1 PROVINCIAL LISRARY, LIBRARY J VICTORIA, B. C. 165 EAT 31,-49 i',Tfni m 'f t 5 IS- i mil)A-19;18 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER AKV Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." .Agriculture MinusuT uaroi- nnouncrs details 01 oan-food contracts with 'Brit- VOL. XXXVII, No. 30& 4 3 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS No Evidence Uncovered On 'Baby Sale' EDMONTON (CP) A Rbyal Commission reported today that it found no evidence to indicate that any Alberta child 'was involved in a "black market in babies." However it recommended that the placement of babies in the United States be discontinued. The report followed a ten-mouth investigation that was started by a story written by Bank of Canada withdraws rt bids lor Federal twnas Aussies Flee New Year Heat Mrs. Roosevelt made honor - SYDNEY Hundreds of thous loctor of laws al queens rslty. Coal strike makes 5.500 ands of Australians are trying to beat New Year's heat by leaving IIS U"1 1,1 their larger cities for mountain and seaside resorts. Tempefa- ilumbla. Prime Minister King an- Boston Says We Had Earthquake ) Anybody fee lan earthquake this morning? i . According to the seismograph at Boston College, Weston, Mass., a tremor wasifelt in the vicinity of the Queen Chailotte Islands at 3:57 a.m. Official sources, including the Digby Island Meteorological Station, Army Signals and .C. Police, failed to feel the shock. v But the Boston College seismograph, some distance from the reported quake- felt It. . ; They identified it as being in the vicinity of the Islands. It was, they said, 2,855 miles northwest of Boston. u The earthquake, with continuing tremors, will take place here tomorrow morning. . . tures are between 80 and 100. pj four cabinet changes. Harold Dingman and published Quebec flies its own flag gislativc building. Russian military rcprescn- Prince Rupert - 1948 barred from Canadian Chiang Willing To Commence Peace Talks NANKING (P)-Gen-ralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek said tonight that his government was ready to discuss ending the wrar with the Chinese Communists but at the same time set up conditions that appeared to rule out any possibility of such settlement. In a New Year statement to the people ho said, "If a negotiated peace not detrimental to national independence and sovereignty but which will contribute to the welfare of , the people, can be arranged," he would be satisfied. ry camps. Barbara Ann Keolt. nwarcl- Bowl of W.AAF.C. at )I. Out. Dr. Raymond uoyer oi ral sentenced to two years CAPILAMO SNOW SLIDE CLAIMS . fc v.. I ft l- Official Secrets Act. I'AKY " 111 i Suva Scotia celebrates 100th MAN'S LIFE in 'New Liberty," magazine in an article entitled "Babies for Export." The story was based on a reKn t 'on Alberta welfare written by Dc. Charlotte' Whit-ton or Ottawa, welfare expert. Dingmun, Jack Cooke, magazin.; publisher, and Dr. Whitton were sub.sequvntly charged with defamatory libel but the charges were later dropped. The commissioners decided that objections to placement of Alberta babies in the United Slates were well-founded." The admit led thai the child loses protection of' Canadian welfare organizations. ' The commission also recommended that child wellare workers should be placed throughout Alberta and that there should be full co-operation between the provincial government and agencies that work for child care and custody. isary of responsible gov- JANUARY 2 The body of H. Bert) Albert-son, Dorreei sawmill operator, was found in the snow two miles west of his home. He had died of heart failure. 5 At the inquiry into the death of a local veteran, George Holmes, It was suggested that the lashing of Christmas trees to lamp standards for decorative purposes constituted a danger, and may have contributed to his death. 