. : : 1 . S ! 1 : Princ Rupert Daily News Wednesday, March 15, l'Jiu Leod River Goal Canadian r Ottawa Children BX. Mills Are Hot Interested 'P-Egg Nut Stoker Potponcd to wWtor mecUa wf Chapter Wednesday ay Ma. Mar 22 22. 211 211 Women of the Moose, Wed. , 021 I Mar- 15- Initiation. Please bring Mrs. J. Lauri... mother of John ! your lecil,es- 62 Laurie, Kecui-h.v ffi - . Injured by Bomb ORDER TODAY : : -- -J """- VllllL- ,l at Tllrt me a I .... I .... a .. r-oi . J. u.iiaiy rsanquet 10- "iRlit. Broadway Cafe 7 p.m. s iurp. Dues may be paid at the dour. ve today aboard the Prince Ru-pt'it. She will Mum .... ..... W & McCAFFERY LTD. uifhhlli, , r TemP"ry OTTAWA f, Three children m"ef a 10 000 000 "rder and a mother were injured Mon-Innti f, , , aSt Umbcr by- the :flay when an Army thunder rtom ber c;"ro1 was cli-s: f'H bomb exploded in the home uft BdS fl0m m,1U lA !of Mr- a,,d Mrs. Kenneth Mac- British Columbia, Washington 'Laurin I and eSon were "too small to be I The explosion blew off the right ' ' .considered, control authorities hand of David, aged eight, wiiile . said New tenders are now beinj this brothers, Blair, 11 and Terry asked on a 135,000.000-foot order, 'two months, suffered f:,nh.i in. jed visit in this cily with hereon Bernard Allen ,.,,,.,.., 1 ....... t una. lamuy. r v- v l. .nun ' JK-r of, the Canadian National ! runways lor British rvv,ii.,.i,t., 1 ivtryUiiiig for the Builder" PHONE 116 Sacred Concert United arrived in the city """J on the Prince' v"u,,-. rilllilV. M'i ml. IT t 8J5 p.m. Comhinn,. ny",.. ', fSuJ"rt ay from Vancouver.1 "" " " juries. The mother suffered1 a Announcements lhlchJn- , , TI children had, apparently, S.O.N. Badminton Dance every 'picked up the bomb on the street " voices. Henry A Pluym at the ; t " fricial busil1, he will ; organ. Adults SOcf children ; 25c , ''" soulh tomorrow night, j ((h)i Sons of Norway ."members, .: . " escorts also Sonta members and Saturday night ! near their home. escorts are invited to a brothers' ; eveninz held on Werinpabiv is i St. Patrick's Yea Sale of home (Form P ) Certificate of Improvement. NOTICE at 8 p.m. r (62) cooking and card party, Catholic Hall March 16. . Kins Edward School P-T.A. Tea. Home Cookins? nnrl While A general meeting Rupert Local U.F.A.VV.U. Thurs., March 16. 7.30 p.m. Metropole Hall. All members requested to at- OR i Elephant Sale, Friday, March 17. j land neur Surf rVrnvT rrCher k" ine Is payabie In advance ;sif iprf.s 2e ner word ner Please refrain froui insertion, ar.15 NOTICE (h,.t t, . ...... United Church Home Cookintr "na. (63l TiM. m.i. rf.ird. Free Mi,,r- ACHING m MUSCLES r ' ----- , 'i.iiiuiji minimum minimum Li Notices 50c. Cards ot Thanks, Death Noticea, Sale at Thompson Hardware, ! - " uuftscmciii, Announcement! 12 tviiniat1- ;CIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE 2-,79SE nucule WO. I ';fTr,riXrcnGre - ButchersCafe--JTrc. M,ncr' crtificate No 30. i Fordcn & Anderson. Ltd. have darT i' ?dl Blxty ""w ,r(m the ' ' Prlces d specifications on elate hereof, hut not iu.o 1 lOn cr-i ... . No Daddy-Georgie hasn't gone home yet-that was just the refrigerator door you heard slamming." warcn , u to 4. , Prince Rupert Music and Drama Festival, March 22, 23 and 24. Lutherar. Tea and Home blilAM LOST ..... i mull one iiciuur ai, n I nr,iur i-acne yar. to nppiy u Uje M YfORY of HIV LOST nrn I- vi.j ..