Prince Mupcrt Daflp f3cu0 JLV ervlc Local News Items... !Mo.nday, July 5, 1943 NOW WHILE STOCKS OF OUR FAMOUS McLEOD RIVER HARD COAL ARE CONRAD SCHOOL Mass Assembly at Closing Promotions Announced Mid-Season Clearance Sale, starting July 2. Shortie Coats, Suits, Dresses, etc., at Star's Stylewear. (156) THERE IS A TYPE Mrs. J. Stromdahl Is sailing on the Camosun Tuesday on a holiday trip to Vancouver. C.C.F. Club meeting Tuesday, postponed until arrival of H. G. Archibald, M.P. (157) Mrs. I. Lykegaard is sailing on the Camosun tomorrow for a (OMPLETE I.I'M P, Etid, Conrad Street Schawl closed its school year with a mass assembly. Principal T. ('. Bateman 1SK- Mrs. C. E. Salter and son arrived in the city on the last evening from Vancou- Al l- EQUALLY km FJEH'S SLACKS al their best for ,. STYLING for A I " "- V' ''If ver to join Mr. Salter manager an5 ; thm theii health of Carlisle cannery, and take uPgafety during the a(.UMth He llEAT V" 1 E ORDER my residence for the summer. holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Copley Bennett and fam- also thanked the children for BERT & their c-PeraUn in making ho has been iily are sailing to Vancouver on Duncan Munro, wl the Camosun Tuesday to spend a holiday on Vancouver Island. Mrs. E. R. Farmer and daugh tAFFERY visiting here for several weeks1"" " with his brother, J. E. Munro, iTl tTml Second Avenue, WesWiew, sail-'cards bJ tgh'e "each'er o in ed by the Camosun last meht ; o each class his return to Premier. 'of on Tne list ,,3 who wilI WORKMANSHi; for (0 ter, Emily, are sailing; on the III it . l Camosun tomorrow on a trip to 0IITEI HONE H6 Vancouver. leave this school to take their Limited yardage of gabar I tirade Kix at Kin? Edward or other schools tliroughout the dine cloth available, W. R. Johnston line; also tuxedo broad- rlnfh pvfra trmicprs inrlnHpfl i. province are: Mrs. R. c. Good and two children are sailing on the Camosun Tuesday on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. E. Jensen and family are TERRACE JAUNT Mouse to Operate Excursion August 1 Pete'cravetto, Florence Adams Cieorsia Bate-(160i 208 Fourth st lan' Sylvla Bcllls Barbara Ball, i Ella Childs, Earl Denton, Anne n nils column d )(,r t full month ord tnl Jl'MS. tea at vuit'ht. 701 5U1 ' v law -;"W sailing for Vancouver tomorrow j 5sSk5 . . ,,,, . The executive of the Loyal on the Camosun on a holiday 1 i (159 1 i Order of Moose, with Governor Mr. and Mrs. John Linney left Eyolfson, Greig Forbes, Jack by Saturday afternoon's plane Hoff, Beverly Hu;;tcr, Mamaret for Queen Charlotte City to Johnson, Gordon Kre.sgc, Helen spend the coming two months. Leeson, Nancy Land, Margaret their MacFarlane, Ann MUjure, Louis They were accompanied by C. H. Collins In the chair, wel trip. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks-bank returned to the city on c,f Moose public exrursiori to Tcr- comed a delegation from the Women of the Moose who had ' maluI1 Jacqueiuie I'luoreneau. Anne and young grandchildren George Lasette. (Jiauae Farneii, John Newton .i..i..i.r.f A LIGHTWEIGHT CADET STAGGERS ARMY COOK-115 lb., M. Lapierre of Quebec City, attending summer camp vwth the COTC, makes Staff Sgt. W. Teskey, chief cook at the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps School at Camp Borden, scratch his heid in amazement as he tackles a mammoth platefull of victuals in the mess hall. SSgt. Teskey, chief cook at the school who hails from Victoria, no featherweight himself, may have given the Laval University student some ideas about how big a soldier ought to grow. (Canadian Army Photoi the Princess Adelaide this afternoon from a month's trip a.. far south as California. Nathaleen Patt':"son, A, bertj (168) I.O.D.E. Bazaar, , v A. S. Nickerson is leaving on VALUE Gabardines, Worsted, Covert Cloths, Flanno . . . SLACKS ... in ts the most popular color ly-bcautifully tailored -ir and expertly styled and in values that we are proud to recommend. Pure Wool Gabardines in Light Brown,, dark Brown and Fawn. Priced from $15.50 to $16.50 Pure Wool Covert Cloth in Light Brown $12.95 Pure Wool Herring-., bone Worsted in Dark Brown $16.25 Pure Wool Flannels in Med. Grey $11.50 gathered In the Moose Temple Friday night to discuss progress made by various committees who had been charged with formulating plans for an excursion trip to Terrace which would be open to the public. It was reported that the Canadian National Railway officials were af ford- Mrs. Nigel Sherwood of Ter- Peterson, Herbert Quast, Robert race and Miss K. N. Carr of the'Rowe, George f.kog, Lauretta Smithers Hospital staff, after Stephenson, Ber. Tipton, Luc-spending city,! ille Trueman, I.ance Theobald, a day or so in the left at the end of the week on Maurice Trudoi; u, Marion Var- this evening's train for a business trip to Smlthers. He expects to return to the city Thursday night. their return to the interior. BENEFIT DANCE ieiat, Marion watson, Leon Wright, Patsy IViUson, Joe Wil- Better English By D. C. WILLIAMR ;i Bazaar, Novem- I .pon W A Bazaar, I , fall Bazaar, Nov. inter, I O D E. Sale ling assistance to the committee i . Aids Injured laslball riayer Mrs. Angus Curvie and son ar rived in the city on the Camo Mrs.'N. Moses, for several years son. a member of the local school teaching staff, left the latter i Mr- and Mrs Tiiomas II. Lm sailet iast ht She Camo- for c;i week part of last Vancouver; wrong with this , i MpmhfirK nf II C W T? A fiet jii cnarge uuu u ws urcmea I J What is Ithat the go-ahead signal be giv- .sentence? j I .-riueiice r "A m: sun last evening from Vancow- . v,. ... . v.,,..,.,.. menioers niusi, en lor August i. from"" lur OLLJWlt l- re tired where, having conform with these rules." bal1 team spun.sored a benefit Ver to join Mr. Currie, marar j 2. What is the correct pro-dallee Saturday evening which j0f Sunnyside cannery, and take nunciation of "eugenics?" raised 75 in aul of of their up residence for the summer. ( 3 Which nnp nf these words members, Ed Hildebrand, who; I she will take school teaching, . ; vw.wvw! up future residence. iFOR GOOD ROAD HERE 5! f 4 1 Thorn and two jis Tuesday on the j a holiday trip to IB rf- I ArmstronE. who attended! ."rnirl(Pn if! tllf- rV1!Ori',Ji Jack is misspelled? Heliotrope, heel- was injured in a game at Gyro J. L. main, tmii mam, tranuj less, heighth. Park several weeks ago. j Parlett, Robert Armstrong and i What rines the a-orrl "i"-' Attending the cabaret style iC. H. Collins are leaving by car Americans Speak Favorably of Prince Rupert Highway recent U VlliVIlVII U UtV AftUW&k " Mtaonic Grand Lodie! . 5 A rr. ,mrt TO U0IvU3 is in the ,uth, returned $1 sessions were 50 couples who 'about the middle of this week function American visitors in Prince nominous" mean? from Vancouver oil the i!01111 lne . home g isiio'A cr. son of Mr. iSostashower, is sail; 5. What is a word beginning aancea 10 music irom a recoru ; for Babine on a ten-aay iisiuuk CIVIC CENTRE Rupert are Increasing in num- Camosun last evening, acwrr, naniprl hv his daughter, Mr: ,iver Tuesday to hprs anH mnst nf th ph, h9v with cor that means "to con- vw- ' '"" "' trip. DINING IU)OM PHtNB 531 ,, ,, ,., r,ni. . , , , ... firm"? the canteen ol II. M. C. 6:i nrm 7 with hu irand- u a; favorabie word to say for the rh lh TAXI OWNERS Ernest Hastings of Vancouver, and her young son who will pay a visit here. (Skeena Highway although the Answers Team nlembers snarcd lhe' Anyone wishing to contri- cannot be said to .have conform to O Leary s rne and children same 1. Say, "must work of organizatioii and direc- bute cars for Gordon , ,.m,ipH hv!the smoothness of the older these rules." 2. Pronounce u- ,, T ,r ,.f tj..t c,is funeral, kindly contact Andy j Prince liuport i lonsis i liumjcasy ' ..,, 1 300 3rd Av;. Box 516 Tel. 777 : rrr23S225TSSsa maintained jen-iks,, u as in use, e as in wasDon Nixon, while W. Schwab Blomberg, Red Top Taxi Phone .!ui.m. are sailing through the morp distant and gentle, 1 as in lick, accent second was at the door. Lloyd Lahti 349. ' Flowers l;ii All Occasions j r : : isun Tuesday on a to Vancouver. thickly populated states and syllable. 3. Height. 4. De- D(m stewart and Jamcs Flser serving public disgrace; dishon- provinces were in charge of refreshments. 