CABS PROVINCIAL LIB3ARI, VICTORIA. B. C. 119 IAT 3150 OMT DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER voiPUvlvd f Conado's Mo$t Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 -lZiriXXIX' NO- C2 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Most .Hislk-Hiiisli .Dele ID) ods Call ins Halt in He Ith S ervice rr Poland is Outlay JyPes of Warfare Of World Bank Are Discussed at Ottawa Washington d. c Russ-' OTTAWA (CP) Most hush-hush defence eon-T;TXIXl't:itx' 0ttawa has known since the opened to- Gov't Sustained In Third Crisis U-Tto,.,r eovmimcm last night rT. m(lT . . " " id Conservative attempt m the House 01 .i c m. - m .. I 1 48-country financial institution ; uay- underlines the iact that Lanaria has niueUv 'TXSn3 l'drsey in secret stepped into the front rank. o upset me swiauHi ic-yiiiie. me lonesi Ai Allied studies on bacteriolorieal or srerm warfare. Lily attacked Labor spending policies. The , LC IICI I U lnc bank since it was organised in 1945. It Is understood that Poland , : ' " i ' ' ' I - ' f 'W.y.Jf i mm - vv - x m o The second scientific confer t censure by opposition leader Winston !p t, vas defeated JJOS to 289, giving Labor "! T flltfir r , nas aiso quit me worm moni taiy iund, a swler institution to the Is Speaker To Biz-Pro Women ence, sponsored by the Department of Defence Research i Board, was launched under such stringent secrecy precautions j that no one would even say ! where it was being held irgin of 18. bank, but there is no inii.irdi;n! statement from the fund. The bank was set up afte; the war to finance war-damaged 1 countries and aid In the develop- ' Tuesday evening, the Business In attendance are Canadian, American and British scientists, .alive a1 tack a n e d al La'jnr':. ,ie country's vast leaders of which extra appnmia-amuunts of their Admitted VANCOUVER lv A seven-page pencilled letter, which had been smuggled out, ol Okalla Prison bv and Professional Women's Cluhl Steel Controls In Canada Off ment or backward counUies. i experts in radar, germ, gas. held its regular monthly dinner Arctic, physcoloprical and other meeting in the Civic Centre. After forms of warfare. Toy Returned, dinner the group adjourned to i . the lounge to listen to a very in- resting and enlightening add-'C.P.R. PASSENGER ,rcs3 by F. E. Anfleld on "Indian A . . . . ,, 'Education." Mr. Anficld's add-! 1 KA,N DtRAILED Cash Restored At was taken. Si?; OTTAWA ?-Uon C D Howe Frederick Roger Ducharme, was chancellor ; nllmsU.,. ut trade, announced to-!?UlnitU!d as evidence yesterday told the House of day lhat fedcra, gleel contro)sin the 34-ycar old laborer's trial. It. would be railed wm. come to an end March 31. 1 The lL,Ucr. wbich was addressed or the National Mr H(jwe said n a slalcment!to the editor of a Vancouver He also wavnc-J that Steel Controller D A Jones !ncwsPaper. was read to a hushed ress was followed by a question ! period and a discussion of Indian ' education. , I DISCUSSION INVOLVES $2.950.000,000 Secretary of State Dean Acheson and E.C.A. Chief Hoffman have a.sked U. S. Congress for $2,!)0,OCO,000 to speed European recovery, block communism and secure world peace by halting Russian aggression. Left to right, discussing the implications of the move: Tom Connally, of the Senate Foreign relations committee; John Koe, economic co-operation administrator Paul G. Hoffman, and Secretary of State Dean Acheson. VANCOUVER (PiThe last two ears of a westbound Canadian Pacific Rnlluau nntyimirnr i-oli r.ts u, auMve ... un