30 The Civic Centre Association reported a surplus on the year's operation though the num- . ber of memberships was below nt VANCOUVER fi Kescue par Robert Saunders appointed ties today battled through waist- lan of Ontario Hydo-Elcc- doep snow in an attempt to iwrr Commission. reach Dave Austin, 23-year-old Barbara Ann Scott award- ranger, survivor of an avalanche Other conditions would require that the "constitution be nc tyarsh Trophy as out- which swept his companion, ng sports comijetllur of Harvey Reid, to death last night. Fjre Destroys Native Home At Kitimat Ill-luck finished off the year for Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wilson of Kitlmaat, who are hi' the city. The couple received word Thursday that their home and all their belongings were destroyed In a fire which consumed their four room house at the Kitimaat Arm native settlement. Jvlr. Wilson came to the city two days ago to visit his wife who has been in Prince Rupert General Hospital for the last two months. Cause of the fire is unknown. Mr. Wilson said that he had checked the condition, of the stove pipes In the house im- A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU-Joan Vols, young screen starlet, makes a pretty picture as she brings New Year greetings to one Austin, who Is trapped in the violated, a democratic form of government should be maintained, the entity of the armed for and all. Montreal offices of Le it. left-wing weekly, closed snowbound wilds of the Upper Capilano watershed twenty miles from here, said In a telephone lice; Thomas Pryde. Pro- ces safeguarded and a free 'mode of living and a minimum standard be protected." Stork to Pack Stopwatch Tonmht ve-Conservalive. wins On- oy-clection in Huron. To See Who Fools Hospital Hill Hydro power cuts begin In 10. RED ESPIONAGE RING OPERATING Interview that Reld had got the full force of an avalanche and was killed instantly in a 30-foot tumble. Austin himself suffered minor bruises. Rescuers on snowshoes are trying to break through to Palisade Camp. Botn men are employees of the Greater Vancouver Water Board. , UNITED STATES A J. R. Ash and Walter Coalition candidates, el-m B.C. by-eleetions In ti' and .Cariboo. Government oijj uljen mitsts to be buiTeof from Discovery and production lo-active materials thrown Infants Who Beat Midnight Deadline Will Forfeit Free Hospitalization Benefits VANCOUVER (CP) Storks bearing British Columbia babies will need ,to be equipped with stop I?ai; :K.see who foots the floctgrlshjU.. -is under Die Hospital Insurance scheme, which becomes effective midnight New Year's Eve, babies born after twelve will have their expenses paid for by WASHINGTON, (CP) ( lo n t;r eK,sional i y - h h- Ltotclyvbefjjr.eayjiia--. 1 J Only family belongings not destroyed were a few blankets ters left a broad hint today that a Soviet espion TWO INJURED III CAR COLLISION VANCOUVER, Injured 'in a two-car crash on Stanley Park causeway lust night, Gordon Burdick, president of the, Vic iwia-Dijctiocli-Coinpany, was re ported to be In good condition in hospital today. T. M. Taylor, driver of the other car, was also injured but was released from hospital. Police said that Taylor's car skidded on the wet pavement and crashed into Burdick's west bound automobile; One. side of Taylor's car was pushed against the other side. Police said that if there had been a passenger there he would have been killed. The crash backed traffic to the Lion's Gate bridge for an hour. c private enterpri.se; Con- age finer may still be oner that anticipated. Total revenues were $21,484.43 and disbursements $21,418.98. FEBRUARY 2 Richard L. Neu-berger's article in the Saturday Evening Post on Prince Rupert will be worth "thousands of dollars in publicity" according to a local businessman. 7 The flshpapker Amaryllis sank off Scarlet Point in Queen Charlotte SdUnd and Captain D. Huson, Second Engineer F. A. Bale3 and Cook Jacob A. Olson were drowned. 21 The wreck of the cannery tender 'Louisa Todd" was found in Whale Channel with the body of Lewis Hougan, Klemtu manager, lashed to the pilot house. Charles Hoy, skipper, and Douglas Langlll, engineer, were also lost In the tragedy. MARCH 4 Loss estimated at $10,000 was caused when the Three Sisters Cafe was partially destroyed by fire. , Damage of an undetermined . amount was caused at Booth Memorial High School during the night when vandals entered the building - and turned on three firehoses. The resulting deluge swamped the three-' thosc born before the province; rentals extended to 1M0. Ontario hydro cuts tnd. CHARGED IN STABBING CASE Hun. R. J. M. Parker. ant-Oovernor of Sa.skal- n. dies. Barbara Ann Scott wins women's figure-skating TODAY'S STOCKS" Vancouver Bayonne 05:ii Bralorne .. 