THIS AND THAT Prince Rupert Dailp I3ctojf LtD. Monday, July 5, 1948 COMING WED. - THURS. Louis -Walcott Fit" 11 ROUNDS OF THRILLING A(T BITTER CLASH Not Enough Honesty in Administration of Justice, C.C.F.'er Complains OTTAWA There were aiigry words heard in Parliament when Clarie Gillis (CCF-Cape Breton South) and John T. Hackett (PC-Standstead) president of the Canadian Bar Association, clashed. Mr. Gillies stirred the indignation ol all the lawyers in Parliament when he charged there was too much manipulation and "not enough honesty" in the administration of Justice DEATH ACCIDENT Coroner's ury Kinds Gordon O'Leary Drowned in Car Mishap A verdict of accidental death by drowning was brought in by a coroner's jury which Saturday afternoon Investigated the highway mishap which claimed the life early Friday morning of Gordon Ernest Patrick O'Leary, 35-year old city taxi driver. O'Leary was the driver of a taxi which plunged over an embankment a little more than a mile from Port Edward while apparently returning to Prince Rupert. The damaged, overturn- In the Good Ole Summertime! Girls Summer Wear From Infants Through All Ages a 7:00 p. a. . TODAY AND TUES. B ACAU. If )) V NVt? SHOUTS SLACKS BLOUSES BOCKS SWEATERS BATHING WEAK SI N SI'ITS in Canada. Mr. Hackett, in a few prompt comebacks, declared there was tpULT INTWTAINMINT -J Passage Q led vehicle which held his body jwas not discovered until several hours later. something almost criminal for RUPERT PEOPLES STORE The Jury found that O'Leary "met his death early In the morning of July 2, one and one- Mr. Gillis to speak about matters "on which his ignorance was surpassed only by his bitterness." He went on to sav Mr. steering rod. However, no Indi fifth miles from Port Edward on uaony, u you give me a dime, Gmis hafl alreadv SUEIrested I'll tell you what the ice man that magistrates should beex- Jurors on tne C. Grant, lorernut stay, John E Anderson, William Graham Alexander. said to mama. amined and pass if qualified to sit as magistrates or other res- O.K. Here's your dime. ponsible office. cation was given as to whether the break had occurred before or during the accident. Cherril Mclntyre, a partner in Red Top Cabs, which employed O'Leary, testified thut O'Leary was a careful driver and had made the trip to Port Edward ' on taxi business. He said, 'Do you want any ice today lady?' "I think that It might be a the highway to Prince itupen ,by drowning in a car he was I driving and which 'accidentally 'left the highway and plunged into the water. I Testimony as to the extent of the damage was given by Arthur E. Krock, mechanical foreman I at Rupert Motors, who said i that he was unable to tell whether or not the ,'hicle had good idea to extend the idea to "Go to sleep! Stop thinking you hear burglars downstairs!' The Horizon I Members of Parliament." HAS NINE lifa EEREA, Ohm-.;... ard, Baldwiti-Wufo student, holds m,K. , records at dilie!mc r i i i i r ii i 11:00 Fish Arrivals and News 11:05 Weather and Sign-off TU ESDAY. A..M 7:30 Musical Clock L. I I III I oeasonaoie laeas tor Housekeepers IN THE BtTPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE ii he Miidrr of the IMalr of Clinrh-n (rmks, lkM'easii. , TAKE NOTICE that by Order of inc Honor Jud;p W O Pulton, Lo-cul JuciKe of the Supreme Court ol British Columbia. Letters of Admin-titration with the. Will annexed of he Estate of Charles Brooks, deceas-d. late of Prince Rupert, British Col-imbia, T ho died on or about the 15th day of April, 1948, at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, were granted to me, Robert Edward Gladding, the lawful attorney of Mary Tschida. the sale Executrix named in the Will of the said deceased, on the 21st day of May. A D. 1948. All persons Indebted to the said estute are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly willed on or before the 31st day of July. 1948. failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 22nd clay of June. AD. 1948. ROBERT EDWARD GLADDING Box 60B, Prince Rupert. B C. (182) K Co-op aien FRESH VEGETABLES TEMPTING HOUSEHOLDERS had any defects prior to the accident. Constable H. E. J. Medley of the provincial police Port Edward detachment, testified that the car had travelled along the left-hand edge of the road, close to the 15-foot embankment before it finally plunged into the water. O'Leary's body had been removed from the back seat of the damaged car, he said. Dr. R. E. Colman, pathologist, Vi cup chopped green onions Salt and popper Wash and cook greens until tender. Meanwhile partiai'y fry bacon, add green onions; and cook 2 minutes. Add to hot cooked greens, season with salt and pepper and serve at once Yield: six servings. AN