rrinc upff Dofiy Kv; i 'A'cr.v.ij. March 15, liVi Hn-7 - N ,BobQill Pi- . Y.M.C.A. Winder Over Chilliwock HOTEL ARRIVALS Bajkefbo! Hard Fighti C w -. 1 i-C T - Co-ops Have To Win Play High School Fights to l" Co-Op. r.ave a one game irne off a.? a result of their Win - off Opener Lost Ditch People's . lead in the Senior play- Over Bo-Me-Ht in la.3T 7 - - - - V tl f - T- - I ' t - : f' J T,4-f. cT-.;,-.r fiTtr.r-P tt wsw onlv in the lat minute. " , or two that Co-Op. squeezed &ut . their . narrow nctor - .. VANCOCVEH --TCA c-fa:M Chll-t if i C'j to tax the Lower Mair.lard It,tmed- They had woe the i.rr, fame T. v .'... -p".r.'. fere- 3 to 2 r.vf.LHrt M PS h-a 5f to 46 ?core. The battle was tignt irom sian )) raily hi th third period 1th 'on cetaUttl eiffipuatlnr.: tacn lfi.Ti puttin them through Uh raachine-ean rapidity a'R J 1 - .xrrr. M- i.-.i H. W bone nut and SAKf R 3rd Arrnaa to finL-h. H,-rh :- 4 irai ahJd bT one prtt; in thefirit qiarter Co-Op nai a or. p. :r: kid at the ha.f r.ai ir:fr3.-eJ it M a rr.ere .. psir.U at the er.d of the third. In the fourth QJirt" H.ih S-hnu. ti it ep at 4i aU cr.iy ti).v-e it. ..- fade with a rsri'j.e to ro nn H?ro M'Trart rir.it a W baei from ju.-.t irv-ute the key. flowed by Op r:.h sire ;hjn ".hetr f jr f4-.t TM iory. Is wxi a toa-r. came to I-'--e artd if a fithtin spirit had anything '..1 Ci .ti: It H.ih S-hjol rrJih; have t-n C?-Iirfi the a inner. Their are-.siTene cx- '.hem eip"-r-!ve f-oU ir. the last, period and 1 it thejn Carl-soh. ti the 5-f&i:l rute. ar.d Svherk. wii a UiTiWf riar--"iip al'er rri.'ik-v.i fur fjU in the U-t quarter Ray prtna piiyed a driving am to core 21 p::r.ts and had 1M tfVra out OI r.tm r.af period Bill IfcXhesney i . v. 50 TYRO-X'jfia Aprin. lH-p&ji.d niddilit of M.x.uTal P..r'-..'i .'.v-sr-., f. wh in Uie main event of the Si. Patrkk's fcxir.-i r. ,s it Cric Cr.tre. U by r.o a-in a cevcotsr to the tlix pi'tin X rx ria "o ha tre-l.: to dat 23 imateur ar.d es p-.-: 'i. . ni tnvk v. it hii a ?ojd share of the bdttSn M-.t ---f Af.',r, t fi-ihtlr.? his bej !or.e ir. Eastern CJiiada. fir-'rc.; ar.d r i -rr; S-a:-i. El- "tr-ii f;aht is a?ant E-k Grir.v. at prr.t r:-'r..--r.jf;r.? rr the .3c:4 midt:e!sht mrwit. At prewat S.v.-sn's i:;:S-i.v. i a critk a; the Cataliar. mirMieght rlkT. r-'.--1. - -i h.y 0--jt? -R-xkabr" Row and U p:anj r ri?ht Uti .h-:d wse p4a in Raptrt cf VanuTer about 6e$tsbr. Or: f'f dJtiC-Jl'tet Xortn Appi:n has enfTKinteretf mhUe ,ralr.- nrre k- 'he :atk of vA fparrirt? partr.ers btit he U ta t;j r f-rm f.j his c-ittie ith Faul Itetr.dy or. Friday nighs'i fseht I op bcorer EamIj- Shewed Wajr in Durin( Seon Wr.h a lota: of 121 points, b. h Oill cf FiihK-n Foot ear ooiiap-clizd Ktrir.c fcon'jrs in ;h terrr.edi'.e Bi-se'-Sali Lrari durir-j fea. m ,'vr rr.os: f.f k! t U and ir. -?! f-.-! .r.. . . -...., . ... j . " t1af! f m cru second p.fr.t hor.ors for :n li3 Fiihion alv M-t th pare , ,eaa ae;ra.e ,,-h Mtrchar" ters Ijt tre jwavm t r.n from Leasiif SratLvtvimn Fred Ca:;!e. HiU iFi Durnaj iM Hart a is "X3 rt-..'