PROVINCIAL DISPATCHED mm hi! 2. c' m onps;5pnuGs Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vmbxSre4 Conado't Most Strategic Pacific Port i- "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 .-rirr.lL 201 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1950 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS must e Ready Defence Formosa ffABBEN WHITE) (Reuters) Formosa, ' armed with second American weapons, ant Buard on the 200- ;. coast 01 formica. , i and ciotnea, uicj md train hard to dc-jst stronghold of Gcn- chianf! Kai - shel: Wild Storm Adds to Tie-up Caused By Railway Strike tissibie invasion irom Food Shortage Is Being felt-: Dorreen, one of the smaller communities in the Skeena Valley entirely dependent on the railway for communication and transportation. Is running short of food and at least two people have made their wa" thirty miles westward to Ter racj. They rowed across th Skeena R:ver ard cauerht a rkip to Terrace. Disrupted communications today made it, difficult to get a picture of tfcb pliprht of other people in Dor-rccn and other commnnitl". Oil And Gas In Fair Supply 1 Oil and gasoline supplies lr the Interior are still in fail shape, according to reportt from local wholesalers , ihl; morning. All dealers were wel. stocked before the rail strike went into effect. the iact that Chiang Negotiations Once More In Collapse Unions Bitterly Assail Gordon diifd leader in the any AsUns and that tries hav rccosrnizea communist regime, w ----- ' X vv, TELEGRAM PRINTS AGAIN ' I f !l--vl NEW YORK For the first i I V.- I time In eleven weeks since itj I " f " " "" became tied up by the strike J I M mim """W".. i of the America.-r Newspaper ii . vN Prince Kupert Almost Incommunicado Trees Over Highway, Railway and Telegraph Lines A wild and sudden wind and rainstorm nn Ratnr- hlh in tne uenerui- iry and civil ranns. mile choppy Formosa mating the island tort- , ..frnrnnnn aAAoA fnvtW ia !nmfnu urprise attack. ; inconvenience which Prince Rupert and the central iwvullsts believe that I . . . . .. ., , ., . , I unistecan muster only interiur is suiiering irom me railway SiriKe lnier- Telegram published today. '' it PACKARD STRIKE OVER I "i I j DETROIT Strike in the 1 ( ,n. I big Packard automobile plaat ('' 1 here has been aettled. There I ' " V j I is a 4c per hour annual increase! I ( v y f It mspprt craft to carry j-erence Witn transportation and communications. , lv-eoulnped soldiers. I . , , , . , niiisii say that in the i ne storm carried aown large numoers 01 trees i otira it wo'i-d take an i and i.u e,mV i r - ' ' V f ral.way track across t tc reach Form"." r - , highway between here and Ter- to $ns per mon,h retjrc. i at least half this race and broke the teiegrapn OTTAWA Frank Hall, chairman of the striking railway unions, said today that the men would go back to work if the government ordered it. He did not anticipate that there would be any "arbitrary or dictatorial" government order but, at the same time, local unions had been advised to call special meetings and warn the government against making any such order. The cabinet had a meeting for 2 hours this morning and is meeting again this afternoon to discuss possible legislation to Parliament. be out out of action ment , B.C. AIR LIFT lines at several points. The cltyi la entirely out r' communication with the interlcjy long distance VANCOUVER Two thm-; jh air a'xi ir'va' mil gp.-it passengers and 69 tons) j General opinion seems t be , that by the end of this week, j if no settlement has been effected, things will begin ta j tighten up at Tenure" and Smithers. Conditions in the City 1 of Prince Rupert are-good,RS seamen on the tankers'drj' riot : belong to the International Uea-I farers' Union, which- is oa ' - strike. telephone. Even the railway dls- ( patcher's telephone Is out of of Ireirht were moved observe1 brieve il a! Ica-t M'J.uuj anu commission. Divisional Superintendent C, here to Vancouver Island by ' air. lift yesterday during the ; railway strike. ' to go.OW). force tht'V believe. A. Berner this morning des-j cribed communications as a! iv r i i at a-:t MO ;iir r.ift '-hTf. tmrnr.r's and WAR IN PHILIPPINES "total failure; The storm which swept through the Skeena Valley Saturday afternoon was one tint training pl.ines pd lo be at leas W ! 