1 .TRADE LICENSES Decoroting Prince Rupert Daily New Wednesday, March 15, 1950 1 1 .. . , May Die On Going Home ARE GRANTED . . .villi r Ft MA healLh. social assistance, DOliee n ' ' 1 1- p V, c IJ I and -licensing committee, city INCREASING j;5 233 Hh SI r .VANCOUVER 0 Home coming may mean death for two deserters from the Spanish Nuvy: who have been ordered deported ' JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST r M P. s William Scuby left for Van- council Monday night approved I couver by plar.e'today for a brief six tradt licenses. They were: 1 A large attendance of members j business trip i Northwest Builders, eontrac-( and friends were present at a 1 M. J A Rctherford 1045 1 t0r3' ' reguUr Saturday night dance ' Avenue, Is leaving soon for a visl M: B Jaclc and Grace Wins' of Uie Sons of Nol'Wy Badrr.in- it to her former home in Ensland. . retail dry eoods- ton Club in tiie cons or Norway j from here. Expecting to obtain visas to. akeOver C. Police Four ,p.MM ,. ..! lCUJ"ei' ?? Hall. Gatherings at dances are!! j Vancouver lelt the city by plane I Green & Bridden, retaii build-. increaM"S? reported by lunay iouowmf a check of the ers' supplies. "e ol u,e memoers. music 'Ouaiem.ila and sanctuary at any moment, Enrique, Montenegro and Angela Parra, both 20, were given twenty minutes notice to j leave Canada last night. I "They probably will be shot or 'imprisoned for life," said a member of the Spanish Refugee JeUn Bulger Ltd; Third Avenue -n't ticaT LIE'S company s Canso at Seal Cove. ; Golam Rabul, hot tamales. was supplied !y Mike Colussi mev were T. Finnie. G. Smith,, The.latter is subject to appro- and his accordion. I u. orown and j. Tadel. i val of the medical health officer 'BURGERS T A fir? danp.er, In the event of t further Ion continued dryilJ.S Senate May MARCHAND " was removed vesterrtnv OIL HEATERS) 1 Stall Statehood I It w;: in the iorm of acres of Classified nd, wins results. Advertise In the Vuh News: VORTEX OIL BURNERS I , mm'5 'rvPd MILLIE'S pn, ,.l..m. DART, hand Unrl Sixth Rivii, Strc-ts. oi..i It . was . burned. . swung ueuei jii suiuc nuust ' luirrt Avenue k. Order B'ue 92 IRON FIREMAN STOKERS ( Plumbing; & Heatinjj Alteralior CMITU 0 nilUf irn under supcrviMon. ;nor Hawall stalehood bills Robert Gfble Is the winner of De approved by the Senate. Av a Tree trip to Vancouver in a con- itnev Present different problems test by a Vancouver newspaper. tnev wi" not necessarily be stud- ne win matte Ihe trlD to Vancnii- llu wKemer. ESTATE 1 "-f- "--.,-.. T? I KMKK JW jriim a llimiu Liy. PHONE 174 BOX JRi ' 1 Tt'o hticlriAoa mien tn aHvurtlco RANCE ver at Easter and take part in a jamboree at Hotel Georgia. Patrick Roueeau was second nnr, 'Don t bo silly! Why wait for a train at this hour when Fred can drive you straight to your door?" J vie tax iwon a ftosh en mora outfit. ' PREPARED had its monthly meeting a few Mrs. Wighlman I0KT1MEK Indian Superintendent F. E Anfield was the speaker today at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club., dtscussine nl(;ht.i ao at her home. Other new officers or the Chap (Near CF1'K .wrare: First Vice-Regent, Is New Regent Mrs. II. M. WiRhlman Wighlman n Mrs. fbspiYjurr Qood Food For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dkhrft Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Rex Call e ind Ave. Opp. Rupert Hotel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders Eric HaliIax history In an lnlerestlnK j manner. President A. J. Dom BarU)n- presided inate was In the chair and there : ........ . j i . . n . . i t-. . . . as regent of Duchess of Edin- & SONS Durgh Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, which htractori REMODELLING ett Magaw. bers with a few guests. Secretary, Mrs. Neil MacDon- . , . aid. Three city drivers were each Assistant Secretary, Mrs. R. W. fiven a month's suspended sen-Whidden. tence ln cltV Po!ce court by Mag- Ireasurer, Mrs. Frank Hicks. W' D" Vance yesterday. Elucational Secictai y, Mrs. i The cnarKe ' ere laid by police Douglas Stewart. . March 9 when the drivers fa'led Standard Bearer, Mrs. A. B. to sto" at me approach of a fire Stiles. truCK- At that date, firemen re- NDATION8 New & Better Service I help you plan ! 