uuw i, wU, reslgn hjs post and relurn to private industry. L , 101(1 of Prkin8 "P Feme ...... .. . . Hllinehl Fifchpr ,n h tii..K ,f A small boy, whose fancy had been captured by the sight, of a gaily colored miniature of a western sheriff (gun holster and a'.li, entered a local news stand yesterday, and producing $2, made a purchase. Not long after, the lad returned, accompanied bv his uar- A drawing for a camera and a; were derailed last night thirty marine lighter resulted in C. miles east of Revplstoke bu no Danllc of Smithers, with ticket passengers were Injured C P It number 3G, winning the camera officials said the train would brand B. Pawlucki. with ticket delayed about five hours. No number 257, winning the marine reason is knnun fr th r;niii! Is icrimnauon or steel controls Z " v; """ results from an estimate of the Nuvcmbcr 8, being intimate with; Department of Trade and Com- 'her all.d BTabbl8 hw as she be- ' mcrce that the world shortage '?'"T "yf11 then burn-; of, steel, whith became critical "B her clothes afUT she had fled i in 1040. is now at an end. lnc OlrecUon of Burrard Ihick ents. Seeing what the child had lighter ' ment. had In his possession, they a.sked , j quest ions and discovered he had PROMINENT VISITOR ; . oucei Diiugc. p on Nurlliern Big Business Ducharme is charged with the nr Anticipated JL 0 ; murder of Miss Fisher, aged 45, ;vnihi; M iui-iiuue Dooy was re-j 'covered from False Creek near Co-op Sales, Applewhaite at Aylmer . See More of Canada Particularly Skeena, Skeena M. P. Advises i" liaviiiH readier! three feet owintf downtown Vancouver November I Prince Edward Island Chief Justice Recommends R.CM.P. exceptionally cold j j obtained the csh at home, then I gone out and made the deal. "Pa" land "Ma" could not possibly approve of a transaction like this,' 'so the three went at once to the-news stand. The situation was explained. What the youngster ! bought, was returned, and the j rnll rOQlf.forl Tliom n:nrn nli.i.l.i ' a after the attractive spinster had ' disappeared the night before. Production break-up on I hi' lis expected this There is no reason to lielieve that policing of j,;ig In Johnson j , liiwillor ol the vil- ' 1 nilco Kupt rt rihliermen's Co-;lle. who has bo. ti "ix ';"iivc A-ssociation, in annual 1:11m tin- nasi lew here. were, told by the !of things more needed around British Columbia by the Royal Canadian Mounted ! Police should not Drove satisfactory, commented th AYKMKK, Quebec (Cl')--A plea to Canadians j howe thaa tcY snciilL auditors that the A.siciation's Tense Debate Over Defence t tie tliii !y players l iie fame to Pi in"e TODAY'S " STOCKS hales of fish, oil and stores total-fed 53,000.000 in the fiscal year, ending October 31. This wan a! t'K nh llir Green - ' ic native uasket- jio travel more in L anatla andjearn at linst Hand ol ; the wonders of their' own' counfry, particularly the northwestern iart of Uritish Columbia, was made 'by Edward T. Ap)lewhaite, M.P. for Skeena, who Vancouver 1 'decrease of iippioxiiiiately $!)00.- . They havellerl from CiMenvillf Parliamrnl Rcjrett I'roposal Of General Pcirkes 000 due, it was explained, Ut the i weak market in vitamin oils re- ! suiting from the importation of! la distance of ten j was the guest speaker last night at a meeting: of the iats pirk'd tlicin $ cu in K it reialt ia fc'iiee the Nju. , oils by the United! OTTAWA - MaJ. Oen George R. .States and increased production Pearkes V. C. M. P. for Nan-of synthetic Vitamin A. iniimo, eicmaiicJcd in the limine ! While value was down. Droduc- of commons yesterday a Par- Hayonnc 04 Bralorae 90 B H Con ' .1)2 B R X (15 Cariboo Quart 1.25 Congress New .25 Hedley Masoot 2 Pacific Eastern 0G Pend Oreille 5.10 Picnccr 3 30 Premier Border 03 Privateer 12'v Kotary Club of this city. MX Applewhaite .'poke on - Biiti.