8.75 B. R. Con. 0212 B. R. X. a.. .08'2 Cariboo Quara 130 Congress 04 Hedley Mascot 40 Pacific Eastern 04 Pend Oreille s 3.55 Pioneer 3.05 Premier Border .-. 03 Vi Reeves McDonald 2.95 Reno 06 Sheep Creek 1.47 Silbak Premier 35 Vi Taku River 30 Salmon Gold 11 Vi Spud Valley 05 Vananda .42 Oils ' it Calgary. Three Dcrsons cvacuat-cd which were left at Butcdale when Mrs. Wilson was brought to hospital here. RUSSIA CUTS SLAV TRADE ' MOSCOW, li Russia announced here that trade with Yugo-Slavia will be slashed In 1049 1 to one-eighth of this year's total because of the hostility of Premier Tito's government. The announcement of the new trade pact, signed by the Soviet Union's foreign trade ministry, said that Tito's policies made impossible the maintenance of "broad economic cooperation between the U.S.S.R. and Yugo-Slavlu." atin in the United States. In the report of the unAineri-can Activities Committee it was diyloscd that a spy ring operated in the United States late In 1945. "We have no evidence to indicate that, operations of this second apparatus do N not continue In the present time. The committee knows that there are conuiiiuiisls In the government today." Tin: report charged that Whit-Uiker Chambers admitted former communist courier, had, during the 1930's, run a "veritable espionage production line out of the Slate Department and other departments of the government, the output of which bad been funnelled to Moscow." from Arctic Bay to Wln- lospital. NKKSON, Cf. Jerrard Mo Nanny of Creston has been charged with manslaughter in connection with the death on December 21 by stabbing, of Harold McKinnon, B.C. Ploicc said. McNanny already faces an assault charge in connection with the wounding of Harold Thomander, Creston butcher, the same date. McKinnon died after he was railed from his bookkeeping to slop two men 'believed to be fhht iiv;" In the basement as I hey carved Christmas fowl. Canadian railways award-P'reent Increase In freight midnight will have to pay their own. Simultaneously, most private medical Insurance plans, such as the Blue Cross with lCn.O(H) members in British Columbia, will suspend operations. However, everybody, babies Included, who Is registered under tin; scheme will be eligible for it.s benefits after llv; midnight deadline. The plan provides for public ward facilities, necessary operating and case-room services, X-ray and laboratory diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, anaesthetics and tit her services including drugs and dressings. The cost to one million compulsory participants Is a maximum of thirty dollars a year. Single people will p:iy fifteen dollars u year and heads of families twenty-four dollars n year. WEATHER AIDS IN RESCUE OF GREEK SHIP iMainalory libel charges 1 by Alberta Supreme gainst J;tek Kent Cooke "uto and Dr. Charlotte " of Ottawa. Anglo Canadian .... A. P. Con Atlantic Calmont C. & E 4.55 . .24 95 51 Vi 6.10 Tun m In Maple I .this win Cup, defeuting Detroit storey building and damaged books and supplies. j 6 Dick Parkin, a pioneer business man of more than 40 years' residence In the city died fol-. lowing a long illness. ; 15 Stanley E. Parker, prominent pioneer businessman died at his home suddenly. 17 The opening of the $26,-000 Red Cross Hospital at Terrace was an event of much interest to the district. APRIL Mackenzie- Klliu ncI.k riiini- LOCAL TIDES Saturday, January 1, 1949 High V 2:05 19.7 feet 14:2b 21.0 feet Low 8:34 8.4 feet 21:05 2.8 feet VICTORIA, 0i Gales subsided today and so made things easier for the two Victoria tugs that set out yesterday to help the Towmac, the Vancouver tug wallowing in heavy seas with the 10,000-ton Maria Stathotos In tow. The Maria Stathotos, a Greek freighter, lost her propellor in Aleutian waters 2500 miles north of here two w eeks ago. One res allli record of nervier nx HOUOH ON INSECTS Some types of flowers can be treated with a chemical cont-lound w h ic h is absorbed through the roots and makes thejjlants toxic to Insects. Central Leduc 1.60 Home Oil 13.75 Mercury l9Vi Okalta 1.00 Pacific Pete 2.95 Princess .38 Royal Canadian HVi '"'Ulster 20 years, 1(1 HI days. Women began to wear signet rings In the Middle Ages. R.C.M.p. arrest 31 C.S.U. "board coal currier ' Thorold. 