-1 Food and Beverage Coolers and. Ice Cream Cabinets. (65; 'John Conncry, on Sixth Ave. E 1302 Over AFTER WOIIK tir ILAV ARTHRITIS BEING NEGLECTED HERE Cooking, March 25. ,,v Marcn ioui, look. Phone Black 78 tfi-ii Prince Rurjert Svnmhonv Orch eift "Remem- '! estra Concert. Friday. March 31. i-pmfmhPlVfi t act m.. , . - A citv art.hrllis ii 1 f1crcy rnt Grass Fires . Are Nuisance Two more grass fires were extinguished by city firemen Mon-day. This brnuoht tr, wiraer lor Certificates of Improve-1 f purpose of oS,' And further take notice that ac-i tUm. u.,d,.r action 85. of the "Ml, , i fn?i .mUst 136 """""-"ced beJ lore n the Nuance of such Certif i- i eaten of Improvements. Itated t!,i 20th day of January1 the li-huance of such Certificate of Improvements. j ' i 8.15 p.m. Community Ratepayers' Association of Prince Rupert general meeting at the Common Lounge, Civic Centre, Thursday, March 16, 8 p.m.. All ratepayers' invited to attend. - (63) Isab I . i cf 'Canadian Leo Ion " Finder DTK E Relax in 9 soothing HOT MUSTARD BATH Mix 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of . Oilman's mustard in a little cold water and pour into hot bath. After bathing, give yourself a brisk rubdown . . . then off to ' bed for a good night's rest. Yonr muscles will relax with relief! lng the establishment of clinics for the cure of the disease in Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster, believes that Prince Kupert is being neglected, and he would like to see the establishment Of such a. serving In fhic White Elephant Sale Tea and Home Cooking at 2 p.m. April 1. Conrad St. School. Canadian Legion Easter Sale April 5th. Jobs Daughters Tea and Sale Of homecookiiiff. Anril fi at. the J-OST Set of uoner Denture, ! between Third Ave. and Sixth I St. Suiutav. Reward $5.00.1 Please return to Dailv Ne i Mr. and Mrs. son. David, at March 14. In L.uert General M. J. Sawmlers, local con- eras rs to seven within th' tractor, is sailing tomorrow night Past thl'ee days. First occurrence on the Prince Rirocrt. taklne with of the blazes bf IN THP KUHHKME COURT OP UltlTIHH COl.UWillA city. Recently the Dominion gov (G5) PtKJSONAtT" IN Hionvit; "ADMIN- IN THE MATTER OP THK I8THATION ACT' jhim a crew or ten men who will, since then, they have kept fire-' I be engaged In the construction . men busy. jof four new bridges on the Pac- At 1:30 p. m. Monday, a eras' ific Mills townsite. fire was extinguished ot Eighth ! You are invited to the Sham- fje "."' 'f?damase1 '-esu!t:-,rock Tea, sale of aprons na'l "yn at Second Avenue homernf.k-in,7 i,-, tv, r,hnun s. nd THANKS jvd Ebv and exuress their manv friends :tnri pxnres.'i- ernment presented the southern clinics a yeariy grant. The arthritis sufferer, among the many in Prince Rupert, feels that something should be done about the matter. . ' Mi If I home of Mrs. A. Mitchell, Fourth i Ave., West. Mission Band Explorers' program tea, Presbyterian Hall. April 6. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Tea, April 10. Cathedral Sale April 13. li.i in their re PLUMBING and Heatlmr - fc taJ, wV, k- Phone 543 or call ii 629. Sixth Ave West. H i-etourneau and Sons. (Ut OIL BURNER .SPECIALIST-?toe fa'Tviee and reixiirs G. D, Ronson. Black 006. (65) fOll RENT ""'-i' ti t jo p m. yesier- irrh ifi 16, Hall, THURSDAY, March 2.30 to 5.30. Bridge, whist and nriUKnn - I T-v I uay ana resulted in a large blaze , lit, li THANKS j ss our sincere quicKiy quenea Py firemen, IN THE MATTER OP THK ESTATE-OP ' SAMUEL BEU DKCEAKED Take notice that by order of His Honor JudKC W. O. Fulfon. local Judw