I rirrt Etpro Dr Hrrs Ltz. "Ail-Up" Mail TO HIGH SCHOOL - , lxrw-s CS3r; iasssat, j "---'- 3-. '- ? ft- L-.c. r .wi:a fc-ax . rr"aK j:iat.v f U Ifhrrry Tone '., f.F-.TEl- MuosrX- is. -VX r. O TE"? f,-f- ZSWJZ t?n I t mm tjrcteew EiTBft Brai. ' XL hi. '.utv:u t-Vit:-T j cii-.-Vi.TiVB. if. kit. IiT wrfeee.j-t. uvtsr.t'Yj '.' VrC-'.'ri?. f -, ' - v- - .v r- t at- w t-kt - v.- ai5- erV; ii" t, fc f J M..K "a. V: et T-w J VP Berlin Impasse Y-w. fu-". !v i f-rr. -! sjt1 v -I t'f---x- r-ii- wr..:nr. .r. vr-".X!tr' f-cjjij were treir rey' -&.".. ii?T.r. i'.C VSmTjtC ".i-S'-l tzZ r- ..T.il .i v, s?, T wr-vr; ci e-z v Itr fj e-jBriar V". o fc wi.'. t;riV MjBf. t-k- - -i." a-- &i--T Etl. A.:?- ' -ii Oj. Zi'-: 0Tt bm 4 ; fejte Ji DPI r j :-; "10 UK I W;;-. SWF W 11 - t "Ti sm,;i u'jti! r.r.ai a very peu week, . !'-'-'- r-c. i.-c rA.' rj.. -. . t . .. H-I . 0.-4.2 " T-'A pre'er.t fcitufj-vr. efer.not ?o o:. ,r-v;y n.itvt rive ;r Zrj?. ix-vnr.;r-aiwn r.ave ren man. Ye; at the Ar, to her ci where shr LlMITE HONE rr.II th chiw-e, and a very rood one i. i residence, .rtWtv,' V t'K.:."r. ?ry y.-jiy G00DSH3WING ' PtlfWk f fcwt! WWI fcl-fc ) f ;u lr ImiC fceel j tncerti Vi.::.). i ts '.;. . , , , 'lt''w' .... Es"os."rr U-roZZ- i"-- t BSii wrtt. h.r.T HiVKar.. Owrr , Caj-Ca cy stir i. au-.c Hai.e. Ixtiz iT.9t.. Fc the parte- 'ttLt.g liJ&l WU brif.g to a V;j .'icr zxA fur the Holy , frJ'jT.. hr.'j tvj 't.j.'.lr.r.fc' r.'v,, m-.r ah T.I. sencc o . ... t.i v, . t r-. L.-ja t rii? ef &rrr. Sir-. dan, wl &:.. ii ix iu h, ii?.rxhry ' nwt aa tf.it car, - hi - i?Urr, ,A f sit -;fii.-. r-K;r. for ijL. c3r ojrf7 trmz A r.- Knrir; Fi ; f-,jr. L f f F j--y-'y Pun 4'. CA'-ei : .' KTTFTr.5 FLOW'K TO ECt'AHOK -Oacm Tieid. i Jiu. Bariar it '.urj ut X't'jt Mi lit- art VUry vl-xzz b.- U-jEmaBft ioravr. 13. j , y.rf iiip'jihzii'fu v i'i. iJowii jj. now KtaVfd by t.'A w r--.-rr. tvrf to u lift rXi:ne lor . : in At ir. fcr ,:f;ii-w;.f -yn-. -i.t.J)5 -.. Mi.?!". M4'iT-c T'jrir JT. frtri-n-: J f Vs-.t. t a; r-... 1 tvmtnzrte yrvr.;? it. vk., G-vrco".-. U;rr.-jr. KjftB O.- t.; - ;; jrt of xu pp.ii par- a -tt,--rr''.i too lor i? of T5 ni Is highly hcvinc bn . b. f,--a-c tat shMnii nd tnf the Tmn w . a.My T'.u-n In ifid'.tifm to ree to mj af. fl tw irfiAsi up IS ourtre the prmjir-.y t(,t yn- p-r vr. in fjid hsu rn found ATr !ufir;e hid anrf dee;- fi;j! u pr.j-r,T I'jr tnsrty- Two ran liv t ., .,t." y-r , Mr Casfy U cme WHAT? SEES BIG MIKE Aid. (iplmKlif Afct nj'Ju4 far Am Bi Jtt Ait" Ar. !S i:fe.r;tirr.- ar.tii rnr urirftandkip i. reached ird tr, ,or-w-rj. r.irlir:s? rr'ifd, tirr canriot bt a t f Vrr;w-r.,--, throughout tr world ovrr o: another war wticn wtrwjxi, Reminiscences By w.J. Reflections four-', v;yvVf to lf.;rJk a'XiUt THE SALES TAX wfc 4;lr t j rr.ar IJu'-. ar.j- fi-.r.2 oi;: : . w ;r jtaI mi. s". TtAftr vir.xs.1t vas.'Ji. twit au iAi rf. y, irr, GVr?TTW"t atf. Ma.;.' kru.: m.! (Mrpiirtjr,? f: JMtuvrr irw Prtr E lia tri'r.