Prince Rupert Daily Hews Won't Poy $3 Fine TTTi As i.- f ; v- So Goods Auctioned LETTERBOX ai Monday, August 2S, 1950 f "ii - w jm t an - .. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; Carrier, rer Week, Z0c: Per Month. 73c: Fer Teai. fit ee $3.00; By Mall. Per Month 5Pc; Per Year $5.00. WONT PAY $3 FINE CAST CRINSTEAD. Sussex, En. Mrs. Ethel Johnsen, 54-year-old Lady of Oravetye Manor near here, told the local magistrate she had no Intention, of paying a $3 i'h.e imposed on ht ur a traffi. violation. "I will go to prison rather than pay a fine for something I have not dd.ip," she -said. Police went to the manor and Impounded several household articles under a Justices Distress Warrant. They .will be offered at public auction ;to Day the fine ; as well as the Bailiff's fees. if 1 l l jO t ... sLaVst"" J Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnc Rupert and northern and central British Columbia ' Member ol Canadian Press Audit Bureau or Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association . A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director . . oQll Resolution -' , PFHXE Rupert can 4ake satisfaction' out of 2i-3Sral of the resolutions that were passed at RAIL AY SETTLEMENT Editor, Daily News: As one who believes that most problems can be solved by using the proper formula, I outline here a solution for settlement of the railway strike, 'using the round table method of the four bodies concerned and one, two or more arbitrators. 1. Representatives of labor. 2. Representatives of railways. 3. Board of Transport Commissioners with power to apply immediate freight increases or decreases. 4 Counsel representing all provinces opposing freight Increases. 5. Government arbitrators to force immediate action. No lime lag, or subsidies or retroactive entanglements. OH HEA1E I " I J' I- ' , 1 i iniuw AND 1 By ELMORE PHILPOTT STASSEN S FOLLY WE LIVE IN STRANGE times. One of the strangest features of' these strange times is in the swinging from one extreme to another. Hire are some samples: A. A. Mine, .wlio wrote the famous pacifist "best seller" of the 1930s (Cry Havoc ls new whooping it up for making world war three an atomic afiair. Bertrand Russell, another fam-our ex-paclfist, is now for starting a war against Russia to com- thywiual convention of the Associated Boards of, wr'of Central British Columbia at Prince NOW ON OlSpJ at THOMPSON K.m Alaska's Pioneer Women Get Home ' STTKA It is expected that Alaska's women .pioneers will oon have a home to which lo -t( -p' fo-- their declining years. Tipv n-nuld -c"rw Hi Tiwer Apartment' Building, large - to accomodate about 25 persons. LTD. I GORDON RONSf M. T. POTT. Advertise throuph Classifieds. JOHN H. U"lv V-f BULGE Vancouver Swimmer Drowned Yesterday VANCOUVER Frank Macey was drowned while swimming at Spanish Banks yesterday. It is believed he was cautht in an undercurrent which exists at that beach. i ;pel her to accept his (Russell si ideas of world government. Harold Stassen, a probable second-time contender for the Republican nomination for the , U.S. Presidency in 1952, favors, immediate declaration of warj . against Russia If there is any j further military aggression by G(ig last week and not the least satisfying is that which calls for the blacktopping of the Northern Mfans-Provincial Highway easteward from Prince Rupert.. Incidentally the resolution was not actually sponsored by Prince Rupert but by HitfiiJ.o.n. .aUTiormal trunk road projects, where both ends are accessible, it is u jual pvactice to work from both ends and it would seem to be very sensible to do so in this case. An important reason to support the resolution which was developed at Prince George was"i:hat asphalt and other materials could be landed more cheaply at Prince Rupert than it would be-thaul them all the way from Vancouver, This is ajl the more reason, of course, for undertaking the work from Prince Rupert and work from both erfds. ' v . ...The important thing is to induce i the public works, department, under the ministership of Mr. OPTOMETRISi 9 f John Bulger III ' anyrof Russia's so-called satellites. - ji!'iVt:imt,i'v 4wiPfTi