0 ' I i Prime Minister St. Laurent j 1 had no statement to make TORONTO -Canadian rSeCOnd Exlfd MANILA One hundred and fifty persow have been killed in guerrilla raids, supposedly Communist-led. watlonal and well :h fuel. It has about ican-trained pilots. of the worst ever known In the" district. It was felt as far as; Burns Lake. Velocity i esti-i mated at 60 to 70 miles per hour. T I -1 , V. .,.'.... linnmAr nut All i Schedule Run olwrvrs r elieve the vyr.asat li ast. 27, war-n" tvn i..rD.1 tons ONTARIO BANK ROBBERY M BEAVERTON, Ont. Three I gunmen were at large Satar- j Congress of Labor and Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, in a joint statement last night, bit- day day after ftcf robbing robbing the the Canadian Cnmdin r'' a --' . . I destroyer class. Thes" Tomorrow Canadian Pacific Airlines will make their second fivtri srVinHnlA rim ftinrp t.hp strike. Relief Roadmaster Mike Kawaliluk. B. and B. Master H. ,ni.j,'.J . ri : vl Bank of Commerce here. rc.ntcl by a lar?er t e r 1 v ' indicted Donald C. Halllday and Telegraph Arabia ts. rail and steamshin strike went DAWSON CREEK GAS DAWSON CREEK This -servers ?av the- Chin- nnrrtnn r resident, of the into effect last Tuesday. This I i I '.... ilij'. armed forces are time it will be to take 18 of 24 Northern B.C. Peace River town i state of trainini is to have gas from louceli Canadian National Railways, for t trying to further hU own am- htt ever been. i.0upe. An ifl-mufl line u eeing . j i Manager W E. Simmons took to the road and spent all Sunday l removing trees and patching up the telegraph line to restore company communications. Whn darkness -came last night jthcy had got 3.iar as Shames. 76 miles eastward, and had i cleared out four large trees as (5 'tr , 18 MaUiV since the put Hi oy nra twi innt- 1 bitlons In negotiations in the 1 railway - Strike - dispute, They J further charge Gordon with I ing to use Parliament against o!iiNationnlisi, ormv ?.osa, Chiang has had INTERESTED HERE Dave Mulligan, well-known hotel In Canada and the United Stato3 4s chairman of the Board of Realty Hotels In New ork.. The 80-year-old native of Pembroke. Ont., held management pasts in Ottawa and Windsor and ' was general manager of the Canadian National Hotels from 1914 to 1924. He U interested in the Sir Charles M. Hays hotel promotion at Prince Rupert. (CP Photo) 1 LJl bin mm 4 iiimi ir iAn- rnww I i i " t-itiwtf employees of Carlisle camierj who are leaving tomorrow. Last Thursday two extra flights wert made to take care of member; of the Elgar Choir back to Vancouver. Planes are now loaded to capacity for each trip, and resef " vations this morning were fo nearry two weeks in advanot There have also been heav; demands for freight space. ipjce to reorganize teves-wecdlns out '"t'ficew and execut-ssv.eiM of Dro-Com- IS HE THROUGH? General Douglas MacArthur whose statement is Intercepted by President Truman. " well as other line restoration work. They went on to Terrace for the night and were back on the job this morning. Motorists on ihe .highway The statement followed publication of a report in the Toronto Globe and Mail that the government would present a bill at the special session of 'XTi. Chinese territory left i to retreat. Chiang i !. November on re's Dresi,1encv in the Parliament this week which would face the railwaymen with "asital of T.iinei he GENERAL UNDER FIRE MacArthur Statement Withdrawn At Order Of President Truman . during the week-end reported public works crews at work : clearing fallen trees from the road. Other trees were lying j across the railway track. All along the line tributaries to the ' Skeena River became sudden ! swollen torrents. Films How Come In By Aircraft going back to work or losing their jobs and pension rights. At Ottawa, Hon. M. F. Gregg, minister of labor, would neither confirm or deny this report. wli die before For- oM'.mism