.i '.r, 1 f W h N3 Sntl:h (.NS Int-rmcia F Marshall f U Hauzen 'Fs . . Pariitil iXEi Bim.rfi.wn X8. Cume M lit bb iF' DaKt.vh i. Youn iXS. . . ChrUtAff .M-A Lk-n iF Anderstm M Walsh M ' i 1 UUI.'Ui4ll . 4.u.k .uc. Stharff F- Kmimanion XS k" iF. . an r. Hamilton iS3- "re - ""M J Teirhman F MtChew.ey M Key iPi Fa.-,hkin; M SS North Shir. Team c?rir.g: Fashion T0 : Merchant . - 4! jt-th Star 5 Most points player R. Gil! 'F', Mast f se d coals olaver R Oil' F Most free throws player R G il F.Fi Most free throw attempt R. G.il F. . . Bst free throw percentate E. Parnell S.f.. Must persoiicJ fouls player -A Hart wig iNS'. Mtt poin-a j game, player--A Hartwi? 1NS1 20 points Most poiiit-s In 1 game .team tari K. n.. ear':. f'!-ff. Cars ?i trim a ... j..'orr...;.i of ytir.g b.xc-rs here MANSON'S CHINA SHOP J Greea VM Arross from liquof fifir? :en fre tr.rc-a anirh eoukl'tad thay aeU be cohgratuUted we'd hare giTn his team the i for the mart orkins team he .3fm has mae Out of the Ltdi. They Jt Davis vii a trwr of .haf coine a km? way since mid- IrtrfTmh l Ca-Oo His con-1 fason and are definitely a much trol of the rebounds under Mthiteuer playm? outfit titan their bx.-U sparketl hi team to opporwaio-Hnpen IPmI. tirtory ana he mad- a bi nine Kupert Hxtl geU the Junior rannu which a a miahty Tain-; League Trophy presfiited by the io con r no m ion. Flaten sank Ciic Centre Afoc!ation. iverai dandjes to sx.-h thel-T.eri a.n the M.M jrdle Cap for 'hoop for 14 and Don S.hert; ihtlr pby-off victory Letour- .proved Hi onh aha eleven neau was tops for the Km boys point Uith ten pdinU bnt ft aa def in- dProf the fin-en display of siiOoting R teen lira cramiL in an. iuhikt-i g f-U bakeu .-re scored In A A fe- than seven mlr.a'. cf play. T T. The two leinu meet Batur- D dav r.it-ht In the teccma fame R of the ti cf three aenes. wttit J. M'rchanU and Fashion piaytng H t.Vlr sprond eair.e a a preliminary J E. Li nr lips: F. Bo-Me-Iti Carlson 5. Sprir.-? R 21 Sorserk 2. eb;er 4. MeCfr. n?y 19. Bil 4. R3t?hford. Krtt-manaon. J W Sharp Tocai D. Co-Op R. Holkestad 7. r.a-ten R 14. Si-herk 11. Dais 9. Amey 3. B yr. n I. M ran 5. M H l- R m men made it two straight ga.-nes O ana the -""-- .--; to 14 victory otef Rupert Hotel. R. Km.min rmrll R i)nf-rt Hoilce- iL. O & " w Lineups: .... Kiiuihen Letounieaa 10, Biackaoy 9. Mac Kay 6. Biackaoy 6. Peneff 4. W. Blaclcaby. McAfee. MacInton, , W hue. Total 35. Rjprt Hotel Morrison. Mac-B. Farlane J, W. Stacey, gather 1. Formah 4, A KacFarlane, E. Staeey, Dunaki.m. Marxl . Total 14. ! LtDilis-. Pejpics va Dom. Peoples scored a 31 to 15 victory over iLx.nai to tae the Lathe pliy-of's iJ stral;ht. Dom- started Jui w -ll, ouLscorlng People's j m 4 In the firot period but ladeJ rapidly from liitn On wlin People taitini ovef the lead !. .he secoria quarter.. From . re in it iai Pejple a all thi .r leading. 