Third Aenuc ' R- W. COLLINf oOo STASSEN IS NOT only one of the six men likeliest to be the next President of the U.S.A. He is also obviously saying out loud what a lot. of Americans are thinking. Here is the Stassen line of argument: The Communist coun TALKED WITH P.M. A. R. Mosher, left, president of the Canadian Broihernoud of Railway Employees, and Frank Hall, chairman of the A.F.L. International unions' joint negotiating committee, leave the parliament buildings after conferring with Prime Minister St. Laurent on the railway strike of 124,000 non-operating employees. Railway presidents Donald Gordon of the C.N.R. and W. A. Mather of the C.P.R. met with .the prime minister shortly afterwards. Later the railway and union heads met but negotiations again collapsed, throwing solution of the paralyzing nation-wide strike directly into the lap of government which has called a special session of Parliament for tomorrow. (Cp photo) Authorized Dealer ELECTROHI Contact the above i Services and Supp: See the new three . tries from one big bloc. They are FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE We know that when you order printed matter, you want delivery as soon as possible That Ls why we've arranged for rapid printing and rapid delivery on all orders. Call us! Carson, to at least somewhat relax its apparent m lact, controlled from the Dolicv that all nnblir works should varliste frnm . Kremlin-in Moscow, by the 14 men around Stalin If they con ELECTKOLl'X FltJ the"S6uth and let the rest of the country wait. GOOD PRESIDENT I Phone 234 tinue their tactics of local aggression, as in Korea, they can , compel the U.S.A., and her associates, to commit large forces in campaigns which will have no bearing on the outcome of the real war, when it comes. Hence, says Stassen, the U.S.A. should tell Russia that any future attack by the armies POLISHES Applies the wax as polishes PHONE 451 Phone today for a (ret st.ratlon of the 1S5J Associated Boards of Trade of Central THE British Columbia has got itself a good president in JfiawScott of Prince Rupert and we, his friends 1-l'ghould know it. Having worked closely in your home town and mine. The aim of every intelligent person in the world should be to help save the peace, while our little moment remains. Nobody ever put it better than the Bible "to seek peace, and ensue it" which means, to drag It out to the last possible moment, and get It back at the first possible moment if you do lose It. Big Hardware Firm Is Changing Hands VANCOUVER Vancouver Sun announces fhaj. negotiations are complete for the purchase of the ,well known wholesale hardware concern of McLennan, McFeely & Prior by J. H. Ashdown Hardware Co. of Winnipeg. of the ELECTROLri PURIFIER and ELECTS 3RD STREET. PRINCE RUPERT PRINTERS STATIONERS OfTCE SL'PPMfig I 1 I FLOOR P0LIS: ; : : . ' of China, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania would bring immediate war BETWEEN THE U.S.A. AND RUSSIA. oOo MR. STASSEN would have the U.S. proclaim such a policy, by declaration passed by Congress, aOKjation with Mr. Scott in the local Chamber of ,' Commerce and other organizations during the past years, we have found that, when there is a job needs doing, "particularly a big and special one, Mr. Scott 'is the one who can do it. The Associated Boards will get strong leadership and sensible action under Joe Scott and, with him fit the-helm, can be assured Of a good and lusefWyear ahead. Gfl-SGI) k 1 SCHOOL TIME AT j r ; f 3 V& j Dom's Dept. Store Jte ")fej j ' II for for the the Boys' Boys' and and Girls' Girls' School School a kitmr I Clothing, v.iorninq, it it will win Pay ray You tou to to See ee J i FOR run PLANNIH rmnnui i mm i - ii I FOR BUILDIS: J . Our Large Selection. We Guarantee Quality at no Extra Cost For All Your School Supplies Visit Our Downstairs Store The Best CIN You Can Buy I . . Triple Distilled. I.t Tropic.l Botntcll 6d . mm and then submitted to the Assembly of the UN for ratification. au my ; opinion such a plan would boomerang , disastrously against the JJ.S A. I do not believe that more than five or six .ountnes, out of the 59 UN memoers, would vote for