Prinrr Rupert Dailp f?rtns LETTERBOX Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections 1 1 ta li, jep-iiiirfii otnt tn-asfi jwf utMW to i!.e iit.iii ;'nt uf -nnre Riipm 4i ..-,, fntiiinir- ( oiiif"-1111? nurTiterii mid c-fntiai Umtjmi i nj!iihi t A ul !,! U-H II rbTuiMl t !l:Jl Mall, fufct. orriri !-rllllflll. OttaWal "' PiilillshtKl rTf ofuriKKiii except Sunday ttv frUm Uuprt Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince 'ijTt. HrltUh Columbia. O. A HVNTER. Manii'Mng Editor. H. G PERRY. Mnnaelng DlrerUir. MtMt'.KR OP CANADIAN PHKSS - AtTDTT Bl'HKAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATKS """'Tlr C'RoSJfc'S SI IlKKNUlUl Editor, Daily News: The recent account of the surrender of General Cronje of the Boer Army reminds one of many incidents of the retreat and surrender of the famous t? Currier. Per Week. 20c; Per Month. 75c; Per Year. MOO. W10 jfcaJWl Because of slides, there has a rule, its a dependable fore-been a short delay in the arrival runner of a splendid day. Once, of wheat at Vancouver. About along by mid-noon, white peaks 2,500 cars, carrying four mi'iion begin to show above the haze, bushels are now being delivered and there are glimpses of blue to the waiting elevators and water, you need not worry over ships. But what dp Vancouver the weather for the next twenty-elevators know about waiting? four hours. Look at Friday. We happen to know about a : General. The retreat started from Magersfon tein where Cronje and his commandos beat off with terrible loss the at " r" I.'- W: '; ; y n-. J r l! fir -I : I if i r a in- ir-t "ir-f r-n m mnr n m rffri. M plant in Prince ltupi'it that has been doing nothing but wait for the past nine years without even, seeing a pound of grain. It is being suggested in Ottawa that Canada give approval to lotteries, thus relieving to some degree, the burden of taxation. Personally we have never reaped a worth-while harvest, the reward for making a few wee gambles being pitifully modest. It's great, however, being hit In 1867, Seward, United States secretary of State, bought Alaska from Russia for sevezi mil I C A E D f 0 0 B S I He didn't figure t'at eighty- lion. h ,ilrhtni. M,, one Ieei twy years later, Yankees would be flying around the earth in vour days, and from an interna- good. In our case a five-spot un-took to balance the cost of a few hundred ti'.'kets: but we tacks of the Highland Brigade under General Wauchope and it was only when General French came along with a cavalry brigade and threatened Cronje's rear that the latter called it a day and ' moved quietly along the Vaal River followed by French to Paarde-berg where Cronje made a brief but heroic stand before surrendering to Lord Roberts. It was with the cavalry at the time we received orders to follow the line of retreat to cope with isolated bodies of Boers who, detaching themselves from the main army, indulged in sniping tactics. We were employed in what might be called "mopping up" in keeping them away from the main army. One could follow the course of Cronje's retreat along the river by various articles of equipment lying about. Many of these were Bibles. The Boers were a very religious race and we could sometimes hear them singing hymns as we endeavored to creep nearer at night. 1 intended to get some Bibles for souvenirs. There were plenty ional standpoint, Alaska would dictn't mind. The five-spot bought j,, public life within as well as mind. Tnere ire apt to ,:ian v. ho hsd ,;e North America's most import a bottle, and it was grand to sit, without Parliament ant corner. Or did he? Telephone Question QIXCE LAST DECEMBER when the voters of ( 0 Prince Rupert recorded themselves by plebis-' cite as being in favor of proceeding with the financing of a new automatic telephone system at an estimated cost of $530,000, a good deaL of thinking has been going on pro and con. It may be that some minds have been wavering on the subject on which the Daily News has already from time to time suggested it might be wise to proceed cautiously. Last week a letter was published in this paper from Ernest Love, formerly superintendent of utilities here and now operating the telephone system at Stewart, expressing the opinion that, by repair and extension, the existing telephone system, at a cost of wit hin $100,000 could be. put in shape to take care of all new demands for service for many years to come. Furthermore, the present congestion and inadequacy could thereby be relieved at least one year earlier than the proposed new plant could start to operate. The question to carefully consider, therefore, is whether the project involving an outlay of $500,-000 or more is absolutely necessary or whether the present telephone plant can be put in such shape as to meet the requirements for some time to come. The majority of the city council is convinced in favor of the new automatic system and is en- in a mellow mooa, ana ngure iose, ratner man gam inenas. league and he s-out the consequences should one Often enough, a charge is not one "inioxica' connwt wjth ttv bull's eye. , v.