J CANADA 1918 (Continued from Page AVIAN, WEAICNES3 Birds are rr,orc susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning tlia l humans. Friday, December 31, 1048 most extensive aerial sr-arch in CanaiUan hintoiy. 225 Chuck Conxion of Ta3-oma w ins Canadian Open golf championship. or Miielled. ''o.. I'is enle,,,! , 1(l)d , of London. lfl"J and soy lean championship at Chicago. 29 James Quiiui, C.C.F., wins Trail-Rossland, B. C. by-lec-lion; R. Browne-Clayton, Coalition, wins in South Okanagan. DIlEMItl.lt 2 -Ontario hydro-power cuts end. . , 9 Allister Johnston, Progressive Conservative, wins Parry HEAVY TRAFFIC During 1948 more than 27,000 at Ooose Bay. Labrador, on first Atlantic crossing by Jet aircraft; rail strike averted by 17-cent-an-hour raise. 17 Frank Slranahan of Toledo wins Canadian amateur golf championship. 19 John Bracken, national leader of Progressive-Conservatives, resigns; Halifax voters approve sale of beer by the glass. 22 Newfoundland votes In I'SE YOUl XMAS iIKT MONEY BOYS' OC'TOKKK 2 -Georiv liew rlcclrd national leader of Progressive Conservative parly. -Ilydro cuts effective in some parts of Ontario. 11 New Canadian Press head TO OUR PATRONS: We the Management and Staff j ,i fiil Theatre nlerlfe mirticlvou . ment and hanniness duriiifr fh , . lll',tai office officially opened in Tr.r-l onto. fnVIfMIT I nJ i o favor of Confederation with Canada. 24- Ali 2 crew and pussen- oniR killirt In Canada's worst aviation crash at Gaspc. Que- 28-rUuion 09 It,,!,,.-, Nationale Woli..n..li nirlv wins Quebec elect inns .""" n ill i t) m SATUltDAY 2:00. 1:25.7..),, " ., - . "" ' :() a BOY'S W I X D Bit E A K Kit S AM) SNOWSUTS . Complete stock of all size boy's Windbrcakcrs and both im two-piece and three-piece Snow Suits. ;5 RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE 31 Government eliminates 25,closccl f M CAHTCl SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY 1) 18 Finance Minister Abbott 5 brings down 1948 budget; no a major tax chanties. i 22 Col. J. L. Ralston, CO, war-? time- defence minister, dies In H Montreal. 29- -International Trade Fair ' opens in Toronto. 31 State of emergency de- clared in British Columbia; , troops called out to deal with B.C. floods, many lives lost; O. L. Jones, C.C.F., wins Yale, B.C.. federal by-clcction. Jl'NE 2 Fraser Valley flood level drops estimated property dam- I nee $30,000,000: 50.000 acres of farmland flooded; 9.000 persons' homeless. i 3 Forest fires rage in Blind , River, Chapleau and Mississagi regions of Ontario. 4 Fire destroys half of the village of St. Victor de Tring. Que.; 47 families homeless. 5 Canadian Seamen's Union strikes against three lake vessel companies. 7 Progressive - Conservative government returned in Ontario j elections. 8 Rodney Young and Arthur Williams, C.C.F. candidates, win federal by-elections in Vancouver Centre, and Ontario County. 11 Robert Muyhew, Liberal M P. for Victoria, appointed federal fisheries minister. 12 Sunnybrook Hospital for Veterans. Toronto, officially opened. 13 Ontario forest fires slack en and tourist travel resumed; rail service re-established through B.C. flood areas. 24 C.C.F. government returned to power in Saskatchewan elections. 25 Riot of 90 inmates at Mercer Reformatory for Women, Toronto; 1.689 panadian-born Mennonites sail for Paraguay. 26 Government anno unces subsidies for Increased gold production. 28 Liberals will New Brunswick elections; Prince Edward Island votes for government control of liquor.' 30 Mackenzie King m a k e s last speech in Commons as prime minister JVLY 1 Justice Minister Ilsley re- signs. 12 British Columbia wins Willingdon Cup, inter-porvincial golf trophy. 14 Six R.A.F. Vampires land Mark I.nii. ls June Lock hart in 'Bury Me Dead' TO SI'Ai; eitP 1Ui,m,ii N'lii-i ii Vh 'Assigned nr.. rv i o Langer In Sound, Ontario by-election. , . 11 Canada - Newfoundland I confederation agreement signed 13- George Nowlan. Progressive Conservative, wins pigby-Annapolis-Kings federal by-elcc-llon in Nova Scotia. 