of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I wns on the 3nl (lay of March. A I). VIM. appointed Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Samuel Bill, lute of Stewart. BntiKh Columbia, -who rlezl on the wih day ot Utcimbcr, 1849. at Prince Rupert, British Columbia. I St. Peter3 Spring Sale April Sam Massey Passes Away (62? ae Chief Larl Bkcr is not in the evening 8 " p urn t"- ,G2' ! allowing furtiit-r burning of grass For Friendly Service And Advice in Your Decker and his or rucDi.sn piles near dry grass. I FOR KENT-3-Hooms Phone Blue 668. NOTICE OF MEETING of the B.C. (rl finxtjivsiin Women of the Moose Novelty Spring Tea, April 19, in the new Moose Temple. upstairs. (63i Building, Insulation and fc all the others FOR RPMT r iv, . , All persons indihted Mrs. L Glenn '.The Kaien Consumers' Credit Union will hold their annual meeting at the Civic Centre, March 16, at 8 p.m. sharp. Pro- . iikiii iiuu.st Keen-1 -," ".."i lnir room. 530 Sixth W. 64l I """f . are ritpilnd to pay the amount a.vsMecl us m vs duiina the our uremLses and mollis. , " iiiu'-uiranris io me lortn- Samuel Massey, one of Prince Rupert's well known pioneers and for many years superintendent of the city telepnone department, passed away in North Vancouver late yesterday. His death comes as an unexpected shock to many nn and all persons liavinR claims Is President Decoration Problems tJM-: ISLAND CITY t BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies FOR RENT Board and room or room. Phone Black 660. tf pram and refreshments. Mem- UKinnst the said Estate are required IliKW LEE ti. file them wllli ' Presbyterian Spring Sale April 27. Orange Spring Sale and Tea, May 3. , , United Church Mothers' Day Sale, May 4th. Gyro Klondyke Night May 5. . Eastern Star Tea May 18. (62i f.el on or before the ' I5t!i nay of 11 "l'"" Bl'NT C,.ll FOR nni. tvnv. .".. lauine wnwn vtlli;u dlstribu IllSiTMlU ,UU,k,; Ol llVe OI- NAVIGABLE WATKRS protit J .''s- y10"" was Vvc I Ices. Modern . 'Cleril AlAHGAKET. It Ml I lid Funr rloor fident Of the Women's rn.1" here- c had suflered DPCl. AV TION ACT 111 CVerV res- '"' wl" lr n'de tiitvlnt; regard onlv 'allable March 1 to li,,ch cl,l,ls of winch I shun hav. O O. P. P Tllllrni- Tinker and onH Co bT". ""Ufied. 505 McBridc St. Blue 829 'llO lfl 57. j ordinal from a rheumatic condition in? Council at an annual meeting meetinar held held rorpnl.lv recently Mrs Mrs. latoly and recency had had a Ouven chKru.tto rni,i,r. i'ii' Sonja Tea May 13. series oi colds - lues and tubes. hereby give notice that they have. T. Boulter IVUS elected Vice-pre- Ltd. (tfi uated ut Prince Itupert, BC thu ... , 3rd Day f Murrh. lufto. WORK WANTFU - COKDON FliA.SEit fokhes. . if. Prlii Pii,w nr. Mr. Massev came to Prince R.n." iiex 1634, itiiaer ejection 7 nf tv f. ivk . . . , . edited with the Minister of PubHc ! " .! 'l treasurer pert first about 1912 and served J Prince Rupert Florists Flowers for All Occasions works, at Ottawa ' ' Jl 11 V,,J ali rt. Ilioilllj- and in the off ice o. the District Heliitut of Vne '1 difon and Mrs. A. L. llaine.s. overseas in World ,.,. War I, losing to CAPABLE WOMAN wants duilyt Jiouse-keeoimr or bubv .sltung.! Auulv Box (16'J. Daily News, tfi Admlnlstru.tor villi tlie will annexed of the Estate of Samuel Bell, deceased. (Of I Dodae Panel. i Rnv 'jm uemsiry District of Prince Rupert Elected as ' executive members a" cyc "nen wounaea in action. J00 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 lit Prince Kupert. British Columbia .......... .. , ..... He rptlirnpfl hon of far ihn o-nr 14 Blue 448! ft descrmi ii.n ..f o. .. .1.' jviis. 1. dOlieill. BITS. L,. ... .. . -"- " U2i ; KEAL ESTATE with his bride to resume his du EASE neuptic plans of a wharf proposed to be rjoirou and Mrs. A. S. Hamilton, biint 111 tiie wnu-rn of Massct Sound! A lartre attendance was pre-f1- Brtl"ih Columbia in front sent and '14 Indies- ruuus were of Lots Number M. 4 nnrl R ni.u.ir 01 . o t- IN THE SUI'KKME COUItT OF HHIT1SH COLUMBIA wi O.D. 10 motor with ard nioitrMl nes with the telephone department of which he eventually became superintendent. Three years ago he retired and later moved raPJUfJ ... - - -. .".1 rp irPVfn i Tlirt ,-.t-l imnr-c j....,. .,,T IIU.., JWW .1 WHY PAY RENT TO OTHERS'.' Choke lots are still available hrre so ulan vour future home on the lot vou choose now. Consult us for new NHA regulations: ulans. ideas nifl the I'scd only one And take notice that after tin. t work w as disvussed and com IN I-KOI1AII-; m News. (i',2i io Vancouver to taKe up iUtrJIHIf! expiration of one month from the mil tee reports were heard An daw of the first publication of this eddress was njVen bv retirlu" notice Queen ' ' Charlotte dinners . :,,,,. w In in tin the matter of the Adiiiinl.-itra- urooertv . most suitable for ,r ivlinder 7 h.u. A native of Scotland, Mr. Mas 1011 Act ' and vour lamiiv. Chooose your ,l jj The 1 Medicine jMTfk I I Radio lVi4r" - g I -J IS A TRIP TO I In tbc Limited will under Section 7 of the 11 .-. naiov.l no lias (.coniDlote. lie matter of the estate of Riul- (05) L-iUi IIIIIU OtNUINI AsruiN it HTi , noinc.site ami Duild later. J See Allan Aini-strom? at Arm . ni nald Herbert Johnson. Deeea.ierl. ui testate. Elrnil.. An,...n4.... Ill O A '" ( 7 A I ' in.v.v,- Lii.iv iiy uiutT Ol tlJS ''1V -UlLmtitvi t .Honor .Turk',. W o t'nto.i. l,.(.i said Art apply to the Minister of, teen in the chair for the past sey naa just reached 70 years of Public Works at his office in the j two years. age on the day of his death. He city of Ottawa, for approval of the ; : was prominent in Masonic circles K,te'uh!sdiHtnnd,.y of February, Moran of Premier arrived and was a past master of Tslmp-IP50 in the city on the Cuquitlam yes- scan Lodge here as well as a past queen charlotte CANNEits, terday from the north for a holi- worthy patron Of Belist Chapter, limited. day visit. Mrs. Morgan arrived Order of the Eastern Star. He By a. L. bimiison. ' ,.,, K ... ,., .. ,,. . ,. ... ... , '"'Vt to V)rlori ,Judi;e of the 1 .Supreme Court of f iueil. lotitrers. FOR SALE Two desirable lots! British Columbia. 1 was on the Bib risers $fii5.00 : .Fifih Ave., near Hospital.: tiny r March, a d. inao, aiiiointsi fi Pacific rirone a. tliHI Auministnitor oi the esi.au of CO.. Ltd.. 1400 j "" '' " " - UeRllillld Herbert .Johnson, late of Jncouvfrji.C. ' EXceotlonill Value In 4-roOlll Lo't-r Post. British Columbia, who (li) Manager. J'--01-1 t'laiit.' iiuiu vautuu- i uiau a. 111.11101 01 uic vuna- iver to join him. I dian Legion here. V- Suecialists wartime. On s-ove and hcawr. i on ine wn nay of October. IN THE KUPREMK COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Immediate CCtmancV Only ''. at Lower Post. British Colum- bia v Announcement Drs. R .G. and A. W. Large announce their office will be closed March 14th for the purpose of moving to the new location at 219 2nd Ave. Open March 17th. (65) mib KFfj'c Radio CLINIC Call Blue 992 90 Day Guarantee For Satisfactory Service ' 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 998 (63) foot Trollcr. (03 1 I IN PlIOIIATK $1000 down. Full price $2300. For this and other properties contact Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Green 29Y (cvesi. (62) I l!lnnli.in In the Matter of thc "AtUiiini.slratioii Act" and In thc matter' of the Estate of An ii tin. 1 P'S. DilK bi-i.w.. PY1D OATC r.