, . Friday, December 31, 1948 Today in Sports1 LOCALS TAKE KETCHIKAN IMFIRST OF INTERNATIONAL HOOP SERIES PRINCE HI PERT 48, KETCHIKAN 44 Ji?QfirSt Tthe annual International kpt ketUH Series P.me -f Bas. between Ketchikan Rockets and Prince Rope under the sponsorship of Rupert Men T 'as Pla-d niffht before a We crowd J! Centre Gym. . The final score wasS 4 in MAY 1949 BRING HEALTH AND HAP-PINESS TO ALL. OF YOU. For MEN And BOYS l . MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHE AND SHOES AT GREAT saving rmcrcs . . MEVS DRESS SHIRTS to $4.00 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $4.75 to $5.75 - MEN'S SILK TIES 50c to $1.95 MEN'S SCARVES Paisleys, etc. si.se MEN'S SOX for Dress vi uie nome team, The visitors are a fast youne!atld Christensen were the taeM A Good Year Past A Better One Coming In view of the HucceHaf ul record of sports in Prince iPf-"1 1S)48 ther' is every reason to feel sure that 1949 will be just as successful, Yi not even more so. There are two angles from which to consider the success of spcrt in any community. There is the question how many citizens take part in the various sports and then there is the question of how many are spectators. With our unequalled facilities provided through our Civic Centre there is every opportunity for active partici-patkn and also for spectator enjoyment. Basketball is our major sport in the winter with & senior, an intermediate, a junior and a juvenile league all fully active for the males and a ladies league for the so-called weaker sex. J3ao.minton has many devotees with the courts usually in complete use. Outdoors we have an active Ski Club with both sexes very active. AH of these are well organized and seem assured of a successful season. The forthcoming visit of the Harlem Globetrotters puts Prince Rupert on a level with the greatest cities on the continent. And we are also looking forward to the B.C. Basketball Senior B. championships here. Looking further ahead there is every indication that fastball and baseball will have a successful year. Younger players are stepping into the shoes of the older set and the young show promise. The ladies' fastball needs to be reorganized. The resumption of football last year was most successful and this sport seems to be well on its way back to its former popularity. Tennis attracted only a fair num-nr of players last season but it also shows signs of doing better next year. It is hoped that the Canadian Legion will again sponsor a track and field meet as part of the observance of Dominion Day. This will give the would-be aspirants in the district an incentive to start training early. There is real , talent locally if it can only be discovered and then developed. And an organized meet will be the greatest single factor in promoting this development. Then let us live up to the motto of "Sports College." Keep fit, play fair and live clean, and so make 1949 a banner year for sport Philpott and Co. team. This year they have gone : of lhe front line, in for speed and youth. Absent; A sight that was phenomenal irom this year's squad are such! was the visitors accuracy at the familiar names as the Farstad ; free throw lane. They canned 24 brothers, Mills, Wiggs, Phillips I out of 35 shots. Thac Is the and Bussanich. j best shooting seen here In a long It was the first appearance of'"' .Upert ettme "P lth 12 the jocah this year, and the first time in many vears that the local team is under a busi- ness sponsor. The past few years they have gui,e un0(.r lnp loca Association. , The game started nut ! "oln 10 ken. RuPert' Paying was below Co,lsidrine this is their fir1 8CtiVe Pwn, they came through with u surprise wm- Beynou played a wonder- 'ful game at guard and on oX- lenw TT ooo ,ui,.i.inj.. .u- 1 I -m.i. ae Dr word per Insertion, minimum chart-. oc. Birth Notices , TT ioc'CarU of Tbuika. Oeti Notices, Futieml Notices, Mar rime end Engagement Aunounoeuinnia: tJ SPECIAL DISPLAY, LKJUttit PKlUlS JiuBtltMl advertUmiK Is payable la advance. PImuw refralu irutu wiepuoulu slow with both teams finding it top player of the evening. Mac-hard to hit the basket. Most of Phre played a strong defensive the scoring was done at the free! game. Jack Lindsay was the of-throw line with the visitors ! tensive standout. The younger showing the way in that depart-; Players on the local squad Ehow-n,enl- ed up very well and also that Rupert was stymied by the they could sland th Krind and zone defence thrown up by play of tnis form f competi-Ketchikan. Although they have!Uon' practiced plays for this type of j The records of shooting from defence they couldn't break the flor show Ketehikan scor-through it. They were forced to lnS 10 from 66 shots taken and Rupert making 18 field goals from 75 taken. , Thursday ss. Prince George, In the preliminary game, Mqr-! 11:15 p m-cliatiLs riffpflipri hurh Rfhni i Frem Vantouftr Evitt , Ltd. FOR RENT FOR RENTSteeping Room. 801 Borden Street. (tft FOR RENT 7 room unfurnished houe. clowe in. U P. Tinker Ai Co. Ltd. Phone 57. tfi FOR RENT-To quiet couple. 4 room llat. Apply ill 5 4th East. i tf WAvrr.n W A N T E D Car naileries, car radiators, brass ind cornier; i nnvinw kkkI pi ices See BO.i FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. j WMTF-n:.T,.nlr Vrrr, Iron anrV scran steel. Phone 543. itf; " WANTED TO TO BUY BUY- Aretvline Aretvline weicuusf ouim. neasonaDie nrlni, Ti-lto R,,ir d1 Il .ilv Hewn Vioci ' L ! WANTED TO RENT Three or four room apartment, in de-1 cent locality, bv respectable partv. furnished or unfurni.sh-j ed. Plea.se write Box 221). Cttv. ( 30ii i WANTl.U TO KENT-For unr year j 2 or 3 Iwdnxim aparlmi-nt or tioune ; Furnishf d preferred Cull Hixmi ft2 frincr Ruppf , Hot1!, or phono Blue ay 4 (4i LOST LOST On Heavv 8:25 Truck-Chain. Reward. Phone 53. 3 1WT 111,,. -Ir u.,Ut T.:t i tavi i Belmont Hutu, or sons of Nor.av' , Contninn vrry lmportiinl nnvy dt.s - , ctiar'- pafH-rs fino-rr please return to Diiy News Reward. cuiGi i ; MAf HI.VKKY (Oh SALE 1"0 SAW better lumber more and u-to-date tvue National . Portable Sawmills manufac - 1 tured bv National M..cninerv PomnuiiV l.imiteH Vwnctmver 1 BC. (tf) SCHOOLS AM) fOU.r.f.ES , CIVIL SERViCE EXAMINATIONS ; PREPARE NOW for Winter examination. Write M. C. C. School. 301 Enderton Bklg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. PERSONAL eit,.j.uv m a regular intermediate league fixture. The score was 35 to 27 Merchants held the lead all 1 - " ' " Were were hand handicapped MrmoH kit by their i speed. They played too fast for ! themselves. Tliey lost the baU inany times on wild passing and , !. B nn tne bal1- Mer' .-nanus nave snown an improve-; ment in their pla1ng game. i Individual m-nnna- Steamship Movement For Vancouver Sunday as. Coquitlam, 11 p.m Tuesday ss. C a r d e n a, 1 :30 p.m. Sunday ss. Cardena, p.m. Wednesday ss Prince George 10 a.m. Friday-ss. Coquitlam, 1 p.m For ,ur Alice alllt a Arm and Port f"rl Simmton Mml" Sunday ss. Cardena, 11 p.m. ' " ' 1" , From Ocean Falls i Wednesday-ss Prince George 10 a m For Ocean F2 DEN OF BEARS The name Berne, capital of Switzerland, means "bear" and 'be authorities used to keep a den of bears in honor of it. Advertise in Lue uany News' shoot from the sitk-s and far ou.. Shooting by both teams k the first half was very poor Ketchikan led at the quarter 9-6 a,ld aL the half 17-15. Jack Lindsay was the only Rupert plyer t0 hiL the bk-t K v ''egu- ,eu , . it wan ius scoring mat ; . ., .? I...... .1 i i game. He was high point man of the evening with 16 points. Most