14 Supreme Court ' declares manufacture and sale of margarine and other butter sub stitutes in Canada Is legal", Import ban remains. 15 Finance Minister Abbott announces relaxation of restrictions on foreign exchange. 10- Income tax forms reduced to two simplified forms. 17 -Rt Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King is 74. 18-Shell-making plant at Val-cartier. Que., destroyed In $500,- !000 fire. 20 In federal by-elections, George Drew, Progressive Con servative leader, wins In Carlc-ton, 0:it., Stuart Garson, Lib- era.!. 'in Marquette, Man., and t.,,,,,,,,1,1 l),.iprx Liberal. in Laval-Two Mountains, Que. 21 Barbara Ann Scott makes professional debut in New York; chosen 1948 s outstanding athlete by Canadian Press poll for third consecutive year. Moving, racking, ( ratine Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 CHIROPRACTOR John F. I- Hughes, D.C, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block rhone Itl.t E 412 for Appuiulmrnt HOI KS 10:30 a in. lu 1J .')0 p m. and a ti 6 p m. . kMMiH Mundar and many. 7:30 pm. Im those unablp to tomf dunni? thi day. RECEPTIONIST in attend-ance afternoona. 13 Trades and Labor Congress re-admits Frank Hall's Bro- I "hood of Railway and Slcam. ship Clerks after one-month sus- PCIISIOII. j j 17 Government says is 10 inquiries on reports that four Vichy collaborators were allowed entry' to Canada. 19 T. L. Kennedy chosen to succeed George Drew as premier of Ontario. 20 - Hamilton Tigers laca-sse team wins Mann Cup. 25 L. B. Pearson and William Boucher, Liberals, elected in Aljjbma East and Rosihern, Sask., federal by-elections. 31 McKinnon Industries 103-1 day strike at St. Catherines! ends. NOVEMIil It I 4 II. S. Ruilgn, Coalition, wins Miimedosa, Man by-eiec- tion. 6- Seven killed, it) injured in Toronto's worst traffic accident. 7- D. L. Campoed, Liberal Progressive, chosen to succeed Premier G arson of Manitoba. , 11 Halifax receives ocean traffic diverted by U. S. long-: shoremen's strike. ! 15 -Mackenzie King resigns and is succeeded by Louis St. ' Laurent; Stuart Garson appointed federal justice minister. I0-S. J. Allsop of Red Deer. Alia., wins world wheat championship al Toronto 20 -Hamilton Wildcats win' Junior Canadian football title defeating Saskatoon Hilltops. 25 -George . Mc.Cullagh, Tor- onto Globe and Mail publisher,! buys Toronto Evening; Telegram j for $3,610,000 ! 27- Calgary Stampeders win j Grey Cup defeating Ottawa ; Rougliriders. I 28 Canadians win wheat, oats Prince Uurnrt Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 616 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions VVindbreakers JJ and a Snow Suits J Fur All Agrs a i five inches of snow in the Koot-enays. Unsettled weather is expected to continue in the wake of the storm as cool moist air flows over the province from the west. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy frequently overcast with scattered snow flurries today and Saturday. Winds southerly. 20 miles per hour, shifting to 30 about midday today and decreasing to westerlj 20 tonight. Little change in temperature with lows tonight and highs Saturday: ort Hardy and Massctt 25 and 35, Prince Rupert 25 and 37 COL. DIXON'S WORK HONORED In recognition of his services as District Commissioner of the Boy Scouts Association, ' Col Keith Dixon was presented with a silver cigarette case in his office at the Bcsner Block yesterday. The presentation was made by his successor in the position of District Commissioner. Lieutenant - Colonel Hamilum Grant, and F. E. Anfield, president of the Boy Scouts Association. Tribute was paid to the efrectivet work of Col. Dixon Regret was expressed at his rif- j nurture was coupled with besi, , wishes for his success in his nc position. j ! Col. Dixon is leaving on Sui.- j day for Victoria where he will1 ; take up duties of his new ap- pointmeni in me .department oi ; Transport. FIRST "TUBE" The first "tube" built in England was opened in 1800 and was five miles long. COMING-MONDAY, JANUARY 3 Mark Mcvcns iiarhara Lawrence percent excise tax imposed No vember, 1947. A EG EST .' 