any such provocative measure, I have pointed ut in this column oeioie that hot-heads in the .U.S.A. were all for going to war AGAINST RUSSIA wnen Yugoslavs shot down American planes uying without permission over Yugoslav territory. Yet all the wnile there was a bitter fight going on in secret between the Yugoslav and Moscow Communist big-shots. How do w lenow that the same stresses and strains are not working Kiuay; or at least, will not be worning tomorrow, especially between China and Russia? oOo THE ' STASSKN PLAN, proclaimed in advance, would have FOR REPAIR' ' Call 363 delightful bouquet it Strength, fer food Dzx cockteil. ABILITY RECOGNIZED i J HILE some may not have fared so favorably, ! Vv notable recognition has come from the Royal ; Canadian Mounted Police to at least one officer of " ' ,the British Columbia Police under the new regime. IThat is Inspector F. B. Woods-Johnson of Prince 'Rupert whose appointment as training officer for 'the whole R.C.M.P, force at Regina was announced , onaturday. i , .'Inspector Woods-Johnson has been known here !as"aquiet, unostentatious officer who has been able 'to exercise authority and command respect both i from his men and from the public. MITCH you can Buy no better r 11 '""i"111 y aso.j FEEL LIKE LOAFIN? Thil Kivertijemtnt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control P- r by the Government of British Columbi. ' L1MITFD lltillrlfnt & Contrsi HOLLYWOOD CAFE MEN'S FINE DUCHAIUE HOBBY SUPPL MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY ! 'iZ$S have a ver-v sPecal iob to do at Regina 'imd-'his progress with the Dominion force, which ;has1mposed- special responsibility in him, will be NOVELTIES the enect oi maicing every little :w,r into a wona war. We may 'yet get that world war. But we I would be tne prize lcioUs of an Iwatwhed with interest. LOAFERS Now at TOYS . Penguin Hobby ! if we did not ao everytning pos- sible to avert it, or it it comes, j to localize n, and shorten it, j For- if it comes atom oombs will surely fail on Russia. Bu; OPEN FtOM 3:39 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 w SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY "Lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the Matt. 28: 20. age Riu . and fM kowiiwoods itney, or sumiar aeaaiy aevice, wilt not tail on cus alone, j'ihey will bring death to Lon Phones: BLUE 44GM don, Paris, tujam. few YorK, Mil and mm Breakfast choice of Millions ; : : ; -w k . V4 vv Path t ' I S ws-KBhtcwo-1 ,,niUa imp Plumbing & Hc Opaline v ! v. . ,4-sAlii j 1 1 f iwJ lYjff VcJ- , I 1 for Many Years ! Prompt and Eli"1 ' , . bow v,,i. dd cold m GeUt.n. .Piece Minute riMiimlni trAM mi,i.i '"?B""i Never skimp breakfast the day's key ' until crewn nd van.Ua. H in Emetic refri.- Turn into Ireewnl W fteeimg rom trey bwt in QrapeNuU. Re-to trav nd "eez a . . a time . 3 t .'"..III,, "JifV meal. Stay keen alert at work or play. Wise folks know that a good breakfast helps the whole family retain vigor the whole morning through. s 1 s '' rirnn-lMllf-B orlrlo rninAtr s4.. A. llraw, 'r"B ' Jli end p,'Kl,ri, ' Uahhllrrt Hx v t I untjl 6rm Then . . itra. Wew"'" . , 4 hour. .1 Mot nrilk sny By the way, dear, what are you wearing tonight?" decfau jNOTE: end n. -rem if dfed- to iV4 CUP' iJll., Nutl, 1 .' your breakfast. Millions enjoy those appetizing kernels made from whole wheat and malted barley, chock full of flavor with milk or cream. No other delicious flavor is like it I And Grape-Nuts brings you useful amounts of carbohy rirates, minerals and proteins. Use Grape-Nuts many ways. For cooking, see recipes on tha package. Get Grape-Nuts today from your grocer. Try this gravid recipe shown here. When next you buy cereal make it Grape-Nuts. Costs so little goes so tar. Economical ? A serving is just two tablespoonfuk costing less than a cent. , A REMINDER!- Tbsfs An able food expert planned a food specially mzte for breaWast Grape-Nuts the favorite of millions! Flat MIH fZ ,A ware and . . ... mii I Ion. -MFay your bills in full TODAY so that your Credit will be good TOMUKKUWi Credit bureau of prince rupert J A Product Product of of G Gnrol Poedt MACIIINEJ: G7D