w of the wlr . " me ursi n;n was done on foul shooting for both teams. The second half had both teams loosening up their play and the players beginning to ! ' find their shooting eyes. Ketchikan ! held their edge in scoring and also in floor play. Rupert began to show signs of eom-batt.ng , the mysteries of the Krfa'hlkon defence. ' The tUid quarter ended 30-26 for the vis- if Oi's. At the start of the final 10 minutes Rupert started to use ithe fast break and long passes e.'i, ctivcly enough to ring ui quick baskets and take the lead Fiom then on it was a see-saw battle with each team fighting, i lnursaay ss. i-rince ueorge, Ketchikan Johansen 8, ! 11:1S p.m. Christensen 9, Ludwigsen 9, Vin- j For Alaska cent 6, Markuson 7, Erickson 4. Wednesday ss Prince George Lewis, Olsen 44. 'midnight. Prince Rupert Macphe. From Alaska Lindsay 16, Morgan 2, Beynou B,j Thursrlity-s.- Prince OeorRf. Doininato 4, Arney 7, Davis 5., p.m. LOtlGDOtl RIDES RECORD WINNER ARCADIA, Calif. CP Johnny Longden, Taber, Alta. jockey who last year set a modem record by riding 316 winners, yes terday beat his own mark . by booting his 317th win of the season. Now 38 .with no signs of slowing up, he has a total of 3,237 winners, the first North American ever to pass the 3,000 mark. This is the third time Longden has won the National Riding Championship. In 1938 he was tops with 236. He is rated the only Jockey Millionaire. ZALE MUM ON FUTURE PLANS CHICAGO (J Tony Zale, for mer world's middleweight box- ing champ, is not itady to make any announcement about his future ring plans, but indications are that he is about to retire, unofficial announcements say. The 34-year-old puncher is going to quit without making a try regain his twice lost title. VICIOUS CAT The jaguar of Central and South America has been known attack an alligator, which it has cornered away from water. savoy HOTEL ' , Carl Zarelli, Prop. PnONE S7 P.O. Box 644 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT YEAR! Year Filled With .... A Period of for All of You. GOLD LABEL (jwh f Hveur Fn Sad J Certain Morom Rm TrS ir wt liOvtiiNMtNr of IKJiSn COIumjiA. "21 Q 45c t $1.25 ? MEN'S DRESS CLOVES $2.45 to $4.00 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS 20c to 50 MEN'S BELTS and BRACKS 95c to $1.75 - MEN'S WORSTED SITTS Perfect Fit and Good Make' $37.50 v MEN'S TOPCOATS j f $22.00 MEN'S PANTS For Dress and Seml-Drearf"-5 $4.50 to $9.50 MEN'S GABARDINE COATS Tallor-Made, All-Wool Regular $45 NOW , $30.00 , MEN'S HATS New Styles and Shade.5. $3.00 to $6145 MEN'S DRESS SHOES t $6.00 to $10.00 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS. Assorted Shades i' $1.45 to $1.75 i BOYS' HELMETS Lined 95cto$lJi5 . BOYS' GOLF HOSE . '.' Pure Wool 93rto$1.15 f BOYS' CELTS and Brarw fc53cta 85c ; ' BOYS' ALL-WOOL SPORt-. JACKETS Plaids t $5.95 SILK DRESSING GOWN i- Shantung, , Handiebroidef Made in China Reg. 22 00 NO.W ! . $8.95 - S-PTECE LfNCMEON SETC Beautiful Aesigus. . Reg. $4.50 NOV V $25 : LADIES' HANDKERCHIEF!! Embroidered and Late Edg! J 35c to 95c I LADIES' HOSE i 55c to $1.05 KNITTING WOOL fc Skeins and Balls, Best Quality 3 and 4-Ply Big Variety 30c and 4-oz. 60c ; BOYS' PANTS y. Tweeds and Worsteds I Big Assortment. Prices , $2.75 to $4.75 BOYS' SWEATERS All-Wool Assorted Prices $1.30 to $3.75 p mm HEY ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 00 Rooms, Hot and Cold ; : Water 1'," PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M . VANCOUVER, VICTCA SEATTL2 Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m., Cardena Sunday, 11 p.m.,, Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON n Sunday, 11 p.m. s, FOR WHTH QUEEN I CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 3, 17 and 31, 10 pan. FOR NORTH QUEEN -CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 10 and 54, 10 p.m. FRANK 1. SKINNER Prince Rupert Atrent Third At. Paoae 588 hard to get a lead and hold it. j With Lindsay and Arney check- ing up court and using the last's break. Rupert managed to break ; I J to to LADIES B TIME TABLE Jan. 4 Brownwoods vs. Noble & Wick, Stare vs. Rosa Lees. B?c Sisters vs. Busy Bees, Booster vs. Toilers, Miller Bay vs. Bel-nionts. I Jan. 11 Boosters vs. Big Sis- ters, Brownwoods vs. Miller Bay, 1 Stars vs. Belmonts, Busy Bees ; vs. Toilers, Rosa Lees vs. Nobl !