5 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, August 28, 1950 HOTEL ARRIVALS tikcts City Entertoins Job's Daughters Job's Daughters' drill team received a further welcome home Saturday night when they were entertained at a civic dinner -.nmynM a i ..in .mi . n n i ' I- ' ii ! i i ; Prince Rupert Doug Boult, Prince George; George Flamarik, Vancouver; D. at civic Centre dining room. C i,i. studio A Berner was in the chair and , G or Vancouver; Mr and Mr. Audet, Watson Island; LADIES SLIPS Nationally Advertised ,1 learning tnai L Prince Rupert fm j i hot thfV speakers, were Mayor G. W. Rudderbaro, Aid. T. B. Black, AM. 43. R Casey, h. M. Feisen-thal, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell. Miss Donna McArthur, Miss Edith Jordan. Mm. t W Kerein Canada, we 1' F. Fiaaer, Dave Williamson, Vancouver; Cat. Aldred, Edmonton; Inspector .W. Fitzsimmons. Edmonton; Doug Candow, J. D. Campbell, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, Portland; W. H. Wllliscroft, Teirace; Al Wilson, Inverness. ' '. swarm to ! J and Mrs. Robert Gordon. Tiie UUHUJ ' anair was arranged by Ed. Mu-sallem, president at the Public Relations Council. Jobs freshness Su-le!!e , Pacemaker 3'00 n and . Formula 4-00 FRASER & PAYNE i the ua"1N in 245 Arc X-Royed cant ui?j iwy. na: the hus- xd of the house Son Franc iscon Canadian Chomp MONTREAL- Jim Ferrier of San Francisco wonAhe Canadian open golf title here with a 17-under par card of 271 for the 72 holes. Ted Good of New York , that the over At Chest Clinic During the ten days that Miss Dorothy Radding PHN carried out the chest clinic at the health unit here recently 245 local persons had x-rays taken. Shortly those who had examinations will receive cards telling jLrf the -results. Miss Radding returned to Vancouver at the was second with 274. Stan Leonard of Vancouver Dlaced 3R0ADVAY CAFE there are plenty frt who, as next .lake draws near, equendy of their ( bv the culUw- At. "TtV!Z!m.y , fourth with 278, ! end ,of the week. I? W.-,- ' .f: 'JE; 4' '" ,of esoectancy .i. Tl, it Best Food - lew dollars, have gone snmr .! Viu FINE PRINTING t IIAl 1.. nan fan rrwnv jt, as a matter or $B ML PRINTERS Lf "il ill rtiwtt Cookinjp " cm hardly fjclipve he's a END OF RUN These rail giants lie at rest in "a Toronto railway yard after 124,000 employees went on strike Tuesday morning In a wages-hours dispute with Canada's two railways. Last-minute negotiations with a government-appointed mediator failed to avert the crippling walkout. Scenes are similar Ihroughout Canada. - .(.CP Photo) Iff. SUM! mm little "still. To Hour 7 a.m. to 1 a m for Take-Home Orders Phone 200 PHONE 24 222 Second Ax. all has at least a couple of ducks. Frank Calder, M.LJV. lor Atlln.-sailed this afternoon on the Coquitlam for Namu where he k Tmes. a few I AIR' PASSENGERS ished a statement Mail Gels Priority ore of prominent entitle-! "Let Us ; will be employed by B.C. Packers. To Vancouver (today) Mr.1 Mrs. George Howe and daugh-and Mrs. J. W. Estey, Mrs. P. ters, Margie and Eileen, left Pinfold, Mrs. R. Blrby, A. C. Prince Rupert on the Coquitlam ; ta About It." Tho arvey of United OTTAWA 0 The malls will the Fula relations get top priority J whenever " t- ,.l .1. T T y-. ... i j , , . m r .. miuemmi'nt. lIHe trt nco in ovauiu, n. iviariau, v. mit'Ker, inn uiurnuuil lur viincuuvci. encouraging. One Unfortunately for All of Us the Rail Strike GontinilOS But Fortunately For You TClltE -mJm Us; in Korea show? i haouen to us fiuf?ia wer power to mobilize and control Mr' 411(1 Mrr Evan nd Wants, They will reside in the south civilian air transport for the B' Kules- R- O'Shaughnessy, Mr. after being residents of Prince duration of the xail strike ; 01dlng, . Frlezen. J. Thomson, Rupert for many yeaxs. . . The air transport board nas!Mr8- - 8ta"Kle. J- Atherton, A. . made public a directive sent to R- nyth. E- Tetarenko, Mr. Goukell, Mrs. B. Grant, all commercial air lines inform-J' Thomas. xo Vancouver (Saturday) lug tliem that an order-ln-coun- To Sand-pit (today t B. Lamb. G. MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. cil has been passed giving the' From Bandspit iSaturday-3. Alexander and child, E. Rennje, m forces 8oainst not hold Korea, hold ianan- we -At- L the Philippines. could not hold Doaru power to establish prlor-i Miss M. Stewart, w. v. unaer- Trara Vancouver Uialurday) ychulte, J. A. -Umphey. W. Par- ity controls over air travel. rhaps not Haw- Mrs. Murray, Miss Donaldson, :in, Mrs. M. Ferguson, L. Lek-I So far, the board is depending on commercial air lines witb- Mr. Butch, Mr. Glllett, Mrs. J. J. : ier, L. E. Schlacht, Mrs. A. iitics. maybe; Yet out government supervision 1 Enle,i Mr- Krook, Miss Koford, 1 Wales and infant. to meet all the exigencies of the , watson, Mr. Evans and in- transport emergency. However, fant, Mr. Evans and son, Mr. aon maKes it wvor of Hallfpv if u is required, the priority sys- aid Mrs. W. Murray, Mis. Hipp, ! ,et. fur-Irl1m', tern will be put into effect. 