1 'orable. (Accent is on third syl- E FiSher i.S leaving I ,.,K, TH,, hi..f ramp tn an .lAj A A. MACKENZIE SAVOY Judge W ignominious end" 5. tomorrow on the Camosun on a holiday trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. R. Reynolds, Miss C. Fra- ser and Miss R. Llewellyn of the j Miller Bay Hospital nursing naff are sailing on the Camosun tomorrow fur Vancouver on their way to their homes in Eastern Canada. j HOW CAN I ? ? ? I By ANNE ASHLEY 1 FIREMAN STOKERS I GIT 30 5 I MORI NIAT .1 & ELKINS 4 I Hox 274 Hotel. . . A rria Is Prince Itupert Mrs. E. Hamilton, Terrace; C. C. Weatlierlll, Vancouver; L. TOO LAifc TO tLASSlI-'V ! Q. How can I prevent must-1 ard plasters from blistering? j A. Mustard plasters will not i blister, and the result is said to', be much better, if the paste i.; mixed with the white of an e:;. OST Between Kwinitsa and small tunnel, small black spaniel. An.swrrs lu "Paddy." Phone Orei.ii Hi. ti FOR SALii a h p. Vivian en-1 Appiv i.-a!i. oervice Station. 1160) ' f mS l i FURNITURE ! " i .-N A . ; HOTEL '? -.- -j 4 ! I A FAlXTf SHADE may U't J Sfckr&Sl ; : the si-N vm. your fabrics j; : j Carl Zarelli, Prop, j I f Ta t iTl l-5vi W J ,A "v but We haVC SIIADFS that Wi;1 !: : 37 P.O. Box 5M SPr 1 S7r '"""I FUASEH STREET Phone 775 327 3rUAve. ; j Prince Rjpcrt Cool and (.U, y''hfsW liXi-: i lltA" J ' ' creamy tongue-tingling Jk' f'V " A rppermint, richly coated with if V J j ?T ' " f' C '"V . ' Uf smooth, delicious Moirs chocolate. $1 P': 1 -A.TX ' l Jf f(M-1 or with warm camphorated oil, L. Peck. Inverness; G. Milburn, instead of hot water. Seattle; W? Svennes, Vancouver; Q How can I save time In ii. Lien, Vancouver; J. Stokes, spreading butter when making Ounean; W. Bodger and son, sandwiches? Smithers; Mr. and Mrs. S. 01- A. When making sandwiches wii, Toledo, Washington; J. S. of ground meat, mix It with Kennedy, New Westminster; L. creamed butter and spread at L. Curtis, Vancouver; Mr. and the same time. Mrs. D. Hooden, Vancouver; Mv. q How can I restore flannels and Mrs. J. Price, Smlthers; J. that have become hard and R. Walker, Langford; N. Welch, shrunken to their original soft- Langford; V. Johanson, Van-ness? couver; G. G. Turner, Skidegate. : A. By soaking them in gaso- Mrs. A. R. Barwlck, Fort Ine; T. Woods, Smithers. SAlT l.AKKS "8V M llf DlLK exe pt Mori. & Tues. 'env Riy Floats Ti .rs. Fri. 2:30, : 7:10. 'At Every hour 0; a m. yj'ontiuuous from xl returns 10 p.m ' '. I'ndcr 16, 25c Itfturn nlickeLs khk1 only li'.v purchased. 6e 1 bolstering 1 . L '-j THIS AND THAT Vt 11!"' n '.i !..-9CTPR ' ' ' ' ' &t Pretty Practical . this cool RUTCHKIl LINtN so wonderful for office, afternoon wear. Warm weather ahead. Be smart, be comfortable in a TROPICAL WHITE SUIT. 'KNITURE liKPAIU T""'" " . , , 1 r i fcED FROM LY 5 - 10 inclusive) Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping: and -General 1 Cartairc and Storage For Complete, Reliable and . Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage &. Storage Cw. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones fO and 68 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone ni P.O. Bos 198 6V I n s tt to CFPR) HAT SPI'XUAIr-Every hat in the store, straw or felt REDUCED IN PRICE Sweet Sixleen's PERSONALIZED BUDOEJTPSJijned convenience. Use it when you buy. Tor your NO CARRYING CHARGES NO INTEREST - What do I want? What have you gotr You'll adora l the Ardenette Kit by Elizabeth ArdenI It's the perfect partner to travel, ' fitted with exquisite Elizabeth Arden Essential for loveliness. The Ardenette Kit assures you of beauty . ; . wherever you go. $5 Available in timvlated Alligator of bfcclc, brown or red olio linulated natural rawhide. THY t.j ii imi in i mm 1 '"- I Coin operated ei aip-f Boxes, Pin Tables, rs. :x Gate i S 1 iMi'Ufiil iniiilUliin. S3 I'llWKN 't. n.c. 1UHU Mxnlnii (168) FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mcin OPEN ... ,m. cm'r-T.IITT Pens and Pencils WATERMAN'S New Stock of has just arrived. A fine graduation or going-away gift. niRR PRINTING COMPANY lcr & Cowgili "'ti)Brapher SAM. TO 2A.M. CUIM.Sii uisni-a av,., - SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL jjOrmes Drugs Ping, Printing VI"" -riimn AVENUE Enlarging t. 216 4th St. BESNER BLOCK 1 'rP'JljVVVWO