must be It Uti bie question ;:ns over Formosa's WASHINGTON, D.C. 0-It was admitted at the White House mth collaDse of latest ne ' mrvlvsl bs an anti- Missing North Of Prince George PRINCE GEORGE Air searc has commenced for Mr. ar. Mrs. J. P. Walworth of"Ne Westminster and a two yef old child missing on ' flight north of here. They le Grande Prairie yesterday in So far film exchanges in' In the city Superintendent of Utilities Jack Edwards reported Prince rrince Rurert Kupen and ana Terrace ienm.c have ..a PienhmiM nut of com today thv.t a statement on the Formosa situation, which had been gotiatlons between railway and mission. Standard Gravel C. havtri; the contract for construction. It is to be completed the fall. STRIKE HITS TAXIS VANCOUVER The railway and steamship strike la proving costly to Vaneouver taxis who figure they are losing S3000 to $4000 a day. The Pacific National Exhibition is helping to keep up business in the meantime. WOOL PRICE CP SYDNEY At the opening day of the Australian wool sale the price was more than double what is was the open-day a year ago. MENZIES WORRIED SYDNEY Premier R. CL Meniies of Australia, speaking of his world tour, said he was worried. A victory for the North Korean (Chosen) would show that Democracy was far behind the Communists in preparedness. VANCOUVER On account of the railway strike, Trans-Canada Air Lines has put on its fifth daily transcontinental flight. This is an addition of one flight. t Chinese territory: dances of defection by ' troons In event of a been carried out on schedule, mission with three major breaks given out by General Douglas MacArthur, had been witnarawn j union leaders Saturday night, from publication on order of President Truman. it now appears that there will Asked if MacArthur would be relieved of his command, a White ! be no settlement of the dispute t Forinosa. according to J II. Black, man- ln cabe nnesin Westvlew, rmsibility nf crcater i unui rariiamem meets in ia i special session. The session "a' ni air support ent Mioved accorded opens tomorrow and the gov aser of the Capitol Theatre Seventh Avenues West and East here. 1 and part of the business section. There were numerous other Films are now being brought ln by air. Mr. Black said this smaller breaks elsewhere, morning and those for Terrace . City linemen were at work for are beina shinned on by bus. eighteen hours yesterday en- .rnn.nt m.v niwent lt fnrmii- euM!U vaIltJU, u-riy p.a. pmunists. Houses spokesman said "The Incident is closed." The ftatement, which got out ln one magazine before the withdrawal order, said that occupation of Formosa was vital to United States Interests. An official government statement, to clear the air, expressed the opinion that Formosa must be neutralized as far as the Korean war is concerned. r M,s. C. H. Collins and ho have been nn a holiday motor trln to ff. returned to the city I Smithers, and other towns fur- deavorlng to restore service, i ther along have made arrange- They were out again today and ments from the other end, being the superintendent expressed ' sent by air to Prince George. The hope this morning that all tele- 1 only difference the air method phones would be ln operation la on Wednesday. All this means and 'a" t0 rriv? re will "ed- Three Ryal Canadtsu A that the paralyzing strike continue at least three days Force planes have commen-1 longer. search' f '. Negotiations, - which had been ; resumed at the end of the week creases and effective date, tl at the request of Prime Minister whether, hotel and water La is L. S. St. Laurent, came to end port workers should get ih without agreement on such same treatment as theCvf points as to amount of wage in- classifications. . , Caught In Shaft Mis. W. J. Linehsm left Sunday night on the Camosun for Bella Bl!a to visit Mr. and Mrs. Pat Simms.1 ngls ctive Leg Fractured Suffering' from severe of shipment makes is that costs again by Tuesday nignt. have skyrocketed. j Even the telephone between The main worry the strike Is the city and Dlgby Island was causing him, Mr. Black said. Is out of commission so