- a 1 - ,yH unur. r uiia.Mii'u 5t-iouni drew Hansen, deceiied. Intestate. Take notice that by order of Ills Honor Judge W. O Pulton', local iU - ""'use wiui Dalll. Close to i i t . -" "' i-i -.ikj.ii. uu.s ana stores. I'lioni of Judge of the Supremo Court i; . . . V' c e i OMi. 1000 8U1 E. (621 All persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all pnrsons havlnn claims against the said Estate are required tzi file them with me profit rly verlflecl on or before the IMh day of April. Iuf0. fuilin which distribution will be made having regard i nly to sinii claims of which I shall have been notified. Oaled ul Prince Kupert, B.C. this Will Day or March. l!iji. KHNKNT EARL ALLEN, Ailmlnisf rator of the EsUite of Uegliiald HiTbiirt .foiiuson, fleceasi'd. Co Brown fii Harvey. " Prince Rupert, B.C. 0'J) British Columbia, 1 was on tin 0th ,asu''f!' stvl-1 - - - - I - Jf filers. FOR QUICK SAT.!? a nereal 72) land. arden. Iwu.s-26 bv 3(1.1 ii, raT .. ', nUle from TV-rraiM 423001 I'U-lc. hc:it.er ul-r urUeles': i ST day of March, A 1. IU5U. opHilntcd Administrator of the estate of Andrew Hansel), lute or Prince Kumi1, British Columbia, who died on thc hill day of December. 1!H!I, at Vancouver. Ili'illsh Columbia. All persons Indebted to the Raid estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forth-I with and all persons having claims , against the snld Estate are required j to file them with nie properly veri-I fled on or berore the loth day of ! April, lliraj. railing which distribution will be made having rouard i only to such claims of which I shall j have been notified. Have Seventeen 17 Seventeen Houses for vou to e house from. One of the.se may be the house you are looking for. We have lionises in every .sec Sl'e the B.CJ tf ('lieu lliition RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Used Cars and Trucks $435 Down buys 1 947 1 V2 Ton G.M.C. $445 Down buys 1948 Vz Ton Chev Panel $375 Down buys 1946 Dodge V Ton Panel with station wagon seating SPECIAL 1939 1 -ton International $300 total price courn-. Aiioly i. tion oi town. We have houses fully fur- 1 of Huwrt nisneti. tf I We have houses with small 'town uavinents ""'OWN KAiivc ; Dated ut Prince Rupert, BC this ' " . . Delicious creamy Jd mashed lM potato 7 are i can t,,r 1 Shovii? i '''''i .,1S k,10W 'hat vou h .Ad m Al tt'l for-Mavlje I ith day of March, lf0. GORDON FRASEIt FORBES !'U Bros B.C. M;ihiti.n. Prince Rupert runieniDer wnen vou tliluK m houses think of MONTADOR vour friendly aoent. at Administrator of the estate of An-1 drew Hansen, deceased (07) ! Incr.L.lV.'1- 1-7 . ROBERT E. MONTADOR LTD .. i MITICI; TO CON I K V TOItH Sealed tenders will lie received up to noon. March atltlt. 1HWI, by the uuclerstifned, for tiie const ruct ion of au Office and .Stores Building at (00) 'Wk: ""Mrs Nelson (,.,, ... r Sttx-kulle .il. Rife p,t. FOB isALf, quern Charlotte- Cily. B.C. Plans and snecll leal Ions may in one Jf , be iinos; Na- OC'lllioi-, i obtained from the District Forester. Prince Rupert, the Forest Kangr i t fOR SALE 3 hand saws. 1 new brace. 