-t'.i.aut an element of truth but ar.ct of his 0t. coarse abuse never improves a provoked Expressions such as "bunch of situation. There's more than one no one, and at crooks' 'and "damned liars" used way to convey what's in one's buke all at MITCHUM CttANS UP Movie hero Robert WHchum is shown sweeping his cell in the Los Angfclt county He is serving his 60-day prison term for conspiring to posses marijuana. The film player said after his first 24 hours behind bars that he is "beginning to like it." Toronto's three bis dailies circulate in Brampton and an effort is .being made to bar their sale in that town in order to protect Brampton's two small weeklies.' That's getting off on the wrong foot. Inability to successfully compete is no valid excuse to deny to others the right to i offer competition. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS r Morning mist at Prince Ru- lying around 'but they were covered with vermin so I gave up I. What is wrong with this pert can also be called morning the attempt. We became lousy sentence? "Jones is well posted fog but it does not seem to hav ourselves. I thought we would on the subject." the latter's trying qualities, a- surely have to emulate Lady 2. What ts the correct pro- I Godiva of literary fame but the nunciation of "colander"? deavouring to speed the Steps with the Depart- I fice rays of the sun prevented 3. Which one oi these words . -,T" . ' , 4 . . , , , I us from riding totally bareback Is misspelled? Begger, beguile- ment of Municipal Affairs at Victoria the whereby ;There were also large flies with ment, begonia - BUILDING LITTLE i 1 74 ntcessary money bylaw to finance it may be placed BIG BUILDING -V' .4 j venemous bite. So we had to 4. What does the word "pre- j'Tead our shirts" for protection dominant" mean? I sake". It was a weird sight to 5. What is a word beginning I see lines of infantry stripped with pro that means "extraor- ! naked, along, the river (under dinary in bulk, quantity, or de- covej of a guard, of cpuyse) in- gree"? idulging in the in textual past- - ANSWERS i time of "readme their sJiirts." 1- Say, "Jones is well inform- before the taxpayers. On the other hand, there is Mr. Love, who is a Telephone expert and knows the local system well, putting' forth a view contrary to that of the majority of the council. WHICHEVER IT IS YOU'LL GET SATISFACTION WHEN YOU DEAL WITH US CONSTRUCTION IS OUR BUSINESS "As the Daily News has 'pointed out already in ,No amount of iodividual cleanU- ed on the subject."- 2. Pronounce ITT, i i 1 i , , Iness would keep the vermin kul-an-der, u as in up, accent diK'Ussmg the telephone situation, the city is laced ;away. Anyone wh0 was the flr5t syllable. 3. Beggar. 4. Pre-- ;with the spending of a large amount Of money on ;World War and trenches will vailing. "Almost eve'ryone has a .the rehabilitation of its sadly deteriorated schools. undfrstand what "reading a predominant inclination, to sniri, means, n was omy wnen wmtii ins uuuer aesires ana ai-we reached a small house or fections submit." Hume. 5. j "dorp" and obtained insect pow- Prodigious, der and ointment that there was ! some relief fro mthe microsco- ROYAL SYMPATHY YOUR GIFT totheCanad ian Red Cross enables yntiii help, comfort life itself to the needy and the strkken. When disaster strikes, you re there vuith food, clothing and: aid. In isolated districts w here the doctor is beyond reach, you e-j Outpost Hospitals. You provide free blood transfusions; set upiA! MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors PHONE 3G3 pic pests. FARNHAM, Surrey' Eng. (t- After the surrender, capture Michael McHale, who has. the of Bloemfontein and relief of same arterial trouble as the L a d y s m i t h, the war became King, received a letter 4' sym- donor clinics, l ou teach first aid. swimminir A. lil''f Iliilli'WMI'l'PIIIIIIIWIIWI'i guerrilla warfare. The. Boer War pathy from the Queen. u nil water