Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, August 28, 1950 As Terrace Prepares For Labor Day TODAY TO WEDNF-r Chinese Want Food, Shelter i 7:1s Villi.. J . AUGUST 26, 1925 ' A further donation to the funds jof the Boys' Band will result from a dance held by the Elks. Riihnrd Conte Susan Wayward in "HOUSE OF STRANGERS" THE D i The committee in charge ln-! eluded W. H. Drrry, Lance Pot-'terton. Ben Self and Andy , Donald. VANCOUVER Mr. and Mrs. Bedos, from China, pre here en-route to Montreal. The former, an import end export merchant, spent ten yocrs in northern China. He believes Communist influence there will be, finally absorbed. "There is," he statrd. "in out . . I ! 4 f-T- V - 1 TERRACE -w , Only One Show Each Evening at 7:15 p.m. You Don't Have To Be A Fortune Teller To Know! Mom Get's All My Clothes At j A plane available for flying is j lying idle at Hazelton awaiting . an aviator who will operate it among the mountains. No Motince Wednesday ward sign of Russian Influence, but there is the rorstant feeling that you might be arrested , anv minute. The averaee Chinese rl"e not care whether he is commun'st or I democrat. He want enough to i eat and some sort of roof over his head. He also wants free- ! dom." of an R C A F. station at Seal i The concentrating mill at Anyox is handling between 1200 and 1300 tons of ore daily, this being a record production ol copper for the centre. bn practised map-reading interest. i RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE a Rupert's Big Store For Boys Cove has been let to the E. J. Ryan Contracting Co. for $295, 500.0b. The job is to be completed in 60 days. A "ner was hel J The Prince Ruoert Leclon np. fortress Signal Co,, rale the passtat ! LEADERS PUT OUT SIGN Joe Schultzig, president of Terrace kinsmen, and Ben Dodds, president of Terrace Civic Centre, post bills to advertise loggers' sports and baseball games arranged for Labor Day at the interior town. Sports features of the day at Terrace will include baseball between Watson Island and Terrace and an evening boxing tournament between Prince Rupert and Terrace. Loggers' sports will again b? a major attraction and a giant barbecue will be the refreshment feature. Softball, carnival games and children's sports will be included in the program with a grand dance in the evening rounding out the proceedings. Gerald Bissonnet, Terrace, left on the Camosun last night for Vancouver. - August 26, 1940 The contract for the erection fence Corps in holding parades ( weekly. Marching drills have year's service In tfc ' A group of 40 children left Residential School after spending Sunday night on the Camosun tl, . the summer 81 Skeena Rlvcr for Alert Bay. where they will I resume studies at the Indian 'cannery points. I DO YOUR PART TO HELP CANADA DO HER PAR Well Pleased With His Men Boy Is Drowned In Fraser River NEW WESTMINSTER Harold ! RCMP Inspector Takes Over B.C. Force Here WATER fes fie truth about.., WHISKY i Welter, 11-vear-old Lulu TinnH We have eninert a int. nt fin. boy. was drowned when Vi fu men. Inspector W. Fitzsimmons, off a boom while fishing in the RCMP, said yesterday, referring North Arm of the Fraser River to the men taken over by his Vesterrtav force from B.C. provincial police ,r y' . j in the mprppr Anaiizt 1 Tnerum. tor ritzsimmons arrived in the ""B m mj men mere, city Thursday afternoon to' n Ws return from Smithers, swear in the former provincial InsPectr Fitzsimmons ran nlo .Ai'L eale that. I men of this district to the RCMP. (ha ri1?ttt T - oiauuni-u Stationed in m Edmonton, iwjrnonion. the me I uK,t nets wire inspector has been in this prov- blow down across the road and etnnA V, ! ,1 l M - Were fflllincr 11 Hurlnir tu 'iiiiiiiiinT'''v .- ..rum, ''S. m, i WlgTlsMi v ' IMIH iiiii .in, j kht '. ,? s. Anv-c oillc 1111UU1C UI tile 0 wa. uu,,,, 1.1 ijj. i month. He has completed At one point, when he and Con- ! tl r 1 1 fit Q HIP AnHprenn n V.nHnJ 1... awcmjuK in nic men VI ine piOV- Ju" "tic itaiucu uy j ince row, except for the Peace a ,ar8e tree across the road, an- ' i m ni..i. . tt. 111 . . . . mthnr pracharf KVtln4 U .n Seagram's j reiver Diet, nr w:ii ar mat ne- , m.umu wicm iu , I fore returning to Fdmonton. The block tne rad both ways, i men. he said, are of the same I He said it was one of h'.s most , high calibre the Dominion force frightening experiences since ! j rails for anii are larger physic- Joining the service. They finally i ally. He thinks the RCMP eain.s reached Prince Ruprt about I Put Seagram's "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S and be SURE . , of the finest "83 by having the "Provincials" join 11:30 that evening Instead of at thrm. eight o'clock as planned. He was hich in his nralse of Travelllne; bv RCMP nprrmlam. j Inspector F. H. Woods-Johnson with Sgt. N. Beaumont as pilot, j for his assistance