-.wf: grsi'jy in vr. uuR two ca? 1 ha ew tSwi Wan ereps-ent '.ri t. ;ui lc rc ztrr. v'k" Eisj R:t Kr Ci-7 Opx-ftrd up ii t t" c THK KAfLS of trr VicVria povtrnrrrit rr.uht have t"-r. hurT.':r, mik Juiy 1. It is a ion? ti.ii':, if r;er, ths; ve can reraU ruch a hue arid cry of pro'.ert over ar.ytUr.jr Hl-.e that which ha lreri aro'jwrd over tr- appiication of the three iir- u. ..' Ixxi.y oIV; ei-.' 4.ar.ifTj s-iu yff a crt. eboMTtC a. ione jftijtA ftkOKT it-f.'"r a ian 2rd up Tnu rf.Tjri on of t."- j&vi-danf rtaii arir tn card on U, vti. btj: "fi loiio'tx4c wortu Is Your Car Ready For Vacationing? ten in nan and let u read? wur car lor the aweri ruaiti pw! II in li-tf shape tar uie. HMlk v m m 1 1 O-mni He rteeli it thnrotifh -r Iron; Mmar U fc vr-,f it .mpifte? . Vj oui.;.w y rMM a wi. tiii I'. cy At Mrv!r pfz-'-'r ef jvrt 1,m.7 Bj". ui Urn, i: i-f if- tiifi of .T Tr.B:r iCtT-i cer.t fiM'- tx. Jn ijhe of trie ajoiofieK, eyplana- ritil frAIT tion-, and avv statement!? of the iwn2jnnt. it uWf fill l fll r AIR PASSENGERS To Y&j2ro;jTT-A. G "i-..-,-m. C fc.r!d. t G Mr-i? Dr.J A H-kms, C. E C.-k A V A Jin.'.r. M:i 7 To Eir.cj?:-. Mr v.t Mrs Jtihr. L.tr.T C : A:.t. ha- a.'reaor proven not orJy a ru.anee hut painful, five day. have gone and few citizen man, yornaB or f.hiid have not felt personal! the new Mnth. if Tk: . Cis.p. Kirry !co-r. Turr. . On nojf. irs tit Cai;y prtai rriar.y yriT4 ir. :re CUSS direct tax io the like of which we in British CoJunv Sa''-" ""-' r" R - nr funr ri.'ra? fr t firit tnat f'MiTH ir irar? - nrir;. u ippr iiAru naturahy, v.e i RKaum .f wa ii . DfCiaSjy around nudi'.ufnt rf.-n luxury yacii Cfjrtaur. now ir J-ia have not heen used and which, do not rriih. 87 h'ard 1.. i orra? of ,l,r l&-7 r irtouturig a r.or-.rtrr. waters This oanti.' La.::e Wtt0 Umt6 ft unfjr th lr sa.d ar vry f4u. craft emee owned by Fierp-mt From V;i-;v 53 -M-iA T L Tn-re i.a been a lot of nolitical damaire done. .... . .. . . . . iu, t.:;- yj: ernrneni cannot Kay n wa 't wurrnrd. cunaont ir u Mm pervxf A V B'irr. 1 Vr. V.a. . M'rian. & OiiU- tr. kUine l" A r... Ha off to tr C. R Ttrinii. JSJ Her fail enii U .atd to Mrs P. Fr--r:: It j.h Haid tnat the people will get used tly.nyihinjf 41 wn; to th mnlrtiy repwrx tissw-d by the 01 ; envtwWiia Orancn ct corr.rr.er.ee in u-aoaer irorr. er; SHINGL the Uepar.rrieT., JI Aarrtsur.u.''.. Yt-aIKhm-m in4 w: TrriJ . rw; ca.. .-H has discovered -a ne r.y a. Kw.olulu. Ue Hju ant! !!w Mjv. W Tour c if pfrtson that avrtuaiiy w(to It Za;ar.d Cijey W T-.-r.? STAIN that retail Kales taxH elwwhere have rieen a hadly n-'-eived at. firnt hut finally accqited although we have not heard with complete agreement. It i U'-in i take a lot of getting uel to in Hritinh ('olurT'.hia. Nov that we are starting to pay, the government would Ixr vell to runh on the l'nefits which it will probably find it ha len easier to conceive than to deliver. Vrvffrve ir hint,'l.-s with pm- - y art a- Ijl Ct.'.xri'". Irretry office nere - Lhjj;.'.'