-h Columbia, with special r I reference to the northwestern Unnn llOmArar f:' cvrr belure b 'cn B.ickni'; lit Clri .tn- I is usualiv ret iid- 'Hn of fish unci liveio by the -l-amontary cummitU-e be set up .:ood thiekne Co-op during the year waa 14.-' studv Canada's delcnccs. Tio was, supported by members of t it is possible to 20.rj" pounds, about tne same Armamenl Race other Opposition Bruce Wright. C. C. F., Melfort. S:is- (1 sleigh on the ;as Uie 1848 season. t!i:it l: i linn., llti j Tim A mi u-I :i 1 ii ni it Inproncn Hon. Thane. Campbell, former -Premier, and Chief (Justice -of .Prince Edward Island, who along with : his charming wife, are Prince Rupert visitors for the i day. I The Chief Justice, who arrived i 'here this morning from Van-;-.. , f t t i i couver on. the Prince Ruuert.'lhjr 7ll lJanian (stated his province has been llllJ Will I If UillWU policed by Uie R.CM.P for the mhi llf'jL ft i I ipast 18 years. He believed no V1K Wh MlKh I need exists for two police or-j1 ! II Mil I IUJII ganizations in one province. Tlie couple arrived in Vancou- A fid timer who likes to vcr seme time ago from Mont- contemplate the jsrace and real to attend the Brier Curling 'beauty of sea gulls, often goes a tournament held recently in little further. The otiier morn-Vancouver. He is trustee of the,i"B. he hoisted his window away Brier Tankard, a curling trophy. Hip, and threw out odds and ends H highly praised the western of food always acceptable fo and .said he and his wife RiiUs. A partly full carton of milk fully enjoyed the trip to Prince stood on the. window sill. This Rupert. They leave aboard to- trull was quick'to finish anything night's train for Edmonton en- in sight in the way of breakfast, route to their home at Summer- It'also tried to fly away with the side on Prince Edward Island, milk evidently feeling he needed The Chief Justice thinks Prince something wherewith to wash Rupert is a fine city and hopes down tho solids. Hut the milk, that somed.iy lie will bo bl to instead of being poured over make a return trip up tlits coast, mush, splashed on the muskeg. fc" depth of winter, its sharp freezing facilities from ,T,.y, ' part cf the province. He traced the early history of the province, .showing how gold had been responsible for the first opining up of nearly every dis-J trict. - ; He gave a full account of the early history of Queen Charlotte Islands and conducted his listeners on a personal tour of Skeena district. ! iee still being so II. Mr. Russ thinks 75,000 to 100,000 pounds pv day,WUI by the installation of additional ! The proposal was defeated 100 equipment in the existing plant, to 51 alter tense debate. fill be well beyond ol about the end Iteeves McDonald 2.0G Reno 04 ?4 Sheep Creek 1.08 Siibak Premier 32 Taku River 13 Vananda II Salmon Gold 0G Spud Valley no Oils Anglo Canadian 3.D5 A P Con 24 Atlantic 1.40 VATICAN CITY W Pope Pius declared in a world-wide encyclical tiiat the armaments race leaves "the souls of all fearful and suspended." He called for a "crusade of prayer" on Passion Sunday, March 26, to Invoke of God "opportune remedies to prevent evils." Normal Spring Anticipated u7 CI J j The people of Canada would : have to get behind a collective security program, but there was i uncertainty new as to what was: expected of Canada, General ! Pearkes said. , llie general questioned if pre-; .cent naval policy was along the 'right lines and if there was ef-. ieetivc co-onlination tx tweet! j Army and air force. He Ntmivsl- led that equipment for Arctic fighting was u'iow .standard. Heart. Failure Killing Many uck .no 0.80 1.07 A I II PASSKNCJKHS The '.'