In reaninini he has been ableto cover the I the district to pase his trouble in whole province in' a short time. 7: "--V-vJ' f;,v:5 J ThL advertisement is not published or displayed by. the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. cover'ntr it. inursnay evening 'ne saia ne was very pleased to ; and Fridav mornii1! and earlv have the assignment as he had i j afernoon were sufficient to see got to know the new territory and j alt local men. He drove to Rmi- the men who are policine; it. I ,ithers Fridav afternoon and - I During his stay in Prince Ru-i rived back here Saturday after pert, the inspector met an old! I friend, Don Tucker, who haH 1 1ninpfl o. t. (1 4fyS he had and with whom, he took ; his' initial training. ) SHIPS and PHONE 79 PHONE 79 Inspector Fitzsimmons left, in I nis plane yeserdav afernoon lor the last leg of his swearing in duties. waterfront; Laden to capacity with passengers taking the last opportunity to get south before the coastal passenger services become camDletelv strike-tied; ' Jlliarntanj Union steamer Camosun, Capt. William McCombe, sailed last night at 9 o'clock for Vancouver and the Coqultlam, Capt. John Boden, got away at 1:30 this afternoon. Both ships will be tied up on. arrival at Vancouver until there has been some settlement of the Seafarers' International Union strike against Union Steamships. They will join other vessels of the fleet which will be moored alongside the company's dock at Vancou HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to V p.m. Sundays 12 Nojn to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE Today thc-world's freedom Is endangered by aggression and threats of aggrewn. Canada must be prepared to defend her freedom. To strengthen our country in readiness for duty, wc need you on our team today -for an important job on the ground or in the ait. Do your part to help Canada do ber part Men enlisting now will begin their training immediately - and the need for Air- crew and Groundcrcw is urgent. To prove your worth by joining the R.CA.F. You gain a satisfying career and i mining that will be valuable all your life A Faulty Furnace Can Make Your Fuel Bills Soar .... Let us overhaul your furnace Now So you'll be Ready when the Southeaster Roar! THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Agents for "Iron Fireman" 253 First Ave. Black 887 ver "for the duration." All will be steamed down with the exception of the Cardena which i will be the stand-by ship. The i Camosun returned here at 4:30 I yesterday afternoon from the i south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Coquitlam, I which arrived here Saturday night from the south, sailed at .midnight for Alice Arm and Stewart and returned here at 11 o'clock this morning. In addition to the Dagney, the Alaska motor vessel Sidney was In port last week with 6000 cases of canned salmon from the Ket-'chikan (iVea-ior! transshipment East over Ctnadian National Railways. The cargo was discharged at the ocean dock for (storage pending resumption of railway service following the strike. SOON!! Get A' I Your Supplies At J r- If iA1 i . i0M Ave 'r' Urn""" S $ W t' s f x & & ' GET THE FACTS AT ONCE-MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY '.. 1 i r ITCTTiw. m.T. mill AMPLE HOES "-....I. tk rAiLi.llAr m wnllr MAMtl R.CA.F. BtruHina I 1)1 f ... ''" " . r' (,,, wovwcf... Centre, on i UnJ ou whtdr you tan qualify. . tniCf) , (,E Frank "Wntei house freighter Chilliwack, Capt. William Olea-son. arrived In port at 2:30 p.m. Saturday from Vancouver via Ocean Falls. Here she unloaded 40 tons of steel for B. C Bridge and Dredging Co. for construction of the new Booth High School and King Edward School, twenty five tons are for Booth and 15 tons for King Edward. She also unloaded here inn haio r,t Cf.7 o BLONDIE rmes -Send It Bv Telcoram. Daqwood! t rrT-gia. iiiiHiwTi in r D ' insulation. Columbia rviiMiaen r-. rugs i . Sizes 4 and 5 only Discontinued Gamples of lines regularly priced up to $20.00 per pair, At only 7.95 FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. is receiving bunk springs, ends and mattress. For Philpott-I Evitt were 2C0 tons of coal, 15 tons of concrete drain tile and I fvlinHora 9TA nf Mnnl . the Pioneer Druggists ( P V-v-iiiCi-- A yOU MEAN THIS J "inn- blonmA A"!2" yJMl t Rubber bands in? ) '. J ohthe -s fZ yt$V S- STAMPS APEnQOGA?) 0 J iHBflt mOMJ (Cjt f " V,N ""e r4t Hl6 THEM A (WIPES' PRESCRIPTION SERVICE j ....v.. ... fjj ui iudl Wdl ! unloaded for the Department of I Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 iransport. From here the I Chilliwack wont to Wat'on Is-1 land with freight for the r0l-nmbla Cellulose and Nelson ' Bros. She will nick lip salmon on i the Skeena and then proceed to Alice Arm and Stewart to deliver i freight and load ore. ! P.O. Box Charlie ' Phone I ! 68 Roberts 357