10 to 8 aat the ha;!, , i to 11 at the end of the period i three and limliia by a 16- j i point lead. Ruity lhaia tut People', had: a bis night aettlng ll pptnU.) followed by Anne Duma with t. BtJy HainiJton ,v,a high for, Dtjm's with 6. Fouls were few,: Jr; a-iv-rf. i.ii'jfr .'f-ment U not purlihod or di.-ptiyed by th? ' ontro! iVfarr. or hy 'the jrovemmMit of I!ritih Columbia f It mas an exceptionally fine.iWly a !Ior' lnil ' came to waurh and the scoring 1 ihtm the ailverware. Both teams , ! played can ball, only 1( fouU , - - ! being called by Rtferee Dwr.ln- jatv and Hujy. 11 on the win- " !.- in im - 1 j neri and 3 on the Rupsrt Hotel. i: - W-' 3! Fbfcet H tt ' 1-tl A. ' 1 'll MP . 1 1-i 1 1 , EX-CHAMPION MINK FARMER E-OTld heavyweight champion Max Schmcling has how definitely given up the fi','ht game and U taking a more restful pastime, that of mink breeding. He ha ft5 mink In his farm. In Hollcnstedt, Oermany, amoiig them four which ticre donated by frienls in the U. S Mere Max critically examines one of his mink in a cage. QxUTiLiOilIIII) rrrriTavviRi ' .IM J. J . r- 11 1 ' ir. Rapm. to ! : PHOTO FRAMES " F rame Type Mounts St our flee sflectiorf'of glass and mHa frames WRATHALV'S Photo Finishing TJiS. i PRINCE RUPERT - -SAJX-8FOR I Vancouver and Intermediate Port Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. U FOR KETCHIKAN DNFSIl.tr .MIDNIGHT For Reservations Vri.of Cal CITY OR IiF.POT OffV'E PRINCE RUPERT nc. Frostie Locker presents for your' LENTEN SEASON rhoire Salmon Fillet lb 4' Frewh FTfrn Hnl Htirlne Salmon by tht! plxro pr-r lb. 35m: FrMh Frown Rn SpTtni? ftnl- mon Htoak. It) S I Halibut ehunlt. )Vi 15c I Halibut bv the pier, lb :tfvc Hitlibilt Kteakn. lh 50c Aralln Salt Cot, lb. 63c Mns Cod Fllleu, lb 35 Red 0t PuifM, lh 34c Hole Flllem. lb 30o Kippered llwlnf!. lb. Vic. Fre.sh Frown Hpmn. lb 14C .Smoked White Bt.r'm; Balmon, lb . .. mc. F.afrtrri Plnnan Hiiddte. lb. .. :ic Smoked Blue Cod by piece, lb, 3HC EaKtfrn Hmnkcd Cod FllleU, lb. 4nc Plekled Herrlftir. la nr.. Jar .... 3rc Shrimp Meat y, b 9Sc! Frawf ftlvnr RrnelU. Jb 35, Hmnked Itd Bprlng Salmon, lb. Locker 230 Second Ave ! PHONB RTO 387 B usiness SIDNEY GONiCK cPTOMrP.i.rr cmoi HOURS 9 t la. to $ J n- 23 A 24 Br.r Biorfc Tlpfvofi 212 DR. P. J. CHENEY DEWTI3T BL'ITE &, 6MITH HLfX-K Phon ftS P. O. Bnc HO' QUALITY KEl-AiKu or DowritrwWea Heel and worn Srjiet MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Bo 714 6eA(ii A rOR SALE Firit Closs Gdrdert Dirt $2 50 yard Rof k it Dirt Fining 12 yard KAIEN TRANSFER Phr.nr Bill" W.I 4i GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public A'wnUnU and Aufll-Um ln?irr. Tax rV-ttirni compiled O. L ROHtE, A A K. - 8 B. LAIP.D, B. Comrn Biner rjirrk Phorie 3S1 A.P. GARDNER & CO Chartered Acconnlanfa A L. BELL, C A., Prince Rupt-rt Hotfl Terrace March 10-Aprll lxt Prince Ruijcrt April l.Hl - April 15ih DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST utt 1, Smith Bloet ' Phon S2J PO. Box 1219 j HELEN'S . DEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all - . 