NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NKWBPPEILI3H AH f A DRUGS : DUOMr rrlwRt Promptservice At All Hours OBMES J 11 rTWflCTORMvB. 9 I van? ii",ry i; tswne was ! PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." STAR j CABS VOL. XXXVII, No. 156. IRNCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, JULY 5, ,1948 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS BEAT RUN BLOCKADE i y u n u i WOULD GOVERN SHIPPING RATES Bulletins IS CAPITALIST Henry Wallace Denies That He Is Communist EOSTON-Henry Wallace has completed a three-day campaign trip through New Eng Liberals Want Coast Freight Charges to Come Under Regulations Russians Attempting To Stop Air Supplies Now BERLIN (CP) British and United States efforts to beat the Russian blockade with a bridge of supply- sedations. At present coastal freight rates an not subject to adjudication by the Board of Transport ComLssioners. T. W. Speers was elected sec- " ' i J . , . 'A. -i? .. land. He called himself a "capi Bringing of coastal freight rates under jurisdiction of the Board of Transport Commissioners or some such body similar to railway rates is asked in retary of Prince Rupert the. yt, no a Comunist." He de- scribed himself as favoring 1-.11.K.IUI nriMjciavozi III place Ol E. T. Applewhailg who has beer "progressive capita lism." H-i SLAV SIItWIOWN KI'CHARKST Well-inform-, ed sources said today that they believed a meeting of the t'ominform was held in Bucharest at the week-end to discuss the controversy with Marshal Tito. This and reports that the Yugoslav Communist party had been formally expelled from 'he Cominform could not be confirmed. It has been said that all Communist parlies have been invited to attend a Congress of the a resolution Dassed Pridav nieh'J actinS in that vffice and who warned, however, that reaction carrying planes gained fresh momentum tduay. Air forces of the two western allies sent nearly 400 planes into the city yesterday from western Germany and were planning to keep up the pace. United States air . i service commander, Brig.-Gen. ary capitalism will eventually bring depression. at a Joint meeting of the execu I yvai' '""y renominated as tives of the Skeena Dirstrict and j Liberal candidati for Skeena Prince Rupert local Liberal A.,- riding in the federal election Jnxpnh Smith, said that crews IS BRIGADIER were averaging from four to five DELINQUENCY PURGE IS ON OTTAWA "Emerge.icy shelters MINE STRIKE I'nited States Steel Workers Are Not Returning to Work WASHINGTON, D.C., (P. All signs pointed today to a sott Yugoslav Communist party in Belgrade July 21 for a Clusc Check-up On Federal Affairs hours' sleep daily but were flying with the maximum efficiency. Meantime hints that Russia was planning a new protest over alleged violations of flying rules in this city are becoming more! and more the breeding ground of juvenile delinquency," said Promotion for Col. Snow in Recognition of Flood Work with Army OTTAWA, Kt Co. T. E. D. Snow O.B.E., acting officer commanding, British Columbia area OTTAWA Ofifcials and employees of three key departments of the Canadian govern r i coal strike In mines owned byjJudgc AUan Fra.ser, in the juv- the United States Steel com-! ,, , , ,, , court here. He said that panjes jenlle ' The annual vacation of nearly , 11 b,,ys from the Rockcliffe ment are being subjected to fresh scrutiny to ensure that in the corridor were heard. Soviet officials have made approximately thirty complaints in the last three months ' A western allied official said that "the Russians are doing 400,000 coal miners ends at mid- Housing community came before of the western army command, has been promoted to brigadier in recognition of services during the British Columbia floods, Defence Minister Claxton announced today. Brigadier Snow will proceed to Ottawa next ; night tonght but 40,000 employ- j him, all charged with breaking. 