print! VLupiti. Daflf BetoJ 05. 5 NATIVE DEATH HANSARD The Official - Report Bddy of Mrs. Emily Wesley, of i ; Skeena Crossing, who died in hospital here at the week-end, Timely Topics from 1 erace will, be sent to the interior vtl- r. ! i lage for burial tonight Rela- jP K" 4 i tives of the deceased woman will Two cars of local Oddfellow3 Mr. and Mrs. J. Maxted and j accompany the body east. The left on Wednesday driving to Edward returned last week from j famjiy is working at North Pa- Smlthers to participate in a Lakelse Lake where they have cific cannery for the -summei-. I turned early on Friday morning, j ' . Among the party Were J. Bar-I The fire engine was called out Y(J!mAn h0"'"!1, man, G. Temple, J. Kohne, H. on Friday evening to a fire and)f: WU1 P ! 'King, R. W. Beecher. B. West. F. which, starting from sparks from J?ZZ ru7l , ' . . , , , the stone in this ring, is it tur- Rmith. J. H. Smith. the chimnev. burned a hole m .... 77 the roof of the Souci home oc- . mwv, n t tnoh ofii7H runipri hv Mr. anri Mrs. mp vin . . MI a, Xrf ivii. Aii iwni i w r' " j The correct pronunciation is t.hi week from Prince RuDert to and family. It was soon extin '' ' s " I" 'glass-.' Leader-Post Salesman open up her summer home at guished and there was not a Kitsumkalum. Breat deal of damage done. Mrs. Seton sr. is a patient in he local hospital. Constable Rogers left last Sunday for Stewart where he will spend the next three weeks while the constable there is on holiday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Laird received the unpleasant news on Saturday morning that their son, Bill, who was enroute to Saskatoon holiday-bound was taken ofl ,the train at Jasper and removed to hospital where an emergency Youne Marvin Paulson had the misfortune to break his wrisv while he was playing with some . , . companions in the woods on Mr Mr. and ana Mrs. Mrs. G. u. Brooks woou and ana ,,, afternoon. ,. - - We(toe8d operation for appendicitis ri " was iamiiy ui Hie uiiiiiicca uum . . , performed. He is reportea to De Quartz Mine spent the holiday doing as well as can be expected. ln Terracei returning to the mine i on Friday. 'if I Elmer Walkerton, Nick Goertz, Herb Brand and Henry Goert-zen left by car on Saturday for Prince Rupert to conduct services ln several churches there. Elsie Crego is acting as relief cperator in the local telephone office during the summer f JOHN H. BULGER : OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ' nonths. X' X h tC-m-: 'A m.,fmin,ro, u tvi. oi.pot nf hpr' Mrs. M. B. Lemon and chil- ' 4 'uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. .dren of Prince Rupert arrived C. Osborne. on Friday's freight train to epeni t tne next two monms wim ivus. Miss Colleen Whalen Is a sur- Lemon's aunt, Mrs. Simpson. gical patient in the hospital here. i IN .TERRACE . . . , A Modern Department Store ixuuouauy-iuiowii lines 111 Ladies' Wejir, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . BROWNIE PARTY j Mrs. Head Throws Open Home and Grounds TERRACE All the Young Terrace Brownies turned out to a revel in Mrs. Head's orchard last Wednesday afternoon and 3 plus a new Self-Serve Food 5 Section with a Free Delivery Service. THE SKEENA MERCANTILE to the King's Printer to be handled by the night staff. There, were dregsed gg Indians, Hansard is cast into type', as shown by linotype operator Roger some as pirateS and others as I . i While Parliament is in session, few government publications j are more frequently quoted and oifer more human interest than lip j Hansard. Better known under its familiar name, "Hansard," is VUI tn(, official report of the House of Commons dtbates. Experienced De Gagnt (lower lefti proofread, bound and distributed the next ;he characters out of Peter ran morning by about 10 o'clock. Within