FYS IN THE FUTURE with the po.s.siniiijj j. ages in canned goods this winter do your own cjbh, Drop in and check our C'ANXIMi MACHINES CANNING ALL SI7.K8 IN FKKKKl'KE tOOKIHs 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions -9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:50 Time SisnaJ 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bernie Biaden Tells a Cook beans and onion in boiling, salted water, closely covered, until tender (about 20 minutes). Meanwhile mix mustard, flour, sugar and salt; add beaten ege yolk. Drain beans reserving liquid. Add this liquid and the vinegar to egg mixture. Cook slowly, stirring constantly, until Pi DROP IN WRITE Phone 179 Bo 1127 ''I! J thickened. Add beans and reheat. Yield: six servings. CFPR Radio Diai 1240 Kilocycle jwho performed an autopsy on (OXeary's body, testified that drowning was the cause of death. I Howard Wright, bus driver, Bathing Caps Reduced To 49: (Subject to change) WKATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Devcloninir. Printing F.nlarcin? QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Proiessional Supplies Nothing gives a woman so 1 much satisfaction as a good bar- j gain. To be a real bargain the purchase must offer good value for the money expended and also it must be something that can be used to advantage. At this time of year vegetables fresh from nearby gardens are excellent food bargains for the are crisp, colorful and appetizing, make a meal more attractive and add much in food value. The problem nor is not so much "What shall I have for dinner"? ut "How many vegetables shall I serve today?" Fresh vegetables are delicious when served raw in salads or simply boiled and dressed with a little butter, but the same vegetable may be cooked in many ways and seems entirely different each time. The rule for cooking vegetables always holds good. "Cook in a small amount of water in a closely-covered pan and cook KEi. Pit ICE ! ami slJI Summer I'un fur the Kidilir.s m ROLLER SKATKS WATER RALLS SAIL BOATS SAND RAILS arul M See these and u'hi r iv i INCOME TAX Story (CBC) 11:15 Songs or Tuday 11:30 Weather rorecast 11 :31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Let's Waltz P.IW I3:00-Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded 1 :00 Symphony Orch. 2:00- Sheila Presents 2:30 Commentary and Talk 2:45 Western Five 3:00 Ethel and Albert 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody said that he had reported seeing the vehicle to Constable Medley shortly before 8 o'clock on the morning of July 2. He had failed to see the car while on a trip to Port Edward but saw If shortly after he had began his return trip to Prince Rupert. Arnold Bristow, engineer at the Miller Bay Hospital, said that he saw a car which he was "positive" was the one driven by O'Leary, at the hospital at midnight, July 1. The vehicle RETURNS PREPARED SEE PEAS AND MUSHROOMS ROYAL 4 slices bacon 2 tablespoons finely chopped ? onion l'2 cups sliced mushrooms 1 tablespoon flour Vi teaspoon salt Vb teaspoon pepper 1 cup milk 2 cups fresh peas, cooked Fry bacon, remove from pan and add onion and mushrooms. Cook until onion is golden brown and mushrooms tender. Stir in flour and seasonings; blend weu. Gradually add milk. Cook until smooth and thick, stirring constantly. Add peas and chopped R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) MONDAY. -r.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and lnl 4:30 Lyle Evans 4:45 The New Mother Goose 5:00 Spring Time 5:30 Pops on Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:40 Recorded Interlude . 6:45 Plantation Home Party 7 00 CBC News 7:15 Calgary Stampede 7:30 Sun.iiier Fa'low 8:00-Date After Dark 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9.00 Winnipeg Composers wmmm SIS 3rd Ave. E. Box 1118 riioiH it I was leaving the. hospital grounds and was being driven in a normal manner, he said. Parts of the steering mechan- I sm of a car similar to the Ford I Wife: 'You cuii i make a silk bacon. Serve on slices of hot 9:30 Orin Tucker Orch (NBC i purse out of a sow's ear. Yield: six serv- in 00 CBC New RENT-A - RADICL buttered toast, ings. I riusDand: No, but a woman driven by O'Leary were shown can get a mink coat out of an the jurymen to illustrate the "Ui '"at type of break lound In the i 10:15 Outdoor Fun 10:30 Let's Dance o BY THE DAY BY THE WFJiK BY THE MONTI i ALL NEW 1&48 MANTLE MODELS AT Modern Baking Discover only until tender-crisp." This way, the vegetable retains the natural color and fla'vor and a maximum of food value. Home economists say that when small boiled new potatoes are buttered and sprinkled with freshly chopped mint leaves they are delicious with roast lamb and eliminate the making o( mint sauce. Here are several other good ideas for serving early summer vegetables: STRING BEANS WITH MUSTARD SAUCE 1 lb. string beans (3 cups cut) Vi cup chopped onion l'2 cups boiling water Vz teaspoon salt Vfe teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon flour 1 teaspoon sugar Vi teaspoon salt 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon vinegar Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR qi'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. CoquiUam, July 10, 20, . 