ptince Uupctt Dafl? I3eto$ TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1949 t " " D if- . (j t I r i : 1 -I P- -V jj Jr J l H V' 1 w 1 f t i 1A J J-.aJi- 'it. FREE GROCERIES ON GERMAN FARM On the border of the British-Russian sector near Berlin, a German farmer was subjected to a raid by armed German police from the Russian sector who took all his livestock. British M.P.'s who interfered were arrested but later released. The sequel to the raid was that the farmer fearing more confiscation, invited everyone from th western sector, of course to come and take whatever could te-carried away. Here a group o4 eager "guests" dig out root wge tables stored in earth. FS BUDGET BRINGS NO CUTS Despite the cheerful air YOUNG SCIENTIST MAKES DISCOVERY Beside hilTmicro-scope at Duke University, in Durham, N.C , Is Glen R. Gale, 19, who has discovered what is believed to be a new fungus-killer. The organism has been successfully tested against 28 fungi, among which are those that cause ringworm, athlete's foot and two lung infections. ,e police, newspapermen and this spectators, to say nothing of pixifish look on the face of Sir Stafford Cripps, chancellor he exchequer, as he leaves his residence at No. 11 Downing his way to the House of Commons, his new budget brought 1IV DUL DHtl news n Duiuni. vi HV cAiriiuiiig mo as dispatch case bearing the outlined budget for the coming I year, disappointed the nation by presenting what was "a biuret of taxation and tears." He failed, to offer a C CUl In major lUAitlluIl, lll.i suiu i.uuLf.wiuii in (jninai uu- itcrest being a reduction of a penny in the price of a pint ecr. 5 t 4 f, 1,1 :h 4 '-.h' Ilk 1, 4 H (5? ' ATOM PIG GETS ZOO HOME Probably the most tamous , , porker in the world, "Pig 311" makes herself at home at" the. :' Washington, D. C, zoo. The 600-pouna animal, .who survived the Bikini atomic blast in 1946, had been under observation since she was found swimming in the radioactive waters ot the... lagoon. Declared free of radiations, "311" will be housed at the'j,, zoo until her death, when an autopsy will be performed. "THKRi-rs WELCOME ON THE DOORMAT" To celebrate jif ting JLilorkade of Berlin, a resident of the German capital ails - sign along the rallroa4gh!:of;ys !f ?! Itirgc? Ji-clcome" a The Russ ians, In 11 t-Sg IrSiD approvingly. of neighbors look on enter the blockade, have stipulated that 16 trains a day must Berlin, carrying food and supplies. IPAIGNINO FOR HIS CROWN During an interivew at his e outside Geneva, Switzerland, King Leopold ol Belgium ex-d a wish" that the next national parliament would solve royal question" and. pave the way for return to the throne, fed here with his consort Princess de Rethy, Leopold said oped the new parliament,. which will De elected next month, ill quickly remove the "embargo" on his return to Belgium. J n i Is (II IUD! K' In?. ock y ..;.illl s - Jt . v V... .t . V-'.'t, ' t: i i ' fyy if' yr I L t i ' i,. V I U c n I r k , ? I t - 1 .i-il lLL STILL ROSY" WITH MAYHEW- Christopher Mayhcw - '., WJ4 io Wy 1 t " , to curtail Mnrhaii nlan aid. Is shown at a recent meeting DEAD PATIENT "SHOCKED" BACK TO LIFE Reid C. Lewis, of Santa Monica, Calif., shown in his hospital bed has good reason to smile over his broken rib. Reid got the "break' of his. life when his doctor deliberately broke one of his ribs after. his., heart stopped during a minor operation and he was considered , doctor used a Boy Scout , dead for a period of 12 minutes. The trick of rib-breaking "shock" treatment to restore Reid s breath- attests to the fact that ing and heart action. Reid smilingly it worked- - ;;. "' e United Nations at Lake Success, N.Y., with Semen K. Tsar-Russiaji Mayhew, taking the floor delegate. This week, "ie econmin cnh,i pniinoll. sneedily belied rumors tnat hart K.,n .J'i t.,j o onHnrsed President Tru- "bold, new program" for the world's backward regions. But 1 BfUish delegate carefully refrained from any direct reter-l'c to his storm-arousing recovery claims in his latest speecn. Colantha Hartog Ostrog, 10-year-old Hol- ptptm r.T, GIVEb rihth BlriTH TO lO TRIPLETS . OXFORD HOLSTEIN Oxford county, t Zorra . township. stein cow in the herd of Elton Lazenby 10tJ e&lv vm sired by Elmac Lennox Ont., gave birth to a set of tnple 1, Tus herd for three years. He said Romeo, himself aw in Mr. fny Lazenby, and Gerald Murray lefj, Wa knowledge. has had . rth she it is the first multiple b J $ found they had a busy time keeping tne ii 1 3