335 DEATH TOLL CHICAGO The July 4 holiday week-end toll mounted to 335 today with the peak of homeward bound travel from the holiday still to come. Traffic fatalities rose to 195, two died from fireworks. Drownings totalled 100 and miscellaneous accidents caused 38 deaths. EISENHOWER BOOM WASHINGTON Gen. Dwieht I). Eisenhower, who once talk they arc not likely to be "tempted" to give secret Information. The departments are thos" of Extx-rnal Affairs, National De-lence and Research Council. Questionnaires seeking detail e j; is j.,;iifio is shown with Mrs. Jolliffe as he I hi- rt.ry in York South. He becomes Leader of the ,n in tin Ontatin Legislature. ed by so-called "captive" com- j entering and theft. One boy had panies are not expected to go J stolen a case of beer and drank back without a contract. I the whole of it himself. month and, after taking a special course, Is to receive an im everything possible throurjh representations In ar. effort to control and cut down steady air traffic In Berlin's lifeline to the west." ed information as to the rela portant appointment at National Defence Headquarters. OOfiST SKY DISASTER VANCOUVER ISLAND MILL BURNS 1 tives and background of officials and employees from deputy ministers down to office boys have been circulated. Every person in the three departments U being asked to tell what organization he belongs to and even the birthplace of his parents and I the parents of his wife. ed the Republicans out of throwing his hat into their ! presidential ring, watched sit- ently today as a Democratic PTHiUlE PERSONS DEAD ooooooooijo'croooooooooo5oo''jpooo40oo)0,e : : TOD A Y'S STOCKS : : FIVE HUNDRED ARE THROWN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT , Baseball Scores SUNDAY Natio':?! League drnnlrlvn ' hum Vnrlf 19 Two Planes Collide In Midair During Rainstorm Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. oooooooooooocKi,oooooiooo,Kiooo'KHooooinooooiHK)oao"; Philadelpni-M-S. Boston 2-2. LAKE COWICHAN, Vancouver "Ike for President boom surged forward at headlong speed to replace President Truman as candidate. A conference of Eisenhower supporters including James Roosevelt, Mayor O'Dwyer and others is to be held at the week-end. Pittsburgh V6, Chicago 1-2. Vancouver Island (CP) ffXjX'DOX .(C'l'J Still smouldering wreckage ol iiri"l-iit iioya) Air Fmw transport and a Scan- Bobjo I? Buffalo Canadian 07 Consol. Smelters 117.23 EXTEMD TRUCE Cincinnati 8-1, St. Louis 6-8. A tvvn million rlnllar fin 7.45 .03 .09 Bralorne BR. Con. B.R.X BostorrPMShia 5, o?Srday..night dQ- 1.16 .70 269 v$ !i. SkyiiKi.-ti-r today marked the death scene :i icitins of the worst disaster in the history of fivil av'iitivn. . . i,m 'illMcd in mid-air rwnr suburban Nor- This is Asked by Bernadotte FfcUowiag Rejection ir of Peace Plan t a,ii iiuiini' a i.iinslor:u " Conwest Donalda ' East Sullivan ' ' Giant Vcllowknife God's Lake Hard rock Harricana Heva Hosco Jacknife punr.i.iy and. irT4'.:i." tnatlr, . rrrw members, all of whom were killed. 4.6.1 .57 .14 .07 2 .11 .36 2 .04 Cariboo Quartz 1 30 Dentonra . . .01 Vs Hedley Mascot ' 41 Minto -0! 