZ7 ( I'LL BET THE JOKES 1 ' W THERE'S K40 RETURM - I CCULO BE A CHECK- STAMP OM TH!S f , ufcr'L - OH VOL)--ITS ( ADPRESS OM THIS UETTE!?--) 7 G'VE ME TIME TO THINK LETTER .. IT'LL il VapIes. PROBABLY iS, IT'LL WIND UP IM W THIS OVER 7 COST voj ) (TO have SOME I A BILL rW"v-v - C THE PED-LETTER J "7' T' i-r7 (THOUGHT OF - J fL 1 Ar 'S r M -7- M TK law " T -X.. t rb i .4u BEST FOOD BEST COOKING CHINISE IIISIIKS A SrF.CIAI.TY FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PIIONF. 200 Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. (Saturdays to 1:30 a.m.t (Sundays to Midnighti 608 West Third Avenue It's the Bloodhound in Him! LOO f roo V B,rt J i- " ,'LJ J x ( KNOW 1 WAS LOOKING J i i i I ; TO i CK TRUCKS for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY a r- Li 'f DELIVERED FREE The Candy Kid. 16,000 Pounds Gross Rating 1 50 and 1 65-inch Wheel Base ' ' llf I K'SJt"1' GOT A TOOTHACHE I I H i x- -J f liI!Ilj)114Jlil i s-s tt - I, VIV wHArVrpklpi Gs iwf-! toothache ) rS- "Jy? fr toothache?) CsJ; v tJz? "1 JL Phone 654 New Vchic Replace That Old Truck With One of These Fine 1 1 RVICE SUPERIOR AUTO AND BODY SE 15c per doicn paid (or empties ltbld by coy B.C. Brewery This sdvertiiemcnt li not publiihtd w diiplsyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of B'itith Columbia. Green Phone Third and Park Avenue PRINCE RUPERT