1 Mr. Logan, M. McDermott, Mx. 1 First priority, said the board,! Fraser, MU Hagblad, Mrs. Dun- ' will be given to the post office' can and son, Mrs. MacDonald, E. j nth fore and aft a in its .stejr.d so far as known department for the transpor-i Boyes, Mis King, Mrs. Sorenson, CwilsirQS(O)0ii9s iterjHuirs CONTINUES FOR THE DURATION OF THE STRIKE ,WE HOPE ONLY FOR ANOTHER DAY OR SO) All of our new slock happens io be tied up some-. where beiveen here and Toronto and Montreal-5o we continue lo clear out our present stock. tation of mall ted a lady may jr. -i -IC . . . . t r .1 5hii. Z ... iV'Wlli ..... -V f i ..- r ill- II! VM tff mvi H i.i.i PRIOR1TIKS Other priority ratings: Ii lescrlbed as a 1. Emergency movement of i more powerful passengers requiring hospital or bomb and Dr. G medical attention or of a doctor Us-professor of or nurse to attend a patient jnd at U. Ts make emergency movement of xne&T-bs'.x tons of tri- cal supplies Ms of detterlum 2. Passengers and goods nam-m although not ed by the transport depart-tay, that only a ment's priority officer as requir-.taraa has been l"g transportation "in the pub's 2 million dol- He interest." And six tons ' The board said that if it be- clear there .will comes necessary to displace pas-fear from the H- sengers who have booked pas-; to be made first. sa8e or goods which have been accepted for transport, the lol- ItltTlla i ( .ii -k.y ;4 O " s5t-- , i ) l i .! SPECIAL NOTICE if All our Community Flatware went up in price last ' Monday All 1847 prices go up today 654 , J lli .lowing order of displacement OK UK wm be adopted: pleasure, on leave or on fur- onGs i,u8h' 2. Passengers travelling on lone lines for Private business, ishts have nowl 3. Perishable goods transport-according to J. ed for the general welfare of the Take advantage of our old prices while they last for duration of strike Tktf tiitAtttMH It Mt riiUiilwd 1 diiplird h) m tnt CMml lm t by iIm Coimm wbciiii - ca. ity utilities suner- Public. . f1 that remains Is Passengers travelllnc on j public business of an urgent Prince Rupert Florists p explained that hature or for national defence. f "lowers for AW Occasions 1)1 " Jiv j itaM on Sixth ff possible, the board said. 1300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 7T?J we not using all passengers and goods travelling -vnat a , rear- 'J'4S distances will be given prolines would be ference over those movi nir over tain the maxl- snrt distances. 'Uises in the dis-i. Tre system, if enforced, will he said that aPPy .principally on ali routes 100 telerjhones of the following air rarrlprs- '"to operation in 1 Trans-Canada Air Lines, Can- ; Your Friendly Jewellers ' snis before the:aan Pacific Air Lnles, Mari-When they are! time Central Airways, Queen "P the exchanges Charlotte Airlines, Quebec Alr-wphones can be ways and Central Northern SATIN - GLO Semi 5I6ss & High Gloss 'n many beautiful tints for interior decorating. QUICK DRvING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. WHAT NEXT? A new use for Ejuika toon's parking meters was discovered by Mayor Or-ville Hubbard of Dearborn. Mich., attending the Federation of Mayors and Municipalities convention. He gives himself a shave at one of the special plug-ins meant for automobile heaters in the prairies chlUy winter. His comment: "They work well." (CP Photo h fear plan Mr. 1 o be flhl m! . .' uipmeat to in- Mclntyre h ii n0htheclty's Home ,n Voncourer t"", he savs la' Lt01Schedule' By' VAilOOUVER-Mlss Mary Mo- hiq, me ca- iruyre. victim t a brutal Attack 'SW-'m Will hp . in Ran Wrant - ..i t ruut'i iWh c-h oho ,.,, . i ,.- . i r io tiiwuiioi..iuua 1UI three weeks, has arrived In Van- RULES Icouver to recuperate, .at Jber of Queenshnrv me nere- braln urgery Fa 'amous boxw yed her Ufe- Her uncle and - o unuuier man nave Been cnargea ltli assault with Intent to com- THE TAILOR 1 1 mm ft rfuU Va,-- U J S'ANDGENTS'TAitORS 1 MADE TO MEASURE SUITS TEST STYUS IN COATS ST QUALtTy O GUARANTEED JFIT -iiN(i-vyHJLE YOU WAIT i'MG THE TAILOR 0-6th St. PhorM-649