.etHTal outlook for a nor-! mal sprine. In c ntral British Col-' oni'ilii. In, m the viewpoint of j I lie ch.tnv.o of w asuns is favor-! able, .-ays .St'i erintendent C. A. IJerner. (Uinadian National R.ill-' wmvs uli'i reli.viu'il few rhivs n(rO IGNIiON -Far mure Amed - A. pi Vancouver (today) n.on j --- ' Cahncnt C & E Central Lecltu; .... Home Oil Okalta Pacific Pete Princess Royal Canadian it killed liv heart attacks Beam, C Nichols, W. Umby. Miss ' lrali in B. Blake. Mrs. S. Vlckermaii, F. Chase, J. Keay, T. Finale, O. Smith. Mr. Tadel. G. Brown. in middle -age than Brill: -h. Statistics prov this. At th ' I nn ii viKii. ol" 1 General Dn w charged the Ci nipareU with this time a year RoyaUte , 9.10 Toronto mlnlsler or national der?ee with attempting to mislead tlve nuhlic. in saving that Canada had I lie highest proportion of let planes In the world and refused to wlhdraw the statement. 07 I SMvWi A CIS t 5 Athona age ot 57, 'for exaiupl?, nur From Vancouver (Tuesday I than 30 per cent more Amen- R Blackwell, T. McCaskell, T. cans pass away, than Britons. r;n)V,.-e, e. Hagen. L. Nelson. P. This is shown by Arthur Pedoe, Kennedy. N. McLaren, J. R. Wells, an insurance actuary. It i.s Mr BranhaiH. claimed to be dup tho strain ol Fmm SaniKpit (Tuesday) modem living.' Mlfi n Hcjm snA lwo children, Never before, lias physical toil m1s. m. Anderson, Mr. Lebenl- ago, tlin snowfall at this end of 'he railway Is tar less but licit to the .ame decree. The same Is true of regions nearer the Rockies. "As to lil-h water, or posD!'1 Hood conditions between now find the coniir.K of summer, thnt. 'if course cim.'.ol be foreseen," aic' Mr. Bynrr. "Ut to the ;re- Aumajue ...... Bcattie Bvcourt -. Bobio Buffalo Canadian Con. Smelters Richards Gets Seven Days 94.50 been so greatly reduced for the csolf, Mr. Brlngsly. .rank and file, nor has labor . i" an Hour i Two R A F. four-I's crashed withi.i 1 today, killing 11 I. were Lincoln bomb-Id versions of trie tasters and nuw boiubing shlpo. f ee, -invd about, 'inewi.enapiiu t a.L.i.g fh0l)l "7 at Uemswcil ,1'ivc crew members f Uie sixth was In- ! f'ash came almost i another Lincoln f Wt'lsh moimtaln-I'kne.,.;. The plane ? teel tip u;i ;i,c 'ld Llewelyn, 3.4H4-f Snowdon, Wales. Conwest 1.07 Anthony Richards was yester- ent. nlKht. have enntinued cool, day sentenced to seven days In .30 Donalda 8 Eldoua East Sullivan Old Country been ;o richly rcw-mtcd, uui. never before has there been such a rcord of early and fatal: heart attacks. This may be the : with days ph'asMiit. Should heavv city Jail on a charge of driving rains come, and spells of warm a vehicle while Intoxicated. The weather awuear. whv then. It dcision was handed down by Giant Y'Knile bootball 4irlcc of a higher standard ol wo-Md not. ho Tiireasonablc to ex-1 Judge W. O. Fulton in County t iIvln,, It is more than noise,. 5 15 0.00 .33 .36 .05" i .oen, .07i:, .