31, 11 p.m. RUPERT RADIO & ELECT. I PHONE 644 313 I'll 1 lcl AVENl E WEST 1 SAVOURY GREENS 3 cups cooked greens ( about 2 lbs.) 2 lbs.), beet tops, lettuce, spinach, chard, etc. 3 strips bacon, cut in small pieces SHIPS and WATERFRONT With a substantial passenger list which was augmented by some forty persons who took passage from here for Alice Arm and Stewart mining camps, Union steamer Camosun, Capt. GREER & BRIDD1 - FRANK J. SEINNER ' Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 BUILDERS AND CONTRACT Classified Advertising Pays! Repairs Construction AHen' Floor Sanding a Specially r.o.n Phone RED 561 John Boden, arrived in port at 6:30 last evening from Vancou-, ver and waypolnts, sailing at 11 p.m. for the north. She is due! back here tomorrow morning to sail at 1 :30 p.m. on her return ! BAPCO PURE PAINT There is a Bapco Product for every surface . Good results are certain if directions are followed. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 225 Third Avenue , IMionc 101 south. f II0YAI Ml U III XXASf II Carrying 224 passengers, the Canadian Pacific s-.eamer Prin Can yon slop, if you haw to Safety Fast EVERYTHING HASN'T RAISED IN PRICE . . . tft 11 nmv t: ........ tuii v-prs 1; cess Louise, Capt. P. L. Leslie, docked here this morning from 10:20 a.m. to noon bound for Juneau and Skagway. Among her passengers were 156 members of the Masonic Scottish Kite of South Bend, Indiana, making the roud trip cruise. No passengers disembarked here from the Louise. Two took passage from here' to Alaska. Community Siiver flatware in the nanie ptct 1 before the war. And as the tax is now off It blioulil " attractive. HtilRcr's always sell standard goods at (a" advertised prices even though exprcs chat"'' more than those of places nearer to tin- fart"rl For instance a Big Ben clock or set of silver lor the same price as in Ontario w here it mii' OR ARE YOU A "PEDAL PUMPER?" That fraction of a necond delay may mean Trouble NOTE With 100 efficient brakes and good , mental reaction it takes. 87 feet to stop at 30 miles per hour 170 feet to stop at 45 miles an hour 280 feet to stop at 60 miles per hour Think it over If in doubt, don't delay have jour brakes examined at LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. I.AMt ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND TAKE NOTICE that the Bkeena Lumber Company Limited of Blll-mor, B. C occupation loggers ancl lumber manufacturers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands being part of the foreshore and bed of Porpoise Harbour: Commencing At. a nnxt. nlntitori A larpe part of our slock Is made up f slaI""' advertised Roods and we try to kern I lie bali"w 1 PHONE 866 line with the prices or other cities. Ami e 8" antee t he satisfaction of our Roods. SonicthinR from Buyer's is always nl0""r worth having. about in feet H70 degrees W from HytiroEranhic Bnrvpv Ktjtf.inn whioot RUPERT MARINE REALTY 0 m m AT LAST! A modern improved yeast that needs no refriger I ft A which lies arwoximately 2100 feet I SHU degrees W from Port Edward Station, thence N70 degrees E 4 chains; thence 820 degrees E 40 chains; thence 810 degrees E 16 chains: thence 880 degrees W approximately 8 chains to the high water mark: thence northwesterly along the shoreline to the point of commencement and containing 30 acres, more or leas, to be used for storlnc logs. ation: witn rsew rieischmann Koyal Fast Rising Dry Yeast in the cupboard you're set for speedy baking grand results. Yes, this modern baking discovery fits all recipes. Use exactly like fresh yeast in any recipe. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME get several packages of Fleischmann'j Royal Fast Rising Dry Yea to-day. At your grocer's (J. CLAUSEN &SON) We Take Listings of , . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER liKOKEKS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS -(Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Phone Green 975 Date of staking: May 2S. 1948. Dated this 18th day of June, 1948. P. L. Northcott, Agent for BKEENA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED. Box 548 t pacfaae ""HI I I I IIIMIIII II