193 , home under .A. Eiuht new members were wel- "iJO"oea i" a call at the Yacht tf M3 Box SM Club. The three men were Louis Astoria, John H. Currie and Jack Caron. -I night & day f 133 UNITED CARS 123 I Stand: Cow Bay corned at the meeting. Final plans were made for a rummage and home cooking sale to be held March 18. Delicious refreshments were served and the monthly raifle was won by Mrs. H. Tudge. i r i 1 r nn Grass fire continue to be fire men's source of calls. Three were extinguished yesterday and no damage resulted. The first was at 1 p. m. at 1032 Ninth Avenue East At Ald?r Park, olf Fraser Street at 1:30 p. m. yesterday a grass fire ignited ..a clump . of brush. Final call of the day wa.s to Eighth Avenue West at Dun-rrtir where a unall fire was ex4 tlnguished b ythe department at 0:45 p. m. .. . : Clearance Sale WALLPAPER In order to make room for our 1950 patterns we are now-offering our 1D49 patterns at . 50 OFF ! I v P"he Thrifty, Easy . t Jw'"- Way to Shoo I ( 'ZZ I Canadian Education Week March Slh to 11th Education Every bodys .' Business Spring and Sumn.er II I VVll I yb CATALOGUE t Phonn 311 f W 9 0 3R0ADWAYCAFE EATON IU U rr n f ORDER OFFICE TI ji finest Cooking t i i i t i ii i fr " . i Hourt 7 a.m. to I a m Take-Home Orders Phone 206 LANARK MEMBER Dr. W. G Blair is Progressive Conservative member of the House of Commons for Lanark. Born m that Ontario riding In January, 1890, he was first elected to parlaiment in 1945. . Canadian lUhishij ' Ay' i I --" - I i : 1 OWN WITH SHAVING (CP Photo) Tin's advertisement is not published or displayed by the" Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. ' Timely ' Recipes N THE GYRO ; LOWING CONTEST TODAY pS; Mate MAIL ORDER SHOPPING : J Thriftiei More Convenient " f-fL Ppen to Everyone Enter Today tnTs must be clean Shaven when entering SHRIMP AND UK ; Rl.;e dishes, always favorites, are particularly good at the nten season for rice Is a "natural'' . with sea food.' . ". " ' linredients ' : ; ' 4 cups cooked rice. C ' i unall can tomato puree 10 - -i fhiKed out - with Vi ': can itizrs JUNIOR CHAMBER ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE Friday, March 17, Civic Centre Space Courtesy THOM SHEET METAL ENTER NOW ATi JERRY'S BARBER SHOP CAPITOL BARBER SHOP 0.00 io.no 0.00 No Entry Charge. vat?r.v: ! 1 . pint shrimp conked and PONTEST CLOSES MAY 5TH GYRO KLONDIKE NITE leaned I. 1 can tomatoes 2-'i) . - 1 sweet pepper. 1 onion minced. 1 clove sarlie, finely chopped. 4 drops Woichestershiie sauce. Salt and pepper to tfste. Put 2 cups of while ike, 2 'caspoons salt and 4 cups cold water in a lare saucepan. Cover PHONE 79 PHONE 79 Truly a Treal. The wide variety of delicious CAKES will amaze and please you at m I I? with a fight - fitting lid. Set over a hot flame until it boils vigorously. Then, reduce the heat as low as possible and simmer for 14 minutes more. I: Make use of EATON'S Order Office Services! Consult the new Spring and Summer Catalogue there, or PHONE YOUR ORDERS IN if you wish! Save on C.O.D. and other charges by sending your order through the Order Office RUPERT BAKERY LTD. tttaUarr llltaritranj l During this time the rice will absorb the water and come out deliciously tender. Remove the lid to permit the rice to steam dry. Lift rice with a fork to test its consistency. Never stir rice while cooking and the grains will be separate tnd tender. This makes about 6 cups arjd picking ,the goods up there! i REXAIR NOW HERE 3-iu-l Meclian-leal Housemaid 1 ' ' , HOURS 1 !ekd c-f fluffy rice. Mix Ingredients (except shrimp, tomato puree and rice) in heavy black skillet and Simmer, cov Jri I tin I W& It IT DUSTS ; IT MOTHPROOFS IT ATOMIZES IT SHAMPOOS RUGS IT SWEEPS IT PURIFIES IT CLEANS IT DEODORIZES IT HUMIDIFIES IT SCRUBS i m I rnone ,w - f 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. ered, for thirty to forty minutes, j Add tomato puree and Vj can of i ' water and cooked, cleaned shrimp,;. Heat thoroughly. Taste i add more . salt if desired and ' Phone Today for Free Demonstration 1 10 !)ih E. G. A- Gustafson Black 990 eetand third avenue f j EATON C - WESTERN LM 1 serve at once over hot steamed rice. Tills will serve 4 persons. ! LIMITED