1 claw bar, 1 wall electric hair cliiioer.s. McNeil, Jm-v's Barber Slioo. (G3i Queen Charlotte City, or the tmd minute Villi. sl&rnerl. lltlotl a deposit of lilts-' Ma,Iiai P feiiii m r- timvev.irs Natlmil and tieundalile upon return of plan l'im, X... condition. 'v Pi, i v.. xni R lite ol LAM) IIM iISTKY ACT . lie: Certificate ol Title No. 4!ia-I to! Lot Eight HunthX'd and Sixtv-flve1 ' A'' IBOoA). Rllllgc Five (51. Const i District, satd to contain One Huu- dred and Kixty UtiOl acres, morel or less; excepting thereout any! portion of the Hlcht-of-Way of the S Dominion Telegraph Line, having n j width of one Hundred (100) feet, 1 which may lie within the bound-1 urics of these lands and excepting' also the Kialit-ol-Way of the Grand Trunk Paclllc Railway, containing I Nine Decimal Two Bis (U.20) ncrci,. more or less. j WHEREVs satlstuctnry proof of loss' of tiie above Ccrtiiicate ol Title Issued ; In the name of George Hamblv has been filed In-this office, notice Is' nil en i . . t .a SALE 2-ton Chev Durai) specif leal Ions in good com ruck. Good eoilflition Phone ithln thirty days of thc d Re led 963 after 6 u.m. (07 , "i"'""1'? f""''- , . j I'loirli.u Tenders u'lll will mil not 1... be cons (ti rc, i. f " A" illllrli-rfi.l DRESS BABY for the EASTER PARADE Dresses Rompers Nighties Ankle Socks Spring Sweater Sets . Urn bj.r 2., x 10 s. Used !' fall H2V FOR SALE-1D42 Chev in good Klnioo. Healer, defroster, srnt covers. Coinoletelv Insured. Must hn .....LI cii'ir. on l-ii.w.b This creamy, doliri HIRC'SALLYOUDO ttli unless made out on the lorui supplied and signed unit a deposit of 1(1 percent of the tender H enclosed. Cheques of the unsuccessful tenderers will be rel'urned when the-contract is awarded. The lowest, or any tender not. peccs- mashed potato it n Wail until 78a. iis7i ; I). Hi.,. ' .i wniii ninnar tm mm -r w Panel . r-. to prepare! French' fft,t,S FQR SALE .Tmlll..., K., T ....v.. ii.i.uy hereby given t.l.eil that tOlll. I 1 SI ahull, at the ex o.iiii, ..... . ., , ... 1, Nn 9 al,n ri.... in .... tf Tenders must ne submitted in ine pirai.ion of one month from the dele : euv-lope marked "Tender for the of the first publication hereof, issue All at your own Kill' lie,) ......... dinnw fi reody to srv: th bring torn salted water to a brisk boil, , add milk and French's Instant Potato according to simple directions on package. Stir lor a few seconds until potato has thickened, odd butter and whip nfil light and Hurry. ami . , " ' i i construction of an Ollice mid btorcs n Provisional Ceitlllcate of Title in I Tir L mi. niuc lid ... Write P.O. Box 1404. (07 FOR SALE -Good -.size" bod viit i .vui lntr, uijjo neW sorinu mattress. Half urice. Phone Illue 0U8. (621 Building at Wueeii Charlotte City. Potato it made from top-quality potatoes precooked For you! Jutt follow these easy directions and in I minute it ready best mashed potato you ever afel 0 ? HASVG Mo. ih ,,VA (63 1 B.C." C. I). ORCHARD. ' Chief Forester anil Deputy Minister of Forests. Prbniarv 28. 1M50. lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in. the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. Dated at the Land Registry Orricc. Prince Kupert, B.C., tills iiOth day of Februnry, tur.o rt. ' ! ANDREW THOMPSON, (74) Deputy Kcgistrar of. Titles. ' '""VWOoVP.t,.!. FOR SALE Double bed .with RnvtllTr ...111. ...t neVir uluiOLI WiUI IlllliOl I " (66) West or Parllnment liuildlniss, (62) Victoria, B.C. . (C5)v nhone 543. ST. PATRICK'S 1 vmmm n civic 'centre - Everybody Welcome