? tint wirrte period i'r.if. , yrr. trie poie aurid pthrg cut XfiVtZVI Xistfai feet, i. iron of feet under the lirnt MX irKTith.ii of 1947 fiuwiof prxiw.wm during Jur-e m-Ak VilXl.Va. ooard feet, a j slight deerea.? under June, ! while fAr una piiin-j unahf! '303.317, ars Inerease of abrjtit V)im lirjeal feet. I lnTm June, prodtietioTi of railway tiea totaliri 12.75 tie;. ai)Ub that of Jui.e, 1W, The" iwere S6 unlut of eordwood cu". 'during the month. If iAit III Shinrh? Stain. f.-! mixel tn mjii Iih.iI o !'.. Vim cm Uiv un in!r lllli rr.lv ' I 14 i , v ,. :.y. . lmmT,.,v ii, TSL er. V ' ' Ai i VI S llKIDi: ST lave J )' Tl.r 6:7; I iv- -i - - i . : s BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL! Rawing cale for June; Fir, im2r. ddsi;, 3 ..9 11. 449 Eprut, ZXlQZa Hemlock, 4,18 72. Ja':kplne, U.i7.&19 Mwehuneoiife, 43.432. VJ fi art THE MENNONiTES CANAlJlAK-FiOIlN Mennor.iteH, totalling ,mi, an- un their way from Quebec to Paraguay in South America where they propose to remain. Canada firnt heard of the Mennoniten in 1874 when quite a number arrive! in ManiUjba where, an the years rolled on, comfortable farm homeh v. ere eHtablinhed. Ilca-HonH have Ix-en given un to why the rna:--migration xouth if. under way. There were four Hjccia! trainn and fourteen freight cars necennary in moving joph- and poHHeKfdona from Winning. A lawyer of that city, who w;rved hh legal ad- vi, -:er, feel the preHent move in a mistake. He ha mentioned the country -100,000 acre of primitive land, tropical climate, certainty of illneKH. There are 'AC, children under ten yearn. There are women ove. eighty, two in wheel chair, far away fields he ernphaHi'zeK, are not alwayn grwn. r aa. I t I MARGARET McLEOi) OPTOMETRIST rrnij 1 STKN('):.RAf" j Expen--r .SHORTHAND :: ?t:F. t For appointment P.i Evenings K"'- 10 FIRE CALLS City fire department responded U 10 lire calls during In New Offices ROf)M 10 STONE BUTLDINO June, only one of which re-ult-ied in damage. H far this year, i there have tx-en 95 fire cal) jwlht arnae net at 110..VK). For (the firt jux months of 1&47, i, ION US NEWS ' We handle Eastern at Kw Phone IILUE m i Pap's ) Swedish-American T -; and West C unere was un oi S2Q,ow re- jtuitln!? Irom 5fl fire call.i. La.t (eon tract figure te WiWiO. It i month a blaze did t"XJ damage jrxiiected the ob will be C'im-u' lne rfXjf of a dwelling on Co-' pieied In Hnptemijer. m"x Avenue. Sixth Street C7 -j CONTRACT LET FrliM-e tieofxr Concern C.eU Jot, at Iturn Lake DR. P. J. CHENEY DEHT1ST PIANO TECHWR Tuning, VoirlnfT and Ft I' Hln In a Ui AimtU-a cock-1 The contract for Installing a tall bar: 'Our eockUiite make! Customs Receipts more anil heller recreation centres ! r-cf SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK I Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 MIKE COM" Phone BLACK waterwlw ytem In Kurnr. you ee double and feel ni Lake him h-en let U, Kpldel ti lf.nry naJHie ln tt.MM' Kori of Prince OeorKe. The ficope. 