3 1 Pend Oreille 4.20 Pioneer . 2.50 Premier Border . 03 Privateer 18 Reeves McDonald 1-90 Salmon Gold 1 Sheep Creek 1 13 Taylor Bridge 40 ' . Of '.'!'' ,"liJ .''111 t.iil :i t r : i !! !. j'ni'.'t'd Hi ' COMMUNIST BEATEN HELSINKI The Communist party, in the saddle since 191'), came third in the Finnish general election at the end of the week. Agrarian and Social Democratic parties are expected to form a coalition government but no change in foreign policy is anticipated. RHODES, P' Count Folke : Bernadotte said today that he had asked Jews and Arabs to ex-itend the four-week Palestine truce due to expire Friday. If both sides accept the prin-jciple of truce prolongation, the I question of the length of the ' nvfar,cw-.n nnlrl thpn hp liisCHSS- pic S ,!! Air F.m i!."iit t ' fcllffdi :i a uiMKir-i ari a knoli Joliet Quebec 35 .07 Lake Rowan "M$ .','s. 1 1 1 : S." Lone pas- CAI.UL101UH krr i ih' ir.i!);.))"!-1 wa.s Ihc ' Eye-witnesses told a great ex-j plosion they heard above thej cloud and further explosion.!! when the planes hit the ground j Holies of tin victims were, UKitigied horribly and in most j eas.s were not Immedtat-.-ly j idenliflubl . A government Investigation: ha.s been ordered. j "Swede" mill and the power house of Western Forest Industries Limited and 500,000 board feet of lumber at nearby Honeymoon Bay. The mill, 45 miles northwest of Victoria, was one of the largest on Vancouver Island. None of the skeleton crew were injured during the blaze which broke out In the boiler room and mushroomed through the sawdust conveyer. The main machine shop, shingle and planing mills were saved by the sprinkler system after heavy equipment had been moved to safety. The mill had a daily capacity of 200,000 board feet and its da-struction will leave five hundred men temporarily unemployed. Detroit 6-1, Chicago 3-12. Pacific Coast Lea-rue San Diego 9-4, Sacramento 5-3. Oakland 3-5, Hollywood 2-3. San Francisco 3-2, Los Angeles 0-6. Portland 4-2, Seattle 3-4. Western International Victoria 10-2, '. acoma 4-2 (2nd game called at 10-inn. tie) Vancouver 2-1, Bremerton 0-7 Yakima 6-4, Wenatchee 0-5 SATURDAY National League Brooklyn 7, New York 5. Boston 11, Philadelphia 6. (Only-games scheduled). American League Philadelphia 8, Boston 2. Detroit 6, Chicago 2. New York 5, Washington 3. Cleveland 8, St. Louis 2. Pacific Coast League 66 .30 Taku River lsh '::!) ('on:!ii!;.-.!c)iii'r for Fed ration of Malay States, " f :Pl l.,lfll' . f nn'imavian plane r- Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake ... McKcnzie Red Lake McLeori Cockshutt .08 2.30 .37 .96 NELSON BONSPIEL Hockey Greats Seen on Ice at Southern Interior City Vananda -3S Congress Pacific Eastern 0f Hedley Amalgamated .. .02 Central Zeballos 01 Silbak Premier 28 j The Count said that he had j also proposed demilitarization o! , the Holy City of Jerusalem and the port, terminal and refinery : facilities of Haifa. I Both Arabs and Jews have re-Ijected Bernadottc's peace plan. Fighting i.s reported to have broken out again in Jerusalem. lM.s..tiii:i'r.s aial .seven Moneta 35 Negus 2 20 Noranda 49.00 NELSON, (P Lester Patrick, JCE RUPERT AS Q.C. ISLES PORT Louvicourt Doug Bentley and Mike 'Buckna were a few of the hockey greats who sashayed on the curling ice here Saturday as a Trail Smoke- Oils A. P. Con Calmont C. & E Foothills Home Fish Sale3 icr of ( iimmenT I'fk lions P.cina 'mtnTt'd at Ottawa Pickle Crow 195 Regcourt 04',! San