& Wick. A HAPPY NEW May 1949 be a Contentment Achievement I icsrff S WISSES gaaiss unetAtw f lt uuumh comikoi oam m IX MEMORIAM 1'ivine memory of a clear wife unci mother. Mrs. Marion Morgan, who passed away three year aao. Sure wearied with suffering .she lonued fur the rent Tuat Unci elves His own In the Laid of tlie blest. She has patiently borne the cro.vs here below. Ami now she is wearins: the crown on her brow. How often we lone for the -,,iiol1 of lier voice. As sue toid us to morn not. but rather reiolce. And we simi lor the touch of the now vanished hand. That is beckoning to us from the heavenly land. Oh. God. in Thv mercy send help Horn above. When Thou takest awav the lricnus that we love. In our hearts sad and lonely ciinie Tiiou in and dwell. And heli) us to say 1 is well, it is well. - Ever remembered by Dad. iicttv and Enid. I OK SALE OR BALE -New and Used Furniture. New British India Ruts New Cups and Saucers Sueciitl 4 lor $17$; New House IW'.sks, New Bookcases, New-Kitchen Ranges, New Hardware, Blifchtiv - Used Radios. Gramophones. 3 piece Chesterfield. Oil Burner Ranees. Heaters, all kinds of other useful articles at low prices. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Biack 324. 1 tf ' OR RALF. -IB48 4-tnn Diamond T Tru.k 37(M milch, like uew. Apply to. Hcis rh-mce Kupm (4p J0R SALE 15 watt Amulifier. suitable as P A. Svstem. m-ac-ticallv new. Reasonable. Phone Kcd 433 between 6 and 8 p.m. OR SALE- 85 h p. V8 Marine converted enclne. Completely ovei hauled. New block, heads, tnstims. rinss and bearings. Complete with clutch, transmission and universal $300. I'iione Red 878 or Box 124S 2i rOR SALE Cnenllit BedsDreads S4.99 ea. At wholesale price, first quality beautiful Chenilles, well tuned, in all colons, for double or single beds $4.99 each. Full 90x100 spreads with basket of riowers design, completely covered with Chenille for $8.90. Also Habitant hatid-hnnked. rugs 18"x3G," well made, 3 for $4.00, These ar-tii'lcs retail at double the price. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. Money immediately refundtd If not satisfied. Handicraft distributors, 254 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Que. (Si FOR FRESH COFFEE Coffee can be kept fresh by 'UUi8 it in a tightly sealed m and leaving it in the re- rl:'.erutor. UNO RECitKTRY ACT ""UioBUv t TIM.- No. 25731-1 Lot One Thousimd Thrw H'lntlrefl and Three (1:)3. Hinm. pivp S) C()uat Tjiirlrt "HMIfcAS satlslurtorv proft of "' lh above Cwtlficate of Title li.r , i , Um" "am" of Anthony ,lZbfnkn h"s ""-n fed in this ',, ""Uot Is hereby given that thr expiration of one p,,,,.. i !rm the date of the first "(lilll'll inn . . ,, '-,1, iHniie a r-roviti- .i.i.i . . ill in , . !" t-'ertificate. unless In the ii ,, 7 Vlllld "oJeelioa be made Vat. " rl"K- 'til nt lnp Lund ' RelRtry 4th ,' Pni,rp Rupert. B C. this ANDI;Kw THOMPSON. "Puty R(.KiKtiftr of Titles (18) JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue HAVE CLIENTS with best of iossos as thry lost Beynon, Lind-' Jan lc Westview vs De-hmlfVml sy "id Macphee via the foul i Jollg-s &-ubys vs. Savoy Swing-Fan iv close to shopping cen-. route. In the third quarter ers Annettes vs. G. St A., Man-HOufcrBuverewaent's to