1U tranche 3fl4 th Street Phone B5 fc" essional Etcrwn Mochine Work? fias BrTK- ar.d Par i h p 1 h p. 5 h p. 5 h p. Iri!;ir afxwt oir lorsj U-rni Warranty and R-nrke MARGARET McLEOD mTOMKTRIHT 8TONK B U I O I N O PHONE BLUE rj:i P.O. BOX 1194 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GF.NERAL CONTRACTORS Bullritng and Repairi of all kind ROOTS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES ni.Vk 334 Red P. O. Box 1170 B & W TPAtJSFER Dry Kindling Wwl p-r ;i k Random Length Fir PHONE RED 182 Cai.iicnoe Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. Wf.it (Prince Rupert Realty Co ) Phones; Oreen r,m D;iys New Residence Phone Number Red 804 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phme Blue 818 PO Box Sift 330 Second Avenue Prlnc Rupert, B.C. J only nine called On each team illOs niarka the end of thV Ladies League till the 1950 - 51 j season. '. ,. ; i Lineups: r ! I People's Budnleh '4. Howe 8,. 1 Bill. Busay, Thain'll, Duma 8.'' ! Pottle 2, Total 31.',', ' .'J j j Dom s. Hamilton'- 8. klldal;. j N. Younman 5, Currle X Ir. ' i Youngman. Paul, 8n1er 2,"W1I-. j Ham. Total 15. i i: I ! I PfAoinM r:;.l.' v CHIROPRACTOR J.ln F. f.. Hul), nr, Pb.C. 21-22 B. -nrr E'or k Phrm K1.1E 413 for Appointment (tin K 10 yj am t, UV) pm and 2 in 5 p m. I W.NO M'rrfla7 arxt K-.fay. 7 30 pm. for '1; r. RKOf.PTIOM.-iT in atwnO- MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS 11 FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. n:!lio P.olcrt.i nx fiSH Flume 357 VANCOl VLll VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., Chilcotln Tuewlny, 1:30 pm, Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON ' Sunday, 11 pm. OR NORTH QI'EF.N (TIAUI.OTTE ISLANDS m. Chilcotln March !7 arid 31 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ;is. Chilcotln March 24, 10 p.m. and 24, 10 p ro. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 508 This advertisement is not P'1' J P,nard or bytaff jWTiaiJi i . j Basketball Finals j VANCOUVER o West Point ,Grey Juniors v.on a sudden death ! British Columbia Junior Girl' basketball final asainst Victoria 1 9 to 13 Saturday while Vancouver Majorette advanced to Int lermediate "A" In the girls' final with a 39 to 30 victory ovef Vie a fishing esll owned by John ! Chrlstovltch Of Ketchikan, sunk last month, at the southern tip !0r prince of wales island, was recently raised by th U.S. coast tuard cutter White Holly and towed to Ketchikan. This advertisement is notitorla Hieh Scno"L of British Column published Or displayed! by the Liquor Control T, i i it i Board or by the govern - ment of Hl itish Colum- , . ',la- FEEL LIKE LOAfl t- P m 6.95 FOR HEALTH'S SAKE Try a Stcambath nt Northern Sports & Health Springs STEAM BATHS SHOWERS '. MASSAGE Open From 12 Noon to 8 a.m. PHONE 658 7 days weekly 6th St. i Srd Ave.