8 John Skog, 28-year old son to-mand of Ho.koo rail- cue attempt by the Vancouver of Mr and Mrs. Ole Skog was ""kers for wane Increases 1 South Bra.eau .. ... Toronto Athona Aumaque i ... Beattle Bevcourt Bobjo Buffalo Canadian .21 .11 17 Vi .51 .22 .13 Vi .Hi, rifle en din in ,,,,.., i!..i. REDS ANNOUNCE EVACUATION OF NORTH KOREA MOSCOW, ft The Tass News Agency said today that all Soviet troops hud been pulled out (if Northern Korea, seven days ahead of the deadline set by Ihcmsolves. The Soviet Council ministers had announced thnt they would vacate the area by January 1. Since the rnd of the war Russia has occupied Korea north of the 38lu parallel with the United States occupying .south of I'i" same parallel. The United States army announced in Washington yesterday that portions of their forces hud been drawn off for regroup- tug Salvage King was failed j drowned when the tug F. M. when the heavy storm forced Yorke sank In Howe Sound af-the tug to turn back. ." j ter striking a rock. The little Towmac was only 13 Mayor Nora Arnold was 80 miles off Cape Flattery when named 'Woman of the Year," by the trouble call sounded. The the Canadian Federation of "'lu floods. irt Arthur Bruins win 11,1 C"P, defeating Uarrie Consol. Smelters' 122.25 Conwest 1.30 Donalda 55 Eklona, 70 East Sullivan 3.10 llHllll"ii, Man., faces worst Island Commander and the Island Navigator, both ' modern tugs, were bucking heavy weather as they converged on the vessel. Meanwhile a C.N.R. railway barge, loaded with cars, spent Business and Professional Women's Clubs. 14 Rev. W. H. Pierce, pioneer native missionary, died at the age of 91. 23 Skeena River Highway opened for through traffic af i 2j yen iS. ii(iir Plrtnle. Montreal "l police director, tils- Giant Yellowknlfe God's Lake 4.65 .45 . file nluht at Anchor Creek near ter removal of last snow nhstmc. Hardrock 20l2 ""'I'll K AtkiiiNim n. Tur. 0aiy Star publisher, dies, Zero Rock off Cordova Bay af- j tion. ter the tow line to 'the tug had I 28 First Prince Rupert .boats parted. The crew was able to left for the halibut fishing drop the anchor and save the , grounds. Harrlcana Heva Hosco Jacknife .. 08 09'2 19 OS 'Hon Flveiu uii, am,.., 1 Iiilt In Janan. "in iiutlii 'i'l' "T - n i M nrt Sd 14. f-'i SC8 "WWU Sel);itir W: cargo. Kr pensions Increased 25 it i TH "f ?H fix , .wi.. jLmamUUr ml &iM' 'r Mecnnn 73, former MAY 5 The rising Btdkley River washed out the railway tracks near Telkwa, delaying the train 25 hours. 6 - Prince Rupert Music and Drama Festival opened. (Continued on page 4) " minister, dies at " iitimr ij. Jollet Quebec A'i ,Lake Rowan ' .06 Vi Lapaska .10 Vi Little Long Lac 81 ' ' Lyvix .1312 Madsen Red Lake 2.15 McKenzie Red Lake .... .33 McLeod Cockshutt .97 Moneta ' .41 Negus 2.16 Noranda : 54.75 ARMY OFF ON RECRUIT DRIVE OTTAWA iff' The armed forces are preparing to exploit several new all racl Ions in a heightened 1949 recruiting ol-fenslve In which they want to boost' manpower as far beyond forty thousand as iosslble. The campaign will Include In ''rmnenl announces r Wrumo.ono assistance In selling up hos- 'Ices. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific" Coast League San Diego 2, Los Angeles 0. Portland 2, Oakland 0. NORMAN MINTS After the Norman conquest of Britain there were more than 70 mints coining gold and silver, more than now exist in the world. gnueu on Page 0. jitvfn SAILORS SAFE Canada's frozen north was tougher on these seven sailors than the fttjV . ...... oimnrinH nf. Cambridec Bay, N.W.T., when their vessel, Snowbird 2, was frozen tensified advertising and Sun- aclfAilill onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivery PHONE 81 .i ui rtwHn urograms. It will hammer at better pay. bet- Manson's Jewellers Wishes One and All A HAPPY NEW YEAR . fH hetter army uniforms r'Ci. h,. wrrp Grounded twice in attempts to reach Edmonton by plane-and had to build shelters. the 1,500-mlle one-day air trip but reached V IL blocks They were two weeks making nPir Vancouver homes in time for Christmas Here . they are shown receiving their sailing . t Frtmonton left to right, Cecil Roberts, W '111am Gray, Frame McAskell, Frank Reame, a Gofds3thy Bl Green and Waiter Quaite. Seated is Paymaster J. H. Wilson. (CP Photo) JPNIGHT ' BEET SUGAR Beet sugar must be highly refined since any impurities give it an unpleasant taste. and a multi-million dollar hous ser- ing program for married vlcemen.