swap' Doniinato went to the bench the : 80n'.s vs. Taft St Odowes, Variety small four close in tor 3 bed-; same way. This put the burden, Vs. Orange. , J Qf H. Ilolkestad, R. Hoikestad 2. Thompson 448. xilili DCUOIM OUUUeiE 4. UlU. Webster 5, Helin 7, Van Pykstra 3 Hartwie 7 Shar'oe 1 Martin-! sen-27. MerchanU-Hebb 3, Owens 6, iYoungman 6, B. Anderson 2. ;Mnir Wilson 3 Mprcer 4 Ra- ln(,r 2 W. Anderson 635. . rrf' DAUI C A IllrX KM W IX Jan. 3 Westv;vw vs. Taft Odowes, Orcnge vs. Annettes, Variety vs. Savoy Swingers. Scuby's vs. G. & A Manson's vc rio.Tnnr'fi PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR ' VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Mi PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHTPBUILDniS AND ENOBiSKRS Iron and Brass (Msangt Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS U SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY tlirouRh the Ketchikan defence, j This afforded the locals chance- ! to score much needed baskets. With the final minutes ticking! 1 nn vmuiecr nlavers in the final minutes of the game ant t!'V came through with the . victoiy. The aeneral floor play of the game was in favor of tlie vislt- u' ' dceiKf Was Ulioeaiaoie umu Ru),,.t awakened and did some thing about it. Detracting Iron from the Alaskan players performance was their rough boat journey that brought them into town only a few hours before game time. Vincent on the guard line was outstanding for them. Although not very tall, he came up with an amazing cumber of rebounds. Ludwigson Greer & Bridden CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Floor Sanding A Specialty RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 room House. Vvnat oners .' ; UO'C Cm ,11 C1,., fith lTGt 1 Stove nnd Heater included Iitinidiiiie occunancv. See ARMSTRONG AGENCIES. 307 3rd Ave. Phone 342. ,5, METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and , Rennirs SHEET MET WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof- i sixth1 West'Pho. 543nS' un! Householders Install a steel Stand under your oil drum; and eliminate Hint fire haz-; aid. Cull THOM SHEET 1 METAL LTD.. Black 884, 253, East first Avenue. "lOVI'.KNMIAT 1.l)l'OK ACT" j ( Sertlou at. I j NntUf or Applleiilli.ii for n Cluli j l.li'eiice Notice is hereby given that on the 31st day of January. 194'J. the un-derslKtied Canadian LeiMon of the BritiKli Empire Service l.eaKUe. Prlnee Kuiert Branch Number 17 Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Uourd for a Club Licence In respect of premises situate at 312 Third Avenue Went In the City of Prince Rupert upon lands described as Lot Number 18. Block ao. Section 1. Map number 823. Prince Rupert Land ReKiatrntioii District, in the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the Club lc purchase liquor from a vendoi and to sell by the uhi.ss the liquor su purchased to Us members and RUests for consumption on the I iuu pn-mlncs In accordance with the provisions of the "Government Liquor Act'' and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Dated this Twenty-First day of ' December. 14B ! CANADIAN LEGION OF TIIK BRT-1 T1SH KM PI HP BKHVICF! l.KAOUT 1 PRINCE Rl'Pt'RT 15RANCH NUM- BKR 27. taO) ! ."' GATER TO YOUTH ! Some of Britain's new flying i bouts will have miniature nur-! series complete with toys and I sandbox. You'll enjoy the rich, full-bodied flavour of Captain Morgan Gold Label Rum in a Hot Toddy . . . Dissolve one teaspoonful of sugar and water in a small tumbler. Add one wineglass of Captain Morgan Gold Label Rum and serve with a slice of lemon or orangei Captain Morgan GOLD LABEL RUM The rich flavour an J Jul! body oj Captain Morgan Gold LaM Rum result Ji-nm master blending oj carefully selected rare ld rums. IMit AJmniUMtM it Nut ruutto u J