safety, l ou operate Ked Cross Lodties at i ) Military Hospitals, so that wounded veterans have a place for recreation and for receiving their relumes and friends. . . . . You become a partner in all the missions of mercy carried out, in fn.ace as well as war, by Canada's skilled, devoted Ked Cross workers. is ancient history now but, when I see a Bible, my thoughts return to Cronje's retreat from Magersfontein to his surrender at Paardeberg. One could only recount many incidents, some amusing, some not so amusing "but that's another story" as KipUng says. . HUSSAR. B. C. PREMIER SPEAKS iThe vital, water supply system is admittedly in a !pf rilous state of disrepair. The sewer system is in jan odoriferously bad condition. The deplorable .-condition of the streets all over the city is the subject of loud and vociferous protest. In view of all this, it is not surprising that there Vhuuld le the question developing in the public mind n to whether a large portion of the city's credit should be risked on the installation of the auto-;rj3.tic telephone system at this time, even though !tM city fathers do contend that the new system '.Nkuulclb'e fully self-liquidating if not on the basis of ;tW.present rates at least by means of an increase -in -rates which seem to be in the air popular or ; unpopular as jt might be. If all things were equal, it is certainly questionable if the ratepayers would be as enthusiastic about a fully t modern telephone system as they would be about such things as better schools, an assured water supply, 'an efficient and adequate sewer system or decent city streets and sidewalks and other lesser things. The city council might be well advised to have a competent survey made by a really disinterested telephone engineer. Reach oui a helping hand Kadio Dial CFHk 1240 Kli" tsubject to Change) GIVE to the RED 11 SPACF DONATED BY THE ROYAL BANK OF CM Hon. Byron I. Subject B.C'8 Future Vour donation wil! be gladly received of any branch of this W Johnson 9 Trincc WKATII ALL'S rnoTo riMsiii.(; staking claims on the ideal nesting ground so long forbidden them. 300 3rd A Flowers l; " Sec Is for Your WALLPAPER REQUIREMENTS leveluiiiiK, I'rinlina KnlarsiiiR QUICK KKKVICE DEATH ENDS MONOPOLY YARMOUTH, Isle Of Wight CP) A pair of swans settled nearby 4tT years ao and fiercely drove erf I other swans. They recently C- v.' together into high-tension cables and were killed. Within 10:15 p.m. MARCH 7 Classified ac- Amateur and Professional Supplies LONDON, (P The King nas approved the appointment of the Queen as commander-in-chief of the Women's Roval brini'S ie-si"u- MONDAY -n ftiur hours strange swans were Army Corps. 1 jr"" ""TT NOW AVAILABLE Sl FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING- 1 MON1JAX VM 4:15 Stock Quotations and Lnt 4:30 Magic Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 Musical Program 5:30 Pops on Parade 5:45 The Question Box 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Partj 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up , 7:30 Club Date 7:45 On Mike Tonight 8:00 University Mixed Chorus 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum 9:30 Immortal Music 10:00 CBC New 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Musical Nocturne 10:45 Bain Quartet 10:55 Interlude 11:00 Weather and Sign-Off TUESliAl 4.M 7:00 Musical Clocs . 8:00 CBC New? 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty i : 15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert ' 8:59 Time Signal ! 10:00 Ellen Karris 10:15 Morning Melodies JO:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Ecandint.vUji Melodies 11:00 Musical Varieties 11:15 Songs of Yesterday 1 11:30 Weather Forecast . 11:31 Message Period ; 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Let's Waltz GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIOXEBV SEE ttilih Printing Co. Tuesday, liesner Block Phone 234 .Sunday. ' rTt LOOK FOR THF. NEW RED AND WHITE Extension Speaker ' t Hfnipie 1 install . . Excellent reception ; Can be hooked up to any radio ' A Radio in Kvo.ry Room for Only $g.S5 PACIFIC l! Sunday. ; FOR JJ GOLD SEAL LABEL I J 1 .:ilon-..M'"' Stevedoring & Contracting COMPANY LIMITED 8 s. coqi"1'"" 25, 10 P m'TB i .lilolll. I"' REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED s.s CoQi'1"" General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT. IS.C. rRAN fV'! w prince Phone 311 WE AliUride St. DELIVER Third Avenf R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR I