HIP ClnJ. . Vl '! Prfnrr ttupcrt Dail? rrlus Fiday, December 31, 1948 i SeivkesfiCl tore An lndeprndent dully newspaper devotn) to the upbuilding of Prtno fcupftrt nd. all communities comprising northern nd central British Cohunbt iu!.niriza u Ssoond Clan Mall, Post Ofllra Department, Onawa) Published everr afternoon except Bnnday b Prlnc Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, Britten Columbia. y O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. MFMBRR OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDFI BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS r- CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SATURDAY SERMON SUBSCRIPTION RATES .Ctty Carrier. Per Week, 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per YeRr, $8 00. By Mail, Per Month, 50c; Per Year. $5 00 REV. PAUL A. BARBER A KESOLl TION FOR 1949 Dr. Alexander Madmen wrote that he was not half so much afiaul that intellectual doubts and the formulated, conscious disbelief of this generation would affect people, an he was Afraid of the unconscious drift sweeping them away be-; fore they know. And this thought is borne out in Hebrews! 2:1, "Therefore we oujrht to give the more earnest heed to the ' things which we have heard, j lest at any time we should let ; of least resistance and lo.se out them slip." This conveys a j in our spiritual life. fttVS Kit vivid picture of a man holding some treasure with limp fingers and allowing it to drop from his grasp. The Revised Version renders this phrase "lest at any time we should let them slip" in this manner: "Lest haply we drift CANADA MEDALCreated in 1943. this silver medal may be awarded to civilians or servicemen, Canadians or foreigners, "for meritorious service above and beyond the faithful performance of duties." As yet the distinctly Canadian medal has not been awarded but rumors say its first recipient may be William Lyon Mackenzie Kins, former prime minister. The ribbon has a white stripe on a red back ground. iV(; Years Thoughts t TO MOST PEOPLE, the final day of 1948 is im-Z I portant onlv because it is the springboard into the New Year, tjie Year of Promise and Oppor-t tunity, the year when things will be fulfilled. That Z feeling is jiist as normal as is all human pre-occupa-Z tion with the future as the fulfilment of the present. Z Division of Time into arbitrary cycles, while both useful and necessary to the conduct of human affairs, seems, .however, to create a condition of mind in which people tend to adjust themselves on a Z short term basis a ?f5-day tenure. Z '. They are inclined to forget the important fact Z. that the chronicle of mankind is one of constant, larpe movement, not a tight, little 865-day circle as Z the calendav and the seasons closely indicate. - History, art and religion are all long. They have - a steady movement some might question whether T or not it coujd be called progress which has been t continuous since the beginning of Man himself. This t movement began before the invention of the calen- dar or the aw areness of beauty or even the concep- tion of Divinity.' s It will continue. Its building blocks are thelife-, times of men. and the cells which compose he blocks are the actions of men. That nets us back to ini-- mediate things, such as New Years. The advent of 1949 in Prince Rupert is one which i bears a strong premise of prosperity and growth. t But while these indications manifest themselves ...most clearlv in 1948, they did hot begin then, nor in 1947 nor the year before that. They are the prod-; uots of more than a generation of men"s pioneer Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections away from them." Drifting is things to do, that ne could noij the thing to be afraid of. Just always keep his eyes on his pris-as some boat not made fast to i oner, and he slipped away with- j the bank glides dowu.-tieaiu so j out the servant's knowing it., quietly and with so little friction i That, my friend, is the history of that her passengers do not know j the decline of many professin? that they are mvoing until they i Christian's Christianity. They come up ok deck and see new j are so busy here and there, do-flelds around them; so we shal!in(? legitimate things of We that drift away from the great cent- J the more Important things of rai truths of the Gospel which eternity have slipped away and we have heard and to which we j they do not realize it. In regard ought to be moored, if we do not 1 to the fact that the eternal continually renew our familiarity things are the more Important, with God's word and the Gospel Job said. "I have esteemed the 'e-i A RACKET-SAVER Preserve strings of tennis 1 rackets and fishing tackle by coating them with colorless polish. , NO FAMILY LIFE Most Insects never know their parents, and never see their offsprings. a t t IK.'- " i"l First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Minister: Kev. O. E. Sendall B A , B.D. Director of Music: Mrs. E. J. Smith SUNDAY. JAN. 2, M9 11:00 "A New Bong." 12:15 Sunday School. 7:3a "No Other Foundation" RECULAR BA1T1ST ( IIUKCII (Fundamentalist 529 6th E. Near High School .Phone 3oa tri.. Dec. 31, 194 IJ:3 p.m. U Tt'II NIGHT SERVICE tAt 514 3rd Avei SUNDAY, JAN. 2. 1940 12: IS p.m. Sumiay School. iHo.ldays are over! Everyone back In place! i 7:30 f m.Oospel Service. Speaker: G. It. S. Rlarkaby Subject: "A HAPPY NEW YKAIt! YES BIT WHAT ABOl'T A UAPPY NEW MAN?". Come and hear this New Year's Message to You Lord's Supper following ."veiling Service Wednesday 3 00 p m. Prayer Meeting WE UEL1VE AND rUEACll TIIE Fl I.L GOSPEL Carving Sets You may remember the account of the man in the Old Testament who had a prisoner put In his charge to guard carefully but he escaped and his excuse was, "As thy servant was busy here and , there, he was gone." He had so many other words fo His mouth more than my necessary food." The end of a year gives us an excellent opportunity to take stock of ourst-lve How la our Cevoiion to God ? Perhaps for most of my readers, a start has yet to be made. By that I mean you have yet to surrender your "give tiie more earnest heed to the things which we have heard." "For how shall we.es- There's one comforting feature loam too late, is in t.ie llvins about New Year's Eve. Another tissue of it from day to day, no', full five months will have to pass in the expectation of bettor, nor before there will be any necessity in the fear of worse. Those two to start an argument over the things, to be always looking 1 wisdom or folly of Daylight Sav- ahead and to worry over things hi!,'- I that havent yet happened and I very likely wont happen these Inclusion of the island of New-' take the very essence out of life louiHlkind as Canadian territory If only one could live each mom-vill increase greatly the domin- ent to the full, in a present ion's annual total of deep sea tnse viih its own absorption. to which we trust. There are a number of'thlngs which cause us to unconsciously drift. For one thing there is the current of years. Time changes all of us and there is many a professing Christian who keeps up appearances but who all un- consciously has slid away from product. There's another isl- j L w 'ak. I and, this time out west that's! j doing pretty fair in the same The drive for more recruits line. The location is near Alas- in Canada, next year will em-ka- plM'dze better pay. improved , radio, superior food .smarter , The wonders of faith! Each uniforms and more comfortable I day is becoming longer. Notice housing for married warriors. It actions. Nor is it to be ' presumed that 1949 will be the high point of the city's progress. Let us hope that the year will deliver the best that current conditions his first love for Christ and has life to Christ and take Him as become cold in his soul or per- j your Saviour. Without that haps even worldly in his living. ; personal experience of the New Then there is the current of fam-! Birth there can be no relatlon-!liarlty with the Truth whereby! ship with God because we are the deep abiding fundamentals all sinners and come short of the of our faith in Christ become giory of Ood. commonplace and we lose inter-1 Knowing these thlnas let us , , allow so that in turn, even better ones may follow. .. Prince Rupert has had a short past, but it will have ; a Jong future.. . In the meantime, despite these weiehtv nonder- est in the things of God and our service for the Lord. Then too there is the contin- iV.. in."'?' tlle I)aHV News extends to its readers its best i wishes for more a 365-day cycle of prosperity and y, a joyous New Year's holiday. ; immediately "tittup l type of sh. ' t! ' a hbtor, oj"; DIRECTO tlHST l.u. MlnUt:4..Avr,"&. HHvt . .. n. a. w I'll! ' '"iH I. Tu.. M' 8th Ae "Al Al VtTlOV VtTlOv At A,,J e.o Ml'J'r W Tu,! lir.uirr lUir 1 lYt:. u u CUim . . . . h S. Soli,- ht. nri h h v, Cow Arclidpiiouu B H Miinonv fi-hool n i, Evenlnc Praysr 7 ST. ANDREI CATIIEDRj SUNDAY. JAN J 8:30 a m. Holy a 11:00 ajiv-Hoiy c and Sermon Spatial Prt-aclier: fi 2:00 p.m. Suiviay 7:30 p.m.-EvMwaa Sermon Preacher: The Rtri The Salvation Major and Mrs. W Sunday m i vU-es iu i ed by Divisional C Senior Major and Mr dct. Holiness Meeting. 11 Directory, 2:30 pjn Sunday School. 1 pr. Salvu'lTn MfUfi You' are cordially Pocket Kim Table Cutle MA RCA RET M OPTOMETRY ROOM 10, STONE B ' PJIONE I5LUK M P.O Box UM HELEN- REALTY SI Permanent W( Beauty Caiturt all Us bran 204 4th Street HANDYMA HOME SEKV GENERAL CONTR Building and repairs Roofs, Chimneys PHONES j Hi P.O. Box l" for ycl ROCK and CON WOK call blueI . - . ttvI M. J. 5AUl". New, Modern All Work ouj' 1 ; , . - : TU I C A Kl H T II T t ' i i ual pressure of our daily cares cape if we neglect so great sal-and the busy lives we lead. This ! vatiou?" Let the Lord throw the perhaps above all else tends to ! searchlight of His Word upon carry us away from the real 'our hearts, and as the Psalmist business of earnest Christian j of old, say: "Search me, O God, living. We get so busy with and know my heart: try me. and temporal things of life that God know my thoughts: and sec if Is crowded out and even when ' there be any wicked way In me, we do attend church, our oodiesj and lead me In the way ever-are too tired and our minds too' lasting." active with outside thoughts to' How wonderful it would be give the proper participation and and what a change would take worship that we ought to give. It place in our city If every one of is tragically possible and in fact us would make that our first It is very easy to take the path resolution for 1P49. PYREX DOUBLE BOILERS Casseroles THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. I BUSINESS AND PROFESSION WEEK OF PRAYER Program of Services in which (he Churrhe ! the city will participate MONDAY, JAN. 3-Service at the Anglican Cathedral with Major Yurjrensen the speaker. TUESDAY, Jan. 4 -Service at Presbyterian Church with Archdeacon Hodson the speaker. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 5 Service at First Baptist Church with Rev. G. Sendall the speaker. THURSDAY, JAN. 6--Service at Salvation Army Citadel with' Rev. R. Wilson the speaker. FRIDAY, JAN. 7 Service at United Church with Rev. Basil S. Prockter the speaker. MEETINGS BEGIN AT 8 P.M. EACH EVENING Begin the New Year risht by waiting on the Lord. it? For the reality of life. we ! I rY"T j J V a,-f It . A W a- " f M... "":MtM wTr 1 ! v-'3t. 3 TO WARM ARABS Baled blankets taken from surplus British Army stocks are loaded aboard the U.S. destroyer tender Hamul at Greenwich, Eng., to be rushed to Syria for needy Arab refugees. Cold weather in Syria brought a rush call for the blankets and the Hamul was pressed into service for the task. NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL It s the ... 1 ' ' IV Ct., V.nk d... Vic W f "It- Blenbndge certainly is a good listener!" PRINCE RUI'EUT MOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENC.ER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Oinser Ale Bottles ' PHONE RED 751 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERERS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Plastic Material! Dunioplllo Mattreafie Drapes Curtains Bed Spreads Cushions, etc Beeond-Hand Furniture Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 528 i 330 Second Avenue PRINCE" RUPERT, B.C. this keeps up, the hard-boiled non-coin who comes along at mess-time to bark- "any com- plaints.' will lose his job. IGNOMINIOUS DEATH Barbaros.sa, first Holy Roman Emperor, lost his life crossing a river on his way to join the Crusaders. A I It PASSENGERS To Vancouver Mfss A. Peterson, H. P. Halsey, D. G. Bailey, M Cote, F. Smith HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince It pert M. Cote, Vancouver; F.. H. Irvine, Digby Island; R. M. Watt, Edmonton; H. Ludwlgsen, Ketchikan; Joe Lewis, Ketchi-" kan; Duane Vincent, Ketchikan; Harold Markensen, Ketchikan; L. Erickson, Ketchikan; N. Olsen, Ketchikan; Eleanor Crowther, Ketchikan;' D- Crow-ther, Ketchikan; C. T. Scheer. Terrace; Miss B. Hopkins, Vancouver; D. W. Harwlll, Vancouver; S. Sass, Kwinitsa. IF IT'S A SMARTLY STYLED SlIT FROM ACME ITS RIOHT AND DON'T FORGET OUR SPORTS JACKETS, TOPS IN STYLING AND SO PRACTICAL. ACME' CLOTHING Phone' 173 for Outside Orders j I 1 I To Oiw and All . . ' A Happy and Prosperous New Year GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns ComplWl Besner Block Phone 387 QKMESMUfiS PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHINO Latest Shades, Styles and Color J. P. M0LLER Phone BLUE 155 WE THANK OUR CUSTOMERS FOR OUR GOOD BUSINESS IN 1948. WE HOPE THEY'LL HAVE A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON ; ALSO A GOOD 1949. "FOR WE STILL NEED THEIR BUSINESS OR. P. J. CHENEY v DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7C5 p.o. Box 1401 RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAISEN & SON) Ve Take Listings of BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER ' BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY-RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QtlCK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) -r Box 548 Phone Green 975 Rex Calle PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair? MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East' Wells Cartage Ltd. ; Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartaf ... for Tasty Meals Chop Suey Chow Mein 1 I qbaiittJ I ' For Downtwdd Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. " DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS - EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED BLUE 780 BLUE 9N