(in1 1 ,vnurt. speed and efficiency. It. is a ! The case was a crown app-al ! key)d up tate of mind and j from an acquittal by Magistrate body WMrtncr j u,P office, as-; Scottish Cup Replays Aberdeen 1, Queen of the South ! thF WEATHtR 7 H. F. Olassey last fall. Richards , 5fmblv line, whether al 'work Kvni:nsis Raith Rovers 1, Rangers 1 An active storm lay lust west of jwas alleged to have driven ma 0r ut play ! the Queen CharlotU' Islands this car on tne nmce Kup-ri-roi i r Edward highway Oct.. 10 while in-t morning and it will move Inland TOR lUKIUKt; TURF o-Mhe south coast tonight. Ruin itoxicaled. and strung southeast gales are Judge Fulton coinnienl.ed that , . r . in- I incadliig over the British Col- any evidence presented by police AAvritrpa Mail StriDDefJ. Paintfid IVIUIIII C O I IVlOII JUIJJjJCU, I OIIHCU umbia coast in advance of (his was as reliable as any tesllmony ' Tfci.. filt1 f ri& mtl ING God's Lake i Hardrock . Harrlcana Heva Hosco Ja"knifc ...v Joliet Quebec . Lake Rowan Laoaska Llltle Long lAir. ... I.vns Madsrn Red Luke McLeod C'oekiliiilt Moneta -.. No-U:: ... NoiatifH Iiooviconrt Pickle Kan An'oni Henator Ro'tvn Shcrrit Gordon . .. SteenHo ck St urgeon River Silver Miller Upper Canada 1 jliwriuhts This is the first In anew series o uoci.or uuiunni luuo- rgij jjuy IlilUYYII UQICI V WCII KENNEDY .(,'. .riRi ", j -.1)4 j .5(1 .17 " i 1 .50 (38.75 J .19 I 1 3 .2G1-. j 2.13 n0 1 .83 I 3.65 lng arrest of Richards. CATHOLICS WANT I , t '3--' X f! , Ncgru Flash" vs. Itlllierl. LEOPOLD BACK Centre Morch 17 M NTKKAL, tP.'-' A 4&-yenr-old father of livejChildren charged today that he had been held up, painted red and Uicn roasted in the nude by five men who stuffed him In a bake ovn. The complainant was Charles Edwa'rd Roy who swore out warrants yesterday for the arrest, of five persons who allegedly beat, and tortured him Monday. Detective Captain Bill Fi'lzpati kk, chief of Montreal's homicide squad, confirmed that the warrants had been issued and font' persons arrested. A fifth is sought. Roy said he had been kept captive-in a 10 by C foot bake oven at. a temperature ot 180 degrees for eight minutes. The attack, lie said, was carried out on the order of the boss of the five men whom he said had been interfering with his home life. of storms. Another disturbance iNmi, 1001) miles off the coast promises to bo even more active h i'i the first. Rain and strong winds will be general along the coast the next lew days. Korecast ' North Coast Region Galo warning continued Rain today and Thursday. Little change in temperature.- Southeast gales. 41, miles per hour, shifting to .south 30) this 'evening! Southeast Kales (5oi developing Thursday afternoon. Lows tonight and phs tomorrow at Port Hardy. W and 45; Sandsplt and Prince lipcrt, 35 and 45. BRUSSELS -The Social Christ-Ian (Roman Catholic) party, which forms the largest group hi Belgian Parliament has called for speedy action to brim; King Leopold back to the Throne following the plebiscite Suniny which it says was decisive. The party would call both houses ot pari anient back into Immediate joint session to bring the present reguiv to an end. 1 iiminary EouU c t'u. Steam Baths, ? & Watoon Island 50 (if.m.rul DETERMINED MUSHKR It has taken Cecil (Mush) Moore nearly four months to make the first 1.G00 miles of a projected 5.000-mile trip by dog team from Fairbanks, Alaska, to LewUstou, Mr., but he's still determined to make it. Moore is shown with his dog team at Dawson Creek in northern British Columbia. He left Fairbanks Nov. 14. (C. P. Photo) LOCAL TIDES I Thursday, March 10. 195(1 High 0:24 19 1 feet 12:16 20 0 fet, Low 1:17 8 8 feet; 18:39 35 feet.