Antonio 3.55 j Senator Rouyn 41 'i lo;.. under the present sei-up by iimnlti!' from Vancouver to the l: !aiHl.s rather than from Prince Kuperl. .16 .40 6.3r 2.60 8.30 .07 Canadian Eaters - Nelson Maple Lrafs Tr t I 3fi 5no. 20.8c. 20c aiutihockey game climaxed th? Li fourth annual midsummer bon- LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) Tuesday, July 6, 1948 w ii oi mi- rri. ice unpen tv.llil ;g in ul t'omiiif ree ha :i Toronto 10c, Pacific. Athona i-hi) M'lviiv .shoiil l It; 8 'i'ed Portland 4, Seattle 3. San Diego 17, Sacramento 3. Hollywood 6, Oakland 4. San Francisco 4, Los Angeles Western International League Bremerton 0, Vancouver 7. Victoria 4-7, Tacoma 3-3. Spokane 11, Salem 7. Wenatchee 5, Yakima 4. Aumaque High I Ironi I'tinee Kn .60 1 Venett Prince, 40,000, 21c, 20c spiel. Atlin. Two thousand fans watched and 10c B. C. Rover, 62,000, 21.1c, 20c 'the teams battle to a 5 all tie and 10c, Royal. jwhile the rest of Nelson's popu- Aleutian Queen, 45,000, 20.8c, I ation thronged to beaches and 20c and 10c, Storage. rks in 70 degree temperature. it B Oiiei'ii Chariot'." 21.3 feet 18.3 feet 1.5 feet ' 7.6 feet Heattle . Bevcourt 0:25 13:34 7:12 19:05 .23 Sherrit Gordon 2.27 eterp Rock 2.10 Sturgeon River 15 Silver Miller 23 whWiTheT Tcn-Vear Old Stowaway Not in Prince Itupert, Low WARSHIP VISITS Cruiser Atlanta at Juneau for Celebration JUNEAU - The American cruiser Atlanta wa.s in Juneau for the Fourth of July celebration Hitniiiatiiiu the present I unproductive run to "" Vancouver to the if is rieeiviii active coil- 62 Dead . i i n inn n at Ottawa. IcMivitie.s. Iter tonnage .- i Flying Tragedy Near Prince George C.P.A. Men Say IssmsrHT coiiioninic'ii '!! ,..i ..iiiminr Caiitain Rodger W.i 111 with ii, (':,n ., ; o ..., Tl.o Atlanta crew is Where is ! The auestion is: First of July Celebration Toll in Canada itlf Con ::,i.v,i,,n, the post i! ' divided intd 42 officers and 720 kut'iK'iil, the Iii oaruiient of sted men of the regular WOMAN, CHILDREN KILLED psf it and ih, Dcpartnietit nnvv The Atlanta will be at. f1' ' mid Cniiniierce. i.i,,nn for about ten days VANCOUVER. P On highways, water and in the air death ode with Canadians during the ong Dominion Day holiday week-end. A Canadian Press compilation shows that 62 per- ict their lives since the s have inr.v been received i i ' -seen iai ol Ue I .intitiic C ni m i s s 1 o n THL W LATHER Light Monoplane Crashes Into Lake Pilot Poy Archer Saved PRINCE GEORGE (CP) Mrs. Sam McLean and her sons, Samuel, four, and Danny, seven, were i.:n l c, i...,J.,r ;rrl-,f iiVioii flioir phartprpd 1 i P"h t '4 "lli.i matter i.s re-H: Hi" ('oin!i,'s,.ion's pvc:,-uiirl further infor- Tommy Hanson? Ten-year old Tommy, according to a radio news report last night, left his home at New Westminster and stowed away aboard an aircraft on Saturday. He had, the report continued, arrived in Prince Rupert in good condition. This was news to C.P.A. flight steward Phillip Gaunt and Agent Ed Williams, neither of whom recalled seeing anything that looked like a stowaway aboard the Sandspit-Prince Rupert leg of the flight. Mr. Gaunt was certain that no stowaway, not even a 10- ! celebrations started Thursday which . . .he total was 98. Synopsis A minor disturbance for 29 accounted tot unniii i, ,,,..i ii,r.n..i.i. lii'ht rains U) the wesi-. Drownings N I" the ,os.sibilil,s ol'lern sections of British Colum- of lne fatalities and nignway '"': Island traflioihroiifjilbia over the week-end na, deaths