the meteor- that a heating boiler and plumb- ological station could not be lng fixture for the new Totem contacted for a check on wind Theatre are being held up, velocity or the amount of tor- thcreby slowing completion of rentlal rainfall. , ( com- t - NnrtV, it the new theatre. I pound le? fracture sustained 1 when he became caught in the tailshaft of a gasboat on Kalum Lake where he was engaged In , logging for Carl Pohle, John lOlsen, son of Mrs. Oscar Carl-' son, Eighth Avenue West, was the k;y prt of fo- IJASEHALL SCUKKS NATIONAL (Saturday) Pittsburg, 14; Philadelphia Boston, 12; Chicago, 4. New York, 3; St. Louis, 0. Brooklyn 7; Cinciniatl, 5. (Sunday) St. Louis, 13; Brooklyn, 3. Boston, 7-4; Pittsburg, 3-1. "7s was being With the Pnm- The excess precipitation sent torrents of water running down ' the streets and caused basement j flood problems as it forced new 'channels. The basement of the ' new Daily News building was )p:i- r M i f 1 -v -1 THE WEATHER only fwo mHM brought to the city from Terrace last evening. He is receiving treatment at the Prince Ru " r'Hiang is me Camnairrn nu.. Forecast Cloudy and cool with showers; among the sufferers 6 ann eventually wind, 20 miles per hour, pert General Hospital where his As tar as can be learned, there were no major casualties at sea Fnuaaeipnia, e-; mcaKu, condition is reported as Tair, 1-4 (second game called by He ls aIso suffering from shock. although strong gale winds were , The accident occurred at 2:30 yesterday afternoon and the reported In exposed waters irom which small craft scurried for shelter The only iong distance com patient arrived here at 8 o'clock, ' - . last night by truck. munication out of Prince Ru pert since Saturday night has been to Vancouver with a three to six hour delay. darkness). New York, 11-1; Cincinnati, 6-3 AMERICAN '(Saturday) Detroit, 8; Boston, 6, Cleveland, 5; Philadelphia, 4. New York. 3; St. Louis, 2. Washington, 7; Chicago, 6. (Sunday) New York, 2; Chicago, 1. Boston, 11; Cleveland, 9. Philadelphia, 4-1; Detroit, 3-8. Washington, 8-10; St. Louis, 0-11. j t-:-; isaiJtiw:iiisiiSMMp v .vi,,c.v ''-:-: k Australia Wins , Davis Cup Play . FOREST HILLS. New York Australia Saturday won the Davis Cup which United States has held for four years. Australia wort four games, cinching with the doubles Saturday. Honors in the two final singles yesterday were divided, United States being saved from a shut-out. New Harbor Master Here Cfipt. W: H.' Kmighan, until recently deputy port warden at Vancouver and formerly assist 1 1 Pi ant marine superintendent forj ""Wt.i.J. . rm r.x The estern canaaa oieamsmps ut Vancouver, arrived in the city in the Coaultlam Saturday MANSON FOOTBALL TROPHY BRASS OF NEW BRIGADE Meeting at Army headquarters, newly-appointed commander the special force training for the Korean War 1 use no time in getting down to plans for Canai contribution of ground troops to the United Na tions. Left to right are. seated: Lt.-Col. A. J. Bailey of Duncan, B.C., who will command the 2nd Field Regiment, R.C.A.; Lt.-Col. J. R. Sto of Salmon Arm, B.C., leader of the 2nd battali'on, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infant Brig John M. Rockingham, commander of the outfit; Lt.-Col. J. A. Dextraze of Montr commander of the 2nd battalion of the Royal 22nd; and Lt.-Col. R. A. Keane of Fort Willi 1 and Ottawa, commander of the 2nd battalion, R.C.R. Standing are Maj. H. F. Wood of Tonr' brigade major, and Maj. J. P. L. Gosselin of St. Malachie, Que., deputy assistant adjutant quartermaster-general. ' (CP Pho'.j) r the' , pulls away from the Windsor shore mln- niirht He has been appointed! Tuesday, August 29, 1950 r. 8i . deadline of 124.000 Canadian railway h.rhnr mfister and Dort master High 2:11 21.2 feet; 14:39 at Prince Rupert, effective Sep TONIGHT 7 O'CLOCK Legion vs. Gen. Motors 20.9 feet 2.7 feet 4.0 fe-t Low Canadlan N S' hlCh snuttle railway cars between Detroit he duratlonaLrnal Rai!wavs lines jn Windsor, will be tied . of the crippling strike. (CP Photo 8:27 20:44 tember 1. He replaces Capt. J R. Elfert, who died last year.