7 Louis t. Lament chosen leader of National Liberal party. 8-F. W. Baldwin, C6.pioneer aviator, dies near Biuldeck, NS. 1 6 - Em bur ku removed on shipment of cattle to United States. 17 Social Credit parly re- turned in Alberta elections. 20 -Betty Jean Ferguson of Halifax chosen Miss Canada. 21 Ontario wins Ladies intcr-provineial golf, championship. 23 -Fiic causes more than $1,-000,000 damage to Bonaventurc Station, Montreal. 24 Mmcworkers union suspended by C.C.L. 28 Grace Lenczyk of Ncwing-ton, Conn., retains women's Canadian Open golf chmnpion-ship. SEPTE.MKEir, 1 Official cort-of-livint1 in-cx rise to ali-time r.ith 159.6. 9 Thfec-day fire put out at wild well of Loduc oilfieul. Alberta. 10 L. B. Pearson sworn in as minister of external affair-. Ill Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks suspended by T.L.C. 21-Rov. Willard B.vwini; oi Toronto elected moderator of the Uiiit.-d Church. 22 United Slates A.r roi':e plane, lost in 1013, found nr.i" Fort Nelson. B. C; 11 died and $500,000 in geld ar.d eii'Yeiicy aboard. 23 Two Moi.trcal policemen I shot to death by Dank robbers. ; 24 Five members of U.S. Navy plane lost since Sepi. 12 found in northern Manitoba bur.h afle i "V STREET WITH HO HAME THE WliATHER ; '. Synopsis 1 The storm which brought gale i winds and heavy rains to the B. j C. coast last evening is moving f eastward across the mountains i this morning after dropping more than two inches of rain at j Pachena Point on the west coast of Vancouver Island and nearly A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" NEW YEAR (JIFTS AND VtoilY APPROPRIATE I.AItGE KOOMY ROCKING ( ll.MIt covered in tapestry, fits in with your chesterfield suite. Priced at $92.50 BED RECLINING RELAXING ( tlAftt -nam be made into, a kedi for 'your guests. Priced.1!. . .k$ $98.50 'H'--r-.- , 1 OTTOMANS 'to v c r e d in grwfl Velour with attached cushion $35.00 LiqUOR CABINET with all accessories," finished in walnut burl' Priced $125.00 Many other itcms suitable for New. Year gifts. I'lione 775: 327 3rd Ave. i f TICKETS NOW ON SAI.K Slum- Starts at 11:30 Friday, IkainiMr II ON THE STOE 4N 1K : t;t 't GIFTS TO LUCKY GUESTS ('liKM'.L Wll.l)t III 'It Mad lo Ho Yhu . ) if i l! r - Hcppy and Prosperous ww to My Friends and Patrons G. R. BRETT CUSTOMS IJKOKKK Representative NOIIT1I AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE WE EX IEND BI'T WIS1 II I -OK A VERY llannu New Year j Tn i:ru A'Mr i :l NYO I i-tJ IV.1 1 I -i 11 I-.. ( 'i 1 Season's i ll; Greetings I LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. MaeMvsMd SEASONS r2DCCTKn& Rupert Radio and Elcctrii IC ..! H . .... for trie perfect Holiday Season h i C XylXl ! boon w.ll comt, tht 9y U3hlcr of Nw Yen'i bwecominji NMIaJ tM - . . . Tht tmosphcrc of hppy peopl. . . . your own Lin nd U in Motoosts 1 . ir Our Sincere Wishes - 0nfj!" to All for a BjgjjtVj' "appy. Prosperous tllOri-SHEET METAL LTD. 233 lias fir.t Avenue J rhmic IJI.AC'K KH I i 1111 11 FLASH!! Season's ( Have I lie (liildren's I'liolnn fPt'l'Tlvpo E taken ul home around the ' ' "Tifi 1 1 Al.ft tlirislnms Tree. R . , al,d fcvery Good Wish " il For Appointment . PHONE GREEN 389 Ior tne Ncw Year 1 Chand2i6r4tf s?Wgi" ,K.E.555ilMEK I EvenliiRs Phone Black 615 324 2nd Ave- (Near CFPR) I BE WINTEK-Wl v.' Trexetit road t-onilitioiiN wake yor W,,rl' harder, rruteel it by liavun ' romplcU Jirtri'iett'""1 done. -V'., .,"".''' V ht sood n,.3hbor.. Good food, 9ood folk., Sood Ulk ell, flt(1 tlfi Ig 'il for lh finest W Princeton beer i lure to be on (he tablet iWXVUl W 1 l ' I of woit people. It U mellow, golden-rich in body ... ,nd Vi l I I ) every drop i. brewed under' the expert .upervi.ion of ' ,ttfZ& one I I I C o the country ablest btewmejten. . 'VW I I 7 ( ' MINCIIOn'. ':;,'' .IN"ION ...IWIMO CO. ItO.' . ,.C . .3 : t... -uve in now to-- BOD BARKER'S UPTQtnSEiiVICE STATI 2nd and Mt Brld