numbered l. ch, .i i i.iii.nrt accompanied by I Two plane crashes lUlt.JU OcH.UIllrt,y 111111 mini v.iv..i . . c--- monoplane crashed into ten feet of water in Six Mile Lake near a dance hall north of here. Pilot Roy Archer was rescued from the wreckage . one ii a L I m i . llltivt Vl nn"-i ' - .. uik r-i.mihla and thunderstorm a-- Northern enuso j"' jt'n;.t Office Department i considerable In the Rocky another in the wilds oi uniawo. a 16-year-old girl, Yvonna by TMVi(-e.i.i lively of the sna- uviiy aim . Pihcr. will be consider- Mountains. Clearing kie YTo ot to death we were hern Two men en the sou ! ? n, when the mat-ev expected over near R v lere du 'coast day while, M.l,sidy for the islands during the & Board inquiry has been called. An inquest will be hld. Mrs. McLean was the wife of a Prince George lumberman. ! .. . .11. .ii.. it itnrsiKT. IUI dim v - Straun, who was fishing nearby and raced into the water. She pulled Archer out of the water and -administered first aid. As the plane was sunk by then, she did not know of the people who had lost their lives therein. -9 'p lor roviow. the next 48 hours over im. - - n Marclabbei aged 32, was tenor oi me pioiwv. drowned last nigh SEEING SNAKES VANCOUVER Longshoreme.i year old one, had been taken off the Vancouvcr-Sandspit plane on Saturday. Even if one had managed to get as far as Sandspit, he would have had trouble transferring to the Prince Rupert plane undetected. Mechanics overhauling the C. P.A' Cansfi had not reported finding a stowaway, Mr. Wil- from Thet Forecast i.ake. seven nines "uleistood, however, that 'if 'inestion ol st-eaiKfTuip 1,1 the Island'' will he W up .it Ottawa in the near I "1 view of a continuing ouecn Charlottes and Norln . '0uebec. Mrs. McLean and her children stopped short when they saw Clearing in tne aw, Don McCluckie oi vancou Coast tonight, becoming 1 d wned jn remote Man! and noon ......j.. ,i Tuesday with fog tnha T.akP. north of The Pas. ciouuy ""J w - . . the coast, Grayson of Ed- ,i.un fnrminir along Mrs. Andrew two tiny eyes gleaming out ef the gloom In the hold of the steamer Argentinje here. The eyes belonged to a small snake that wriggled into the light. It was not a banana snake, which is poisonous, but a near relative a liams averred. I nnth upre of the ooinion that clenrinc fuesday afternoon. monton was crushed under were enroute to visit relatives at a cabin at the lake for the weekend holiday when the Fox Moth plane, owned oy the Central B.C. Airways Ltd., plummeted into the lake. Cause of the crash is not known and a Civil Aeronautics "NOT THIS TIME" FltENCR PRESIDENT In Bordeaux to open the Bordeaux wine festival. President Vincent Auriol of France indulged in a mild form of heresy when he spurned fine snorts of vintage Bordeaux wine in favor of milk. He had already sampled some of the finest vintages of the famous city, and he took the attitude that discretion was the better part of valor. Notice the odd expressions on onlooker's face as M. Auriol lift the cow nectar to his lips. winds. Little car had stow- Light and I E. vancou- If air-minded Tommy I'AXI OWN HUS Ww wishiiiK to contri-i'fs for Gordon O'Leary's v kindly contact Andy I K, Red Top Taxi Phone !,.., tnniaht Robert omnprfl t.iire -i"" . - 19, ed away on any plane it proo- Port Hardy highs Tuesday-At n, "ham Washington, died ably ably was was to to Pi Prince George, not or tne Kiuer. , Prince Rupert. Massett 5U ana 50 and 60, in separate auto crashes. Prince Rupert 4R and 5