the next hour, the daily edi- which they had a great deal of Tjiiillanilers l.xrels IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting FLY Mrs. C. J. Nornngton was ! Hansard reporters are constantly in attendance in me nuuw, ' sitting opposite the Clerk's table where the Mace is displayed as i a svnibol of authority. Reporter Charles Leslie Empringham jfr:irs at Trrrace government officials, press correspondents and all those en there to tell them stories and, titled to a copy. A complete French edition is also published alter ft few games they all went With lessons laid Upp-r left takes in shorthand an almost verbatim report of Horn At emm ns m nsarn i vaiiiiUif. maikv n v.w... oft on a treasure hunt, the nMviTinnttHfiv mornins f or s ut ihj mprnhpr rp Ravine. Relieved bv an other Hansard re through a lull account ! treasure seine bafcs of candies right i lakes the Iirst o4 portunily to scan i KFFNA &1P TRAMPORT ITD. ith their' to dictatt his notes to & fust typist, Miss Muriel Black (upper p .j ., bot I nnmer vacation i. 4 ipt'd home wit 'o I Is showing of the House proceedings on which to document a feature article. Canadians have a right to know what goes on in Parliament and Hansard gives them that Information, impartially and accurately. When they were all tired and hungry they trooped into Mrs. Head's dining room where they omni ervH with ice cream, cake th mey naa riiinii. a simuur system i juuuwru in iimnr. ""kj PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 i Prince mitt' Rupert: Prince ""w Rupert r- . Hotel, 466 . higher higher gradi grades ana' has been prepurea ior puDiicaiion dj uk uruir imwi, u"" fctc"ifm will be spending! "' f isrs: DOMINION DAY AT TERRACE m was made by A. Yoxali during , Adv. In Los Angeles News- and chocolate miik. the evening was that of the paper: . Brown Owl Mrs. Kennedy and hei.hnit.hal of Albert J. Harrison, ' .A,yt wanted large enough Miss Marion Head were in " " - - ; I of the youngsters and or' if i.siiiiia. ine oroum Gui will be camping a. in nu. ,v,....t, .".p. S(,n 0I Jvlr aIm mm. l0 Kt'l'p Uf uuui - gathered in the hall to dance to ' . Te.rce u Jonephine Jordan, mother small enough to keep they had as their helpers Mrs t. . m. . . . i no van Mrs van Stolk. MrS. Nor- So Excursion From I'rinte Rupert Ilawlton Wins Ball BH Game Oame . . hirwl, me suuuia in in.a. . oniy daugnter 01 mrs. u. momer iioiu .""8 t Mir t."irMnf utTffi rington, Mrs. Head and Mrs. de t I " . . clwstra which, alter montns oi anci graauaaugnter oi mi. a:tU What siaris put a Kergommeaux t I' 1 hurri iirnri 1st. i? niiicie lis ut'uut, c..A4ni wYi lrprf- ii-KttP )i irpuurnuv niina id ief! m Thursday's Terrace was one of the quieies: " ... n.,o Mrs in technicolor. """" &a ' " ' " v.n known hr- here lor t..r years. nr There There wP-i wn-i Miss Annip in Ter- a double feature among the eariy settlers FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Chev. Truck Pnnti.r Oldsmoblle G.M.C. Truc.k MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. fine performance. Jay Waiker on WGN NEW SHIPMENT OF SI r- A Barr and H Noake&.'no excursion train from Princ;-imk from public school Rupert this year and rorwquent- An interesting announcement race. I)5, . reK tig. r y tan BiiM-hman, Rtibort ly. there were very few visitors r Kik'Ii. Rtibrrt KcK:h.'from the coast. ERBLY TAILORED SUITSF t T " r r, : .aiders. Peter Magnus,1 Fine weather prevailed alii. Bi tiy McCube, Ros though clouds threatened rain I r.'uull, Mariorie Net- early in the morning. In the af- I !! Normundeau and ternoon the sun came out but i! A well-groomed appear r It ' vm. was not too hoi for the spec- i M D....1 on Wednes-'tators at the ball game at the The Popular S.S. ance plus that feeling of con-fitipnt assurance that springs A from