10: -4''' 4 ii is ( t Vi 3 X 4 U i) r 972 I Oth E.i?t pot. n-r Cuatom and exciw revenue at the port of Prince Rupert during June totalled M0.188.&0, bringing the receipts for the flnst tlx month of 1948 Us $2o4. 056 29. RecelpU for the name period lajit year were $213, 13 The June figure wan the highest for any month m far thbi year l PI.ACF. for wlloJesome, ln-llh-liiiilili! play T.TT.M rV'S FURNACES - JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 liESNER BLOCK P.O Box 894 Phone Blue t42 i II tomorrow! J I J for your Von order today. We ImUl KriHiire winter romfort IllJlll'" - BEAUTY SH' Permanent Wav! ' Beauty Culture all Its brand' F' 204 4th 8t.eet family now with a new lawcett Von uw It in tle Dally News' I- urnaee. . youft DEALER HANDYMAN THOM SHEET METAL LTD GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 in fresh air ami nnliine tin- liirtlirijjht of every yoiitig (Canadian. lany progrpive eoniniiitiilies already have safe, well-eiptippeil recreation renlres. Hot more are rerfeil. Ami ill some limn- ami cities tliey will lie prnviilnl llirmijili lif- insurance company invt-tlmenta in niiiriir iial lionil. This is an example of how part of each dollar you iuvel in life iriuram-e mav n- ri-nt 'e( iti vrr liehalf. Ss Life ineuratice dollars are put to work every year to help develop the nation's road , m-hool, liarlmrt, ami other pulilic works ami industries. Thus your life insurance brings a double relttrn. It provides liiTam ial protei lion fur youreclf ami your family. And it helps make Canada a hi tler , land to live in ! HOME SERV 2t la-it Firot Avenne in n?K mnnKMt, rmmr or BRITIHH COLOMBIA IN FHOBATK In In Mutter lh "A0mlnllrattn Art" And In fke Matter of the t'lulr tit William Alikm, UrrrmmHI, Intntai TAKR NOTICE ttot, try ordrr of HIh Hmor Judija W O. Pullon mmn- Phone Mack IK! GENERAL CONTRA'1 (107t Building and Repairs o! Rinfs rhlmnevs and 0i f&iHollywood Cafe FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed !thr a4th day of June !48, I u ; apprrlntwl Administrator of the estate oi WllUam Attken, aeemwd. All psrtnn luring ekalma atnnt th aald estate are hereby rnjulred ti funilnh aame, prop-rly wlfid. Ui im eti or brtora th a4th day of Any-just, 1(148. aftw whl-h claims liiml l may tm pi'1 wtthotit rfrrnrw tit any claims of which I tneri bad no PHONES: fRINCE IllTERTS NFWEST AND MOST nr-.v, AAA H'd mm l!P-TO-IATK RESTAURANT OPEN TROM 3;3fl P.M. TO 3;3fl A M. as OIIALITY HEr'l A mM from (he life intaranrm rumimiun in t.ummU mml (neir mgrntt. It is good citizenship to own LIFE INSURANCE For Downtrodden .-a Wnrn Sole CIIINEHK D1SIIEH A HPECIALTV Er (hitslde Ordera Phone 133 kttowledKe. All parties Indebted to th estate e roqiiirM to pay the amount of their lniebtiniis to mt forthwith. IMTKft this 2th day of June A D. H4S KOBKRT F. JOHNHTON, Official Adminltrtjr JeleKraph Creek. U ",. (103) Serrinr the Fisheries Industr- Well (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing CllOf SUKY enow MEIN MAC SHOE HOSli getot' BLT E 780 BLUE 980 Box 774 i-na