being comfortable and rf PRINCE OCEAH VIEW HOTEL correct is yours in any of our new suits., , Y RUPERT OTI1ER NEW ARRIVALS AT Sails For line, C. W. Michiel, Civic Centre where ine lenaer of the school board, team was thoroughly beaten by David Gillandcrs wiUi the Hazt-lton team. M), award given to the! The day s events, sponsored by und student during the the Kinsmen, started in the In his address to the1 morning when the children s the' from the Orange Hall to Mr Michiel told of parade 'il Rhodes, great ex- j the Civic Centre got under way 1 philanthropist, who with the Cub pack leading X.hil-m money to found the dren in fancy costume and ox Scholarship, lion 'decorated bicycles and wagons King, as a Claudia uncpted the cup for followed. ir .i . 1 m.inrpri pentleman. anti Jimmy ACME INCLUDE A new range of gabardine and worsted SLACKS, casu ally correct SPORT JACK i 1 r ETS and these ever-popular CROYDON RAINCOATS. 4. (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PI10NE 71 .iincss. Laird, as a colored lady, canwu irv i i i J lot of amusement vuri their VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 T.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT F"r information call or writ City or Depot Ticket OIfic PRINCC RUPERT, S C. K.-tiy Bissonette. Violet goat who balked at be'tii; at uu ACME Roberta Lambky, andiiJ lne V , - . r---. -est , k .tills. lowed behind nnltc conieiaru.,. i .::.f 1 ft W CLOTHING STORE . V At the Civic Centre Mrs. Thomson and Mrs. McLaren Judged the prize winners and these were Ann Smith, Betty Lee van Stolk, Lucille Bailey. Claudia KinE. Jimmy Laird. Clarence f 3 I are divided Into two sscs those who don't " everything their hus-I them and those who Tuam Herald anv my hnsh!.nrt husbands. ttokpr. Gabrielle Tetreault, Mari lyn and Tommy de throw from the Banff Springs Hotel, than stone's a mpttt at? Y At hardly more T o & WILDLIFE SANCTRC informs U 10 of animal life known to the Canadian Rockies, visitor may encounter its antlers still in a the mule deer at left, .ho J ack ot t r n T Their almost compete by mcm Ab()ve at right , t ntend to na e doe sn who the velvet" Vermillion Lake near Banif, while below I V&TZS 1? t mtTne Banff-Lake Louise highway, demanding their r ro Following the paraw u.r ... dren's races were run off. The bingo and crown and anchor games ln the hall drew a "M'llSH OOU1M81A IN PHOUATE "Hit f Hip 'AdinlnlHtrntli.ll AH" Anil toll of chocolate bars or sweet uwiu. large patronage filler of the F.Htnt nf JMilll .rl- By Chic Young t J C,. It Tan't So! -ft sjf'OTirE that br Order of JuiiRB w. O. rulton, Local EATING BEST PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to S p.m. iYOUR BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES BROADWAY CHINESE CAFE DISHES We can supply all your needs in BUILDING SUPPLIES including , ; WALLBOAUDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILsj PLUMBING SUPPLIES ! PAINTS PMLPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. "Serving the North Since 1920" Phone 051 G32 ; "1 ' 'if Huprpme Court of Brl-' ilia, l wim on tlte 17th day f I) 194B. npputntRd Admln-f the Eatate of Charles tiirmerly of Prince Ru- 'll Columbia, who died on 3' lie lHt dnv of April. 1B48, f British Columbia. All per-"U'd to the said etitate are pay the amount of their IP'SK t.n m. frtrthmlth Rllrt HAT RIGHT HERE 5 rVAr l l DOOR?) U 4 BLACK om the post, ,-( T)fil;Vi H rry 'gjij I is having claims BRainst .S'suiw are required to ine 8 ine urooerkv verified on or t" 3lHt day of July. 18, , 'Uch dlHtrlbutlcm "will be iK regard only to uch which I shall have been LUMBER PAINTS wuntrrl Ave W Phone 200 M I COAL 1 nt Prince Rupert. B.C. this -nine, a.u. iwh. OltnoN VhAHW.H 'I)HHE8 Otliciui Administrator Prince Rupert. B.C. (158) 1; r.H iwy l"'t'"'"1.! 1- - o